Daily Advertiser, 20 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 13 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL, 111.] FRIDAY, APHIL 20, 1804. [XO^ 1001
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 355 1 THE DATIV ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. I,'Ai 01 SUBBCRII TION. < >u" 1 killar. 5 cei ti each. OF \DVBRTISKMBS I H j inch 01 part of an inoh t Tw«i n< per nwml l», and t<>,- iu periodi low< 1. »ULAR AND ORIENTAL I AM NAVIGATION CO. Collyer Quay. I Godowna,
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    • 622 1 COMPAONIB l^r.^ MESSAOBBIBa kfARITIMB^ DE FHAXCE. :O: Telegraphic id Iresi 1 M Uoortie," Siii^ajv>re. Thk following arc the dates on which the nail steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive bere HonWABM Outwards Oxus Av-.il i-lth— Melbourne Apr.l Mth All iteamen <>r the principal line from M-u-s.-iiies
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    • 579 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, T7 "«;;r::-"'' <^» l\< M.iru.... 2. .»(K) 187 E. Wilson Haswell. Baihi*M»n.. t£lt W7 (taint* W. Conner. Yokohuvia Muni '2.30* JO") It. Swain, f HAVE Shanghai alternately every week on rYMav or Saturday as the tide may soil for NAGASAKI, BHlmonoseki. Kobi:, and Yokohama. The time of
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    • 526 1 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINKERS. IRON FOUNDER?, CONTRACTORS, Give notice that they are the accredited Agents in the Straits, aud the only firm who have in stork, CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading state— t has been n.ade that the above is Soli<\ Woven Cotten l'elting" which is in error, it bein^' ;i sown bolt
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    • 446 1 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Please read thksk raw ÜBTM BEAU THEM IN MINI). :o:— QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the laryes and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, «to., therefore Contracts and large orders can be put
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    • 390 1 MILNRRS' SAFKS MILNERS' reuelW H. M. the Queon. MILNERS' SAFES I have the Largest Sale in the World. SAFES More than 300, <>00 MILNERS' Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Uompaniet afILNERS*9af« are used by the British and Colonial I Govern
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  • 70 2 London 4 montt'x sn/'/i Bank bills 2/ 1 „3 I'rivote Paper *l\'i (<O i/ay*' «/y/*/ Dzcurne ts iff] :{0 iM| Bank bills 20 France, demand ii "t« I- Pen:tnj o/o pr*-n .n i: 183 Unn'joon ,U'tf(.'/ <i > JS2".k Colombo lloiiukonj .li 3 nun 19 jJj I'tciii Ithtmfhai
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  • 94 2 Pkodcck. Gamble*, 57.07J do Cube No. 1, 12; U do do No. 2 9.00 Copra BcH, sun dried f> ~>~\ do Ponli'tn i!c t 550 PtpfterJihek 10.00 >n'fo Flour, No. 1 24'| Pearl X'u/o, Coffee JJiii, I'ickel I ..V L'o'Jte Laoerimn, micksd. 4"».O > 7 toco soi
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  • 100 2 BANKS. Hongkong an I Shantghai pram 94 o/o Bank ot IJhina, Japan an«lSttaits Disc $2£ National Bunk ot China Disc 6) o/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. $14.00 Straits Fire H. UU Singapore Insurance Co. in liq. .50 DOCKS. fanjong Paprar Docki Buyers $190.00 New Harbour Dooks 185.00
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  • 127 2 Friday 2<»r;r. Hish Water :—lO.-W in.. It) 32 p m »11 Ifal ih S. c c v. R Band, Botani al tardena, ."> l."» pm 1> mce, Tin Clnb C'hi!i«>s-> Ohrittian \ssociation, Lecture •n India.* 1 Pntter-Bellew Company M David Garrick.* 1 Batubdat 21st. TTi_-l> Water -11.1-1
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  • 64 2 Thursday'! Play. Han;.:, p BcaMd Bad RUi t k B CLABB Merewetlior v. B. OO3BOLJ Bu^le* A.M.. a. .ft l\\'i i- isHi: A. Ci..\ Mua to( MtWwUtW beat Oib >AY*B Pl*Ai a. Class Final .ua v ||ai B. C >- Cwifl v 6h»Mbr<l Mw. jAf PAll Bra
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  • 284 2 In i second !<*tt"r on 'ho iubj M Music in St. Andrew*! Oath I Decani tii-«u-ses, at the muu nee oi rtv i ila .Vio Origan i»t. Into that cm i. \<, of coarse, u^t cur ini nt mn to interfere! 1' t m uter e i
