Daily Advertiser, 11 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 15 1 The Daily Advertiser 1 V/ij. 11. J Bnl SINGAPOKE, TJIURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893 [NO. 722
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 422 1 T riL DAILY ADVERTISER Thß Ificeof publication of the Daily i; m at the Cpper Floor of N Malacca SireeC. i;.\l i: Ol SUBBCBIPTIOH. Per mensem One Dollar. Dopiea 5 cents each. i; OF AIIVKUTISi.Mr.NTS. I v rv inch or part <>r an inch, Two j„ r month, and for
      422 words
    • 242 1 by Seventeen International Exhibition First Awards. II j The Original and only Genuine Hair Belt. ¥Hr RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. B3BL* M2L 455!! E& tez&a Machine Shop A Shiprcildino Yard.— Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. Light Draaght Btaaaacti ami Launches, Lyon's Self Acting Tapiocs Machinery, Anglo-Malay Plongna and Harrows. Ac, &c.
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    • 121 1 is. f :0: HEAD OFFICE:- Madras; BRANCHES -.-Bangalore Ooty, RanThe development of our business m the Straits has necessita- ted the -special construction oi Pianos for the Straits climate, and it Model Xo. 2, m solid Rosewood Case, Full Iron Frame, Full Compass of 7 Octaves A to A .$265
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    • 319 1 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR ANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. Head Officb 120, Buoaveaar, Nrw York London Office 81, Cnaarains E.C. Trustees for Oreat Britain and Ireland Thk Rioiit Hon. the Karl ok DnaaiU The Right Hon. the Eabl of Kintokb Sib Joseph C. Lee. (From the Xew York Sun,
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  • 488 2 The Daily Advertiser Thursday, May 11, 1893. The German Army Bill. It is impossible to foresee what will be tho actual ourCOOIQ of the present political crisis m Germany. The Reichstag has rejected the Army Bill upon which the Emperor William has set his heart, and, m consequence, a dissolution
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  • 755 2 If true, a shame Thk Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund oi the Straits Settlements is m sore strait* just BOW, if a.l the romours we hear concerning it be true, and aaoatdanibla doubt is expressed as lo wheihtr it can pull through the financial crisis which appears to be overwhelming
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  • 753 2 THROUGH A DRAMATIC BJ I IC BFBCTACIaBa, Two further letters by Mr J Scot! have appeared m the De fransk from srhich >oj make/.:.- Tv low* ing extracts OHtXP** NEW YEA 1 The New War has aires ly Jawaed for many a day. but last g
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 Robinson 4 Co.! i Have iust received a large shipMen! of I M Magric Cricket Bats, all registered and well seasoned, some r being 2 and 3 years old. M Magic Tennis Balls, guaranteed regulaticn weight size, and perfectly Hue m rebound. M Magic Cricket Balls, Gut and Thread sewn,
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    • 520 2 I pANTON INNaSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 I AMOUNT PAID UP 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Offick, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardinb, Mathbson uo The under. signed having been appointed Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid
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    • 334 2 T. E. WHITE Co. 56. HILL STREET, CORNER OF CTAMFORD ROAD, TAILORS, TAILORS, TAILORS Gold and Silk Embroiders, Helmet and Hat Makers, Commission Agents, Beg to announce to their customers and the Public m general that they nave just received the following f;oods Fancy tweed suiangs m different shades, French
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    • 39 2 Notice of Removal. workshop for tuning and repairing Pianos, Harmoniums and Organs has been removed from Stamford Road to Xo. 2, Cavanagh Road, close to Orchard Road Market. Communications by Post. H. COELHO, Sole Proprietor. Singapore, 3rd May, 1893.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 252 3 Sir.—I am glad to see that this subject has been broached. I have perceived tlie gradual growth of the evil, and the almost criminal neglect on the part of tha proper authorities to step m and check it. It is sorely not necessary to wait until some
