Daily Advertiser, 13 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 19 1 ~^^^^^2A .^^^S^»^^^^^ '^^I» 3l 1 *L THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. lII.] FIUDAY APKIL IS, 1894. [NO. 998
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 424 1 IHE DAILY APVERTISER. SINGAPORE. ratk of Scbscriptiok. IVj mensem 'Km Dolter. ■v |j efl 5 cents each. pe op Advertisements. inch or part of an iiK-)i k T\\«« nth, md for long periodi Lucti a allowed. n SSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM N LVIOATION CO. < 'olljer Qu;iy. and Godovna, New
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    • 616 1 fjOMPAONIF DES ME3SAQCBIBB lIARITIMBB DE FRANCE. -:o: Telegraphio Address Jjeorue," Singapore. Thk following ;ire tlie dates on '.vhieh the mall Meani'Ts off the Messaueries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here Homhwarm Outwards C'ul.ljnien Apiil |Sth I Natal Apii! ll'h Oum April Mtk i Mtlbourne Aj.nl Mill AH steamen off
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    • 587 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, The 'Olll va 11 vu n r A"<NM. >- fonx Jr apt am* > rillHl'l'it 11. I K»he Mmrm t,SM H l E. Wilson Baswaß. Stiik-io Mum., -j.'.n-j 'A*: Oeorss W. Csnnsr. Yokohama Main 2,308 263 11. Swain, T EAVE Shanghai alternately every \vet>k on Friday or
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    • 428 1 nrOlNßfittS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. MILLWRIGHT-, Oive notice thai tliey are the accredited Agents iv the Straits, and the only tii m who have m stock, GANDY'S BELTING. Finding however tluit this Belting is liable to be aUae'cecl by White Ants and suaie UoUon Beldam to laffer from dry lot m
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    • 442 1 Powell&€o. SINGAPORE. Plbasi read tiikse fkw links BKAII THEM IN MIND. r\UR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the lar^es and most complete. It is supplied With steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, S;iwk. Lathes fee, therefore Contracts aii'i btga olden «m be put through wrrttsPßto. OUR
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    • 399 1 MILNERS' -.usedKy H. M. the Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILIfERS 1 Safe* protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Pwßlic and Private Companies MINERS' Safps are used by the British and Colonial < Governments. ADC DCQT
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  • 62 2 London 4 i.to»r'»'a sif/ht Bank Mb 2I n hH99tt P(/pcr.-j;l, W .jf/y.^ Dccume it *> a,: demmJ Bunk bills 2 (i 2t3T. 2 (> :i t'r<nice t demand 2 55 m i o/c"7 183 linn goon Jicmh? „>... 1821 Loto)pbo Honghowj f f«"*f l>lo ,n }*umgaat 7?Jioko'td .■if,
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  • 139 2 I KODUCK. Gavtbier do Cube A l, i2Ji 0 <A> <A. jV». l> 9qq Copra &>U, w» dried. S». 581 '/o Pom/iattai, ft) PepperZlacL', j't u;, '•■"> i jj*5(J >,.., V z i > i.. 1 tpttM U i u> > fl >' > I givcbc, Siam
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  • 208 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Friday, April 13, 1894 The Military Contribution and Education. The claims of this colony on tno special consi m ot the Imperial Government at the present time ba re ba n powerfully cham ionod >v Mr. J. Henniker Heaton, A! p for Canterbury. Late last year
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  • 54 2 Ci\;\ Berrka f Mer,w,tl,.. m ll l Handicap Pairs. Carlo .VIS, ;f l( B. Si Bobertooa j i, Orm Mai JCkMcT, > Tfn. an I Eyei Priday'i Ties Pbofbsuox Paiks. Lew v \i i A. Class. J- D. Mufgpn y i Uu.r I: n. Clam F<ll;n v
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  • 642 2 TUKESB/ 1 Anotfifr artistic-, ed In ihe <\.y. last night, when realirtio play of "Theresc 1 N formed. An an lience more v 01 the Company w.is pit bouse being rrowd< Fhe performance was under the rronatre and m t;;e pi H mtlcyand Officers of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 THE BTRAITSINBURANOE COMPANY, LIMITED Establish i:i> ]</;) Bmd Oflioo, BIXOAPOM. t';ijiitnl I'ully nitMMirillul...ft3 T CO0 y OOQ. Capital Paid-up M COQyuOu. Keserve Food 23,000, Reeenn Liability <i Saateholderi Balance "f Workiug Aoeonnt at :'ist illK BTRAITBFIRE INCE ABLISHED i pita] Fullj Milm-iIU I |2,< 00,000. apiiaJ l'.iiti-n]) 000 licfcerre Fund
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    • 284 2 Me A UBTEB Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Heinke <\,\ s tlu»*<' throw Diving Pumps a!\\a)'s m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup L'-uin-rs. D.vss- >, !'»-> v, Rej airing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &c. |y|o co Eari uenware Drain Pipes. 1.: Brick and Cement Coy. Ltd.)
