Daily Advertiser, 17 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 385 1 mi DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. 01 Subscription Dollar. centa each. ADVBBTIBBMB3CTB. inch or part of an inch, Two .ini for loug periods ia allowed. n KULAB AND ORIENTAL i NAVIGA riON CO. 1 r Quay. 1 and Godowns, New Harbour. The beainen may l>e expected t wards snd leave Singapore inla
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    • 623 1 OMPAGNIK DES MB3SAOBRIES MARITIMBS DE FRANCE. -:o:_ Telegraphic Address Lieorne," Sin_r.\pore. Ths following are the dates on which the mail iteamen of the Measasjeries Maritimes may be expected to arrive h ere DOKIWABM OUTWABDf Oxus spril tlth llslsooina April ■2")th All steamers of the priu -ip:i! line from Marseilles will
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    • 607 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, The omnti mi'.* .Vi»w. mt !>>nx 1T I'lftii ill.* Steamer* If. J'. y K.'hr Mam.... t,9OQ 387 E. Wilson Haswcll. Si 1 1 hi,' Mn ru l\;M2 387 George W.Conner. Yvhohtima Muru ~2.'M)6 2G."> R. Swaiu, T SAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as
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    • 488 1 EXG INKERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, Give notion thnt they are the accredited Agents in the Straits, and the only Him who have in stoek. CANDY'S BELTING. A misleading statement has been n.ade that the above is M Solid Woven Co:ten Leltiug" whieh is in error, it being a sewn belt
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    • 433 1 PoAvell&Co. SINGAPORE. PUUSI HEAD THHSK FEW LIXKS BKAIt THKM IX MIND. QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the lar«;e9 and most complete. It is supplied j with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Bewa, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and lar^e orders can be put through WITH
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    • 345 1 MILNERS' areu.Ld by H. M. the Queen. have the Largest Sale in the WorW. More th:in 300,000 MILKERS 1 Sato? protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, aiut other Public and Private (/©tnpuuies MILNERS' Safes ;ire used by the British and Coloniiil (iovernments. ARE DCCT •re used by
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  • 84 2 London 4 month* Might Bank bills 2/1$ t „3 Private Paper 2/1 t by) day* *ight Documents il/ 1 1 n »'l| i dtnuxnd Bunk bills 2 1 Y'7' 2 1 -L.l' J France^demand 2 <>(> .ava 1.-t) PiM— J i °io prr-n .H. i? IS4 lianyoon Uaa.aj
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  • 87 2 Pkoduce. Gavibier, $7* do Cube So. 1, 12:0 do do No.l 9.00 1 Copra Bali, sun dried f>l'2\ do Ponlinnak, 550 Pepper Bltck, 9.9 > r.aqo Flour, No. 1 2 !■"> Pearl Sayo, H.Oo Coffee Bali, Picked 41.50 Cofee Liber inn, picked 4j.0) Tapioco stwill Fluke, 4J89
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  • 94 2 Hongkong aod Shanghai j»r.im 94 oo Bank oi L'hina, Japan and Straits Disc s2£ National Bank of China Di*s 6) o/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. $14.00 Strait- Fi- H.OU Sin^Jipjre Insurance Co. in liq. .^O DOCKS. fanjong Paijar Doeka Buyers $190.00 New Harl>our Docks 135.00 Prve Djck
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  • 35 2 Tuesday 17th. Hi.rh Water: S 13 a.m., S.."»'! pa. V. A Drill. W&DSBBDAT LBTH. High Water o..*>t a.m.. 8.18 pjn. P. A <>. Mail Homeward. S. V. A. Dril >. Potter-Bellew Cooipaay, ;t Fiaacillow."
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  • 60 2 Per M. M. steamer Melbourne April I M -s-rs. 11. Loodoo f J. Lux, John liimitiit 1 Kijifi Sir Charles Brooke, Dtftsber aaii Painmet. I'er M. M, Oomaien A>prtl 15 Messrs, Severya and Vau der Kaoip. Per P. 0. steamer Valetta March 29th Mrs Human. Per P.
