Daily Advertiser, 10 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 16 1 K^ 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. lII.] THURSDAY, MAY lp, 1804. [NO. 1021 Ss:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 343 1 HIT DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. i:.\ E OF SCBBCRIPTIOH. mensi n Oas Dollar. •>.........*» cents each. rate of Advkrhsmumts. inch orpsi I ol an inch, Two i for long periods Allowed. §1 i PEXIXSFLAR AND ORIENTAL 1 NAVIGATION CO. I i;v y i New Harbour. era v j expected I .n.l
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    • 623 1 COMPAGNiI DES UKS3AOBRIBB MARITIME^ DX PRANCE. -:o: Telegraphic Address 4 Licorne,'' Sinorapore. Thk following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Ifsssageriss Marit.mea may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxus April 24th— Melbourne April 25th All ■taasaoN of the principal line from Marseilles will oalla!
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    • 584 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. J Toux tr (opt a tn* Stin nil i* 11. r. K<>l,c Mnru.... 2. .t<>o HB7 E. Wilson Harwell. BmikUMmm..tjm 397 Georne W. Conner. Y,>ki>h<ima Marn'2.3o* 'JO". 11. Swain, r BAYS Shanghai alternately every J week on Friday or Saturday a» the tide may suit lor NAGASAKI,
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    • 374 1 MILLWRIGHT^ ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Stiaits, aud the only firm who have m stork, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been nade that the above is Solid Woven Cotton Eeltiug which is m error, it being a sewn belt of
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    • 449 1 Powell Co. I SINGAPORE. —.0:— PLRASK RRAD THKSK KKW LINK 3 BEAU THEM IN MIND. :o: fvUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the lar^es I and most complete. Tt is BOppttod with "team powtr to drive onr Woodworking Machlnea, Saws, Lathe«, Ac., therefore ContracUi and larjjre orders
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    • 404 1 >_ MILNERS' SAFES MILNERS' used by H. M. tho Qtteen. MILNERS 1 SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILMERS' Safe 9 protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILXERS'Safea are need by the British and Colonial
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  • 76 2 i London 4 month* siybt Battle bills 2/1 '6 tricate Paper 2/1^ (>O Jays sight Documents *i 1 HO %1* demand Bunk hills 2 1 T.T. 2 1 France, demand 2 C 2 ava IJ&i Penanj °IO prem 192 Rangoon Mauias „> V)\\ 1 Colombo Uamfkomg o/o dls.
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  • 89 2 PXOVOOB. Gambter, 7 7 0 </o Cube No. 1, l«. i 0 </o rfo JSe.S '.j.OJ Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72Jv do Ponti'tnak, 5 •>") Pepper Mack,' 9.1*0 £aya Flour, No. 1 2i r teurl kia;o, &.ft6 O»/«< Vvcxed \\:>) Coi/ee j^iotrt'i/i, picked 45.00 L'auioco sia-tll
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  • 108 2 Hongkong an 1 Shanghai prem Ul 0/0 Jiauk ul Usuaa, J-ipan auJ Straits Disc National liank ot China L>iao ii 7 0/0 IN3URAXCK. Straits Insanooe (Joy. >;12 ."»o Straits Fne 1«J..">!) Klinga{MM<s Insarance Co. m 1 1 cj_ .£0 DOCK& I faojong Pa^ar D.ic«e Bajen $190.00 New
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  • 322 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Thrusday, May 10, 1894. rHE remark* made by tho Court o£ Enquiry; recently held m Penan to investigate the causes which Jlml to the collision of the steamers ii Kwang Tung; and v Ngapcota,' are, as far as they rei late to the utilising of gun-
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  • 1391 2 Abstracts the prooeedi.g, Mumotpa Commissioners at t u IIMI fortniuniiy meeting held yc,u.rd a v. 1 ru-sivr. The President, Alex. Gentle f The Boo' We T. Shelf,,*] r I TanJ-ak Kirn, lln. A. 0. Motes, Iv.j. v. W r.iv iv M Maaaaaea Meyer, Em Polios, (h. li. lie.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 638 2 TIIK SRAITSINSFRANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Eptablihhed ISB.I. Head Offio. SiXftAroun. :j.ital Fnlly B»Baßffißef...|8 > COO/X». Cs.p.tal Paid-np COO,(K)u. Ji.vsorve Fund *2.-..(HX). He>erve Liability <>f Shareholders SB»4odgoo9. Palanee of Worldng Account at 31st Dec, I^'Jl Mo4,?£t THE STRAITS FIHE INBURAHGE CUM! ANY, LIMITED. EaTABUaBSD 18<SG. :l ital Fully Balecribed $-2,000,000. Capital Paid-nj
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    • 377 2 ROBTNSON CO. Have just received a largo shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially made fcr the Tropics and sewn scaurs throughout. MUNICIPAL NOTICE, r PHE Municipal C<>rnrnission»'rs are prepared to ret civ t applications lor lie appoint m Mil «>i C'iiief Engiueer at toe I'utnjiiij Station. The Hiiarv
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    • 101 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Have just received the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFKE PDLPER DISCS. Largo stock of Heavy," Medium," and Light MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,000 to 6,000 gallons per hour. SPOXGS PATBNT KNIFE CLEANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should bo without one. Negretti
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    • 630 2 To Let. "\[O. 3, Queen R.,reet, with stabling, and No. 9, Queen Street- Recently rebuilt. Immediate entry. Apply io RAUTENBERG" SCHMIDT CO Singapore, 7th April, 1804. v c INDO-CHINAS. N. CO LTD. FOR HONGKONG. TFIE Company's str. HINGSANG, 1,517 tons, Captain Dl St. Citoix, baring left Calcutta on the r
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 124 2 TIIK WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS Thcrsdat 10th. Iliirh Water 0.29 1 m.. L 59 n a. Spring Meeting, Sac n tday3.3 1 p.m. Pridat 11. High Water: -1. IS ;i.i 1.. j. p.m. Football, B.C.C. v Gari is n. Chinese Christian Association 3 p.m Satukda? 12th. High Water 2 1G a.m., 4.;{
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  • 39 3 Attention is drawn to the followiu<* notice All Mtricfl for the Champion Stakos ami Kocliorn Plate must Le m^Je to the Acting Secretary immedi.itely attor the Lincolnshire Plato has teeu ruu. C. ScrODBV, Clerk ot the Course.
