Daily Advertiser, 12 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 210 1 D VTLY ADVERT] I f 9evo One H r. |>ied •"> Cents ii. I! I I every m lin Ii Tw« 1 1 c Siugaj > <>!i 1 h. in^ <l.it>-rf HOVBWARDB I laills S :rat !•'< I >:;i\ upproxiaay it v M ;u r 1 1. lit growtL N<»ri
      210 words
    • 497 1 J .'!:\v;V!!: r>E^ MFJSSAGERIB9 MARI PIME^ DE FRANCE. T< legraphic Addr m Uoorne," Sin^ap are t 1 on Uich 8t« 1 w rs of the M "s be arrive ii km Outwauds irne kpt 1 25 th 0 fgriri •;;> tl will call** Vl'kh-. Iria, 11. Colo nb >. Sin-
      497 words
    • 567 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, 'fill -I /111 'I .Vim. y- Sfnt I. A.'., X' -2.'. 887 E Wilson UasweTl. Saikio M.tnr.. 2,912 W7 b W. Contoer. i ui Mm a 2,306 263 U. >^ui!i. r HAVE BhiD^hai alternately every week on Fridfcy or Saturday ac the till;- may sui; t' r
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    • 68 1 V W V "Spy ft vl* f S'J r x I* Ho h^mi m z!M* J M. LYON&CO., besides being the oldes En^ineci m the raits, have mad < I rial ocrin^ their special study, and are pi t to furnish Plans and htftim&tes for any industricti ostablisL a t,
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    • 458 1 9 m SfNGAPORE. Pi.-.-vm: r.::.u> tHEM it.w links BKAB TIIKM IN' MIND. f)UR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is tho larges I and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive oui Woodworking Machines, Saws, [«atbes, therefore Contracts and larjge orden can be pot throngfa WITH
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    • 405 1 MILNERS 1 SAFES MILNERS 1 rr** 1 H. M. tho Quoen. MILNERS 1 SAFES lave the Largest Sale m the World. SAFES More th:m 300,000 MILKERS' 5 protect the valuables of the principal Banking, Railway, Insurant o. :ind other Public and Private Companies lflLNEßB*Bafei are used byrhe British and Colonial
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  • 65 2 I London 4 tnonth'% tujht Bank bill* i,\ I I'Hvate Paper 2/]% i*) day* tight Documents ii.ll «> S.l| ,i demand Bank bills 20* *r. 20 »i >ari ce-t demand.. 2 55 z m —./..v/ii. i io /o Jr.^ ##> IS3 liaiigoon f fSHiS* •'<;»» mi Colombo Hongkong
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  • 74 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS' 1'KODUCE. Gambter 77 do Cfafejfc.1, jjfVo </<> «/o 2 <;;; )0 Copra Bah, sun dried 5 8) ?epper Black i, M ?cgo Flour, So. 1 ..'.7.7 J'S *ear/ 6V1/70, codec hmii. n^ii 4 £S U/i» Libyan, mhkU Jay toco small Fi<tk«, A l*t ,/ualif' Z r'^ iaket
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  • 82 2 SINGAPORE SHARE LIST. BANKS. Hongkong an-J Shanghai „rem M 0,0 Bank of Qnna, J ,pau ami Si i aits L», tfC *2* -National D^k ot Chi*, Dm V, iJO INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. i 4 qa liisur:iucc Co. m li^. .;,o i>UCK>!. ggMr «s Buve 8 MLNBS AND GENKUAL. fr
    82 words
  • 271 2 The Daily Advertiser Sinapore, Thursday, April 12, 1894 The New Chinese M. L. C. Mr. Seah Liang Seah. It now seems to bo quite an established fact that Mr Seah Liang Seah is to bo ,he Chinese representative m the Legislative Council for the ensuing term of three years The
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  • 215 2 Wkdnfsimy s Puv. llamomaf Doum.cs %H PaorawKw i'Aii'.s. Meicliant 11. v A. SoUOLOi Kg-rton U *c v cj I*. SINGLKy. McArthur Lat K^l| c ihuuuun jjorrtu. >! U^ Mcl>uu*al v. J(i. ilclV«r», Unfinished Tit*. Handicap Doubles. B. Snout EJlin McCUk^ Thursday's Tits. tin] Strrjei j Orman and
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  • 98 2 On 'J uesiiay, a private C»H was being driven at a rapid mtt the neighbourhood of Cross N., a 1 when Luriiin^ a euTDer there Inocke-J down a C'un.iinun, and weittOW botli trout and back wheels pa* over his boay. and sevcrdv iaju liim. I— lead oc
