Daily Advertiser, 23 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 16 1 df.bdf;lnvne r drgf THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. AOL. lII.] MONDAY, APIUL 23, 1894. [NO. 1006
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 400 1 Hi: DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORB. Kate OF BUBBCRIPTIOM. mensem One l><>ll;ir. pies cents each. Rate (> k A.dvbrtiB«mbhtb. 1 every inch or part <>f an iach 4 Two ra per Diontb, and for l«>ng periods i dactiou is allowed. h:xixsular and oriental STEAM NAVIGA FION CO. r Quay. 1 I I
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    • 624 1 COMPAQNIB DES ME3SAOBRIIB MARITIME* DE FRANCE. to Telegraphic Address i -iconic,'" Bingapora. Tns following the date! <>n which the mail steamers of the Moassgorioi Maritimes may be expected to arrive here Homewards OUTWABM Oxus April L>ith Melbourne April -25th All steameri of tlie prlneipal line from Maraeillee will call at
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    • 587 1 I NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, 'J'fu pmvnnif* r ypm. y Bt**£r» J 11. P. <"i*-*u K< >}»■ V,i 2.900 387 K. WBsSS Haswell. Bmihi*Mmrw..tJM 357 Georpi! W. Conner. Voliphawu Muru 2.308 26.* 11. Swaia, T BAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday <>r Saturday as the tide may suit for NAGASAKI,
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    • 535 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS. IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Gi ve notice that they are the accredited Agents in the Straits, and the only firm who have iu stock, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading stivtement has been irade that the ahove is Solid Woven Cotten Eektag" which is in error, it being 1 a sewn
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    • 445 1 Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Plkask read thksk few links beau them in mini). :o: QUR FURXITURP: FACTORY is in Orehard Road, and is the larges and most complete. It is supplied I With steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and larire orders can be
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    • 406 1 MIL^KRS 1 SAFE3 MILNERS' »r, "sol by H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale in the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILKERS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, sind other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the British and
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  • 79 2 London 4 mont'l'l tiyht Bai\\ bi\U i» 1 3 Private Paper 2/1 g b\J days' sight Dicume its ii-1 «0 ill dtrnwJ Bunk bills 2 i\s TT 2 (I 1 trtnice t demand 58 IM 1. V-5 e'enanj 4 0/0 JPT«»«« irr 183 lianqoon. ilmatmj > JB2^ Colombo
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  • 86 2 Produce. Gambier, 7.05 Jo Cube No. 1, 12.; 0 </o do No. 2 Copra Bali, sun driel 5 72.', do Pontianak, 55 t Pepper IJI-ic/c 10.00 tiago Flour, No. 1 2 4 j Pearl Saqo,... fc&A Co/he Bali, Picked 4U50 Cotfee Lioerinn, pxckeJ 4">.0 iapioco small Flake,
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  • 104 2 IiAxNKS. Hongkong an I Snan^rnai prem yi 0/0 •iauk uf Cmua, Japan and Straits Disc %2± National U.ink of Chini Disc 6) u/o INSURANCE. Straits Intnraooc Coy. 114.0U 1 Straits Fire 11.00 Singapore lnanranoc Co. in liq. s<) DOCKS. fanjong Pagar 1)»c.,3 Buvers $190.00 New Harbour Docks
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  • 997 2 The widespread adoption of the principle of limited liibilitv in commercial enterprise ;of all kinds, and tlie growth in public favour of shares in joint-stock concerns as a means ot investment, makes it highly desirable that tho other side of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 575 2 THE RRA ITSINSrU,VXCE COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1£8& Head Office, Sinqaporb. Hanitel Fnlly Bnbecribcd...j,3,oo^ooo. Capital Paid-up C0O,O0(». kr-serve Fund n 2.">,000. Reserve liability of Shareholders $2,400^000. Balance of Working Aoconnt at 31st j Dec 1891 $4^4,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1886. Cafital Fully Subscribed $2,000,000. Capital Paid-op 400.000.
