Daily Advertiser, 9 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 26 1 IS M "T \j j m~^-;-.-T^ .—^s— ~_"7,. ri i-T- THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. J^^ VOL lIIJ WBfiSESDAY, MAY 9, 1894. [NO. 1020 ta=^^^^^^. l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 413 1 Till; DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. R \TK OF BUBSCRTPTIOV. Per mensem One Dollar. Single apieS > cents each. Rate of Advebtisbhkittb. very inch or part of an inch. Two n per month, and for long periods ictioo is allowed. DEXIN'SULAR AND ORIENTAL I 181 NAVIGATION CO. 1 ol Mr Qnay. i
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    • 603 1 COMPAGNIfi f>E3 ICVSSAOBRIIB ICARITIMBa DE FRANCE. -:o:Telegrapbic Address v Licorne," Singapore. Tsi following are Urn dates on which the mail ■reamers of the lleasageries Maritimee may be expected to arrive lure Homewards Outwards Oxus Api 1 Jith -Melbourne April 25th All steamers of tlie principal line from Marseilles will call
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    • 599 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. The ComiMHu'x Ste.nLr* T n 11. />. («ptai*t K<he Maru.... 2.900 387 E. Wilson Haswell. BmitUM*TU..%M% 3H7 George W. Conner. Yokohama Maru 2.308 265 It. Swain, 1 T E.WE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit Cor Nagasaki, SHimoxoseki, Kobe, and
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    • 528 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents m the Straits, and the only firm who have m stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been n.ade that the above is Solid "Woven Cotten Pelting" which is m error, it being a sewn belt of
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    • 448 1 Powell Co, I SINGAPORE. :o: Please read these few lines beau them m mind. QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larges and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and i large orders can be
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    • 402 1 MILNERS' SAFES MILNERS 1 —1 by H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sule m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILKERS' Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and Colonial Government*.
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  • 75 2 London 4 month* tight Bank MZb 2,1 j „3 Private Paper 2/1 J l>o J<*u» tight Docume.its 2/2 »o 7 B*i demand Bank lAIU 2l| XT. 2 1 France t demand 2.62 y.ava IjtB^ Pe.nang ofo prem 2n~iu .193 Rangoon < Mamas > 192 Colombo M Hongkong ...par
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  • 84 2 Gambler 7.75 do Cube No.l, 12/ ii) do do No. 2 S>;00 Copra Bali, tun dried 5.72£ do Pontianak, 5.50 Pepper Black, 9.90 Z ago Flour, No. 1 2.4> Pearl Sago, 3.55 Coffee Bali, Picked 41.50 Cofjoe Liberian, picked 45.0> Tapioco small l Flake, 4.25 do do
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  • 99 2 BANKS. Hongkong and Shanghai prem Dl o/o Bank ol China, Japan and Straits Disc $2£ National Bank of China Disc 6) o/o IN3UKANCK. Straits Insurance Coy. $12.50 Straits Fire 10. 50 Singapore Insurauce Co. in Ity. 60 DOCKS. l'anjong Pagar Docai Buyers $11)0.00 New Harbour Docks 13").
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  • 463 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Wednesday. May 9, 1894 The New Observatory. In a very interesting and carefully compiled article on the local observatory m the Free Press" yesterday, a fall account is given of an institution which few people are aware of, and of the amount of searching and scientific
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  • 2325 2 afKINU MEETING 3TH MAY. Till Sj.iiu^ Vfectiu^r f th. Sport* inir Club open-i yesterday un.ier what may be te: :ne t Favourable codditiona as to weather. The rain ot tho prvrtoaa nwk Lad rtndare 1 the course rather soft bat the drt weather of the i.i*i |«o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 THE SKA TTSTNSTTRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Rhtarubhkd 1885 Ilead Offioo, Sinqaporr. Capital Fully Subscribed.. .s3,ooo,ooo. l^pital Paid-up fiwerve Fond 2«,000. Reeerre Liability of Shareholders $2,400»000. P«lanceof Working Account at 31st Dec f 1»»1 $404,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. Capital Folly Subscribed $2,000,000. r*pit»l Paid-up *<*>n2!" Keeerve Fund
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    • 364 2 Robinson Co. Have just received a large shipment of WATERPROOF COATS AND CAPES. All specially tcade fcr the Tropics and sew a seams throughout. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rPHE Municipal Commissioners are prepared to receive applications for the appointment of Chief EngiDeer at the PtoMpfag Station. Tlie salary the appiontment is $200
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    • 101 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES Have just roceired the following: WALKER'S PATENT COFFEE PULPER DISCS. Large stock of Heavy," Mediuni," and "Light" MACHINERY OILS. EVANS'S ROTARY HAND PUMPS, to throw from 1,600 to 6,000 gallons per hour. I SPOXG'S PATENT KNIFE CLEANERS, Save Time, Knives Money. No house should be without one. Negretti
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    • 581 2 INDOCHINAS. N. CO. LTD. FOR HONGKONG. THE Company's str. WINOBANO, 1,517 tons, Captain Dr St. Croix, having left Calcutta on the sth instant, may be expected to arrive here on or about the 14th instant, and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Wednesday 9th. Hi^h Water LS p.m. Man. Oomiurs. Ifoettag I.SO p ra. Ama^. Theatricals, Tan^lin Club. Thursday 10m. Hi <jh Water 0.20 A.m.. I.W p m. Spring Meeting, Second day 3.33 p.m. Friday 11. Hitfh Water 1.18 a.m., 2.k> p.m. Football, S.C.C. v. Garrison. Chinese Christian Association
