Daily Advertiser, 16 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 339 1 l\\\: DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. 1: \tk of Subscription. Per mensem < >'ie D-llar. sing 5 eents each. Kate of Advertisements. j in ii or part of an im-h Two snd for long periods is allowed. I VI.KSULAR AND ORIENTAL 1 s'l ,:aM KAVIGA PION CO. ollyer Quay. God wii>. N'.-w
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    • 566 1 j COMPAGNIE DES MESSAOERIES MAiilTlMK.s DE FRANCE. Telegraphic Address i Jiieonie." Sintrapoie. Tin following are the dates <>n which the mail steamers of the ftfessageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here QOMBWABDfI Outwards Cal«doni«a astfl loth Natal April lith Oww April 24th M.ll...urne April SStb All steamers of the
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    • 606 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Tin- ■<nn hi a //'.< .V<t/w. Jtinx ((lift tint* art 1 an rn 11. K.ir M0m.... mo 887 B.WU*oo Haswell. Sti'ih'n) Ma ■>■ {,913 i9I ('n'(jr.-<- W. Conner. Yokohuwa Marul.Mi* 2i»."> K. Swuia. T BAVB Sban<rhai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may
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    • 401 1 ■$<$ file Isllll m 5j51« ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS, MILLWRIGHTS, Give notice that they arc the accredited Agents ill the Straits, mad the only tii in who liavi- in stork, CANDY'S BELTING. Finding bowem that this Belting la liable to be attacked by White Ants and some < ottoo Belting
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    • 447 1 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. :o: PIKASK RKAS THKSK FEW LINKS BKAJI THEM IN MIND. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the lar^es and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, < Lathes, &c., therefore Contracts and large orden can be
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    • 395 1 lIILNER8 1 SAFES MILNERS' >'. )V H. M. too Quoen. MILNERS 1 SAFES have the Largeat Sale in th»' World. SAFES More tlvin 300,000 MILNERS 1 Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and oflier Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safog are used by the liritish and
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  • 71 2 London 4 month's sight Bank bills 2/1? „3 t 'rit ate Paper 2/1 J 00 day* sight Documents fylj 30 *2i:| dr/nuui Bunk bills 2 1 TT 2 1 France, demand 2 Co »'CIM l*«6 jVmmm 4 °/o />/«>»?* wi.:.- 183^ Rangoon i!i Ct />a; „> 182} Colombo
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  • 92 2 Fuoi>uce. Gambitr, $7| do Cube So. I, 12.. 0 Jo Jo Ao. 2 I Copra Bnli, sun dried 5 72.', do Pontiinik, f> .")<> Z J ep per Muck, L0.25 S«yo Flour, So. I L* 4") Pearl Saqo, :5..j.> Co [lee JJul i, I'icked 41..">0 Coffee Liberian,
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  • 94 2 BASKS. Hongkong and Siuuiifhai prem 94 o/o liauk ot <Jluna, Japan and Natioual Bank of China Di>c ii") o/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. $14.00 Straits Fire 11.00 Sinyup^re Insurance Co. in liq. .50 DOCKS. fanjong Pagar Docka Buvers $190.00 New Harbour Docks 135.00 Prye Duck Bajren 80.00
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  • 67 2 Monday ICm. High Water; 5.50 t.'n s lO m P. ft O. M;ul outward. Potter- Be lluw Company, "She 8to > to Conquer.* 1 Philharmonic Choir ">..>'» p.m. S. C. T«'nni> Toarnament, S V. A. Drills. Tl'Esdav I 7th. Hi^n Wufcer 8.13 ;».m., 8.5<i pa. 8. V.
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  • 65 2 IVr M. If. steamer Melbourne April i Ml MM* H. Ljndon, J. Lux, Jubn Runinie, Rajah Sir Charles Brooke, LVtslier aui 1 PainodeS. Per 11. M, stea'-ier Ojeanicr. Ap: il Ij McMTt* very a nad Van der Kanap. Per P. (ScU. steamer A -cilia March 16 Mrs.
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  • 296 2 THE attention of.' those in charge of the Town Hall Theatre had butter be given at an early date to the rickotty and uncertain framework which supports the flooring for the greater part of the audience. A few
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  • 28 2 Owing to an all day Cricket M, t being played ou Saturday rhere no rennn Re, played. Th« follow. in^ are set down tar U-d.iy.
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  • 24 2 Handicap Pairs. HoopwMdWdM B. COXSOLAIUiN. r.L.Bhciw v. j M artkt^ I; m EUlton. K I>. h Qana Cm m Blaofc wan (ark.
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  • 441 2 The Potter Bellow Company, In Society." On Saturday night th« Potter Bellew Company performed the eotnedv of In Society" hrtore a crow ]„,J ;u dience. Uncomfortably crowded it might be said Owinjrto the inroen* demand for teats in tbe front part of house, several additional rows o i c h
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  • 139 2 THB rice o:'. 8 iturday afteru n tw«en 11. il. the Sultan'* new K couer and Ji i one bolu ij n; S ott ot ihe American yae in >ic turn tl out, uuiiil; Ui tuti of the neeesaary l>r n rafcli low affair. The wind n'U
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 585 2 Til E STRAITSINSURAXCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1883 Head Office, Singapore. 1 Oftpital Fnlly Bnheeribed... §B,ooo,ooo. lt«J P.vid-ui> C(K>,O(h'. .ve Fun.l 2RJOOO. serre UabUltT of Bhareheiden |2,40d,000. I -nee of Working AoecMsni iit Dee^ 1891 1404,721 ;ii BTRAITB I'IRE INSURANCE company, limited. Brablisbkd 1886. r ita] VvU? B«l»eribe4 12,000^000. pita! Pald-ap
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    • 338 2 Eoiunson Co. I Auk now ghowiag a large sjtoek of new gooda in all dopartnu'iits. Tailoring: Department Dress Woraaai Ooatinga, Broad Cloth at.il Bine Veini;iiis. Vicunas, SeYfaa, Tweed Suitings and TVoMartaga, Owiroatings Wltk new linings. Biding 15reethes Conl, Hosiery and Outfitting Navy t»d Black Cashmere 12 hose, Black Silk 1
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    • 736 2 gINGAPOUE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING. 1894. The Spring Rue- .Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, 10th and 12th. PROG RAM ME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Bth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE —Value— s2so. A Raee for Maiden Hoises Pint* class to carry list.; Becond-class lOht.
