Daily Advertiser, 14 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 486 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. SINGAPORE. Vi K OF 8C BSCBIFTIOR. ra OnH Dollar. pK copies ."> cents eaoh. «M J AI>VKHTTSKMENTS. 1 11 every inch or part of an ineh t Twu 1 per month, Mid for long periods ictiou is allowed. pKMN'SFLAK AXO ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. <4iver Quay. rres
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    • 619 1 ftOMPAGNIK DE3 MES3AOERIBB MAlilTlMiN DBFBANCB. so: Telegraphic iddress I^ioorne,* 1 Sinorap r >re. Tub following arc the .lares on uhioh the mail steamers <«f the Ifeeeageries Mari times may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Caleieaisa April 10th Xat.il April 11th Ox«is Aj.ril Jltii Melbourne April Mtfc All steasaen
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    • 585 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAIBHA. Font r t antaiH* Stniwi rx If. P. KM- Mat'u.... 2.<»(»0 3x7 K Wilson Haswpll. Siiikio Marti '2,912 357 OwWIW W. Conner. Ynkoh ama Muru 2,308 20j It. Swain, T EAVE Shanghai alternately evenweek on Friday or Saturday hs the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, SHiMOaXMBKI, Kobe,
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    • 454 1 ENGINEERS, IHON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. MILLWRIGHT Give notice that they are the acenditeil Agents in the Straits, and the only tii in who have in stock, CANDY'S BELTING. Flatting however that this Belting is liable to be attacked by White Atrts ;ir.d wime otton Bfelting to tnffcT fr- m <lrv tot
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    • 447 1 Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. PLEASF. READ TIIF.SK ntW LINKS DKAH THKM IN MIND. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in j Orchard Road, and is the larsjes and most complete. It is supplied with Kt-Pum power to drive onr I Woodworking Machines, Saws, j Lathes, Ac, therefore Contracts and large orders can
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    • 406 1 MILNERS' SAFES MILNERS' -eased by H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale in the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILNKRS' Safes protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS' Safes are used by the Rritish and Colonial Governments. ADC
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  • 74 2 London 4 monr'i't sight Bank bills 2 1 3 Private Paper 2/lj liU i/ay«' sight Docunie its J/1J n 30 -Jl£ demmd Bank bills 2 1 T.T. 2 1 h'rance dein,:in<l 2 60 aca 1..6 Penanj A o/o prem •'< 183 ti'.in<j?ori Mau.u: V 182)s Colon' bo Hongkong
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  • 91 2 I'HODCCE. Gambit*, $7§ do Cof.e Xo. I, 1J..0 do do So.l 9.00 Copra Bali, sun dried 5 72| do Pont in nuli, 550 Z?zpper lihtck 10J35 £«pf Fto%r, A*>. 1 '>{) Peatl 3.56 Co/fee Bmli Picked 4 L5O Coffee Libcri'in, pvked 45.00 l:yfjco mnili Fi'i'tr, 4 2'J
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  • 111 2 Hongkong and Shanghai prom J4 o/o JJauk of Ciiina, Japan and Straits Disc S2£ National Bank ot China Disc 6) o/o INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. sli.ni Strait- Fire II.OJ Sin^apoft lnsurir.ee Co. i:i liq. ..">'J DOCKS. fanjong Pagar Docks Buyers 1 180.00 Xe;v Harbour Docks 135.00 I
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  • 65 2 gATURDATUTH. HijCh V.'.irer 3.39 i.m.. > 'Mil. Cycling Clob li.ia, Musanai, "> p.m. P-riK Ivt Potter* BeJlew Company, Town Ball, p.iu In Society.* 1 Suxday l.lru. Hi«jfh Wjtei "> 11 :i.m, 7. 1S p.m. Third after E.ister. MOXDVY lf*»TH. High Water;— s.so :\.m.. 8 L0 p.m 11,I
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  • 63 2 Per M. If. steamer Melbourne April 1 M ssrs. 11. I^anflon, J. Lux, John Riminie, R%j%h Sir Ch:irles Brooke, Ddlsher an* 1 Pammes. Per If. M, stea'.ier O •einie'i Ap-'l 15 BfeaMrs. Severyn and Vau der Kamp. Per i\ 0 st-a ner A-cidia Hareh 16: Mrs. Howard
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  • 102 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Saturday, April 14, 1894 Teie suggestion in the u Free Press tho other day that, railing an arrangement by which two members of the Municipal Commission shall bo Chinese representative men, Capt. Blair should bo appointed, i^ a good one. His lon<x experience of the Colony,
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  • 549 2 1 Fridays Puy. Profession l»u<:s B riddel and Elliot beat Ellis and fk mm A. Singles. Egerton beat McTag^rt Mu.r v. fHolitn, uaf lliiHM< Davies v. Seiy.eaunt Merewether beat McArthur P 7«. h Owen. Ormiston Baokland McTaggart Maxwell. Edl.n v/ Robertson anfin iBhr j Monday's Tibs. Handicap
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  • 269 2 SEPARATED for over a twotury from his kindred, our Upland tortoise silently hvci] l>is I iiflv life umiistiirhc.' by the tattle and ooise of the busy world aiounU him, and as silently h" patted ost of it. ihat he lived sarroundsd by friends having a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 581 2 THE STUAITSINSm \N<T. COMPANY, LIMITED. ■RABUMrJEO l x^ Head Offioe, SinoaPOßb." Capital Fully Subßcribed.. Capital P;ud-up f.(KXOOu. kwerve Fund L>.*,CKX). Renerve Liability of Shareholders $8,400,000 Palance of Working Account at 3lst I Dec. ls'Jl |404,75l THE STRAITS EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. EsTAßUsan 18M. Caaital Fully Subscribed 12,000,000. Capital Paid-up HH).(HM).
