Daily Advertiser, 2 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 418 1 'llii: DAILY ADVERTISEI gINGAPORB. Rate <»f Subsckiptioh. P.-r mensem < >ne Dollar. BS 5 c.mts each. Rate op Adverttsmsiits. inch ot- part of an inch, Tw er month, und for long period i luction is allow L pEST c BULAR AND ORIENTAT 1 STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ortice. Collyer Quay. T«s
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    • 620 1 I, nOMPAGNIRDESMEsSAGEUIES I MARITIME* DE FRANCE. Telegraphic Address 1 w Lieorqe," Singapore. Ti!R following are the dat-s on which the mail steamers of the Messagerles itinies may be expected to arrive j :e!e Homewards Outwards Caledonien April 10th Natal April 11th Oxua April 24th Melbourne April 25th i Ail Stesmen
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    • 599 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Tin Cimfpanf i'h Xoih. r r Ton* j. lt apt n ins Kobe IA/rn... 2.«.»00 387 E. Wilson Haswell. &>iltn> Mar*.. 1,912 387 Georne W. Conner. Yokohama Ma ru'l.'AQi 263 R. Swain, r EAYE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit
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    • 179 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS SHIP BUILDERS 1 Machine Shop Shipbuilding Yard,— Albion Eng-ine Works, Beach Road. Opposite the General Post Office Light Draught Steamers and Launch, Colonial Wood Working Machinery, Improved Catile Powers and Windmills, Anglo-Malay Ploughs and Harrows, Ac, Ac.', EaSaierll 1 olTee Hullers and Separators,
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    • 448 1 Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. Please read thkse few lines beau thkm m mini). :o: QT7R FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the larjjes I and most complete. It is supplied i with steam power to drive our Wood working Macbines, Saws, Lath.es, &c., therefore Contracts and lar^re orders can
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    • 402 1 I Bl MILNERS* SAFES MILNERS' are nsc(l by H. M. tho Queen. MILNERS' SAFES have the Largest Sale m tho World. SAFES More than 300,000 MILNERS' Safes protect the valuables ol the principal Banking, Railway, Insurance, and other Public and Private Companies MILNERS 1 Safes are used by the British
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  • 80 2 Louden I mantk't mat tlimh I Hit J 1.1 7'r. Pap r 1 I. •v» dam* tight Djcnme t$ 2 «U M ,'.e>".ini Bank Hils 2/l| J.:. 2 1 ttucr,,te*tand J. r > > rmu ij u to r S:;^ ■i .yon liuarat > 183 l ol* mba
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  • 91 2 LATEST MARKET Q UOTATIONS i'lio'orvL. Gam^ier, 7~."> do Cult Mo. l, I-J.: 0 do do Ao. 2 8.00 Copra halt, own, dried 810 do Pontianak, 0 (HJ Pepper Black, Ssye Flour, Xu. 2Kb fearl cases, 8.51, Coffee Bali, Picks d 41..".' Coffee Liberia,/, picked -x^.O Jtiptoco small if'luktt, -1.. I
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  • 96 2 BANKS. Hongkong and Shanghai prera 91 o/o I'ank of China, Japan and St i a. is I lisct ->i o/o Natioual Bank ol China Disct oo o/u INSURANCE. Straits Insurance Coy. 10.50 Straits Fire 12.00 Sin^apoie lnsurincc Cj. m liq. .50 DUCKS. Taujong Pagar Dos 178.50 Now
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  • 574 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Monday, April 2, 1894. Sir Charles Warren, R.E., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., General Officer Commanding the Straits Settlements. OX the day of tho departure from cur Bhores ot such a dist inguished soldier, it is only fitting that we should join m what we believe is a very
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  • 1154 2 (Cosdexsbd raoM London and China E.XPBBSS.) 'OOBT and PaBI lAMBNT. The Court. The Quycn held a Drawing Room at Buckingham Pala c on Oth instant eheo about 150 presentations were made. Her Majesty leaves lor Florence on 13th instant. On the recommendation of Mr. Gladstone peerages have
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  • 241 2 '•Thanks," said the Rere-end Djc tor, taking the match snd lighting tl cigar. This reminds i match. Did you aver I l ,:1 ol those branch-line, indepe i Bs-you-please Southern railv did once and the monoton) by a lovely incident. An v tor the conductor
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 •IIHE STRAITSINSFRANCE COMA PANY. LIMITED. ESTAIILISHEI) ISSo. Head Office, BI^OAPOatB. 1 f'a].ital Fully Subscribed.. .ft^.rOi.OOO. Capital Paid-ap ,T 600,00u. Raaaarve Fund 2"»,0(X). Reserve Liability of Bhsreapßaare $2,400,000. Pahnce of Woricing Acconnt at 3Ut J Dee, \s\H $404,728. rpHE STRAITB FIRE INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Estabusbbd 1886. Capital Fully Bubacribed $2,000,000.