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    • 504 2 BRIGHT CELESTIALS, being the Chinaman at Home and Abroad, BY JOHN COMING CHINAMAN, London, T. Fi.her Unwin 1 Si>4.) May be had from Messrs. Kelly Walsh, OR Messrs. John Little Co. Crown Bvo. 3.2.>. SOME PRESS OPINIONS. London Daily Ttlegraph: "This book is one that deserves the thoughtful consideration of
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    • 746 2 gINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING ItRKTING, 1894. The Spring Race Meeting will be held on luesd.y, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, loth and 1 2th. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Bth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE —Value— s2oo. A Ilaee for Maiden Hoises First- j class to carry list. Second-class lOst.
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    • 561 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Griffins, Roadsters, and Galloways are debarred from running in any racos excepi those specially provided for them. The Race Course will be officially open for training on Mouday, the 12Ji March. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 2Sth April. Entries will close at noon on Saturday,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 106 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Hi^li Water: <>.J7 noon, 11.56 p ra. Phil. Orchestra, Kafllei In«t. 5.30p.m. Pbtter-Beitai Uompauj*, Camille.' 1 TutBDAT 24TH. Hi.'h Water 1.04 pm Dedaiing Kiicietj Town ILill 'J p.m. French Hail oatward. WEDNESDAY :'»TH. Mun'cipal Oommifstonen Meeting 3 p.m. S. B.C. Tennis, Championship Final. Passe.vgers to Singxpore. Per
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  • 313 3 Phe Djtch Government despatch boat Lucifer arrived this morning froa 1 > 1 1 and leaves to-day lor Rh o. \r. appeal Prom Hi- Senior Medioal Lt. Col. ami Brigade Surgeon li. Hughe*, is published to d»jr, for licali tor the .Military Hospitals* I'iik 8 >. F*mennih"
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  • 160 3 HIS match war- shot off yesterday by the Singapore team in iepreesing weather. DriaaJing I come on about midday, and itinued more or less till ab.,ut clock, in fact during the best part Jit. It Faired up >hortlv after :i, but tin grouud was very tloppy.
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  • 209 3 Singapore Volunteer Artillery Annual Inspection. 1!i: Annual Lnapeetion of t!-.c >■<■ lanteet Artillery took '> Baturiay afternoon at l r oit rton ;it p.m. 1 C rps Fell in punctually at tho appointed, a very lair 'turnout >U told, under the coaimand of r McUllmn, k. i:. ComiaanUl1 tad tl-.y
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  • 202 3 Ar the Links on Saturday only very few ot the ties in Messrs. V»do aud Daunt's Cup Competition took pla:e. (\>: sidcrable confusion existed as to tho rota of play, tho newspaper announcements having been slightly bewildering. Of the ties pi tvod, P. A. Gillespie boat J. D. Taylor;
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  • 688 3 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. La Tosca. Saturday's Play. Handicap Pahs. Urn Ikl and BIMaC hmU He Arthur auJ :So- ..!<.• 0 —3. t> —0. B, Consolation-. Allan b./at iadfcN C—l». G— I. Mommy 2)ud. PBOFEBBIOS Pairs Final.l r.nv.-R.,11-l an I Elliot v liisuiaucc,--L>« miy; aii'l Pvc. TCKSDAY 21TH. Final Of P>.
