Daily Advertiser, 15 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 13 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. lII.] TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1894. [NO. 1024
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 455 1 1 Hi: OAILY ADVERTISER. SINGAPORB. Ratio* Subscription. Per mensem One Dollar. Opiee r cents each. rate ot .\i>vkrtiskmext^. -r every inch ot- jmit of an inch Two j,-r monib, and for long periods literal redactioa is allowed. T)KMN'sri.\K AND ORIENTAL 1 SHAM NAVIGATION CO. < '..liver Quay. a/harresand Godowna, New
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    • 624 1 COMPAGNIE DE^! MESSAOERIES MAUITIMES DE FRANCE. :o: Telegraphic Address Licorne," Singapore. TnE following are the dat^s on which the mail steamers of the Messaireries hlarttimes may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxug April 24th Melbourne April 25th All steamers of the principal line from Marseilles will call at
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    • 593 1 I NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. I The fitmpaHu't Xom. Si ToHt n. p. CfUma Kobe Maru... 2.900 887 E. Wilaon Hasw. 11 Saikio Maru.. 2,912 387 Geoi^e W. ConiK-r. Yokohama Maru 2,308 263 R. Swain, J^EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday M the tide may suit for NAGASAKI,
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    • 537 1 P^- \v.\ »\V— MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Straits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been n.ade that the above is v Solid Woven Cotten Belting" which is m error, it bein^
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    • 446 1 PoweHA Co, SINGAPORE. :o: Please read thksb few lines BEAR THEM IN MIND. :o: QCR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larges and most complete. It is supplied I with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 392 1 MILXFSRS' BAFEfI MILNERS' nrcusedbv H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m tho World. SAFES More thin 300,000 MILNERS' Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private <'omp;wies MILNERS' Safes are used by the Bri tish and Colonial i Govern
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  • 78 2 London 4 month's tight Bank bills 2/13 „3 trivote Paper 2,1 J bo days' stght Documents z-2 HO %1J demand Bunk bills 21£ T.T 2>l trance t demand 2.02 aia l.i-S.jj tenant! j o/o pram k 194 liangoon i\laa%at 193^ Colombo liotiykontj i o'o dis. Manua 'b o/o
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  • 83 2 Gambier, 7.45 do Cube Xo. 1, mj do do N: 2 U.OJ Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72?. do Pontianak, 5.50 Pepper Black, IV "ago Flour, Ao. 1 2 T tearl Haqo, 3.f>6 Co//ee Bali, Picked 41.50 Loyce L.werwa t picked Vj.OJ* tayioco small Flake, 4.25 do
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  • 101 2 Hon^kon^an'l Shanghai prem 91 o'o Bank of IJhiM, Japau. and Btraiti Disc $2k National Dank of China Disc 3) o,'o fN3URANCIL Straits Insunnee Coy. $12.. r )0 Straits Fire lU..">:» .S»nj^;i[»jre lnsur nice Co. m liq. .80 DOCIvS. Fanjong Pagar I) c.vs Buyeca |190.00 New Harbour
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  • 398 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Tuesday, May 15, 1894. THAT a prophet is without honour m his own country, is a well known maxim, and the somewhat doubting Paitli with which our late"' Chief 1 Justice's more serious titterings woro received here, seem to ho entirely ahsent m the M Spicy
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  • 353 2 This I'ircm which arrived day moruiog fro-a Co!ornb o ,on Saturday ni^ht »t the Tank Rotd. Evidently the rruau. tion which it L..J I ettfed m C, hid arrived with it, t be! door* were weil upeiied a ireneadmi crowd ha.l lille l the aatnm >:!i I iisutn*>»tcoruer,
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  • 260 2 risTKBDATra >roin rf Co!.H.T V liiL'liau, >:.■■•-; r la Sir Warden iri life cointn .1: 1 < > ■nrived :ytWP.&O. nail. l>a ping into ;i >'ci am l.i'iii.h at N v ilir of," the u,-\v Comma 1 hut Mv .1 .linfton 1 Pi-i-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 645 2 TLF c n\ITSINSrRANCE OOM--IANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, SixoaPORK. Capital ¥\\\\j Subßcribed... s3.oo^,OoO. Tfipital Paid-up C(H>,OOo. ItiejtfTO Fund 2"),000. Reaerve Liability <>f Shar. holders 12,400^000. Tuianee of Woridng Aeeon.nl at nist l>.o. 1891 N04 v ?iS. THE BTRAITB PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EstaßUsmbd 1886. apital Fully Bnbecribed 1%000,000. Capital
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    • 379 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a largo shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES, x\ll specially irade fcr theTropics and sewn seairs throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself j\3 Knta f e Aycnt and Valuer at">,'o 21. MaLi«>oa S-rc»'t. Also will Collect H^nts and e.T,-.-t Sales ant Mortgage! on Peseta aaJ
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    • 116 2 'RiLEY, HARGREAVES' CO. Have just rccoired the fol- lowing: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of v Heavy," M Medium," and Light lIACHINEBT OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,000 to 6,000 gallons per hour. r i SPONG'S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house
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    • 470 2 Jfatejit For Sale. A 4" Theodolite bj* Elliot Bros., London, m good order, as good as new. Price Moderate. Also a new Sextant, by BARKER SONS, Loudon, m Square box. Apply to "Surveyor" c/o this Office. Singapore, l'th May, 1894. v.c. HAS ARRIVED. CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. GRAND OPENING NIGHT.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 106 2 THK WEEK'S BNGAGBMENTB. TrtsD.w 15th. Hiph Water G :U am., I.M p.m. Assizt s open 1 1 v.in Defeating Society U p m. Harrnstun's Circa- t* p.m. Homeward mail l\ ft v. stearnor WedxksdaY loth High Water S ;t m,, ,s.li» p.m Kuirby Fuoibail, C. C. v. Services 5 p.m.