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    • 332 2 McALISTER Co. Have m Stock. Pearling Requisites. Diving Gear I Diving Pumps Ueinke (Vs tbree throw Diving Pumps always m Stock. ALSO Diving Hose, Cup Leathers, Dresses, BootH, Repairing Cloth, Solution, Undarolothingj &c. &c. |b]c /\LiSTER CO Earthenware Dbain Pipes. (Hongkong Brick and Cement Coy. 4," o." 9.*' 12," 18"
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    • 678 2 Robinson Co. I A UE notr showing a large stock of new goods m all departments. Tailoring- Department Droßs Worsted Coatings, Broad Cloth and Blue Veutians. Vicunas, Serges, Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Overcoatings with new linings, Riding Breeches, Cord. i Hosiery and Outfitting: Navy and l)lack Cashmere 12 hose, Black
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    • 397 2 Municipal Notice. The Municipal Commissioners require tho undermentioned officers (1) Chief Sj,n 1 ivy inspector at a salary offlOM p r tAenssm with an allowance of $36 ocr menBern for the maintenance of two ponies. (2) Market Inspector at a salary of $60 per mensem. A knowledge of Colloquial Malay
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    • 454 2 Notice. Singapore, 2nd April, 1394. THE unders'gned has from to-day taken over the General Management of the Daily Advertiser" J. GRAHAM. In connection with Uie above announcement the Proprietors of tho Daily Advertiser have to intimate that they hope to make considerable improvements on the paper very shortly. It is
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 THE WEEKS ENGAGEMENTS. II IXDAY 'J .Vii. Departure of Sir Charles MTarren 1' and Q 111 01. Boole Auction (John If. Baxter, at Powc p.m. Trasi at )bd. Church Work Asso 'ietion mo th v meet ing, il iffl Girla J p.m. ire A :e;io.i ai Cfcae a. 2 p.m.
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  • 259 3 Bright Celestials: by John Coming Chinaman." (finaaj Irast ttc.) THIS volume should be read by all Bfhoare interested m the social questions which affect our intercourse with China. It deals with Mash subjects as Opium, Chines- Bm i gratioo, S -eret Societies, the Social Bvil, the Christian Mi siocary problem,andt/hineseantiforeiga
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  • 100 3 Celestials, By Jma CominjrChinaman. (Fisher Unwin.) It is imp si ble to deal, m a snort allotted with a novel ot 6»o ctoselyI ig b, which, a^ Mr. Ac'nmt informs u< m late preface, -noil questions a> tn ».se of I sse em ition,
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  • 175 3 t on the Ci lel!< irj Forests 1) larrment tor 1893 i iv lbs 4 Government ti 'lot the Gardens worked 1 imber of vi-ltora was as UsUal, and included tuany I mists of note. J gical eolle.tion proved IS ia former years and Iting animals and
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  • 153 3 '"»g for the purpose of ?tha Bengal Branch of ir Institute of India took 30tk of January. It was attended, and H > Honor the Pernor of Bengal pre--Burg« on-Colonel Harvey m addreaa explained to the -h« objects and reasons for iouuding ol such i.n
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  • 956 3 M.R, R. W. Maxwell's property realised good prices on Saturday. Baron de Horn invested largely. The Lime-light views given at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home on Saturday were very interesting. The members of the Church Work Association meet to-morrow at the Baffles Girls School at 4 o'clock.
