Daily Advertiser, 11 May 1894

Total Pages: 5
2 4 Daily Advertiser

  • 22 1 I t~ Vir-"- "vV T* *^^v~" THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. =S VOL. lII.] FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1894. [NO. 1022 iS=^^^S!!IIII^ s;;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 362 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. I 1 BUBSCBIPTIOsT. I mcl MSS One Dollar. 1 5 ceata each. I; 01 Ai'VKirnsKMi:\Ts 1 irt of an inch, T«n er 11 ntli, for long period! ml redu allowed. pKXISSULAR AND ORIENTAL 1 kam naviga nox co. ColiyerQuay. downs, New Harbour. t era may be
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    • 622 1 COMPAONIB DKs MESSAOESIBS MAKITIMKs Di- PRANCB. -:o Telegraphic Address M Licorue," Bingnßors. The Collowißg an the date! ou which the mail ■teamen of the llessageries Maritimee may be sipectsd to arrive here Homewards Ol t t\vards Oxus 4pri| 21th— Mt-lbonrne April -Joth All steamers of the principal line from ICaratille!
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    • 604 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA7 T7lr C OYi lhl 1. ti' \,<>lt. m*mmer» T !l 11. V. <«!*<""* Kvhr Mmrm~.y 2.000 3s; E. Wilson Haswell. S.i //.■/<> Mtint. 2. 1H2 3-^7 Oeorni W.Conner. Ttktkmmm Mrnrit SjSM 20") H. Swain, T I'iAVE Bnsagbai alternately every week on Friday or Sutuidiiy as the tide
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    • 507 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDER?, CONTRACTORS, 1 Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Stiaits, and the only linn who have m stuck, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been rxude that the ahove is Solid Woven Cotton J- eking wiiich is m error, it being a sewn
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    • 463 1 Powell A Co SINGAPORE. :o: Plkase read nil fkw lines IIKAK TUF.M IN MINI). :o:— QUR FURNITURE FACTORY v Orchard Bbad, aiul is rli«- larnei I and most eotaplete. It m suppli*--! with steum p«»wer to drive oar Woodworking Machines, SftWS, Lathes, &c, therefore Cotttracta aud larjre orders can be
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    • 401 1 MILNERS' MILNERS' H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES. h«ire the Largest S:ile m the World. SAFES More thin 300,000 MILKERS' protect the valuables ot the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public aiul Private (?otnpa*J«s MILNERS 1 S:ifea ;.re used by the British and Colonial <SovcrntnoMf9. ADCPCCT MILNERS' S.ife^ Mri&
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  • 75 2 London 4 month' t tujht Bank bills 2/1$ I „3 trivate Paper 2,1$ I oo Jay* sight Documents 'I 2 HO 812 demand Bank bills 21| IX V brancr t demand 2.62 aca I.'-*} Penang Ojo prem .n.h 193 Rangoon Slaaiaa „> 192^ Colombo h lloiHjkoiiu o\o dis.
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  • 84 2 VIIOIjJJCE. Qambier, S 7.55 Jo Cube Xo. I, 12.0 Jo Jo X 0.2 9.03 I Copra Bali, sun Jried 5.7-Jij i Jo Pontinnax, 550 i Pepper Black, 9.90 "ago Flour, Ao. 1 2V> J earl Sajo, '.SJtb Co>/ee Bali, ricked 41.50 Coyee picked. 4'>.oJ Tauioco small Flake,
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  • 95 2 Hongkong aivl Shanghai prem 91 o/o Uank of (Jhiua, Japan and Straits Disc §2^ National Bank of China Ui»c d) o/o INSURANCE. Straits Ins«nOoC Coy. $12.50 Strait-? Fire 10.50 Singapore lusur.ince Co. m liq. .60 DOCKS. I'anjong Pagar Dock! Buyers $100.00 New Harbour Docks 185.00 Prve Dock
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  • 786 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Friday, May 11, 1894. The Opium Farm. Tenders for the now Opium Farm aro invited by notice m the "Government Gazette" to be sent m by the 51st of July. The present farm will expire at the end of this year, and the new period, which
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  • 122 2 The "Siam Fn* Prw* v wrathful ami invii-Mat.r at tlw l«J* launched against the Banijfc by the Special C.»rri"*po:i.! -n; w^ '•'Strain Ti.iK'.s" In n letter on J unhlwhad a few wttHu ag I' 1 Free Press" .Koi;ires tli.it t pon lent m OtWftio* O«hJ reiidvnl b
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 616 2 THE SRAITSINBURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. "Established 1888. Head Office, Singapore Capital Fnlly Subscribed... sW W,OOo. tapital Paid-up GOO,OOu. Ho«erve Fund 2">,000. Hn*erve Liability of Shareholders $2,406,000. Piilance of Working Account at 31st Dec, 181U $404,781 THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. Coital Fully Subscribed $2,000,000. Capital Paid-up 400,000. Reserve
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    • 387 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially uiude ici the Tropics and sewn seams throughout. Notice. J HAVE established myself as Estate Agmt aud Valuer at No. 24, Malacca Street. Also will Collect R»tits and e;T,-,'t Sales aud Mortga^os on Vessels and
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    • 102 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES Have just received the folWALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy,'* "Medium," aud Light MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. S PONG'S PATENT KNIFE CLKANERS, Savo Time, Kuives Money. No house should bo without one. Negretti and
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    • 624 2 Jatcst To Let. TtfO. 3, Queen Sireet, with stabling and No. 9, Queen Street- Recently rebuilt. Immediate entry. Apply to RAUTENBERG SCHMIDT CO Singapore, 7th April, 1894. v c INDO-CHINAS. N. CO LTD. FOR HONGKONG. THE Company's str. WINGSANG, 1,517 tons, Captain De St. Croix, having left Calcutta on the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 132 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Friday 11th High Water I.IS a.m., v J.f>G p.m. Football, B.C.C. v. Garriaon. Chinese Christian Association 8 p.m Satuki>ay 12th. High Water 2.16 a.m., 4.3 p.m. Spring Meeting, Last ilay i» p.m. Moon*9 first quarter. St. Aiithonj s S -hoo!. Performance. Uarnutou*a Circoi 9 p.m. Sunday Ijtii.
