Daily Advertiser, 10 July 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 15 1 vhgbmhkjlk;gghfgfdfhg THE DAILY ADVERTISER. ESTABLISHED 1890. VOL. II 1.l MOKBAY, JULY 10, 1893. [NO. 7(30
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 Sherrj $7.50 jvr dbc. .i.Y_ADVERTISER. OF StTBS< RIPTI i« m < »iio p dlar, 10 cv\\\' <- i.-h. art of in inch, 1 d for I ug periods illl< \N V 1. I ;> ORIENTAL 1 CO. i b, N Harboar. re may I i 11 ;>s Jane 28 July
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    • 260 1 I 7 Mln' iii' iK'il "LANCASHIRE" 3 1 ___^^^^K^^ 3ILEY, HARGREAVES CO. MiLLWRICHTS, IVIL AND MECHAXICAL EXGISEEBS, C -V-V" *> IROS FOUNDERS A SHIP BUILDERS "33 I "'f V S5 i'\ tt Machixe Shop Shipbcilding Yard,— Xj v z+ AlWon Tim-ine Works. Beach React. 7 I2?OSOLCta\ Office and Sale Room,-
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    • 633 1 Posadii i» Pale Sherry $7 per dbx. pOMPAGNiE T)]<:s MESSAGERIES MARITIME^ DK FRANCE. -:o: Telegraphic Address u Jiicorne," Singapore. Tin: following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Bfessageries Maiitimes may be expected to arrive here FtoMEWA&DfI OUTWARDB Natal May 23 Sydney M;iv2l Meiboorne June 6 Caledonien
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    • 365 1 I Posada Pale (dry) Sherry |9fjsjrdos THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Companies. Act 1562 to i8(jo.) I Reconstruction of The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London China Capital (60,000 shares of 625 e each) £1,500,000 SUBSCRIKD CAPI iai g|, 1 >5 Head Oiflce No. 0 5
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  • 385 2 The Daily Advertiser Monday, July 10, 1893. The Governor and the Chinese. For some time past it has been in contemplation among the leading members of the Chinese community of the three Settlements to make n suitable parting gift to His Excellency Sir Cecil C. Smith. The matter would have
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  • 396 2 The latest intelligeu >a from Sitfui go to skew that the Siamese have u&mmenoed t<> close tli.* rivor tfeiiam ami. to coucentrate their streugth in tiif IV.kiitiin Forts, at the same time patiently awaiting the French Blockade. This, however, is but one phase of the case, though
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  • Correspondence.
    • 22 2 f We 4*sir* it r« hi »vw ,> K<WOal tfrtitg letter* mm </.. o#4|l teltet r, *)>.<n*;i!,- for i,, t )n I r .^T""'
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    • 395 2 DIAI Mh. Ki.itok.- Nearly a foH night ag 1 taw an fstracft in pftper from an Indian Journal, r ring to the term "A| ;irv >' as h:i viii-_r been done away with n J Ajaistant Burgeon tnhnituted, and Mr. liyi.iu N, an Lfldtan Apotli I think, Kdggesting that our
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    • 531 2 \YAKI>ELts AN'D TO SI It Dbab Sib,— Much ha* been s .id of late in your column* regarding ih<> wir lets ;iti 1 their poultry ami severi at other things, but it s» -ik* to mo I there is still one morn which has ixn*!t overlooked, ;u> i that is,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 621 2 Posnia Bt Kstephene Claret, $8 ;per doaef »i«:*rt. mHBSTBAITfi IKBTRANCB COMI PAHt, LIMITED. HKsrAiu.isur.n 18S3. Head ofii' I*'.1 SiNfiAronr. •imtal Fully Bubacribed... |B,Co^,ooo. n »Stal P*id-«p GOO,C<*J. Reserve Fund Kaserve LiabUlty "i Shareholder! 12*400,000. pjahnce ol Working Aeenunl at :51st Ihe, isUl 1 1404,7*1 rnHE BTRAITB FIRE IKBtIRAKCE COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 578 2 Po«ada Special (■liainpsgne $ir».so por dozen qunrt. TO LEND] pHOM $r»,noO to 136,000, on apprpved seouritv. Interest inoderute. Applv to P. J SKTH, Broker, No. Uafllvs Place. Slanapore, l)n\ Ju^y, ]<s c TO LET. QFFICEB in the Now Building next door to Messrs. Maynakd Co., Mattery Uoad, Also, OlBcea on
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    • 619 2 Posada Malmsey (Very old, sweet") Madeiras, $19.00 per doz. Municipal Notice. Government and Municipal Regulations as to the Importation Registration, and Destruction of dogs. will continue in force till Ist June, 1894. The Regulation as to muzzling is abolished. Sections 5 and G of the Singapore Dojjs Order 18!);? require
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    • 544 2 J Posad* Vcrmonth de Turin (Italian) $t5.. r >i> per doz. r "important MESSAGE FROM ENGL AND ANTED to Purchase for immediate cash or y;oods in exchange, all kinds of Used Colonial and Foreign Postage or Receipt Stamps, in any quantity. The large quantity we dispose of daily enables us
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    • 709 2 Po»ada Vermouth de Marseille (French r )(i per doz. DlwsoN's iPERFECTION OLD SCOTCH. WHISKY. I $8.50 A CASE WITH PASS, OR 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. I :o: THE DOCTORS AGREE. From Air. O CombK Stewart, P.C.B-, J'ublic Analyst and insulting 'heinist at Glasgow, Sctitlaud. Established is:2. Telegraphic address kt STEWART,
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  • 1021 3 The Dollar. Registrar of Hackney Carriages and Jinrikishas' Report, for the month of May. Is Cholera Contagious? .hem to alter the hour ot aucnua..v» the Prison so as net to interfere jth t l, e warders' little privilege. \VardenJ, 1 i W the missionaries* ha, e nouth and stumach, and
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  • 46 3 On Thursday, the 6th instant, at the Church or. St. Jose," by the Very Reverend J. J. liaptista, Vicar General, John I'krsens Percy, son of the the late J. Pereira, to VVII.HKLMENA PRIMROSE, daughter of i*. Minjoot and wiuow of the late H. A Chopard.