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  • 27 2 Singapore, LStfi Ap« v Th» draff torCo»niauU.uu'- I-*** t.wi.iy will be white, tl gaitera, belli and lrog* li. R. lIcCalMT* Al ajoi«
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  • 316 2 It is difficult not to sec that a very great amount of good would result from the adoption of sucti an Ordinance as tho ono proposed by Government, and discussed and revised so carefully by the Committee of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 TnE SRAITSINSURAXCE COMPANY, LIMITED Established 18S:t Head (Maoe, BIMAFOU.' ipital Fully Bnbseribed...|B,CoMoo Capital Vaid-up G00,()0o. Ri— lta Fund i!."',OCH). Reaenre Liability of Shareholders 12,400,000 l.ilance of Working Account at 31st THE BTRAITB PIRE INSURANCE Established 1886. Bvit»l Folly Bnbtcribed 12,000,000. Reserve Fund 120,000. Keaerve Liability <»i Shareholdeni 1)00. 1 ire
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    • 559 2 Municipal Notice. "V"OTK'K is hereby that in term9 oi Beotious ',V.i and X of Ordinance IX of I*S7 as amended by Ordinance XVII of LBBt, an election of one Municipal Commissioner forth- Central (No. 2) Ward of the Town of Singapore, vice the Hon'ble A. L. Donaldson, resigned, will t.ike
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    • 755 2 gINGAI J OHE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING. 1894. The Sprin? Race Meeting will be held on iuc sd v, i hursday and Saturday, May the Bih, ioth and 1 2th. PROGRAMME. MRSI DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Bth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE —Value— s2so. A Hart' for Maiden Hoisos Firstclass to carry
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    • 495 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Griffins, Roadsters, anu Gulloways aro debarred from running in any races except those specially provided for them. The Race Course will be officially open tor training on Monduy, the 12lh March. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 18th April. Entries will close ainoon on Saturday, the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 62 2 Passengers to Singapore. P«>r M. M. ptr'ntnor Melbourne April 1 M««srs. H. Fjondon, J« Lur, John IJunini'. R»i< > Sir Charles Brooke, Detsher an J Pammet. Per M. M. steamer Ojoanir-n April Messrs. Sereryn and Van der Kamp. Per P. 0. Steamer Yaletta March 29th Mr-v 1 lonian. Per P
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  • 559 3 I The comedy cl K Djvid Ga» rick/ 1 m> tar us we tan renembtr, bas never \e\. been performed on ti.o Singapore •lage, and a lew words on its history nml argument may not be out of plane. The author, T. \V. UoUrtson, is lunch more litmiliarly
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  • 21 3 "n<: LBtb 1. -t;u. t, bI Bonßiiigton Blackbeatb, J.omlon, ,)i)H\ 1.1 1 J1 tuinarly of feingaliv C..b 8
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  • 404 3 (i RE 1- a football ir.at-.h (A^so- "n> evening bet«ex*o teams 8 and the R. A. ou the A of the ChiOeae Recreation :>layed Learn Iroaa M. M. S. •k yesteuJ iv n the Club's I i«' uli being u wiu fur the to indisposition \)c. Davis'
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  • 124 3 For attempting to ci"cnUte prohibited foreign coin, and uttering conn- terfeit coins, (amottutin^ to S5 a Chinaman w** this morning charged before Mr. Capper, with the result ot forfeitnra «d the foreiga and eouttrfeit coius and a liue ol S5. h ;ii>penrs that tho Chinaman yesterday bought
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  • 586 3 (T> tlfs Editor of the M Piuang tiOM it.:'') Sir., 1 sincerely r<;-ret that through a ui i pprehenston of your meaning 1 u.i, lei to nuke a charge of ignoranee against \,u. But to in Dk liiat e.tber your original Cor-i-v ■•■>,.. n lent
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  • 329 3 The New Flagship of the China Squadron. Ihk Tim>B of Ceylon says that Englishmen in Lhe Far East may well be proud ot the flagship that the Bri- tisli Government is sending out to the Eastern station, lor the "Centurion now in our harbour,, is a magnificent vessel, and, what