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    • 321 2 MoAlistbb k Co. Have in Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Eeinke (Vs three throw Diving Pumps always in Stock. A LHO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dressep, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &c. &e. [^|c /^LiSTER CO Earthenware Drain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy. Lid.) I," 6," 12,"
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    • 349 2 Robinson Co. ARE now showing a largo stock of new goods in all departments. Tailoring" Department Dress Worsted Coatings, Broad Cloth and Blue Ventians. Vicunas, Serges, Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Overcoatings with new linings, Riding Breeches|Cord. Hosiery and Outfitting: Navy and Black Cashmere 1/8 hose, Black Silk 1/2 hose. Coloured
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    • 750 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEKTINO, 18M. The Spring Race Meeting will be i held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, ioth and I2tb. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Bth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE —Value— s2so. A Race for Maiden Hoises Firstclass to carry list. Second-class K>st. and horses
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    • 584 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLI/ft Griffins, Roadsters, and Galloways are debarred from irnnip. in nny races except those specially provided for them. The Race Course will be officially open tor training on Monday, the 12th March. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 28th April. Entries will close at noon on Saturday,
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    • 26 2 Just Published. New and Revised Edition. ENGLISH MALAY VOCABULARY. BY F. A. SWETTBNHAM. Price $3. To BE HAD OF JOHN LITTLE CO. Singapore, 14th April, 1894.
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  • 66 3 It ii andcretood that E. tlie Ooternor hsf nominated tlx- fl(>n'!>l 9eah liang Beah as a member ot the >l unicif a< Commission [in place of Mr. ,'livt, i'-il'i ad. and that the Hon'ble 1 Sli Moid wrll propose Mr. Tsa Jiak K.iii a- a can lidate
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  • 29 3 THE s. s. Xeera arri/:d this noraicg from Telok Anson via ports irith tha following pa«aecgers Messrs. Kysbe, Inn. man aud VYray a:id Bl del U
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  • 238 3 For removing gon-powdet within the barbrut limiti without flying a red Rag Puah Ah Ngo yo* rday lined |j lt to day*. {"hi case ia which Tan IVk Kee cuteJ leo 800 Lut for tbeil of I nid clothing valued st &.''>.'< h ay postponed to 2o;li in«t
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  • 243 3 an 0 'server. iH Commission. A nl 4 lt is undersr t the Opium Comiri in Lord Brassey's opium, and that Mr. ste -epiirate report I tutiopian minority, ir it, excepting as 1 eatiny. Lord Brassey d at tbe en.! of the Uommissiofl will S a UfD Comments.
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  • 249 3 The resignation of the Hon'ble Q. j Murry of his nppoiutment .is an Un-otTieial Member oi the Lsgislftlhre Ccmnoil of the Strai Settlements, has been accepted by His Excellency the Governor. The resignation hy Mr R. \V. Mixwell, Inspector-General of Police, Siraits Settlements, and Mr. T.
