Daily Advertiser, 3 March 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 25 1 JS*™^^^ ./j^^^^^^ J V*' "f r/J^* \Vt\ v&^ f_**~~ T^™'^™** fS T" THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. III.] SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1891. [NO. 965
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 375 1 Pomda Full ]\I«-«: !n faweet) Madeiras $12.00 per dos. THE DAI] r ADVERTISER" SINGAPORE. l.'A'iK <•;■ SUBBCRIPTIO2 Per m< nsem < )ne Dollar. .10 centi R \Ti: OF A DVKRTI M K9TB. everj inch or paH ol an inch Tw«i re per month, and For long period* ion is allowed.
      375 words
    • 137 1 This s ,U,t Fa- T] o Mectrio lnll v Motel is si- t• i .-I i 4All modern l«n- ll^^^K|i t«che,i to suites Gfuages spoken. £^^^^tt ami single roon.s. F. E. REILLY, Proprietor. N^B.— Telegraphic Address, CENTRAL," SHANGHAI. Circular Notes issued by THO3. COOK SON for all parts of the
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    • 16 1 Rlley llargreaycs Co. c I I X .^s BOYAL "PSYCHO n BICYCLES. i .i I, i
      16 words
    • 657 1 Posada Emjmms (very fine dry) Sherry $11 per do z ftOMPAGNIfI DES MK3BAOBRIBB MAKITIMES DE FRANCE. -:o: Telegraphic Address M Licorne," Singapore. TnK following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the ftfoingoriu! Maritimes may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Yarra .Jan. 16th Sashunlien Jan. 17th
      657 words
    • 355 1 I Posada Coteß Rions, I^B4, Claret, «7 per doz. T l l EM ERCANTILE BANK' or INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated under the ComuniM Act 1802 to ,8 9 0.) Capital (60.000 shares ol JS s l „,sc R1 b,,> r^l Jl~ HealOffl3»: No. 65, Old Broad Street, London, ko OounofDlroibrs: Sm
      355 words

  • 374 2 lHB latest homo news, by the mail, is to the effect that quite a commotion was caused a month ago by the, Pall Mall Gazetto" stating, with tho evident en dcntials of authority, that Mr. Gladstone WOU] H'tly
    374 words
  • 185 2 THE annual Dinner of the Singapore Debating Society took j>l;:«'<> at the Club last night, and was a brilliant success. We give a condensed report of that public function m unothor column. Among tne speeches was a particularly ii.-sppy one byMr. Bromhe.id Matthews, who proposed the
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  • 1010 2 Minutei of Proceedings of tlie Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting ou Woduesduv, 1-ith February, 1#94. Phesent The President, Alex Gentle, Esq., The Inspector-General of Police, 11. W. Maxwell, Esq., T. Sohst, Esq AY Nan son, Esq G. C. Wray, Esq., The lion: T. Sbelford, c.m.g. The Hon.:
    1,010 words
  • 109 2 concerto* bad to w,, k>K Facts hare transpired to-,| iV \r oTerhuD^o« tl.o national g^ .situation. fh»t matter* U^ from Ud to worse is realwad b, ■eetionsol rmsinett people. woch iiMj-ortmco is MUched t, annoanfc merit that t! 10 New V" v bttukon have chanced their toward! Mr. Carlisl^
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  • 186 2 Proceedings in Congress-Disloyal-ty to President Cleveland. Washington. January The Rowing disloyalty ol ol th,. D«?rn (craiic party m toward. President Cleveland coming more marked, i'n things has beea ren lered m nent by the debate on the i,.,- and during which Senator s „.r uotning forward on behalf o publicans,
    Glasgow Herald  -  186 words
  • 611 2 >ruarij Id The Standjrd says: fhc off ment m refereoca to tfa r ft Mi -i >ue's impending r tion, nl tli >ugh it cannot be ra much towards satisfying |i >iry, i> nevertheless a co ninuu ran >v ot ibe highest import. Lt« upon the fortunes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 505 2 rVUF. BTRAITB INSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. BBTABUBBID 1883. Head Oftoe, BnroAPOftß. 1 «'n]-iinl Fully Bvbteribed.. .s:?,oo'\noo. Capital Paid-up 600,00u. Reserve Fund fXfiOO. Reserve Liability of Bhareholden $2,400,000 Ralanee of Working Aceounl at :Ust Dec. 1> .»1 1404,722. rpllK BTRAITB FIRE INBURANCK 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. Bstablubbd 1886 Capital Pullj Bubscribed 12,000,000. Capital
      505 words
    • 711 2 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. n^:::r;: j v ;v c^a* i A".'^ .V./r«.... 2.900 387 E Wilson Hnswril. Soiki* Mar*.. 2,5)12 Sh; Owi.-o W. Conner. Yokohama Muru 2,308 263 It. .S\\;iia, T BATS nhenghal alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, SHiHOHOBBKI, Kobe, md Yokohama.