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    • 469 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB j Griffins, Roadsters, and Galloways are debarred from running in any races excefH those specially provided for them. The Race Course will be officially open tor training on Monday, the 12th March. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 28th April. Entries will close at noon on
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  • 232 3 H. M. S. **Centnrion" left for China yesterday. Mk. T. lv Earle is ainorig tli< i paswen from Bnghmd by to-day's maiL French stetnwr Pibre" arrived Salmon this morning with Mr. egor as n p ;->e;i^> r. lloa'ble Lionel C.»\, Ch*efjns- M1 u P< n ing in
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  • 104 3 The "Pinang Gazette" and the free Church. the N Pinang Giredasevare cuatiga- of addressed to h.iM and shed ni his i**ue <i the 14th i\ v 1. VV. Murray ol the Krk re iu which lie coin* m tli i.i lacy an I waai •c\s u .11 !»i-, t!. E
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  • 212 3 Land Law in Malacca. lif a well written piper dealing local law and custom relating !i and in Mala :a and published iu G rnment cit^.-tt air. n, < oUector of Land Revenue 1 i remarked i» ol y* ilacca wI i u 1 itisfa <) »vernment mii that of
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  • 198 3 Minute of Municipal Commission Meeting. *W from Saturday's paper.) tor the Pin [our. latctpfti BaiUttagi for >xt are laid u4eot se- the tender of Messrs. Houstoad and Co. as Agents (or the Koval Insurance Coy. to nccefit the whole of the Insurance- al 2 cents je r centum p«T annum
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  • 163 3 Head Qiuuter OffiV\ Singapore, LSth April, 1894. I Or Officer for ensnini vaek. Lieut W <;. St. Cbir. Order .t t f,, r enrniag week, S< r eanf Makepeace. p in., Maxim Gun*dri*.l ..'l.. Shfazini un*l Sgua.ll dril 4 Vv 3.15 1 .:n. and p.m..
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  • 1625 3 L »«d hi*a K prtss, Mar. t3rd The Court The Qnaon, accompanied Prince Mid Prinoea* Hen 17 "i B»tt m rg, arrived at Florence ou on 1 6th iiw. The town was decomted, and the itf eti w« re crowded with inhabitants, a I y cheered Her
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 J MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, &c. Wi hare now on hand the be>: siooV ofWatcheeof every tieseriptiun in tUo Straits, gaaranteed for 1 year, andean oonfidently recoamiend our Xickel Keyless e.'> each Bo»*opl is 412 JEWELL i: B V 18 carut uud 13 carat GOLD CHAIN D I A M0
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    • 305 3 McAlister Co. Have in Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps 1 Heinko Go's three throw Diving Pumps always in Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresses, Booty, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &C &e. |^c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Dbain Pipes. s. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Cov Ltd.) 4," 67 9."
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    • 572 3 Riley Hargreaves Co. j ROYAL PSYCHO" BICYCLES. Is OTI^F 1 V^ A 1 VV lii Singapore, 2a»i April, 1891. THE unders £ned has from to-day taken over the General Management oi; the Daily Advertiser" In connection with »hfl above announcement the Proprietors of tho Daily Advertiser" have to intimate that
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    • 440 3 H. (^J^^^HO, Piano tinier and repairer, calli Ihe attention of the public to his skill in tuning and I repairing pianos and organs. Ue lisjsj where he has r paired and pat in good order several aoa and organs which tuners. He ban jnst had the henoar of a tsstimoaial
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 John Little Co. i RUDGES CELEBRATED CYCLES. C'Omjiete price lists forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 00. tor Cash t 1 .in 1. 1 ,T m ...j-i.i.. j~mß •.r i^ v.-- *W» 1 r 1 Iky? aU 4J -^J h- i ■> —^eT^^T J I
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    • 150 4 CENTRAL HOTEL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. F. E. REILLY, Proprietor. N.B.— Telegraphic Address, CENTRAL," StTANOHAI. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all parts of the World. */i^ tT .a\ it ill z i _^m~~ 3m^~_L -ir^^^ i 1 ■I I .^itt It I I II ill fßff m,
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    • 186 4 r^w^ v i '^^^^^■i. F c f v ifc F I <•• ITt v'* \l_~ fr f IP ,-fe;-.r- I Th^ "Fi.FfHWT r.uAvn nif PtL*«irr« I'.rFR" is especwllj :id:n»tod for eotl sumption in a tropical climate. BEHK CO. [L. A WHAY, No. 613, North B*idge Road, |a(INDIA RUBBER STAJPs} I^
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    • 434 4 HADJI IBRAHIM BIN NOOK FURNITURE DEALGB J^KGS to inform the public ut s gapon that lie has now opened a lar^e establishment at No. 841, Victoua Stbiit, where furnitures of every d«scrip 4 ion, consiatiag of kep*«rood and oth-it chairs, almirabft, Üble*, iron b-l--■toads, ■C v Ac 1 Jan he
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