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  • 400 3 [Pinmni Gaze'te April 11th.) Ih« FftU Chirch of Scotland. Iu Hie Edit jr <,/ the'-Pinang iiazett-'.. M::. —It \\a» tit t ;i litil« >ui;jii>in r to re. id \oar gr.»:uitouH eoaatiil tonight oil th Free Church of Scotland: It .t vu i, or any ot your renders* will
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  • 127 3 (Special Tdtjrum to the Pivang Gazette.) THB fotlowiag liVK.' the first day's entrien fur the Ijipio^ Races, Leli on the Litli instanl. We ate not i:»--debted to lilt: Uuaocary ttecratarjr lor Lhib informal ion I.— Foe Ponios L3.1 and andor. il iLule>, Atince, LiKsic, Staaibsjok. AI- tof
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  • 601 3 Th« question as to \vha», styles will bt most in r>qn«st this season is (says th e Drmptn' Record) proLably pro- j ponderatnitf in the retailers' n'ind at j present. It is a que tion much more I easily asked than nrawered, but if elaborate preparation indicates tbe
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  • 177 3 Head Quail r Offic?, Sintra.-ore, 18th April, lS'.'l. I. Or lerly Utlioer f»r eusimu' Vtfefc, Lieut. W. G. St. Clair. Order v lierjgeaiil for en ding we-'k, Sergaaul W. Makepeace. 11. I'alU.lo:— Monday, ."> io p.m., M.ixim Gen-dftlL. Taeadaj, juu., Maxim sad Squa Idrill. n
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  • 821 3 IfINUTSS ot Proeordingfl at an ordinary meeting on Wednesday 28th Match 1894. PBBsnrr. The President, Alex. (Jentle, B§q. f J\it: Inspeeroi -General of Police, (B. W. Maxwell, Esq) T. Sohst, Km. 0.0. Wr.iy, Biq. The Hon'bfo T. She 1 ford, 0. m. o. The Hou'm!.- A. L. Donaldson.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 JHB TAXJOXG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. JJOTICB is hereby given tkal from t'ue Ist <f July next, the Tot it |Mny*s wharfage charges on coal will b«; 3 conta ner t'M rnwardi and So cents per ton Ontwat-ds Theebar^e upon all geneoal cargo landed at the O>np.^iy's Wharv.'s from Home
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    • 422 3 j motion &co Watchmakers, Jewellers, &c. Wl haw now on hand the best stoclt <f Watches of every description in the 1 Straits, guaranteed for 1 year, and can confidently recommend our Xickel Keyless $5 e ach Boifcopl g, $12 JEWELLERY. 18 carat and 15 carat GOLD CHAIN DIAMOND JEWELLER
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    • 565 3 IMley Hargreaves Co. ROYAL "PSYCHO- BICYCLES. Singapore, Shd April, 1394. THB undersgned his from to-day taken ovM- the General Managemeut of the Daily AJvortiscr" J. GRAHAM. In connection with «,hft above announcement thi Proprietors of tho Dtiiv Advertiser' 1 have to intimate that they bo|ie to mak(.' eonaidetable inijtrcveinents on
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    • 135 3 ADVERTISEMENT, IT. C° ELHO ]>imo i'»ner- and teiin h M JUSt lm(1 tIK bbnoor ()t piaaoiasMi organs, ezeepi tot the^akiltul way in which Mr. Coelho repaire I them, making them almost atgoodaj Wgrepa rs,on application to KadSeak INDO-CHINAS.N.CO.LTD. oiISAD 00, Ajfitti. FOK Next Mail, Uutwahd. P. O. packet Rusetta dus
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 John Little €o. _____________________________i RUDCES CELEBRATED CYCLES. 1 ©tip.6te price hsU forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount of 20 00. tor Cask ~===f |Ja il hare hrge assortment of Bedroom, Dinii Bfl ti, and Dnwing lioom fcr^i;«»r». Complete estimates for House Furniihiuy: forwarded on applicat —r A^r
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    • 167 4 OEINTJFfcAJL. HOTEL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. F. K. REILLY, Proprietor. X.B. -Telegraphic Address, M CKXTRAL/' SHANGHAI. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all part3 of the World. -3 F ft 3 1 1*" 1 L'-ll II H £_f iAV« vi. Rill I ii^%. I, I I •'»i OEX*
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    • 197 4 1 *SJfiJ»' i) I V. 3 r j 1 I si" f Tho "FrrrnAVT Flrwo nr Pii^knth Bata* 1 is especially adapted for con ■amption in a tropieaj climate. BEHB CO. Soi.k Importers I L. A WHAY, No. 613, North Bfidgej Hoad, |a(INDIA RUBBER STAMPS )^l i> Ij L I
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    • 414 4 iiadji IBBAHtAi bijj nook mahohed, fOSNtTDRI DIALBH JJKGB to inform too public of Sin< gapota tlut he aaanowopeatj a large attablishaa««l ut No. 3il, VlCl »KIA STBiRT, »vh..Te furniture irf trnry doacrip'ioa, consistinj; of u-.»w,><)'l fta d otl.-r ch«iirs, aimiraha, t:ibles. irn b-l--■tamdt, eVo,J 1 he obtaino<l t v.-.-; moderate
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