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  • 940 2 To any one who has consistently followod the drift of matters on the great currency problem, now bo fore the world it must bo evident that a knowledge and appreciation of tho subject is becotnming much wider. Lectures
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 579 2 THB STRAITSINSURAVCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, Sixr.APORF..' Capital Fully Subscrihed... s3/o^,ooo. Capital Puid-up 000,(>0u. }«V«orve Fund a -"nOOO. Reservo Liability of Shareholders 12,400,000. Halance of Working Account at 31st i Dec, |591 *404,7i2. THE BTRAJTB FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. Capital Fully KuWriW $2,000,000. Cnpitnl Paid-up 400,000.
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    • 335 2 Robinson Co. ARK now showing a lar<*estock of MW t^oodri in all dopartmentH. Tailoring Department Dross Worsted Coal ings, Brond Cloth and Blue Ventians. Vicunas, Serges, Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Overcoatings %vith new linings, Riding Breeches.Cord. Hosiery and Outfitting Nuvy and Black Cashmere 1/2 hose, Bbok Silk 1/9 hose. Coloured
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    • 747 2 gINGAPOHE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING, 1894. The Spring Race Meeting will be I held on 1 uestn Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, loth and i 2th. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Bth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE— Value— s2so. A Race for Maiden Hoises First* class to carry list. Second-class
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    • 502 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Griffins, Roadsters, and Galloways are debarred from running in any races except those specially provided for them. The Race Course will be officially open tor training on Monday, the 12th March. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 28th April. Entries will close at noon on Saturday,
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  • 378 3 Potter-Bellow Company. "She Stoops to Conquer Hie Stoops to Conquer/' if periuiuied by the Potter Bellnw Uom.l i.i~ f ni;';t, was FUCCrssfttl in ,1. luincoa of th« largest audience* !<h hive been seen in. the Town I theatre !<>r 1 !>>n<^ tune Inck. w- anticipated, the cr;;>li ivas so r
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    • 283 3 (Su Pj ,i»Mcntiiry. Fr.nn the Cylon Obn j Tvcr.) Tm Bomb outrage in Paris Arrest in London. London, April s.— Later accounts of the Lomb outrage in Paris vaster(L.v at t!>- Restaurant Foyot state that the i rei: ot the explosion was most teir!--. and anUshei the wind-
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    • 466 3 A era* current on -1-* liar. in the L>W y thai Mr. Muo .a i tal mi in L »rd iio^t--bery'ii bands, Lot the r ir!ir. hon. l'«t.t.< ma t'ri rnda >t.<r hJ a( t> rumour •4e I. II !ui explaiae i iu [y to the l'.-;ii< U
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    • 36 3 1!. I I>uJcr. •*ai. Look. v. It idtSM scratclu-.l Urn C. S. 11. i twal Arith<.ny A Turnstone. B. Singles. Pve. IHBD Tilt, A Sin.. 1. b. Daviefi. ii. Sis fUB, u-.-.il liol.-crt»oc. i
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    • 27 3 UHAMPIOMSHIP. v. BraUaL i oa 13. SUfOLBft. v OrnualaA. Handicap Paibs. Muir v. Boop« ani Weddel. B, CONBOLAI lOH. v. llilt« \Y it Shelford. Allan.