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    • 333 2 Robinson Co. ARE now showing lar^e stock of new ijoods m all departments. Tailoring: Deportment Dross Worsted Coatings, Broad Cloth and Blue Ventians. Vicunas, Series, Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Owrcotitiugs with new liniugs, Riding BnKiches'Curd, Hosiery and Outfitting Navy und Black Cashmere 12 hose, B!aok Silk 1 2 hose. Coloured
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    • 678 2 gINGAPORK SPORTING CLUB; SPRING WEKTINO, 1694. The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, ioth and i2Lh. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY Sth. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE -Valne-1250. A Raoe for Maiden Hojses Pintclass to carry Jlsi. Second-el lust. <aml horses entered for
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    • 578 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. debarred from \vr.n\n^ inTny^aces excepi those specially provided fur them. The Race Course will be officially open for training on Monday, the lztli iunrch. Training for Roadsters will commence on the 28th April. Entries will close at noon on Saturday the 2Sth April. <y Entry Forms may
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 THE WEEK'S EN I EMEXTS. r;. pn v m Perait !i i Potter i..-i':v v I „a j^jj Sujtday J"» r i Hi::!. Wu n II i.r :,7.J^ pra rhird after Baater. SiOXDAT 16TH. HijTh Water 6.50 a.m., 8.10 p m P. O. Mail outward. Potter-BeJtew Company, "She Stoo t
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  • 685 3 > 11. Ms. pas boil Archer" leaves tv>-ilay lor Labuan and Sanuaian. Ihe I. a. Qibston arrive,! yes- t?rJj\ it nu Bai ry with 4,090 tons coal. j lHKs. s 'M „-a-amv d from i Calcutta and Penan** to-day. Pasee*. Messrs. Payne and B A private letter
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  • 176 3 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Mb*, Singapore, 1.-tii April, KS94. I. Or lerly Offioer for ensuing week Lieut. \V. (i. Bt. Clair. Orderly Stmiu f.»r ca uiug week Sergeant W. liakep ace. LI. Parade* Mon lay ."> 15 p.m. Maxim C.undrill Tueeday 1* p.m. Maxim and Balladdrill. Wedneedaj
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  • 203 3 [Supplementary. Ceylon Observer Jpril 'J Government and EuaoFlAl L>lS A KM A MIC NT London. March ;Jl.— s r William Hareourt replying to Sir James VVbite-h-ad m tiic llou^e of Commons said ihe G vcrnment would take every oeca»i< n iv promote European dtsarmameat Tai Veak's Rkvenue. London,
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  • 716 3 In the course of the debate on the j Address several reference's were made both ifl the House ot Lords and Housj j of Commons to the negotiations between England and France, «n connection with recent events m Siam. 1 1! the House of Lords the
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  • 281 3 Tuti Oimum Farm. Mr. Whitehead said he was nirprifel to learn that this was the final meeting of the SeMioa; he had intended to give notice to move tor an inquiry into the Opium Monopoly, winch wai to be renewed next ye.ir, at probai ly a lower
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  • 884 3 Tuk Impebial Biutbdat CelebraTions. THE ANHJi GOVhRNOU's DISPLAY. ONE of the duties of the jrinces, nuclei and hi<;h dignitaries of the State, of tne 1st and 2nd ranks, both at Peking and in the provinces, settled upon by the High Commissioner* of the lVrthlay Celebrations Executive Committee, of which the
    N.C. Daily  -  884 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 FOR SALE. One Chemical balance and complete Ml uf apparatus for chemical analysis. OIM copy Koseoe aud Sliorleinaicr ou Cheiui.<«try BOTH NEW. On view at the office of the Daily Adi'crtiser. April It, 1 .5 INDO-CHINAS.N.CO.LTD. FOR PENAXG AND CALCUTTA. THE Companj'i sty. WBTQ SAXO, 1,517 limm, Captain de Sr.