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  • 1863 3 Saooiro Dat. Sea n. 4 day oftheS|»rin|{ NK--1-iras carried through ye»te'nUy, unu^r the m«»st favourable con> as to weather. Although it very n;uch like rain all day, I it beid off aud racing was ii under lh« most plrasnnt •,s. The oourse «iis io splt-udiu :i i
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  • 390 3 The Lyric Company have been having a long and profitable reason m TUB c. N iiajoag arrived this morning from Auioy with i^7i» Chinese passongciri. The s. s. Ban Hio Gum from Sourabaya arrived this morning with cattle. The Italian barons Ani^e'i arriv <i yesterday from New
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  • 566 3 S. R. C. m. Second xi s. c. IConday next being a pabl>e holidar, tin-above match srill ba played at 11 o'clock on the S R. C. groond. The following will repres .it, the S. II 0. slessra A. Ifowe (Captain) J. R. Chopard, A. Moore, 0. Valberg, H.
    Times of India  -  566 words
  • 110 3 TSSTERDAT one Tan Ki-n Cnooa v. 1- charged with assisting m the m>Jtnagenieni of a oonunon gaming bouse and fined $100 with the alternative of r ~w >m >utbV impriaoim nr. Ong (!heng Lim, an old offen ler was charged with theft of a (old pin from person
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  • 378 3 {Supreme Ccurt, Guile dffiltStk), The lirst Criminal Sessions ot tho Supreme Court for the Year was opened tub forenoon, tat Hun'ble the Chief Justice presiding. H*< L*rdship se> coespanicil hy Lady Bonser and hii Private Secretary attended service at A.M Stint's wiier*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 "The Straits Dialogues* 1 is the title given V) a new book, ootwisting of easy sentences m English and tfa ay. The sentences comprise conversations between teacher and pupil, traveller, and gharry syce, master and "boy,* 1 mistress an i co At. The pi ice of the book U 1"
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    • 712 3 Romanized Malay Version. Harmston's Circus hari ini sudab sampei/besok malum nanti mulai main di Tank ltoad. Lima hari bulan April, waktu ribot baser ui Amoy, satu wangkang sudah karam, dan 115 orang sudah mati. Malam ini, pukol 8, Doctor E. E. Davis (Pahang Dispensary) nantikasi itu lecture pasal "Jjacknow" di
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    • 693 3 ARRIVED TO-DAY. lIAItMSTON'S CIRCUS. AND HOYAL URNAGSftIE. GRAND OPENIKG NIGHT. SATURDAY, MAY i 2 th. at the corner of Tank and River Valley Roads. Doors open at 8, Commence at 9 pm. MA TtNMM WEDXESDA V. Doors open at :i.30 p.m. Performance] at 4 p.m. ICHILDEm HaLf-PBIOI TO Matixeks only.
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    • 259 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at Borne and Abroad 1 BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAN. (London, T. PfeMfi Unwin 1k«»{.) May be had from Messrs. Kelly Walsh, <>X Messrs. John Little Co. Crown Svo. ftj& :o--SO MX PRKSS O'I'INIOXS. London Daily Tilegraph "Tnif book is ono that deserves the thousrhtful consideration
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 351 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close To-morrow PON rheribon im<l SauuumUg, IVnanß. 11am Djnniiiie. Ki;i.i Ann. KOOM Sour.iljava. Man luiin. 1 p m Tort Wekaaa a ScpMig, Biataai Timor, 2 p a lVnau^. Kan Fonf 2 p in Malacca a. i<\ Kiuu-. Sri UoOj| \-in. 3■ m Lalnuin. Sand id m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 McAltstek Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qsab Diving Pumps Heinkf (o's three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresnes, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution. Underclothing, etc. &c. )/p /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Draw (Hongkong Brick and CeassaA Coy I I 6," h" 12." 1^" rfi.i
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    • 180 4 John Little Co. FOR RUDCES CELEBRATED CYCLES. j ate price liati forwarded on applicatiou, from which we allow a Discount of 20 00. fur Cash bave 1 l^r^e aMOrUnenl *>f Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Room furniture. Complete estimates for House Pnrnisbing forvrurded on application* v J^ "j^ 4i3 I
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    • 762 4 Look Van Kit, IJENTIST. No. 25, South Bridob Road. PEGS to inform the I.ADiKs and Gentt.bmkn of Singapore, lliat he has arrived from China for the purpose of giving the Public of the Colony trlie benefit of his experience m dentistry m which he has been so Miccossf nl every
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    • 591 4 J MOTION co Watohmakers, Jewell^ <Sc> We have now on haoj th« 1 ofW«4ehe.of ,v, ry ■traita, guaranteed for I v l: Ul confidently reconittiend oar Xickel Kryleafl Hoskopj l mr 'n s| > JMW■L L 8 p. y 18 taratand 15 carat GOLD CH^ DIAMOND ..hw tf Tdc ;0
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