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  • 191 3 Tqk ccnsuinpti)n of Tablet tea, which unlike brick lea, is mule Ir^tn the finest OjUftilty Ol dust, .-hows a marked increase. Two Russian tir:n» the only maken of briek tea in Kiukitng. O.:e 01 them h.sat present the monopoly here..f the manufaetors of the tablet tea, which is
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  • 167 3 Or Lite the possibility uf planting •la, an. -.so 00l n.^s in Siatu bas bees aitacting increasing al'euti »n i-j this eoantry. A uomuer oi' eot^rpruins Japaaeae low jn S am are son ling j.atrto.ic corre-ponJeace lo home journal*. Vac memory oi Yn mad 4 Naifaiaaaa and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 189 3 J MOTION &CO j Watchmakers, Jewellers, «&o. Wl have now on haul the bail stoe'e i Watches of every dsaeripttvO iithe Btraitw, gnarantaad furl yaar, and can confidently raoommand our Xickel Ivyless r a $5 each Boakopf [g *12 J E W E LLK R Y 19 carat and L">
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    • 328 3 I The Lancashire PATENT HAIR BELT. ■Bkaaasssai Medals at the following- Exhibitions PARIS, BRUSSELS, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VIENNA, AMSTERDAM, CRYSTAL PALACE. LONDON, ANTWERP, ADELAIDE, DUNEDLV, NEW SOUTH WALES, AND EDINBURGH. CANDY'S i SOLID WOVEN COTTON belt.nc Has stood the teat of years in the Dampest Climates. BOLE AOBNTi for the Malay
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    • 307 3 McAlister Co. Have in Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Ueinke (Vs three throw Diving Pumps always in Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Lathers, Dresse*, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &e. &c. |\^c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Duain (Hongkong Brick and Cement Cov Ltd.) J 4,"<V 12," 18" diameter. Also
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    • 570 3 Riley llargreaves A~GoT ROYAL "PSYCHO* 1 BICYCLES. Singapore, 2\l April, ll'ji. THB unders goed has from to-day taken over the Oencral Managoincnt of the Daily Adverliser J. GRAHAM. In connection with »ho ahove annoanccmeut thd Proprietors of tho Daily Advertiser have to intimate that they hope to make considerable improvements
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    • 565 3 ADVERTISEMENT, JJ. QOKI-HO, Piano tuner a*l repairer, calh the atteation of the paMic to Us slvill in umin; ami repairing i.iutioi mul otsuah (tohan Jnst returned front rigjl [)eli Whei* be his rip.::, a ;u j order several aiano^ and in^ which ha.l been given up as a bad job
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 John Little Co. Toinplcte price liats forwarded on application, from which we ullow a FMscouut of 20 00. for C«*k f Vt^Tl_^ '-ig£3SpßSaMp||H|Pßgy ill Vil ■IB It I *X^— Jj N ~zZ ,*1 "fa We Lave 1 large asaortOKllt of Bedroorn, Dining Room, and Drawing Hoom faraitart. Compltte BttltWltfl for
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    • 155 4 SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. N.B.— Telegraphic Address, t; CKNTRAL," 8 BANG HA I. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all parts of the World. If/a ~*^—^Z^T" —r^~^ srt^ .r"-'* If." f* ii"M i^. «>« ../\k« vjk r-.ii ts.r v nOP S hi I«i 'I 9*^^ I •111 /*X*~
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    • 184 4 The "Fi.pruvNT P.HAxn of Piuiffurt Rttta* 1 is etpeciAlij iidar»te<l for con ■«mption in a tropical climate. BEHR A CO. Rflt.K [Mt'ORTKRS 4" g* *ti f rf? >■ 4 [L. A WHAY, Ko. 613, North fridge Koad, |a(INDIA RUBBER STAMPS \^Ss^£2H?^3rW^ Look Yan Kit, DENTIST, No. 25, South Bbidor Road.
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    • 377 4 HADJI IBRAHIM HIN N00« MAHOMED, FURNITURE DKAMSR, JjK(iS to inform tin- |wblu ;[.>■■ gapore tint Im bm now openel ;i large e«tobli«hmeni ;it No. Sll, ftcroau Stuit, .vhorc furniture <»t evrv dfticrip^Oß, cooMstiog off bep'.woo an 1 otfcr chairs dminihii, Üblet, iron be.|. •toads, A I .via be obtaiao 1
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