Daily Advertiser, 2 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 l> \\1> ORIENTAL S SOTU i: eft i en rielivi >. ,»1. l>. KIN «fc. [)H STEAM 1 A I I>>. >ll AN..H AI. AND J aha: via I i Aden onni i i I ptiau, Wharf :tt the >l :.< this Com- mitted after tin < lo towns, of
      72 words
    • 254 1 Tills select Pa- T^^^te^-J^ The Electric mily Hotel is si- Light tliroughout Allmolernlan- i^^^|--'W tnehe.l to suites gwigos :i i ami single rooms. F. E. REILLY. Proprietor. C: [OS. COOK SON for all parts of th V rid. y Contractors ro HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. The Purest and the 'Best. STEAM
      254 words
    • 548 1 Posada Elagante (very fine dry) Sherry $1 1 <0MPAGXIE DES MESSVG1 MARITIME^ DEFRANCE. -:o:— Telegraphic Address u Lioorne," Singapore. Tin: following are tho dates on which tin- mail ste im irs of Lhe M< igeriea Mari times may he expected to arrive here il-. >s Outwards Melbourne Oct LOth. Caledonien
      548 words
    • 315 1 1 la Cotes Uious, 18S4, Claret, %1 |pt-r (los. Til;-; Mi'.iic.wrn.M w\ s X OP INDIA. LIMITED. (Incorpor itcd under 1! Qo aniea Ai t 1863 t 1890.) Capital (60,000 sh ir l 1 > > > > ISCRIBED C VPI 1 v: 1 ,1 25,0 II M OTi 5,
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  • 122 2 How Trade is Encouraged in Perak. The following proclamation r< river bawkera on the I? >mam llivor i* publiahed m Lha /'< >u/c Qomn zette ot tin- 22nd uliimo by ooinmaud of the Council ol Wberead complaint hat been mm by the iuhabitauts of Tsnjong that f v :i- Ji
    122 words
  • 195 2 The Reside tor S Railway Mr. K. lit,. »n ;rt ports 1 be iecti< n beiwe* n 1} oh and Battf Qajah was completed and informally opened for traffic on the 1 7th October, i three trains a day being run m eai h dir<ction. In order
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  • 194 2 I nder the j rovisioiifi No. VII of 78, Kit Acting ruo baa and Mum The 'lli [r. l.\ VV. HnJle <■. hi. Keith, Mr. \V. Naj er. No. VIJ of 1078, H appo i Uon'ble the Colonial Mr. 11. Mr. VV. N. Mr. U
    194 words
  • 564 2 The Daily Advertiser Singapore Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1894. The Royal Commission on Opium. Wb v ilisli i i sin her pi ie i a ol -t it. ma at tliis le«l seas n by ila- Ma i y*ia v on the tahject of the Opium Cumuaission, particularly m relation to
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  • 220 2 The ediiori.il columns of the Malaysia Message for January express deep regret lhal the Sin gap >re < lii ciiil> should emulate lUe example of those m ludia m attempting to suppress anti-opium evidence. Ih< se residents m Singapore, both European| and Chinese, who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 497 2 fllK STRAITS INSURANCE TOM--1 PAHY, LIMITED 1 AHI.ISHKD ISS:{ ■lead DAoe, BtvaAtOatß.^ Capital Fully Subscribed.. |8,Q09,000. Capita] l':ti«!-u| •'<>( »,iH>* j vr Fund r>!l,0OO Resenre 1 sb lity of Bhareholdera ace of Working Account al Slat Dec 122. rpHE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. I > 1886. 1 Foil)
      497 words
    • 701 2 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, 1 I \.<m x Tf*t n p ChfUbu. h.-h, V,,,,.... 2.! M) 887 E. Wilson Haswell. j 1//;//.. l.tll HS7 Qaorfi W.Conner. »/•//•>, l\;«k R. Swain, l SAVE Shanghai alternately every weak on Friday or Batafdaj as j the tide majfMU for Nagasaki, Shi- .Vo.noskk!. KOBB, :uA
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    • 287 2 PRAKKE GO. JUST received per S.S. DEUCALIOX a fresh shipment of our Celebrated DUTCH BUTTER, and also a quantity of PICNIC SAUSAGES AND BEEF tn tripe (rolpent). COGNAC: 3 STARS CROWN BRAND, V( >LLENH< )VKN Extra and Brown) STOUT Smoked Sauaaget m snd pota, Selected Collections ol Tieleman and Dros*
      287 words
    • 304 2 Katz Bros.' NOVELTIES IN TIES, Silk repe I les. Ties all shapes. m r3ii<iN\ Ji<ii>>. GENERAL DEPARTMENT. WHAT A GREA r DISAPPOINT MBXT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN TO OUR LITTLE FRIENDS lia 1 i.■ oar premises not have spent iheir fury or rather had th»- efforts of <>ar noble Singapore
