Daily Advertiser, 31 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 297 1 i 111 i: DAILY ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. 1; \ti: OP SUB* RIPTIOK. nt*em One hollar. I' 1 rt:it< each. Rate t Ai ::ktw.mk\ ra I inch oriiMi-t of mi liu'h Two per month, and for long period* ol t v. 1 V.-ri.Ai; AND ORIENTAL fEAM NAVIGATION CO r Quay. N»w Harbour.
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    • 362 1 %h> JL?u J&^Jl JL g B^ JB.^ *r~y*t sLJ* JaL Jl^-j SHANGHAI, CHINA. ESTABLISHED 1875. N.B.— Telegraphic A Idress, CENTRAL,*' SHANGHAI. Circular Notes issued by THOS. COOK SON for all parts of the World. Riloy Hargreaves Co. ROYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCLES. By Royal Letters Patent. 1 FROM PURE DISTILLED WATER. "THE
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    • 699 1 Poida Eliitranre (very fine dry) cherry $11 par doS rtOMPAGXI K I I S M ESS AG R I B 9 MARITIME* DE FRANCE. :o: Telegraphic Address I. iconic," Singapore. The following arc the dates <»n irhiob t lie mail steamers <>r the Me— igerios Maritime! may be expected to
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    • 443 1 Posada Cotes Rions, 1884, Claret, $7 per <loz. TIIK MKKCAXTILK HAXK OK INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Companies Act 1862 to 1890.) Capital (60,000 sharps of £>$ each). C%s° >.000 SUBSCRIBED C\pn \i £[,1.25,00*1 HeaiOH^: No. 65, Old Broad Str.-et, London,*^ Court of Diri-itors Sir Ai,exMfm:i: WIUON, (late ot Messrs.
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  • 328 2 The Daily Advertiser. Singapore, Wednesday, Jan. 31 Chinese Emigrants. Tut: suort-sighted policy hitherto pursued by the Chineso Qovernment in respect t<» its subjects, who, in order to better th ir opsition in life, have emigrated to the Straits and olso where, must bi k viewed by those who give the
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  • 336 2 It has been said frequently by members of the Tory and Unionist party that Mr. Gladstone, since his advent to power. h;is been riding for a fall. But news to hand seems to indicate that the ex-Pre-mier, Lord Salisbury, is not only
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  • 164 2 For the Democratic party in the United Sates, the electoral prospects are not at the present time particularly I bright. Alttougn tho President has doubtless added to til- popularity of his fiscal policy by concili iting a iroodlv in of Republicans, t hat <• i
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  • 593 2 Freedom of Thought in the Roman Church. >i:: days gejjksi* vari >i I.V LID. .^t ..i!> tiith and d dared ii e, e i evvn tl oc, who i> asu v a 1 to I e tli«s m st < n- tut CO ua loin i■ iat of a il
    Rivew of Rivews  -  593 words
  • 258 2 do koi lihri.uN in Uhika— Why? <• As the result o the Uonaal-Ueaeral lor < Singapore give* the folio win planation why Chines* «rfa the Straits Settlement! a;; i pru>;>. is don't return to their land They said thai th the so-calle I investigations' luc.il
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  258 words
  • 256 2 The New Medical School At Tientsin. Tiie llo;'.. i g tph writes TiiK N w .Me ii. ,1 S tsin, w hich has be the Hospital at was Fon roy Li ilu u- yth. At the toll, oil le ti I Hospital mil S i *'ho I > toil twin
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  • 262 2 SAYS the Smm Free Press 11 With regard to the q i -si Chantuboon we may expect th;it will lie arrange ua quickly and factor: ly a> i.:- d ViKrs i i is in rea ity no :i t<» t thai she occu aboon. i> no
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 493 2 pHE STRAITB INSURANCE COMA PANY, LIMITED. EBTABUBHBD 188 Head OAoe, Sihgapobe/ Capitol Fully Babscribcd |3,C00 t OOO. Capital Paid-ap 600,000. Ix.hrrx* 1 Fond 2"»,000. Beftenre LiabHiti of Shareholders $2, u»0,0 Balance of Workii g Aoeonnt at ;!l-i Dec., l«*Jl 1404,723. THE BTBAITB FIRE INSURANCE x COMPANY. LIMITED. EstaßLD hi i>
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    • 650 2 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. I'll Onuiimu/' v \'i<rn l :ls ur. <"]>'*>»*> A./ Mmn.... 1,900 J .*7 fl Wlb— IT— all S,nki.> M,n-n.. S.9IJ ;i->7 (nor-.- W.Conner. Yi'l,i<huiiin Mn in J.i'iUS 2li:. U. Swnin, T SAVE Shanghai alternately every \\<'ck on Friday <>r Saturday m the tide may fov Nagasaki, BhiMO3OBBKI,
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    • 235 2 Have received a large shipment of SINGERS SEWING MACHINES, The t; FAMILY' Hand Machiao, as illustration, wiili cover complete. The FAMILY M Treadle Machine. The New V. S.' M ichiae [the finest machine made), Machine needles in ail sizes. Duplicate parts of all m tchlno? ilw jvs k >pt In
