Daily Advertiser, 5 March 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 26 1 M r I > i t m f V*- -<- i V f' JIT 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1390. AOL. III.] MONDAY, MABCH 5, 189-1. [NO. 966
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 IM )VER1 XGAJ I Si I One Ik) lar. I' 1 eenta I; n op Advertm inrl, orpai -j- 4 for long period* illlo U i II 1 v ORIENTAL S VVIGA I'l Q 'ir. Da r J up nsible f 1U A ITH THE <i i'.-s nn n j
      108 words
    • 207 1 ins select Pa- fa, —^"v—^ infix- ir.f.i J S^jS^^^fe^ >*-^^ r j] ie Electric tro of th, svrtu!." "^^^^^^fr'^^^^^v Ho premises, "HMit facing- tlio "l^M view .if I Ifi I^^^^K, tlH' surrounding fe^KSl^^M and Dresscountry. \X-.- S^^HS^"^ with afii^si r l coW wa Aii,,,.* n |1 Hi*""- f,?l., ?1 V:
      207 words
    • 24 1 parts ortne V7ori;. iiley llargreayes Co. ROYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCLES. CONTRACTORS) ro L 76, BRASS BASSA ROAD. TOWN DEPOT, j. I >:\\'.\xs, 0. W. ALEXANDER.
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    • 668 1 Posada Elagante (very fine dry) Sherry .9:1 perdoi QOMPAGNIE DES MEBSAGERIEB MARITIMEa DE FRANCE. :«>: Telegraphic Address rioorne, 91 Singapore. T hk following arc the dates on which the mail steamers of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive 1 HOMBWARDfI Outwards Xanra Jaa.l6th Saglauilien Jan 17th Natal Jan.
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    • 246 1 Posada Cfae Rions, 1884, Clare! il per doz. THE MERCANTILE BAN X OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporate,! under the Company. Act iB6j to 1890.) Capital (60,000 shares ol g 35 c^;;;;;;|: Raaioai3o: W0. 65, Old Bro^Street, London, «.o MOMM. JARDINg, SKIVKRRi Co --nr v President ef the Benjfal, Calcntta). HoBtBT VVILUAM
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  • 36 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Monday, March 5, 1894. The New Opium Bill. To-MOBEOw we sIimII continue to discuss the defects of the New Opinm Bill, fche Bpe--1 cmi subject being The Modicinal uses of Opium.* 1
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  • 248 2 In our correspondence column of Saturday we published h Letter from a Chinese Baba on the subject of the treatment, meted out to his confreres m prison. The writer draws comparisons between his people and the Babas of other nation*, Eunisiana m particular, and shews that while the
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  • 473 2 AYe are induced to touch upon this matter to-day with a view to endeavour to impress upon the public the ab solute necessity of caution m the use of water. Yesterday the supply was cut oil" lor a few hours m order to relieve tiie strain now
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  • 383 2 THE following is the first review we have us vet received of John Coining' Chinaman new book. The "Glasgow Herald" of 7ih ultimo says: p Bright Cel-.sti'.'ls. By John Coining (Juinaiiiau. (London: T. Fisher Inwiii.) This 14 decidedly clever bojk. itul w-i 111 an t.iult is th.it occasionally
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  • 393 2 In ihe Graphic m the representation ot v curioH liimu, devUed by ;i Javanese burglar, wh > made good use of it at Jokji, the capital ot an independent province of the sim name m Java. It is cut out ot ;i piece of wood m
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  • 1019 2 A portion of the Chinese Pei-Yi, (Northern) *q -iadron under the con mand of Admiral Tinjr J u Chai comprising the ironclad flagship T* 1 Yueu" under Commodore Lew I'!' Chin, the armoured vessels w Yuen," C»puia Lin Yang Hi,,, "Lai Yuen," Captain Kew Pow(si
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 625 2 rpHE STRAITS INSURANCE COML PANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Offico, SinoaPOrk/ 1 Capital YvUj Subscribdl...s3,oO'\OOO. Capital Paid-up COO.HOo. Kmterve Fund •_'".O(X). Reserve Liability of Shareholders 82,400,000. Kalance of Working Acoonnt at Slai s Dec, IS'.U $404,783. THE STRAITS VIBE INSURANCE j 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Established LBB6. Canital Fnllv Bnbacribed $2,000,000.
