Daily Advertiser, 23 February 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 350 1 i Full Median fkweet) Madeira* [ox. THE DAILY AhVKIiTISEK. SIX(iAV()i;K. \n: op Subscription. I'ti m asein >ne Dollar. pica 1' <.-o!;t.« each. Kate op \dvbrtiscxbnts. inch or part <>f an inch, Twn :::"!itli. and for long periods is allowed. iSVLA AND ORIENTAL IGATION i b, New H Lrbonr. may I
      350 words
    • 299 1 SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. This select Pa- y^^— \^'&^^**&b^ J~^ The Electric mily Hotel is si- Lijrlit throughout All nio«lern Inn- pH^^ SSftPfll^i^SHfcllk'l^ tsu-hed to suites guages spoken. al)(1 s i ng i e rooms. i^^^^ T^™^^ TT T^ m Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SOX for all parts
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    • 707 1 1 Pnfada Btapinw -(ttrry fin«r^ dry) Sherry $11 per doz riOHPAGNIB DBS MESSAOBRIBB MARI T I II Ivs DB F RA X C B -:o:Telegraphic Address M 1/ieonie," Singapore. Tiik following :ire the dates on which the mail steamers of bhe Ifeasageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here HOMKWARDfI
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    • 308 1 Povad it CoUjs Rions, IkS4> VUaret. per doz. THE MERCANTILE BANK* OF INDIA. LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Companies Act iB6j to 1890.) Capital (60.000 s'ures of £25 l C 1,50 >.oio Subscribed Capitai £1,115,000 Haal O a?e No. 65, Old Broad Street, London, kc Odnrt or Dlrait^wi ALCX4ITDBI WILSOW, flats
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  • 444 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Friday, Feb. 23, 1894. Arbitrary Measures. Elsewhere will bo found, over the noin do plume 4 a friend of the poor/ a letter, the contents of which, if correct, go Par to shew that :i system of extreme harshness is Deing carried on by the Municipal
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  • 476 2 The Straits Chinese Herald." THE Straits Chinese Ilerald a Romanised Malay I Daily paper this day amalgamates with the oiUeo of this paper. Thk Lboiulattti Council The Legislative Council net yesterday afternoon at 2.30. AH the meml>«ra were present except. iSir Chattel Wiirren, A. 11. Skinner c. m. a. nnd
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  • 366 2 {ll'tdneid-iy proceedings continued.) IUK engineer wm ut opinion th it j the ship did not sink from the inflow of water, but mviu^ to f eeliug over. Sh« had no tnjre deck cargo than usual. David Cowan saw th- P«kaa on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 284 2 Sir, "Would it be too much toa«k, through your columns, the favor ol either th« President of the Municipal!tv or the Municipal Bnytneer, to inspect houses No. 313, 344,845 and i)AC> Havelock lload. Those houses, ahont 3 miles out of town, aro of plank ami attap, and
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    • 1007 2 Dear Mr EoiTOR.-That m* i a t letter proved to be longer than I very categorically preyed at ft, J? mencement was a compliment to vanishing opponent Mecca a C( nlin**t which his absence of humour compels him to misinterpret same caums added to aud i ac k
      1,007 words
    • 457 3 Sir, 1 am »ure e\ stc t ;:i lu< ati a and n itui al very thankful to your con* his rtr;: on M Tb« R iffl s 1 1 i j ul tiie chief Luseu ira ri n and >~" is^ification I g"ihe i the Peninsu i.