      235 words
    • 109 2 Notice. AX and after the Ist of January, IW4 v/ the Right Title, and Goodwill of the undersigned in the u Dailj Advertifler M ceased. All monies due to the oilioe Dp to the 31sr December, i.StK?, should be paid td him, and all moniet due by the office will
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  • 86 3 •cenl 1 1.; pri hquake w;is si severely in the n »rth-weatern 1 '.\.iri l'i ovince. [n Hasjuri 1 :ie hundred and fifty shocks X|»erieuced up till noon 1 Ith it, ("racks opened in many direcind in one place soil was ejected height ol two feet. Some
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  • 68 3 li id class cruiser Bona'■.it >m to be the I lian Squadron ol the Boadi ea" 14 u!)>oand 4,140 l li 'is 1 1 -xi-e.- of 4 ar.tict] >\ 2 6-incl |uxk machine S. 15 T i- t 1 relieve lha I on. Ihi mem 1 and i*'
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  • 34 3 I r in t\ pf ii. .i either i I siy what at the than tl v 9 a I that Her ii red iu All>::')\" 1 i H r w
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  • 12 3 il .iU. I a I >urt oi i .i r
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  • 309 3 nu:,rv. fire oat at I 1 ithoiic I. imp rr, uo 1 From tome a a .in I iu spite ol I ol the lii" a in fall and within a fen i \:xu\~> r>f the Fire Brig >>i alarm gain and rot keU fire I
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  • 949 3 Twelve Chinaman were yesterday fined £i each !<.r gambling. Thk s. s. '^Norwood' 1 bat arrived trumUardiif with cargo of 2,72(1 tons coal. The s. a. M Nhiu Yong" arrived this morning from Amoy with 803 Chinese passengers. 1 HE Spanish Government baa aetermined to establish a
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  • 265 3 u;i> 0 Rl] UuO the ia>i tp ic« k.i. k j ar.d .V >,\-.\ Caledonia, were communication. I 792 mi!<-> in i-n th. J .in v way a diflkull ta.-k, «> in ;i month, an i'ii; and h made ih« sii >re <• .1.. > r
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 m L NOTICE, M UL9 XVII L CLOSE FOR T >-HOtROW p.r.'-r. :> :>•;■' Brisbane \i-i Torres straits, G In l!"n Khangltai, Kobe nml Yokohama, I I ;l 111 Malaoe an I Lias i. Cecil < .Smith, 2p ru Deli, alypno, -i p m Friday Raijron, Piociola, noon Ku;i,:i I'ai.a
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    • 658 3 BALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. The PbopkUTT of tmk Late Josk I>'.\LMKII)A. At BBLTIDISB, TAKOUK. Bmturd*if Fefrraory, «i L3op. m. rpHE undersigned are instructed to sell by am: ion »t Belvedere, on Saturday. 3rd February, at 1.80 p. m. The Vahifthl.' Household Furniture &c. (the greater part of which
      658 words
    • 463 3 Katz Bros. i The latest Winchester Repeating Shot (iun. Modal. [89&, 12 bore. The Borrefl it j| of rolled steel, 30 inches long. Total weight of gun 7} Ik Wit!: Sliding Forearm Movement. 1 ]r ls Bafo i l ?lick am easy of manipulation from the shoulder, n'unpU in eoostriM
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    • 219 3 JOSEPH BAKER, Confectioner and Bread Baker Makes Bread after the Vienna tion, and is in a position to supply brown, white, and milk br i 1-. Bread will supplied ai I rent resiiicnceu <>:i orders and ad Iresses beiiiLr left at his place <>t" ba*iness The new bread i-< highly
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    • 282 3 shipping intelligence:. ARRIVALS. Jan 29 British srr Ki ni tick, Kemp, from Yokohama, Born o Co Ltd, <; (rtn in Btr 1 a I ip in lent, Lhr mkiel, flora Bangki >k, Joo >• ;i_ r British Btr N rwood, Work from Cardiff Dutch Btr Pa< ivier, Plak, fromCotie, Wee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 L. GOLDENBERG, Manufacturer of EURO PEA N TR U\ KS, 81, r»i:.\vs Bassa Road, Singapore. HADJI IBRAHIM BIN NOOI2 MAHOMED, FURNITURE DEALER, l?|](is to inform the public of Singapore thai ho has now opened ;i larije establish roent at No. ->} I. VIOTOBI v Sn;i:i:r, where fo^rniturea of ever^ descrip
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    • 134 4 ClM«terfi.M O'^in. ttoom Bnit« Dpbol.teßd m BMtaltoi I Vftvek, comprising 7 ft. Spring Couch 2 Diran Chairs, and b small Chairs. Com 1275.00 u an ,V^' A. < < V o /o. G \t ami 21" White Deal Tops. V. 19 5 V. 57 i|l 75. RIPPINGILLE OIL COOKING STOVES
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    • 294 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: I'I.KASK BEAD THKSK VV.W \.\SV< BKAB THEM IN' MIXD. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTOR? Orclmrd Road, and is th<- li and most complete. It i with stcsiui power to dr'r. Woodworking Machin b, v -i«\ I. therefore I large <'iii''i> nan be put througi with speed. ;k
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