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  • 2422 3 Third Day. Thi Third and last dny of the Racet ICIJ k place on Saturday, and brought S.rmg Meeting to a raoafc suepgl conclusion Uulike th« prev m>o9 vs lQe B^- v w;w w iblv>ut a u»d tho uutempored rays o£ the poured down wirh full force,
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  • 341 3 Robbery of ike P.-.uak Rk(,\l!\. Xetterdajr morning, on th^* attcn 1 danu proccodina to open the Museum it was discover.* 1 tliat a daring burglary had boon effected daring ibe ui^lit, and t'lul a '-oa>id rablc nainbor ot the articles which oonotitntad the K.-^iiii
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  • 95 3 A Cricket Match was played on the Esplauude yesterday In-tween elevens ol the 8. C and the Garrison, result- ing m a win for the Garrison, by seven wickets. The Clun on their first innings made 120 ot which D^dtT contributed 7S, and iv ihe
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  • 148 3 A Criefcet match was pUyed yesterday betufeii eleven of the S.R.C. and a 2nd.Blev^n of the S.C.C. which »mk' ed m a draw slight! v m favour ot. the S.lt.C. In their first innir.gv the S.RIC. compiled ioi v secon 1 innings 92, and the
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  • 32 3 Salk or Poisoss n the Stkaits Skttlemknts. We understand that the question of regulating tho sale of Poisons will ere lonj< receive the serious consideration of the Straits Government.
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  • 83 3 Last Sunday the wife of the tow- kay of Chop Joo Sen/ Chan m Boat j Quay lost about $2,300. It appears that m the afternoon of that day she missed her key?» and her two Ilylain boys. She immediately sent for a locksmith, and when her safe was
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  • 32 3 To him that Hath it shall be Given." Tat prizj of £4,000, m the Marseilles Ljau, has been won by Baron Hothschild. who has dedded to distribute the inoucy maoOjg the poor.
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  • 47 3 Colonial Governors and Leave of Absence. By the latest H >me Mail v%e learn thi,t a bll t-> provide for granting j lente of absence on certain conditions i to C lonul G iff mere has been read m the House of L >rds a first time.
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  • 78 3 As ardent Liberal (who i* a cor- i respondent of the M Duly Advertiser writing from En^aiid about, Sir William Hu-Cjuri's UjJgelsavs (April 14 The Budget forms the on'y topic I of political c >nversa.i<»n pi-esently. I It ia likely to b* a v.ry popular one! It gains
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  • 93 3 Thk marriage of the Ri^ht Hun 11. H.Asqnith, Q M. P., £ereUruy ot J>iate fvjr Home Aftmrs was to h.ivo taken place la?l Thurs lav (10th Mar). Ihe bride is Mi-s U argot Tennant a daa^uttr of Sir Charles Teun.iut B.irt. ot the Glen, Feeble*. Mr.
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  • 64 3 WHILST the an irniUw-T.* bein^shlpped for Singapore an elephant fell into the water, bit it wn+ so.)ii af:i.T ■afeljr secured and go: on b «ir.l. (Jau Ol the horses broKe loose and ha 1 a race about the wh.rf pnnrses for ■oaae time, anJ one of the timers
    Ceylon Obsever  -  64 words
  • 199 3 A L'm.lou Correspnn*lent writ«»s It is thought the total co.^t of th o(>iu:n Commission will be: olose on £12,000,0 l whiuii we pay hi!'. The home expsn-es, it U calculate 1, will be about £lo'.H), t!ie rem.iinJer belntf the coat of special tr.iins, witness^-, r--portin«i.