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  • 71 2 Tue quantity of Tei on whi 1 w;» s paid at all tlu bordffl it iHe Unit.-d Kingdom was in*" l .June I<HM to Wth F.bruarv I^'» less tlmn 159,796,938 lbs. Of this M o/o was Indian o/o Ceylon, and 14 o r o t'liina. The quantity
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 546 2 THE STRAITSINftURWCE COMPANY, LIMITKD. Established IMS. Ilead Office, SiNn aporb.' Onpital Fully Subscribed. ..s3,ooo,ooo. Capital Paid-up M 600,00<>. U<*erve Fund 25,000. Ke&erve Liability of Shareholders $2,4UU,000. jlance of Working Account at 31st I Dec 1891 $404,722. THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1886. Capital Fully Sul>pcribed $2,000,000. nyital Paid-up
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    • 325 2 McAi.ister Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear Diving Pumps Heinke (Vs tliree throw Diving Pumjis always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresses, Boots, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Underclothing, &c. &o. ft]c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Drain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy Ltd.) J 4," 6," 9." 12,"
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    • 329 2 Are now allowing a large stock of new i goods m all department*!. Tailoring: Department Drusa Worsted Coatings, Broad Cloth and Blue Ventians. Vicunas, Serges, Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Overcoatings with new linings, Riding Breeches.Cord. Hosiery and Outfitting: Navy and Black Cashmere 1/2 hose, Black Silk 1/2 hose. Coloured Merino
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    • 743 2 gINGAPOUE SPOTTING CLUB. SPRING ifJBKTINO, 1894: I The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, ioth and PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, MAY BtH. First Race. MAIDEN PLATE —Value— s3so. A Raw for Maiden Hoises Firstc ass to cam- list.; Second-class lUst. and horses
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    • 493 2 I SiNGAPOttfe SPOftflNG CLUB. Griffins rtoadßter.. a hu CllbWay, re debarred frorh r.,noin? m any race, tZXm SPebia y Pr VideJ The Race Course will he officially I e hM» r r or iiig<)nMond^ th Entry Forms may be had on application to the Acting Secretary, or at the Race
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 170 2 jd THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. S. V. A. Drill, :>.lop.m Lodge Zetland tt«mUar, 8.3u p.m Potter- Bellew Company, Tuwu Hall, 9 p.m., TWin." •e Land Anctiou at p. m at Crane n liros>: J Friday 13th. y Hi?h Water *J| a ra 4 .> 8 M(K,n l?i wt Quarter, 7 28
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  • 370 3 Tin s. s'Thr.i botn X ao" arrived gkonjr this morning bringiug l iiiin'.v aMenge***. i Bisa^o" arrived r*s- If m Hongkong with SJI Chilest .isseagers. 1 Rijah Brooke" came m From Sarawak bringing Sis- iund aud go deck pti— n^crs. aling a hair pin from a *'<
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  • 97 3 A i wight hay.» led to serious t occurred yestrrdav evening »onh Bridge Road. A carriage >ag ;i iady and a nyntlil— was ln X Bp from Bemch Ron I. and ft* ?rotsing a rickshaw containing two :fi^e nuuigfd to get rigbt m trout of the hor«e and
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  • 201 3 Arrival of the New Flagship For the China Station. Last night 11 M. S. Centurion C»j)t X s. Pee, 10,. r )0() tons, with a crew oi fi2Q officers and nieu arrived from Ooloatbo. She is one of the yeaHels contracted for und<T tho Naval Defenco Act and li.ih just