      304 words
    • 351 2 Notice. IJ'OTIOa is hereby «,'iven that thai piece of land situated m the District of Paodaa m the settlement of Singapore nnd bounded as follows North by Crown land :md General No. 5887 South by Crown land, Bast by General No. ]♦>!*.», West by Crown land, and estimated to contain
      351 words

  • 388 3 1 have to 1 t here summarily rents local and general of I -:»;>. S I Smith, i sm r of 3 finally lefl for Buropa m Mr. Maxwell, < !olonial 8 b »ing thereupon appoint* ill.- goventnenl ol the < !e> Sir < 11U rtained at
    388 words
  • 809 3 '1 I. O. PackH 11 p.m. list ultimo. Tv; Nan Shan 43'^ Chir* wi l) ):ird. T i ilenarchy from L »nTh ■Fr n i ci iiaer 'i rl »itl' nr- ti n> vi ti... I j^.jj. Q n havti I >n to X Spanish H til
    Pinang Gazette  -  809 words
  • 731 3 iv chai She retur I i i_ and, o'ltv mUsin^. I. il fr. ii |i a |j n o ?ulit?d "boat s.' U left nntoucbi d. >tectii I Piddci and lv- >n lin^a immediately proled to tl I ili two men pen ling lurtber eoquii ie»,- Pinang
    Pinang Gazette  -  731 words
  • 178 3 On New Year's Day in Jj ithei go! tiir.. ....>. Pi vt-ii 0:1 i 4O 111 S 1-. i a s.'.">. LU boil b i. b) 11. li. >. S I-xiiit niea s_' U i:atss:a Won by X:; I. m < Irown Princ i i >a^s started. ti i Ik
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  • 29 3 2 .'>. 2/Bj[ <<» (i;i 2 -2 demand gj t.t. -'i -fs;," A <■■/;• J c/7i- I 1 1 \o;o f>r*m LBl 1 •I'"-' Js,,l J I ..'.....'."1a t j
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 649 3 ROBINSON CO., Have received a large shipment of SINGERS SEWING MACHINES, Duplicate parts of all m i ;hin i! v i k >p! m st iok, > that machine.- can bo repaired on the proiniso.s m a Tew hours. Straits Music Establishment -V Public fn general that from the Ist
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    • 151 3 Sxttft NotlCE. pEPOSITORS m ta« SaWngi Bank are reminded to tend m their pa«lbookt between t'.,- It!, rto Lsth January I^.m, for audi< m oompliaii with rnlca and regulatUni under theSii 1 bank OnJi iaDce i Mt-tx oka may h> forwarded fpe* by poel to the Saperintendent o! th B
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 168 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close kor To-MOKBOW P I h'- li. I'a v BylMidt 1 I ii Ul 'l '!'<■' -i I iQ \V. t ;i. I|, m fonaitg, Kangoon C IcutlA. t... g I* i< p in Port Dick >n, Klftn u>H I I Siuiuo > 3p I KuaU
      168 words
    • 347 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. British *ti Sim i" I Bun Hin an >:i- Ann from B.iu <- 1 iker, from S »u--■■l lya, Wee Bin .v Bni str Si I „-,1:1 i. Wil i I lands, NY I 1 n. from 'alcutta, and < Britis i str G irgjon, J«v?ks >a,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 MILNERS 1 v H. M. the Queen. MILNERS 1 SAFES have the Largest Sale m the Wurld. SAFES litre than 300,000 MILXKUS' 9 protect t!i" valuables of the principal Banking. Railway, Insurance, other Public and Private Companies, MILKERS are vi British nial C.ov tn ADST rJCOT MM ArttLJSiDI V <>::
      140 words
    • 170 4 L. GOLDENBBKGi Manufacturer of BUROPBAJI TRUNKS, «1, BBASI 15.\ s A I'OAP, SI.NGAi'ORE. HADJI IBRAHIM MX tfOOB MAHOMED, ItTRKfTURE DHALKU. OEGS t<> inform tbe psblic of Sina tint lie li;u now opened n large establiskmenl at N 841, VicroKiA Stkskt, where furnibtirea of every desert p 4 ion, lin i»
      170 words
    • 180 4 John Little €o. X^ -;C CUeaterfield Drawing X i Suit < upholstered m 8) I md VelveK oompi 7 ft. Spi 'bjurs, and b -\w:\ *!h its. Con >75. 0. li 1 Drawing i;-. > m s,. B] •I m Silk Taps3tr/, ronnoriainz Coach, L ly 1 G K»si and
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    • 345 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. :o:— Please read tfikse tew mnt^ jm:a r r. ::m IN Ml :o: |^UR HJRNITORIS FACTORS OrrK;.nl Road, an 1 is Che ami mo6l ct»mplete. It ii »v with iteafli pofcer to dv\\<- Woodworking Unchines, S I/»th< >. fee, therefor* I large orders eaft b WITH .-i'KKL*.
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