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  • 571 3 \rrom n Ofjcnni Oorresponaenf of The Daily Advertiser.) Concluded from yesterday. (ireat satisfaction is Mt m the United States at the air.icable adjust rnent by arbitration of the Hehring Sea (juestion. Now that a precedent has been established by the successful mediation both of the Geneva and the
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  • 250 3 At noon to-d«*y the exhibition of th Pood protlu t> ol Vi tor a wm ojjo ted I m flic >. V. A. U.i'l 11 ill and attenled by a l.^e nu vbvv of th leidm^ Commercial ra B inker*, an 1 a nu-.i-brr ol Military
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  • 135 3 Head Quarter Office, Sißgapore, Bth M'«y, 1894 I. The Following hive passed lor promotion to the r:»r.k of Serjeant. Corporal Ormi»tdn. Bonbr. Htttoa. (iui>ner Edlift. Suttr N iwton. \V:c.)..li. 2. The following protaoticni will take place with efleel tioiii the 7th inst. rporal O"Bxii6oa to
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  • 101 3 JAMH Gkav, a Marine Bajciaetf who tiieii oa Monday ut the General Hospital, w's buried yesterday at the European Cemetery. The Kevd. A. liiiuont COOdooted the seivice. Tiik lIlvJ. 11. B. Ureb, Pastor of the M. B. church leaves to day hy the Fri'nch mail tor <'hina
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  • 85 3 IHTKKDAY at iheir buil ii:i r yard at Kiiiifionj: S«i<jon, lletttr*. Riley Har graves bundled line new steamer intended lor the coas'in^ t mde. Quit a number of spectators wore Dretent, an 1 11 m c*». romony of naming the vessel j.-i«:i Mao was gracefully performed Iv Iliat Umbel
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  • 47 3 THE hv Kilßtfl v\!io sto >I .har_»e*l iritfa cauaing gri- i v»:is bear: i<> one Marl -niioMUio were t > d iv Oiiunitted i r trial at t lie next aasises. The first d< fendaiit Maatkatn was refuted bail, ilio cli'jis ii!lo\ve I ori Xiuo each.
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  • 492 3 Ti:(> actual revenue c A\< r 1 for the year 1484 amounted tv si 12,353 oi, ugainst sL'oVJ>l m lS'i. ExFtSIMTUBX. Th> actual expen litwre amounted to s2l'.V'»l y.K T -e nciiial expenditure m 1893 was |i 18.0*1. 15. 1* i ise are th.' trade returns
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 "The Btraiti Dialogaaa" is the title givdn fco new book, ootwistiugof aafj ■eotencea m English and Slater. The Bentencefl compriaa conversations betwfea teacher and pupil, travellei an<l sr'in'ry Rjrce, master and "boy," m stress andeookft&c. «v<". The price of the book is LO cent*.— The str.iits eoutains nearly ],<>>:» English
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    • 733 3 Romanized Malay Version. Di negri Perak. taun I893 ampat rases ampat puloh tu;u ekor buaya sud ihdibunoh,dan§560 di bayarkan orangyang memhawak buaya itu, buaya yang kcchik ada 1 ,901 ekor dan sudah di bayarkan $190.10, tiga ekor arimau dau sa'ekor arisen kuinbang dapat di bunoh 2ti3 ekor anjing di tembak
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    • 787 3 gINGAPOKE SPOUTING CLU& SPRING MSBTINO, 1894. The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, 10th and 12th. PROGRAMME. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, MAY 10th. First Hack. THE COFFER CUP.— Value— lst Prize, §250; 2nd Prize. r >o A Race for Galloways. Weight for inches;
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    • 300 3 Frfp yoijr Horsks <fc nm Stock of L. J. CHATER Co 's Crushed Food. r JM-iIS preparation id composed of the finest grains only, mixed m proper proportions by experienced men, am' crushed at our Factory, s-o can alvvav* be obtained fresh* It h..s beon fninl by oxperience that animal*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 434 3 Mail- will CLOSE To-morrow IfatlHa, S, B. sU I.'>retf'>. 'J am I s.-iin.ir.iii^ and Sourabajm, H imgny 11 am I'ontianak, Lutaok, 1 p m Xi atun im. Trrrgf n ami lirluntnn. Sri Tkrlaf> 1: ••i:k,ihs :in<l Ragan Ran Tor, I y m MuLu L*a ;iu i Kiting, c bow I'nyu.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 McAlister ft Co. Have m Stork. Pearlmg llkquisuks. Diving Gbab I Diving Pumps Heinke ft Co's three throw Diving Pumps always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose. Cup Leathers, Dreat- ■>. Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, Cvc. <S.e. /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Dkain' II Dgii b| Brick and Cement Coy. 4,' 1.."
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    • 256 4 John Little €0. I (Complete price \\*t> forwarded en application, fi\ m which wo allow a Discount ut 2 0/0. t r Cash c "_z I^^- On. C-» t- H '«j ItH.7,- \j IJt^t^',-. =t3 I I *1 4 4 I J if I I i 1 W v- I)VL;e
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    • 791 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clemrxti Smith, 0.031.(1., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice eolleetioa (>f drawing, dining, and bed room farnitare at the lowest prices for
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    • 583 4 J MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, ScWi l.iiw now on han the 1 of Watches o< every description Straits, guaranteed for I v, :u M coiiiid^jitly recommend our Nickel Kyle* Boskopi g J,^ JKWBL L E R V 18 carat tad 15 oarsi GOLD Cl] DIAMOND JEWELLER) Teletcopei and Reid repul
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