Daily Advertiser, 25 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. ll.] SINGAPOBE, THUBSDAY, MAY 25, 1893 [NO. 733
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 411 1 T HE DAILY ADVERTISER. i; it" OP SUBSCmiPTIOH. I mensem One Dollar. j:< s 5 rents cadi. [j v i. OF ADVBRTIBBMHNTB. i i:i h or part of an mch t Two snd for long periods i ii allowed. [VSULAR \NI> ORIENTAL I NAVIG CION c<>. 3 Qnaj. <; i
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    • 424 1 -^^I^_ l^ RiLEY, HARGREAVES CO. HKAD OFFICE:- -Madras; BRANCHES r-Bang-alore Ooty, Rangoon, Mandalay and Singapore. :o: Ex S.S. "HOLYROOD," BURMA H MODEL PIANOFORTES. THE development of our business in the Straits lias necessitated the special construction oi Pianos for the Straits climate, and it lms been found necessary to specify
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    • 679 1 rjOMPAONIB DES IIESBAGERIB3 MAHIT.MBa DB FRANCE. -:o: Telegraphic Addrew Jiicorue/' Bingapore, Thi following are the dates on which the mail steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive I here Homewards Oi'Tw a;:iNatal May 23 Sydney M <- -M Melbourne June u* Caledonien .Inn- 7 Oceauien June SO
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  • 1062 2 The Daily Advertiser Thursday, May 25, 1893. NOTES BY THE WAY. WILKIfI Koad. Thanks to Mr. Inspector McGregor, there is now no longer any an-* noyance aut cipated by thuse who have occasion to frequent this neighbourhood after night-fall. It is apprehended that the idea of policemen in plain clothes
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  • 594 2 Abstract of the niuutea of p ro ceeding* of tlu Municipal UoannU. sioiu'i.? at an ordinary HMetiug hold yesterday. PIIESENT The President, Alex: Gentle Eh The lion T. Shetford, c m.u. The Hun: A. L Donaldson, Fra>er, Esq W NttDSODj Jisq M. Meyer, l^.-q AftSBST Tlie Hun the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 570 2 pAN TON INNSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. < a riTAL BUBSOftIBSO S2.. r )00,000 Amount paid up &00,0<K) KJCBBHTI Fund 9 500,000 II had Office, BOKGKOVQ. (lent ral Agents Mnsiis. Jahdink, Mathbsoh A co r i'i!K nndeisigned haTing beta »\>- pointed A^eiitH for the aliove Company, are prepared to accept marine risks
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    • 457 2 Gihod's EUREKA No. 1. 4 CERTAIN CUBE for Cold, Conjjh, v Catarrh, liroiiehitis, infloenJßjL Fever, and Asthma. It must l>e ti.ken 4t Neat." u For children add a little water." Sold in li'-ounce bottle at $1.50 u A CURE IS SURK." Shake the bottle first. Capt. UIKOO, 239, Benooolen Street.
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    • 354 2 T. E. WHITE Co. 56, HILL STREET, CORNER OF STAMFORD ROAD, TAILORS, TAILORS, TAILO R S Gold and Silk Embroiders, Helmet and Hat Makers, Commission Agents, Beg to announce to their customers and the Public in general that they nave just reFancy tweed suitings in different shades, Fancy vestings, scarfs
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  • 694 3 I t an Ar'illi'ryir.an and n' Rr ivate who intended ;.:< to get a passage I t Rosetta," 1 the sth May, in. in the 21*1 >.pected here on llent*) Starling, who v .< ty »>l an atn. has given 1 i t.ring allowed ,it Oriel, v
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  • Correspondence.