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    • 461 2 Straits Music Establishment (LATE MISQUITH C 0.,) NO. 11, ARMENIAN STREET. Ws be<r to inform our friends and the Public m g-eneral that from the Ist to 31st December, 1893, the following Discount will be allowed on Goods purchased for CASH. 25 per cent on Music and small Goods, 10
      461 words
    • 106 2 Notice. QN ard after the Ist of January, 1K94 the Riffht, Title, and Good#i)l of the undersigned m the v Daily Advertise ceased. All monies due to the office up to the 31st December, iBi)3, should be paid to him, and all monies due by the office will be paid
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  • 622 3 iHB Annual Dinner <»t the above Society was held last evening at the Singapore Cub. Tin- re was a lar^e attendance o( members, and .Tin tng the gue*ta v. re IJ. ]<J. Major-General .^ir Charles Warren, the Hon'bJe the < In. i Justice, Justices (iutv and
    622 words
  • 239 3 I report of the Board of Ike peri .1] i^t Dcoember ffj 1 5rf. 4 0 leaving* dc- <)! #«99*9 on U>e itt make, a t.tal defidl is falling ..ff m the receipts from Pew Kent?, amounting to $913.97 as against $936.9* during llir
    239 words
  • 525 3 The S. c. C. 2nd Eleven play G" Company this afternoon at Taaglia. THI outward I> ft Tackct Ro- hi!!. t was signalled at IV-naix' at 6 a m. to lay. A Rugby Football Match will be played between th.- Navy and S. C.U. on Ihuixlay next
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  • 742 3 i BiQial in«Mn,.r.u)']um states that 73 P l^, were kiilt d ai Campong Sai--"n, between 3.20 and 5.15 a.m. .yesterday, while at J.iian Bc>ar. 37 r»»g*j 5 "beep a«d 6 ifoali were killed between 3 .md 4.30 ;un A thief.broke into a house ecu )ied by ricksha c
    742 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 387 3 Treatment of Straits Chinese Babas in Prison. bin,— liiis subject has been under the consideration of a number of respectable C'iiinese Baku lor some time and th»y are now anxi mn to obtain if possible iom« information on the matter. The definition of a Balm as far as 1 understand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 589 3 Dn. Davis, L A TF Warrii nt Officer, H M.'s Forces, Bengal, havinj- over 14 years' experience, nmy be consulted at any time of the day or night at the Dnlon Dispensary," Xo. 350, Victoria Street. Free advice £iven to the poor. Singapore, :ird March, 18! 3. SALE OF VALUABLE
      589 words
    • 356 3 9 I j The latest Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, Medal, [899, 12 bora. Tlio Hirr.,ll i, I of rolled steel, SO inches long. Total weight of gun 7|lb. With Sliding Korean* 9 Movement. H It is safe, quick and easy of manipulation from the shoulder, simple m eon*«r.,c H tion
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 244 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails vii.i. CLOSE for Monday. VailOM and Ling^i. Cecil C. Smith 1 pm Klau-. and Teiuk Anscm, Hong Wan. 1 ,v Deli, Calypso, ii p in Malacca a,id Kla.i-. S.i H on Ann. 3pm Sourabaya, l'rotos. 4 p m To-day Kuala l»nhan« Kuantan. Tringßanu and Kelani tan. (rynipie.
      244 words
    • 281 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. March British Btr Sappho. Wuhl, from Kkac Straits Steamship Co. Ltd. Dutch Htr Kongsss, Bdwv. ifrom Nourab.iya, W. Mansfield A CoBritish str Benveaue,Them*.m from Hongkong, Pstsnon Simon Co. iMHijfkok, W. Mansfield Co. French tra Cschar, Canavai^ie. from ouison, Bonttead Jk (Jo. French Htr Oxus, Dup >nt, from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 L. GOLDEN BERG. Manufacturer of EU ROPEA N IH UN KS, *i, Beam Bassa l*o.\n, BtNGAPORB. A Baboain. PETITIONS drawn ip, prirate work attended to, besides very descrip tion ol work not within the province of a Licensed Conveyaaoer. Colloquial i■ 1 y 1 i L i T f Purest!
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    • 146 4 John Little Co. :i n :l 1): vin^ U r orn P? I l^? I ia B^^ B »«»an«>VelTet,ooinpriBiiig7ft.Siinii ff Coach, 2 Diran tairiiy ana 6 small < aairs. Complete 9275.00. Solid Walnol Drawing Etftom «ait€ npholsterod m Silk Lapsatrj, con orising Coach. Lady f g and Graft Basr Chaira
      146 words
    • 525 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. to: Please read tiiksk few lisk*_ bbal thbm m mini*. :o: r\UR RDRNITDRE FACTOR! m ii Orchard Road, and is the larKta auu most complete. It ii supplied with itean power fco drWe oat Woodworking Ifachinet, Sawt, Lathes, tc, therefore Cbntracti and larjre orden can be pat
      525 words