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    • 430 3 J MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, &c. We have now on hand the best stock of Watches of every description m the Straits, guaranteed for 1 year, and cau confidently recommend our Xickcl Keyless r > each Kosfcopf n JEWELLERY. 18 carat and 15 carat GOLD CHAIN'S DIAMOND JEWELLERY Telescopes and
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    • 587 3 ttiley Hargreaves Co* ROYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCLES. Singapore, 2iid April, 1801. THE unders gned has from to-day taken over the General Management of the Daily Advertiser In connection with the above an- I nouncement ths Proprietors of tho Daily Advertiser have to iivtimate that they hope to make considerable inpfOvewtenta on
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    • 149 3 ADVERTISEMENT. JJ. CJOKLHO, Piano tuuer and ■»v n> l nurer the attention of the public to his skill In tantai sad "•pairing iiianoi and oryraxis. He baa just returned from a visit to Deli where he has repaired and put m snod order several pianos and organs which had been
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 425 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close To-morrow IVnang and Rom bay, Bisafno, 11 a m Bangkok. Chowfa, 11 a m Kaaarfcuk, Bomea, n a iv Haaiarallfj Picciula, noon lLi.i r oon. ijnunjura, 1 [> m Keiuinnan, TriagpuM x lUlaataa Bri THasjaaa 2 p iv 1 liandjerinasin, P.iulau Laut, Paa^K, liru«- and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 208 4 John Little Co. RUDGES CELEBRATED CYCLES. -et^ price list> forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount ot 20 o o. t<»r Cash T^ Lav© i'"go assortment of Bedroom, Dining Room, aud Drawing Kocm fuixitirrf Complete Mtimitea for House Furnishing furwurded oa application. g! 1 it 1 1 Th
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    • 163 4 CENTRAL HOTEL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. raily Flotel is si- T>ignt tliroii^lioui All modern lan- tncluMl to snir--guages spoken. and sing-le roonn. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for ail parts of the World. -Jrull^rv ILUJt:ifJSJKfS If •'i i j^ 0^ 1 I -Hop BSPiKiO^m jiiii j>ii liii 2»7&*#*
      163 words
    • 183 4 i i 1 The •'Fr.M'HAVT RiAirfi of Pir.srM'h Bin" is especially Adapted for cou sajßpHon m .1 tropical climate, BEHR CO. Bdki Importers >B jib w i \-X IL. A WHAY, No. 618. North Btldge Road, |a{lIiDU RUBBER STA.MPS )r^| Look Tax Kit, DENTIST. Xo. 85, Boutb Briooi Road. DEOH
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    • 405 4 BAOJ] IBRAHIM lUN Xomt MAHoMKI). KURNITURE DKALfiR. J^!](iS to inform tho public ol gapore that he h;,:* now opened a large establishment m No 841, Stbbit, where fnrnitores of every de*crip*i m, "(»n-i-?ir.^ v»t br*i'W!»al and chair«, Hltuirabn, tables, iron Is, >V .-;im be itbtiiined ;it rerr moderate prices. Also
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