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    • 692 2 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Tin' Company* Xom. c.. /mi* (apt a i n*. Ni amt rx it. I. Kohr Muru.... MOO 107 E. Wilson Haswell Sriiliio .Viiru.. 1,913 187 OsotHi W. Conner, Yokohama .Varu 2.308 20."> U. Swain, T HAVE filioaghol altornatoly everj week on Friday or Satunlay as tne ti<l»'
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    • 484 2 Straits Music EstaWistimeet (LATE MISQUITH C 0.,) NO. 11, ARMENIAN STREET. 1 i I :o We bejr to' inform oilr friends and the Public m general that from the Ist to 31st December, 1893, the following Discount will be allowed on Goods purchased for CASH. 25 per cent on Music
      484 words
    • 112 2 Notice. r\N and after the Ist of January, 1894 i yj the Right, Title, and Goodwill of > the undersigned m the Daily Adver- I ti£er M ceased. All monies due to the office np to the Slat December, 1893, should be paid to him, and all monies due by
      112 words

  • 1394 3 I uk Straits Association Committen W p.m. t«i-(lay. Phrbi will be Philharmonic (choral) at i>*3o p. m. to- lay. I. an«l o. steamer Bosetta' Ironi China is exnected at a.m. to- Church Work Association t evening at tha liaf- ties iris' School. 1\ another column will he
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  • 134 3 (Siam Free Prestt.) February 23rd.— The Chamber has voted the seven franc duty on grain. General Doddf h;;s been replaced by a civil (iovernor at Dahomey, Big. Soninno has demanded national retrenchment to tlio extent of 4.) millions of lire<, a hundred new t:ixes, ami the conversion of
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  • 470 3 Instrument ander lv« hand of li's Exc«)ll«ncj Bir Oliarlea 15ul!tn llu^li Mitehel!, k. C m. G and the I'ubTic Bealoi the Oolouy, appointing a Deputjr Gov. rnor. Si,- Charles Dullen Hugh Mitchell, Knight Commander of tlit- Mom Distinguished Order of Saint Ifiebael and Saint (i«M>rge, Governor
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  • 91 3 Produce. Oambier 8 30 do Cube So. I, 12.;-0 do do Au. -2 9.00 j Copra Bali, sun dried 625 j do Ponlianak, 585 j Pepper Black 9.g j &ago Flour, No. 1 2.60 I i Pearl Sago, 3.50 I Collet Bali, Picked 41.50 Coffee Liberia n,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 615 3 Snitii IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF TIK m Bt. NICHOLAS SOCIETY." LECTURE on "Palestine" by 11. E Major General Si-.- Charles Warren i 11. X 0 C. il. (i., On Wednesday tho 21st March, at 9 p. m li the 8. v. A. Drill Hall, kindly jeru f. >r
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    • 505 3 Katz Bros. 3 The latest Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, Medal, [8&3, 12 bora. TV Birr*!! is H of rolled steel, 30 inches long. Total weight of gun 7 [\h. With Sliding Forearm HI MovoTnent. l' s Bu^ e quick and easy of manipulation from the shoulder, simple m constrac- tion
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 151 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will CLOSE fok To»MOBBOW Hr.n^kolc. <i'»r, ■>::. 10 a m rale.nii.in^, nrolini, 3pm huunibavu. Hupali, Itpia Lai>iuui, Kutiui. .->.i!ilak;in, an>l Hnnu-i, Uanee. 3 |> m Mn!:u:ra. Kian<r aii'l PeßSag, liyc Leun r 3p. iv Hauibu.,-. Ua|»haA| 1 p Hi U'k!'M:>i>ay Pfßsj. Raagoon, Calcutta, Pundua, p m .M.i
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    • 204 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. AHIMVALS. Mabci r British str Sappho. Wahl, from Klang, Straits Steamship Co. Lid. Dutch str Kongflee, Schnur, Jfrorn Sonrabaya, WT. Mansfield A Co* Btitisii str Ben veaue, Thorns >n, from Hongkong, Patewon Simon ft Co. British str Hydra. MoGill, from Bangkok, W. Mansfield Co. French tra Cachar, Canavaggie,
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    • 332 3 British itrGiang Ann, Foil***, from Sam trang, Tan Tian KUn A Sons. British str Kian fang, Naoodah, from liaar, Bun ll in Jk Co. Feb. 3. British str Sri Bong Ann. Rozelk from Klang, \V r ee Bin Co. British str Meera, M > ris, from Xl m^', Straits -teutnslnp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 I^ GIOLDENBERG, M.inuficturer of EU R oiMCA N t TR U N KS, 81, RRAM BAB6A Pom.. Singapore. A Baroaik. PETITIONS il awn ip» private work attended t'», besides «verj desurip t ion d!" work Mm within the province of a Lioeiwud Conveyancer. Colloquial M.'l:i\ t :i it Terms m<>«ler.itv.
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    • 111 4 I iVe^ r J 7"*-''' ■JiHifti < f^- > fnr^yi t *yf''i I :j <J»'-* T -I v^ f"r'- "*s??* Swiißr .aati Sh'ai j,. 7 %if"- n 1 iB **> ■> <•.,„.;,. Drawing -r- Ku u:,u.,! < i >^^ :-..r:^. Complete >!.'>ihi. mici. f. (l y-> :i t j j
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    • 435 4 ,i Powell Co. SIMJAPOiRE. PlkAji RftAD iMKsr rtw mm BEAR TBRM IN MINI. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY ii m Orchard Uoad, fend m th<* Largei :intl inott complete. It i* tnppKe ■with steam power to tlvivi» our Woodworking Machines, 8 i\v>. I.;it):e>. .Vc therefore Contracts and large i :■•>• cull
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