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  • 451 3 THIS morning Urn weather looks threatening, and if the v.uns come down, may exercise an appreciable efF.'jt on the ea'.cu! itiaiH of the knowing. For tho Coft'-e Cap there is a ti-ld of six, an 1 pu .lie opinion is firmly lix^d on H.i/!td»an. IM unless Gratitude is
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  • 580 3 MoNOAI fir*l VVl»it»onJay), betn«; v G> veniin -ill and Isas;k luliday. there urili bo no ir-su.* ot this i»aj.tr on that J«iy. This mail's Pk!l Mill Bul*H contains a eouftfseioa by *'Ss.>tt 'a* to what he knows of the Ard am ny THE London Court ol Cumm
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  • 757 3 (From the Ceylon Observer, May 2.) London, April '21. Mr. Alexander Coudte Siphon, of the Qi plonmtin St-rvice Imu been appointed a Knight Cimim itulef of the Ord«*r of St. Miciiarl and JSt. George. Lutest ndviees from America state th:it the Government troops captured a wh«»k* truir.ful of
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  • 910 3 (London fy China Express, l3th April.) Thk Court. King Humbert and Queen JNlarwherita arrived at Florence on ioih iost., and litter m the day visited Uooefl V.ctoria at the V:l. la Pabbricutti. Her Majesty embraced her Royal visitors and conversed with them for some time, expressing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 664 3 Romanized Malay Version. Derihal TlDOl dan Mimpi. (Sambongan 1 hari bulan May.) Maka kata si u Tiada-tegoh" kapada si u Dcgil u Hie tetnanktt, 8itdahlah akti nicndapat eUeV tu katuntuan, skarang niatku handak pergi metnbawe anions Bams dengan orang benar ini. Habis si a Tiada-rei>oh" kata kapada Misihi, hie, euhabatku
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    • 792 3 gINGAPOHE SPOUTING CLUB. SPRING MKKTING. 1894. The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, ioth and 1 2th. PRO OR AM ME. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, MAY 10th. Fikst Rack. THE COFFEE CUP.—Valte— lst Prize, $250; 2nd Prize. $50 A Race tor Galloways. Weight
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    • 301 3 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman :it Home and Abroad, BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAN, (London, T. Fl iibr UVWM 1W4.) May be had from Messrs. Kolly Walsh. OR Messrs. John Little Co-. Crown Hvo. 8.25. :O BO M PRKSB ONN'ION'S. London Daily 'Alcgrnph "Tiim book is ono that deserves the thouirhtt'ul
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 389 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will closr To-morkow pon Cli ih mi mid Si'iiar.iii/. PAming, Ham l;ut:iv;.i, I'.iiMi irmi^. SlaotNMf ttMil Molucca-. Siri'ioi (i. 1 1 uin Bangkok, UtirKOti, II a m I Mii!.».-,ft. Port Diekaon, fc IV-ik Alison. Will D 1 fcha i j 3]> m M;il:kv;i. l'o:t Diclison ,i!i<l ivLn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 McAlister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qeab Diving Pumps Heinke ft (os three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Drees* c*, Bouts, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, ivc. Me ALiSTER CO IV, rl Earthenware Dbain (Hongkong Bri^k and Cement Coy. I 4," »V w
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    • 209 4 1 John Little Co. (JempletC price list* lbrwar<led on application, from which we allow a Discount, of 20 00. br Cash yi 8 l:uve 1 Urge assortjnent of Bedroom, Dining Room, and Drawing Room furniture. Compkte estimates for llc'Use Furnishing forwarded <>a application* '"m u"^ J Extra strong Double srovtr..
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    • 271 4 Look Van Kit, JJENTIST. No. 25, South Bhidok Road. REGS to inform the Tiadiks and GmHUDMH of Singapore, that he has arrived from Cliina for the jmipose of the Public of fhe Colony the benefit of his experience m dentistry m. which he ha. 1 been so successful every where
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    • 494 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clkmenti Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 662 4 J MOTION Co Watchmakers, Jeweli tJr s fc Wk have now on has 1 tLt ofWatdH-HoM-veryd!:!,::, Straits, gnnnntesd for 1 i: conlidently Ifjsosßßisnd our Nickel Koyless r t JKW R L L X R V IBc.u-atand 15 carat GOLD OH DIAMOND JEWKLU Teletcopes and Fie|J^| M repute. ft "'i ra
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