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    • 292 3 Dbab Ifß Editor,—"Jemima's" letter m your last night's issue is to tho point and the snub which your Malacca correspondent received 'fret" her will doubtless hare the effect of making him reel aahanted of his gratuitous advice. It ia poor consols tiou to as maidous t> hear thai we should
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    • 178 3 —I most say that M Jeered H and the thanks ie stand she has taken ai] ortation into tlie ket of this place. may undertake upon i reforming tbe ideas po a- to conduce desires. I 1. 1 lies hor.* are ul intelligent as m India, but Will pardon me
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  • 468 3 The Selangor Government advertises for a Building Overseer at S7O a month. THE P. O. Packet Rohilla, with tlie London mail of the 2ist April left Colombo at 11 p. m. on the tub instant, and may be expected here on Sunday next. Mr. Tan Boon Guan
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  • 58 3 Lo»,!<>.i i eijki _> P| •< [\L GO dutjn t.;. \t 2 2 a dem rod x~ T.T. s ..,<•, :;.-!"> lark i>', t ■'«<•<* ....."> Uumburs 379 Panama \<> pro« l" '<'" 222 Somoooa ddadroe 2221 Colombo IL Uijltong ]co Ho. Smiigmm J v 0 prom >
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 Fob Sale. A ROYAL Psycho Cycle, almost new. Original price $lzs. Present price |$0. Can be seen at No. 99, Waterloo Street. Singapore, Ith May, 1893, CHEONG CHUN TIN DENTIST. No. 27, South Bridge Road, Upstairs. rpHE oldest and most successful dentist m Singapore. In possession of numerous first class
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    • 573 3 JafcjH L t^cmcntjj. The Eastern Extension Australasia China Telegraph Company, Limited. ]\JR. W. C. LANGDON being about to proceed to England, Mr. A. V. Gahagan acts as Superintendent of this Station from to-day. By Order of the Court of Directors, W. GRIGOR TAYLOR, General Manager. Singapore, llth May, 181)3. S
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    • 521 3 j Safest THE JELEBU MIXING TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. A DIVIDEND of 10 0/0 for tha halfyear closing 16th February, 1893, having been declared, Coupon Xo. 6 is payable at the Branches of the Chartered Lank of India, Australia and China, m Singapore and Hongkong, on and after 24 th April,
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    • 568 3 AUSTRIAN LLOYDS' STEAM .NAVKiATION CO. Undkr Mail Contract with thk Austrian Go v u x m i xt rpHE following are the dates oa which the oo.'s Steamers may be expected to sail from In re. OUTWARDS, FOR HONGKONG, SIIANOHAT, AND KOliE (J AP.au*,. s. s. Thisbe May 7th. s.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 219 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. May"-/ 1 May m. French str Godavery, J! >gliano, from Batavia, Messageries Muritimes Gernw-n str Lawana, Binger, from Hongkong, P. Schmidt snd (t. mi.i n str Gerda, Elders, from Hamb irq, R. Schmidt ami Co British s;.- Kishsn, Stovell, from Bwatow, Gnthrie and > British sir Ban Whatt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 567 4 Powell Co.! SINGAPORE. .o.— Plbasb bbad hunk fkw links and BBAB THKM IN MINI>. :o: f)UR PTTRNITURE FACTORY is m Oi chard Road, and is the hirt*;est Isnd most complete. It is supplied With steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, ke therefore Contracts and large orders oan
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    • 175 4 John Little €o. Have just received a lot of Thonet's Austrian Bentwood Furniture. Also English Gilt Mirrors with Marble-topped Consol Tables. x*^T^x t I y *\_f A B '*i»S -*v_ H //y I n v a x PECTORS. MINERS, Ac. £^r i? 1 -^> sSp^fea Iva. _^^?v >j s a
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    • 581 4 THE MERCANTILE BANK INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated under tlie Companies Act 18G2 to lcSyo.) Reconstruction of The Chrvtered Mercantile Bank of India, London China. Capital (60,000 shares of £25 each) 1 ,500,000 Subscribed Capitai 1 1 25,000 HeaclOTLce-: No. 65, Old Broad Street, London, I c. Court of Directors x ii;
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