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    • 163 3 This conrt ami -tonlay morning Nearly ail the member* oi the bar were present. The Attocney-Qeaeral applied fora farther security tor costs m the ense •»f I*o fang vs. Lim Bng liong and Koh Swan !<»>,>. He said the ease was an appeal rom an order oi
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    • 276 3 Yiseou r VVotseley «v («tyi the t,, the din. 1 li rl -n L-lub, b rr, instead :i! »nf, to Mr. \V. U, ]/> lent ol that now famous :ti letter, which n Co i red 100 late to bo r lueim ruble salt-willing anquel lust
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 626 2 fHE STRATTS INSURANCE COM- PANY, LIMITED. Established 1883. Head Office, Sinoaporr.' Capital Fully Subscribed... s3,oon,ooo. Capital Paid-up 6(X>,oo<l Kmerve Fund 2 r >,000. Reserve Liability of Shareholders $2,400,000. balHDce of Working Account at 31st Dec IH'JI $404,722. rvHE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE X COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 188 G. Capital Fully Subscribed
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    • 745 2 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Kobr Maru.... 2.900 887 E. WiUon Haswell. Saikio Maru.. 2.912 887 George W. Conner. Yokohama .Varu 2.308 265 R. Swain, j T EAVE Shanghai alternately every week on Friday or Saturday as the tide may suit for NAGASAKI, SHimonoseki, Kobe, and Yokohama. The time of passage from
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    • 476 2 Straits Music Establishment I (LATE MISQUITH C 0.,) NO. 11, ARMENIAN STREET. We beg to inform our friends and the Public m general that from the Ist to 31st December, 1893, the following Discount will be allowed on Goods purchased for CASH. 25 per cent on Music and small Goods,
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    • 108 2 Notice. f\K and after the Ist of Jauuary; 1894 the Right, Title, and Goodwill of i the undersigned m the Daily Advertiser ceased. All monies due to the office up to the 31st December, 1893, should be paid to him, and all monies due by the office will be paid
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  • 733 3 Thk Ch*ne«e Cliriprinn Awociation have a Tea meeting m Prioae|i .Street this evening. Thk mail despatched from Singapore to [»ndon, via Brindisi, on the H n oltitno was delivered on the 19ih s nut. The Coroi r\ verdiel m the ease 1 ril '> of Li "nt.
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  • 175 3 A HI.\EBB pent eman .;il!s oar attention to in* existence of Chinese *e?ret tie* m Bangkok, mm] point* oat that it will b« nest to impassib'c to trace toe aatfa -r> of the re.vnt oatnra at i lie lim-'cok hospital so long is Uiese ;:;,'uisit:,i!s are
    Free Press  -  175 words
  • 179 3 M. Deji*)e,tbe priuci| al 111 nrian ;.t the Bibliutheque &ittou«l«*, p a ri*. warns us lii .t m „i»r:i |ii»r»i urtJ ls destined to perish. (>; ih« two tin u■and and od 1 volatim nolisbed annually m France, out one, he ih nks, will remain atter ;i certain
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  • 153 3 Elskwhkre will befonnd mi alrertiaemeul tfiviux j articulars of tbs concert m aidol tha fond* of the Solder*' Home given at th« Town Hull this rvtnii)-. Subjoined v the programme tor tho occasion PuooaAmiß. Piano. .«*G rotte**. .Mr. A..J. Burdiatt. Song...** Old England and the New," Bergt Roberts. Song..."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 611 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close for To-Mottow Pontianak, Sii Hiitawg. 11 a m Malacc.i, Pori Dicksou nnd Klanpr. Sappho 3pm Sourabavn. Liheile, 4 p in JMi, Cftlyj)*, 4 p m fottie. l'l-nunK. jpm Ltiwean, Souiabaja and Sourabaya, Deucalion 5 p. m. Jaifjit P. H. GAUDART. 160, Middli Road. JJAS juHt
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    • 758 3 Katz Bros. *m MoVOHIGIIt. CRO S P I E LD'S P E BPECTION SO V V S ERASMIC HERB TOILET SOAP. I I I ll.— Splendid Map for T ilet, II ,nseh M and Liun lry purposat. Can be n^d with either Fr.sh or Sdt Wjtor. CROSFIELD*B FIXEST QUALITY PURE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 MILKERS' SAFES MILNLRS 1 are used by H. M. tho Queen. Mil NERS' SAFES havr the Lr.rgest Sale i* the World. SAFES Mot than 300,000 MILNERS* Safes pr< UCt the valuables (»i the principal H. inking, Railway, Insurance, and oilier Public and Private Companies MILNERS*Bafei a:*' „s»"1 by the P»ri•«.!i
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    • 233 4 John Little k €o. i uM^J&£:' v ■$£MJs*^f&issgbs... Chesterfield Drajrin; Kooni Raite opholstered m Saddle Bags and Velvet, comprising 7 ft. Spring Condi 2 Divan hairs, and b small Chiirs. Complete 8275.00. i 5 F T.l f'f ff I' -''j'- •*i±'**i 1 Tt. J* v k H I i II
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    • 426 4 Powell Co. SINOAPO3E. PLKASI RRAD nittl FEW LINK 1 BKAH TBgM IN MINI>. /\UR FtTRNITURE FACTORY m m Orchard Road, nnd is the largei and ni< .<r complete. It is tn|>ptted with p! tin power to Olive our Woodworking Machine*, Sawa, lAthi Ac, therefore Contract* aud |ar e ordon can
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