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  • 1046 3 11. M. 8. Pigmv arrived here this m.iniui^ train Bitavia. Aftkr giving two performances in Penang, tn.j Lyric Company will proceed to Deii. The m K Dsimina, of the Russian Volunteer Fleet, arrived here from Hankow yesterday witli a (agj of new season's lea lor Odessa. A
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  • 76 3 (Hnngoon VazcteJ LonJ<tn, June 80. I'.wmda has given one thousand pounds to the f icturia Keiief Fund, which Imm reached the sum of twenty thousand pounds. The survivors ot the f "ictoria have arrived at Malta, where they received Ml immense popular ovatiou on lauding.
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  • 143 3 I'inang Gazette) RttUMUTf C'oINCiLLOU's OFFICR, Pbvako, 7th July, 1993. Gk.ntlkmkn, I have Um honor lo inform you iOiit the Governor lias receive*! Jr. »in the Rlfcht Hon'ble tiie of BUUtf tor the Colonies, enjiosi tij-, tor any obaervatiofii that Li i- K\c-iU'i!cy in iy wi>h to make,
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  • 78 3 TO- DAY'S EXCHANGE. London month' b tight 2;OJ a M| 0U day* *iyht 'Z G.\ 3U <6| demand i! n r.r. *tj b'ianve demand 1 7 Snc lurk: OU; Java li'lj Hamburg S-M tenting «/u pro n India l»-| tiaujoun i Mmdrm > I»'2 L-utuii'bo J ilonykuny If OJO dis.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 icftfister Co. MISQUITH 80., The recognised house in the Strains for the bast Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. WE HEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT T^T^fT../ jf^zSjSSj^ TEMPORARY PREMISES In the Singapore Insurance Company's f j| "itg wiS^'Mi:! burot down on I M^^^«£^^^ <;^^®/ l^^^l*^^^ FRIDAY NIGHT, fy^jj ?s|jj 5^- "-••^^jj^^
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    • 653 3 NOTICE. NetherlandsCon»ula^Geiief»^ Straits S tlomenta. Tffl htH«y of Ilia Spirit, Gambling ami IV. n broker's FanlM of th* Residency Htnka for 1894. takes pl*°* at Munto'k, EteMudftJ, tba l*> th rfe P" Icaibcr next. 0. LAVINO, Consul Ovntsnt! f<»r the Nuthorton I* it. t.e Strnita SettleuieuWSiugaptrr, 10th .Inly, 1893. 16/*>
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 171 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. JULY 8. British str I'euanir, D.inloi*, fr >m Siua ang, Tan K'un Tian ami Sons Dutch str Ganymede, Selkers, from Bat ba! lan, W Mansfield and Co Dutch str Patrocl 8, l'ulford, from LI trpool, W MansQeld and Co Dutch str .J.tx.n, Tvwdl, fi-om Batav.:i, W Mansfield
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 939 4 IV-.li Tl« ll*ri« l v0 0" Pbindn Elagante. (Tery fine lQ ioe) Sherry Wi^rdofJ. Jit) blurry 1 per do7. bn\r'f\l ATa the'pßYE river" dock, f'OwCiiwVO. PENAN G. SIMCAPORE. ,/r ,> r PH i. ;i!> \<- Dock, mtnated in ProTinoc :o: Wutlenlev, r| the etitranoa of the I !':>■.• l.iwr, lius
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    • 160 4 Have just received a lot of Thonef s Austrian Bentwood Furniture. Also English Gilt Mirrors with Marble-topped Consol Tables. 1 6 itlUClv iiOl'lvlllL' i^Oiii. tJU '11/., in 1 Ti 1 ii.oiii.l |>incK litcliiiiutr Coiicl' \c 1 ftXl Tbonefi Black Recliniug Conch, No. ?>. §17^0. >f.--v.i.. Spring Maureeses. Kxtra utronjr Honh
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    • 756 4 Posada Poll Medium (sweet) Madeiras $12.00 per do/. Singapore Five Per Cent Municipal Loan of £280,000. PiltfcT Is-i'k or 1150,000 i\ MOBTOAGBB OF ?.">(>(» KACU. Interosl payable half yearly, on 3oth June and :ii«r December. Piinetpiil repayable at par on June 30, 1934, unless previonaly redeemed, the Municipality hstviiur the
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    • 459 4 tVMadaAma Bstecte (Amou It Jfcdo, jery d«r) Sherrf My*^ Municipal Notice. r piiH Municipal Comm notice, that to n 1 "-< oui ol certain w< tion with the New Kilter Bukit Timah llos I junction With UTennj -.llh-Wdtothrl,,;; the morning of Wedn instant, until lurtber n..i,. Acress to the Cein
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