    A.P.  -  199 words
  • 207 3 Thk Lin. lon Correspondent of tlu OUvgoW H 'raid" (19Ji u lg says Perst) 11 interested m India hare received with mixed Ctelinga the m fojination convoyed m the adniistration report just presented to Parliament respecting thn gradual transfer of tlu Indian Civil Service from Bnropeane
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  • 576 3 {From the Ceylon Observer.) London, May -The International Bi-metallic Conference was opened this morning at the Mansion House. The following is the resul) of the raco for (he Chester Cup run tu-uay Quaesitum fit^t; Daredevil sccoud, and Spindleleg third. London, May X The now issue of Indian Bills
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  • 247 3 Pasal jual rnchun dalam Straits Settlements tada lama Kompani man bikio law, lak mau kasi orang seba- rang jual. Haßmston's Circus Hari Anam sudah imilai main di Tank Road, banyak ©rang ada pegi tengok. Hari Satu malam pun banyak ju<*ak. Managernya bilang, ada lebeh deri 4,000 orang
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  • 206 3 Majox-General Jones-Vaughan sampei. KALMARBS' pagi M.jor-Gcnernl Jones Vauglmn, Paugliina bharu ftmg metnrenta s .Idadu dulatn Straits Settlements sirapie saroa P. Si 0. Mail '•Sutl.-j," soldaJuTangleng, p, aiu| ,j an bauidera turun sum hot mv dia, dm Uuket Bnidera pun ada tembik rneriam. D.;i mik kadarat ada tnau dekat pufcol iapau
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  • 248 3 Kalmarkn pagi tenga orang yan" ja^a Haffles Museum bukak piiitu°, orang mi -v lab dauat tau yaa^ pen- churik sudah niasoK, baoii dia tengok banyak barang barang Sultan PJrak sudah kenu churik. Ini barang harang heran brapa raun dahuluBultan PiTak sudab kasi sam^ museum. Penchunk mi
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  • 77 3 Ivaial api Uif lito:i pagi mi sarnpei, dutttOtf ileri Branlou a l.i bawuk ;-5,(;0(> j.«-ti dm 1»,.>0S tin luinyak tana kasi ttliaiti S^eumship Company, kapal api l# <*iiowla" dataotf den .Swutow kaliiKuou a<i:i irawak «12 oraa^CktiM demuap^uf kaj.al «ci Ajwx luluur«O datung. (U?ri Aiv.oy l.iv.u'c :,7$ Orati^ OtAtUk,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 THE JELEBU MINING AND TEADING COMPANY, LIMITED. J^ DIVIDEND of 10 oo for the halfyear elositij; (sth February, 1S!I4 having been declared, Coupon No. 8 is payable at tlio branches of the Char" tered lUnk of India, Australia and Chiim, m Singapore ami H ■•ugkon on and after ;^rd May,
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    • 98 3 CRKE KNG, HOOT CHUM, AH LOOI^ BKog. Chop KON(* KRK TAILORS No. 3d, North »iidge Hoad Having gold their business, stock an«J gocd will to CHOON FAT rcque* that all monies owinij to them maj be paid betorerthe ltth imsta.it, and that, all claims a^ainHt them be s-nt m for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 666 3 MAIL NOTICE. IfAlil WIIJ. CLOU TO-MORRO. Klan^'. and I>luk Annon. Hong Who 1 i» Bandj..r!n»HBin. I'ulo L»ut. Pa^sir, WrowDji. gnUi, unj ftulcm-.-u.il. Vidar, 2 p m I Derly Pearling, Ground*. UroonM. Cj-i«cir AcbbartiM (JaJwoyile C.imarron Sb-iric* H»r (i«ni:,Uon. Churapioii 0»y, fcnd'J'r.tnintl.' S*«dbi, -2, f in I»uii}jl,ok, Suigiuwvo, f ra r.on-kok,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 3fr A lister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qeab Diving Puifflß lleinko (\>'s tlireo throw Diving Pumps alwajs m Stock. ALSO Diving Hove, v'up Leathers, Drosses, Boots, Repairing loth, Solution, Underclothing, fee. H/|c /\LiSTER CO j Earthenware Drain (Ilonpkony Brick and Ceflstnt Coy. Ltd.) I/ 1 1>. V
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    • 227 4 John Little €o. For Dlinr^C'Q CPDATCn OV/^I CO ixUULiC O L^ c. L. t. Dry M I CU vYLLto. (/oinpfek* price sti fomuJnd on application, from which we allow a Di««COUn( of n o.'o. t r Cash X II 1' 1 Mlt^^^S^ \l Ij\ fl mJ^\\ L 1. t a
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    • 684 4 T v Tr 1 A. FRANKEL, Look Van Kit, 376 Viotorla str et UENTIST. No. IS, South B«Mi Itou.. Baker and Oafeationer, Under the most distinguished palfDnageol QTOi to inf<,nn tl.e Imhiks an.i QmuH.l SIU CECIL ri.TJMFATI SMITH, of SinßajMiro, (h;it ho has arrive-! from (».(.M.(j., China for the pni
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    • 639 4 J MOTION CO w Watchmakers, Jewellers, WKhave how on h; W .l ih, of Watches ot every rlescriiMi,,n Straus goaranteed f I confidently raeomniend our Xirkel K*Y|«i B-fcopl JKWEL L X R V I 18 cantt aud L"» car.it MOLD CH \l\s 01 am on i) .m:\vi;m <i; Telefcoopeaaadrield^law ,p-.,
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