    • 314 3 I>k\ I Sir,— l am M>rry that time nnd >• portunity di 1 not permit me to rito to you sooner thaa tins to I hank you For y oar leader of Saturday last re the Gayluug tanneries. It i ins to m that you have been
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  • 435 3 4C. K r«w, April vs.) In widow's '•■<!-•. and driven in a close rarriage, the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland, who was committed t>> prison ia>t week u r contempt of court, as on the 2i^t April conveyed from Windsor t<> Slough, and thence
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  • 67 3 LomtfmH 1 inuuiii\ si<iht #/Cl j J •> <;i liU i/mjfm* ahjht -> M n 311 2gf n T.r. Frunri Jrtn/nn! ;■!•'.■■s •Wmp I'mrk g 1 -i Hamburg 2.77 I'emauj .1. i>lU f)ieill India ..'2'lCl- ui/oon Umdrm% -j^i: 'oJombo Uonghmtf 1 c'o di<. OO /Iff i; i* 00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 Noxica New Establishment. THE STRAITS PRESKaVINO CO BINGAPORB. Factory at No. 3, Deronahiia Boat*. Tan gl in. Somo spiced frnit mid vegetable PI l<les, Ac, for nle at the stores of llessra, John Little Co., Geok Tout Co., and Tang Qnee. Bingaporei 9th Feb., 3 893.
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    • 541 3 T'Hfi STRAITS INSURANCE COMA PANY, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED I<SB3. Head Ottoe, SingaPOEß, Capital Fully Subscribed... s3/:O'\O(»o. Capital Paid-up cOO.uOu. Reserve Fund l',ooo. •Kcm'ivo Liability of Shareholders $2,4(M.),000. Balance of Working Aceonnt at 31st Dec, io'Jl $404,722. rpHR STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COAIPANY, LIMITED. Establi»iibo 1886. Capital Fnilv Subscribed $2,000,000. CapitMl Paid-up I00,00o!
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    • 584 3 Gueat Attraction NOW OX VIEW, FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. QXK Brahmanese Sacred Bail and Cow from Hinriostan. Two f the largest Boa-Constneiors ever caught in South America] ineusullng 30 and 2i> feet respectively. A most fierce and beautifully sp:>t.od Jagnar. The wliole forming \r,\vt f>f a collection brought here
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    • 441 3 MENIEK'S FRENCH CHOCOLATE OF WORLD-WIDE RENOWN. Dailj prodaetion HQgOQO lbs. Recommended by Boropoan Medical F;i'ulti«K as a strengthening beverage and a nice substitute for tea or ooffee. PELLISSON PERK CIE, (Established iH:U) Try their three stars Brandj. A good artiole Cor a eheap prise. Bordeaux Clarets iu Oask.s and Cassi
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 479 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALa Mavls. British str I iuduila, Allen, from Calcattn, Boa r« ;i«! .i.il On (Jtiii -t!i Btr Niobe, Pis If, IY. m Hongkoii|!, Kantcnb^r^ o hm d< niid Co Rns sir i\ strom'd, Ptac > fr > a Odessa, B rneo Company 1 imited British itr Borneo. Hnntor,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 432 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. :o: PLEAS! MAP thksk fi.w mxf.x a\i> BBAJt THKM IN MINI). :o: f\VU FURNITURE PACTORY is \m x Orchard Road, snd i" largest !.nu\ inosl complete. It is supplied with stciim power to drive our Woodworking Machines, timw, Lathes, kc^ ilurtf<iv(:<>iitru«<siind large orden osji be pal throagh
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    • 333 4 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. 'Pill] above Dock, .situated in Province WeliesleTf ;it the entrmace of the Prye stiver, has lately beea lengthened j iml (kvpeued, and is now oi tlie follow- I 11^4 dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. ljroadth iit entrance [>{) Itepth of water on sill
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    • 260 4 John Little Co. Have just received a lot of Thonet's Austrian Bentwood Furniture. Also English Gilt Mirrors with Marble-topped Consol Tables. Thou*'. li!,tk Bockibc b«i«, *io, il.omtv Bhtk B«li»l»g C< ml,, >„.. *Jo. Thonet's I!li:ck Rciliiiing Concb, Xt>. 3, £J7.f>«». V i ''SfS^SF Ivr! is 1 in ,i, |".:.HiMt'.s v.;::
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    • 560 4 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Comn> n Act ISO, to 1890^ Reconstruction of The CW tered Mercantile Bank of India, London China CAPITAL (r,0,000 tharetof 2 c each).. v, Subscribed Capital i\'\ *s*ooo Head Office No. 65, Old Broad Street, Court of Directors K'" Al.i:X\N|,;;u Wll
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