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  • 1074 3 The following editorial I 'liver.in cc is from the latest London Com merco. T.r re is a combination of the s**vere!v practical with the sent;, mental m proposal to establish, for Eastern currency purposes, a Bri»ish ikllar. As every child kno.v^ ir sh< v! 1 know, the
    1,074 words
  • 938 3 London and China Express, Mar. IG. Mr. Libouchere spoke m support of his opinion that the Prime Minister ought not to be a peer of the real n, aud assert d that t^e Parliabientary position of Home Rule was wholly changed by the words uttered by
    938 words
  • 750 3 The following are returns to Alexander Del Mar, London «jf the preciou- metal*) produced daring the year I ISIKJ "Silver is oO*ttp«U*d at the average L-»nd >n market price for the year, namely d~>'i 1 per trcjr ounce sterling Nlandanl. In come cases
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 latent rjiHE EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA A CHINA TELEGRAPH COY. LIMITED. \\YING to the continued depreciation m the value of the Dollar 1 the consequent loss to the Coat* ptiny iv remittances of Out payments to other Telegraph Adminintratioai, the chargei for Telegram* from SINGAPORE, PENANG AND I MALACCA will i>e
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    • 342 3 J MOTION CO Watchmakers, Jewellers, &c. Wl have now on han 1 the best stoe'e <t Wateheaof every description m the Straits, guaranteed for 1 yeur. anil can confidently recoainteud our Nickel kVjleei each Reokopl (a JKWEL L E B V 19 carut and \o carat GOLD CHAINS DIAMOND J
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    • 593 3 Riley Hargreaves Co. ROYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCLES. Notice. Singapore, i id Ai»ril, 1594. THE und«»rs gned has from to-d;iy 1 I taken over the General Management of the M Daily Advertiser J. GRAHAM. In connection with ».he above announcement th^ Proprietor! of tho i Daily Advertiser have to intimate that they
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    • 143 3 ADVERTIHEMENT, H. C OKLHa rißLno tuner repairer, culls the attention of th« public to his Hkill m tuning and repairing pianos and orspm*. H«» hai just retHrned from a visit to Deli, where he Ims repaired and put m good order several piauos and organs which had been given np
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 423 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close To-morrow for Bangkok, Phi a Chom Kino, 11am I'iainliie, Kmn Ann, lpm Malacci, I'orl Dioksuii. lelok Ansson »'id Klaug Will o' tlie Wisp, A j». m. MaUc-cit.iPoit Dicksuu and Klutig, Sri Pegatan, '.i p. m. BSBiaiWßgi Piiciola. 4pm Mea t Mail Outward, P. Ji O.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 John Little €o. r I/is RUDCES CELEBRATED CYCLES. < j'nplete price list? forwarded on application, from which we allow a Discount o\ 2<; o \>. foi Caafc I i ii /tv. v^« jr t J*i H |^PL_3 -'Jlf 1 j \ty *1 v j,,'.. ——.-^L'-.i^" L We fca7« x I»'g9
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    • 367 4 CIBIWTHLAI-. HOTEL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. All modem lun- 5 tat-ln-il to suir-. gnages spoken. -^i^^^^Q ""'1 single rooms. X.B.— Tele<rr,iphic Address, li CENTRAL," 80ANOHAI. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all pirts of the World. Mill' m^w^ mr i i L. K. Ericsson 4 Co/s V j
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    • 428 4 HADJI IBRAHIM BIN Xooii MAHOMED, FURNITURE DttALRR JjKQB u> i.ifor:ii t!i.. public <>t S g*\n#* t!nr Uo \v^ n.nv eptad ;i larj(e estaUUhment al So. 341, Vi. i\»uia S:n .vb >re ftirnif :ir^ pv.m-\- ,i Kori ri >n, UMMtinj* <»t !»r-.> vV,IO lM othv'f ihairt, nliuirahit, tables iro«i »tea«U, »V
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