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  • 259 3 The following are the arrangement at ivw.ila Lu:npor for the Governor's party. Tluy were expected to arrive there on Sstar Jay afternoon. l» in^ met at the statin: by all the nfijiiiU and leading residents, and h Sikh gnard of honour, and will receive a sa'uto of
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  • 859 3 An KXPIANATIOM ut Tfll OCCUBBCSICC. Al'Hi.\'i>K DOCTOB AN!> HI A»I.IAM> DBUGOED, MALTREATED AND BOBBBD TllK KOUSI AfTEBWABDa* BBT ON We learn on jjood authority that a remark, tl.ic all.ir he just taken place in ibis city. The honaa N•. 16, Rochore Road, lias for some
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 PAINLESS DENTISTRY. J. F. Telfert, Dental Surgeon, Hotel de la Paix. I Consultation dailw Fees moderate. Singapore, 23rd April, 1894. The L ANCASHIRE i PATENT HAIR BELT. I Moials at the following: Exhibitions PARIS. BRUSSELS, SYDNEY MELBi T'RNE, VIENNA, AMSTERDAM, CRYSTAL PALACE. LONDON, ANTWERP, ADELAIDE, DUNEDIN, NEW SOUTH WALES, i
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    • 310 3 McAlistek <fe Co. Have in Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Heinke (Vs three throw Diving Pumj's always in .Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leather*, Dresses?, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &e. &e. Me /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Duals Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy Ltd.) 4," 6." 9:' 12,"
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    • 384 3 BiTey llargrca vos Co. J MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, &s. We have now on ban 1 .he best 8 f y)c'c ofWatcheaof every description in the Straits, guaranteed for 1 year, and ean I confidently recosamond our Xickcl Keyless $5 each Koskopf (g n JEWBL L E R V 18
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    • 33 3 THE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY mTU, MALAY AM> CHINKSK. Trice: paper covers, 25 c. boards, 40 e May be o »tained of Messrs. Kelly Wakk, LimiteJ .lolm Little Co., or the Ainericiu Mission Presß, Singapore.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 537 3 MAfL NOTICE. Mams will close To-morrow for KieuuHMM X. TrintqpttM, Sri Trin>ipauu. 7 tt in ll;itiivin. Somal»»)ft. >lauat«itt uu t Moluccas, (i. CJ. London, lpm Honf-'Kon^'. Lightning 2 |i m PfeniUtg, Ne^Rpatam. Kurikal, Torto NuVo. Faudichei ry a-M.I Mmlras. Sirsu. 2 f» in Hongkong, Shun/hai. Kobe ami Yokcihama (ilonartnov. 2
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 John Little Co. 1 Sy v s ii x> •k*Hb HB v-a :1 T ja^^jj^i. l x _L J I I T* j*m Y»'e lave i Itrg« rti r.t of Bedroom, Dining li---i.T tad Drawing Room farahiir*. C i kte stimates for House Fv forwarded tap] two. 4 i ti-'
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    • 146 4 CENTRAL HOTVEi- SHANGHAI, CHINA. I ESTABLISHED 1875. OUI y l» ((t !ll "l «iAll ,n0,1,.ni l:m- tildl^ l guages spoken. E^B^^yi.ve^^^^^^^SSaaE JJ and single roonn. 9 1 Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all parts of the World. i jjjil fs****<ik 9 ri tt^^^' ~*9 8 5 I
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    • 22 4 i M. F. Rachals <fc co.. HAIyIBURG, MANIi ACIb'RKUS OF PIANOFOKTES. Established 1832. Apply at L PATZER'S PIANO STORE, 2, Stamford Road.
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    • 183 4 r -.1 .<5 I I I V j c Th^ "Fi'Tuwt TtnAvn or Pii.HifNrx RtttE** ip eapectAlly adapted for con sumption i:: n tropical eitmate. BEHR ct CO. Sol.K IWI'ORTERS €aL i^ 5^ i$ «i L. A WHAY, K0.613, Norili Btidge Road, j^jcr^^^ —^Sf^-V^v /^^FAcrp^^ iS(I»DIA RUBBER STAMPS Bl Look
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    • 356 4 HADJI IBHAHIM BIN FUttSITCRK r>BAI I J"->!IUS to iiifi»nn t gaporti ih it he ht« t u large ettaMUhnient n\ N<>. .''l l Vi; r irbere farnit itMsasUn^ <»i l>»'i' «<k>l chairs, Almirahs, t steals, v\: t:i be obi ting i moderate prices. A- :t i plated wares, latuos, 4
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