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  • 183 3 A few days ago a Hinghua woman sold her only daughter, a girl of 13 years of age, as a slave, to a Foochow man for $1 ,(J, but the girl ran away and returned to her uiotner. The mother sold her again to another man for
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  • 300 3 As to the so-called yellow f.-ver scare so often spoken of a.noug-t Scotch and English people, it is nothing more nor less than rum fever," which most meu coming from the United Kingdom are uuaole to withstand tor long, owing to the hard work and wretched "society"' they have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 John Little Co. PAINT. PAINT. Paint raixej ready for uso m 21b and 7lb tins fitted wi:h Patent lids similar to those supplied with Asni--I .all's Eu mi< 1, thus enabliug tho tin to be hcrmatieally closed and preserving the unused paint from becoming thick. In stock iv the following
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    • 472 3 DEATH, On Wednesday, 28th March, 1894, at 7 p. m., AhIIAS, the Malay Vocalist, at his residence. No. 4. Tiverton Lane, Tanglin, agod 80 years. $a.<st §idui;i[ti^meirtn. V 4F sa?^ a a^O J? <^ a>^ FACTORY, 43, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Wanted. "{JSE of light carriage or doaesrt about kWn silentoena
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    • 502 3 Katz Bros. m I j The latest Winchester Repeating Shot Qua, Medal, 1893, 12 bore. The Birrell ia I of rolled steel, 30 inches long. Total weight of gun 7| fb. With SliJing Forearm Movement. EH II is Ba^ quick and easy of manipulation from the shoulder, simple m construa-
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    • 244 3 JN OTICE. rpHE undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has under- I taken to euro patients suffering from SZternal piles of any description m Bor j 9 days' time by the simple application of certain valuable Indian Medicines I without resorting to the usual but painful course
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 303 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close for To-morrow Honckone and Japan, Benlawers. 11am Saijron. Tibre, noon Palemban<», Carolina, 3pm Penang and Calcutta. Kutsangr. 3pm Malacca. Klan? and Penan*;. H>e Leon" 3 d m Sarawak. Rajah Brooke. 4 p ni" Batavia. Cheribon. Samarann. Oian* Ann. 4 pm Lahnan, Kudat. Sandakan. and Brunei,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 John Little Co. i i i ■•■•field Drawing Room Suite upholstered m Saddle Bags and Velvet, comprising 7 ft. Spring Couch, 2 Divan rs, ml 6 im-ill Ch-iita, Complete $275.00. Solid Walnut Drawing Room Suite upholstered m Silk Tapestry, comprising Couch, Lady's an 1 Gont's Easy Chairs and 6 small
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    • 150 4 GJ&aJtf'X'R.Alui HOTEL SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. l-^^l'i 1 ik HIA llMa. .^^^asßßWaaaafc 9^^S^^bbbbsss^^s fl BbbbbT**S> Zsn BBBWVsiif Fma¥ IbbbT ■aaßaal BaaaaJ BBS ■^flgSw F. E. REILLY, Proprietor. N.B.— Telegraphic Address, CENTRAL/ SHANGHAI. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all parts of the World. la a- VPSv It jii'ir**
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    • 182 4 The "Flfphant Baißß or Pll>KN^h Bbbb* 1 is especially adapted for cou sumptit-n m a tropical climate. BEHR CO L. A WHAY, No. 613, North rMdge Hoad, l!f(roiA ROBBER STWPSra a!o^*j3 rV-^i -e\ pj sy-ai'i HJ t gfi'B&iutr dp/rev rtpi&dmj ILook Van Kit, DENTIST. No. 25, South Bbibob Road. HEC.S
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    • 413 4 BAOJI IBRAHIM BIN NOOK MAHOMED. FURNITURE DEALER, |)EGS to inform the public of Singapors that he has now opened b lar^e eatablithinent at No. 341, Victobu Stbbbt, ehere furnitures of every description, ronsiating of bentwood aud other chairs, alntiraus, Bibles, iron stead-, osc, etc, .-an be obtaiasdsl rery mod-rate prices.
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