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    • 67 3 following prison yen have i 1 the l'\s: 0. rtr '^Rohilla/' In g ii) homeward mail to-monow toon E. ii. French and Mrs. Trench l 'l- Dato j! >ward Bentley and John Winter for Londion. Penang, Urs. Andersen, Miss wnston, Mr. and Mr*. Irving, Mr. »n, wiie
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    • 135 3 0* dtscj-LiiiLi from Um force alter Fjl m -k's vcrvicc, a CQMtebla whs >' nt,-nce.l to a month's ri--11 tnpiMoomeot. i! la\, lor itaalillg ji silver j 1<u ffOM little Chinese child, mi "-ncrlto lyw'l ngorqm impri- sonment and fifteen cuts with the rottan. FOI tlio theff
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    • 206 3 We regret to report the sudden oeath, en Khh inst., of Mr. Solomon BmOQB, of Bomb iv, the most active partner in Messrs. David Sassoon and Co., the groat opium and general (inn uf merchants Mr. Safsoon, who was son of Mr. David Bassoon, th^ j Foander of
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    • 334 3 Report om nil Selahg >k Govern* more Railway rot mi Year 1893. The Serendah section of the Ulu S^bnifof Extension from Rawang to SiTenUaW 4 i)u mile-) was opened for pu*>lic trafio on Ukli July. Tiiero is hat one station on the section viz. th?.t
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    • 298 3 T\-.e net revenue earned durir.; !>:'.'. thews a >ar_je increase over that earned aor ing tna previous twelve month*, and tho proportion of working i\pentes to j,' l recei] is has decreased 1 lie following 1 comparative tabl** s!k w- the rapid development < t traffic ap.c! ;!;ti decrease
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 FOR SALE. One Chemical lulance and complete *et of apparatus for chemical aualysis. One copy Koscoe and tshurleiiimer ou Uheiuistry BOTH NEW. Ou view at the otlice of the Daily idvertiavr.
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    • 548 3 J MOTION CO 1 Watchmakers, Jewellers, &c. Wi have now oa liand the best sfcoolt of Watches of erery description in the! Straits s^mrantoed for 1 year, and can confidently recommend our Nickel K.yless Q v eac h iiu^KCpt £12 i: W B L L E U Y 18 carat
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    • 339 3 McAlister Co. Have in Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Qeab Diving Pumps Keinke Go's throe throw Diving Pnmpl always in {Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup L-athers, Dress- <'s. Boots, Repairing Clothj JSolution. Underclothing, &c U\c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Dbain Pipes. (Hons^tong Brick and Cement Coy. Ltd.) 1," 9" 12." 18" diameter.
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    • 574 3 Riley liar greaves CoROYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCI IS. Notice. Singapore, 2:id April, \Boi. THR undfrs gnod has from to-day taken over the General Management of the Daiiy Advertiser J. GRAHAM. In connection with I/he above announcement ths Proprietors of tho M Daily Advertiser have to intimate that they hope to make
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    • 563 3 JJ^ qov. 10 cmo tuner aadJ I -1 thy attention <)f Hw po in toning and repairin} r :ms 0 us just ret 1 I visit to Deli. where he hu» re) red lid put in order Kveral or_ruis which bad bee): ivcn up ;tt* bad job by other tnners,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 John Little Co, RUDCES CELEBRATED CYCLES. Complete price lists forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 00. for Cash We I^7^- 1 large assortment of Bedroom, Dining Koom. and Drawing Koom furniture. Complete estimates for Ilouso Furnishing forwarded on application. BEDS AND MATTRESSES. luf® rr^i v
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    • 174 4 CENTRAL HOTCL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. This select Pa- £&&^I!W y^~***>^ Ns v^* v^^^"~ Tl I i All modern l,m- ■■->3Sf^P^J^^^^3ffls^BS^^^M t l( .i 1( .,i to Silil F. E. REILLY, Proprietor. N.B.— Telegraphic Address, M CENTRAL," SHANGHAI. Circular Notes issued by THQS. COOK SON for all parts of the
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    • 192 4 JiTm f vs 3 A vY- r j I M';\i l\ r I I V- X Tho "Ei.rriTANr Riuwn or Pu.s KNrK Hfpr" is effpecullj ndapted for cou sumptiun in a tropical climate. BEHK CO. Boi.r Importers •i^-S" 'XT L— \Jt *s? ec IL. A WHAY, N0. 613, North I^-idtre
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    • 394 4 HADJI [BBAHIII BIN MAHOMED, i FURNITURE DBALKR, I JJLGS to inform the public ol 8i»--gapOlM thai he has now epeocd a lar^e (^tai.iishnient :it No. 3U, VicTosu Stmit, where fnrnit.ir,-. of every ileecrip»ioa coiiMstin^r of P wood and other chair*, alnsiraha, Übles, iron bed--1 stead*, oe, mn he obtaiM I
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