Daily Advertiser, 10 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. ll] SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893 [NO. 721
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 435 1 TH DAILY ADVERTISER v (Roe of puMication of Ina Daily \\sn\ Iha Upper Floor of Sireet. vi X o* si'i.scnn'Tiox. i, ii« oi Ons Dollar. n-> 5 canta each. 0 F ADVERTIBBMBNTS. inch «»i j .it of .m inch, Two nth, and lor lone: periods t .<lm tion i« allowed.
      435 words
    • 319 1 "W m Lyono 1 iLertan Ctiffee Parlnsrs i RH'Rai" \TI aCOTUTT PT nTafIBYUVTRfI litt|ingaiad Mining Machinery, l.i.u.jplr Prenerving Plant, THB development of onr business m tho Straits has necessita-Aaiglo-Malay Plonghaand Harrows, ie, &o. tei tbe Bpecisl eoiistructirtn of Pianos for the Straits climate, snd it On Hand For Sale. nn
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    • 348 1 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR ANGE SOCIETY OF THE UNITeD STATES. Hkad Office 120. RnnaaWAV, New Yokr Lonuun Office— ll, v. iitAi'HioE E.C. I Trustees for Oreat Britain and Ireland Thk Riobt ii"N ths Eaul of Dannie Tai Bioav Boa. hie Eaul of Kintohb Sik JosEi'H CJ. Eke. (From the New
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  • 1382 2 The Daily Advertiser Wednesday, May 10, 1893. The Spring Race Meeting. First Day, TukBUAT, Dtii May, 1893. Indekd it is no exaggeration when we say that onr nice me.-ting is beeoiiiiiig inure popular year by year, aud th<' great interest manifested at the Race Course ysterday by both young and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 285 2 Sir,—Alier all the gush and loud talk indulged m by som^ people, 1 expected to have s-en quit-* laiyc gathering at the debate en Saturday last, but judging by the small attendance, composed principally of men who favour the introduction of a Divorce Court, I can
      285 words
    • 265 3 ii; your iasoe on Moodaj the i j»ive u report ot iiio 1> ivt- wlit'iciu 1 ri aj miiahtnent an I bor« r |L advu -ate 1 t i»*t» love, tiiat i. n 1 1 i.irv versus peruiaueut 1 1 1 ji/k.\ note of my remark*
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    • 458 3 :hc L>: ector* 1 Rei war ended 3 1 --t I nitivd t the Thirtyh urdiiia litrtieral Meeting held A. 189;, 1 The i^L.ii Statement! <>f AcI vt ..r en led 3.>t i, are subm Ued bcre■i.h. flic (ir Kp(«ipis, including
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 Robinson Co. 1 Have Just received a large shipment ol* Magric Cricket Bats. registered and well seasoned, some being 2 and 3 years otd. Magic Tennis Balls, guaranteed regulaticn weight size, and perfectly Hue m rebound. Magic Cricket Balls, (iut and Thread sewn, unequalled for hard wear and warranted m
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    • 523 2 pANTON INNSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardixe, Ma'i meson Co The undeisigned toeing been np\h inted Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A BottnS is annually paid to
      523 words
    • 349 2 It. c. white co. 56, HILL STREET, CORNER OF STAMFORD ROAD, [tailors, j TAILORS, j "tailors Gold and Silk Embroiders, Helmet mid Hat Makers, Beg to announce to their customers and the Public m general that they nave just received the following goods Fancy tweed suitings m different shades, Fancy
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    • 41 2 Notice of Removal. ►*JIHK workshop for tuning arid repairing Pianos, Harmoniums and Organs has been removed from Stamford Koad to No. l', Cavanagh Road, close to Orchard Koad Market. Communications by Post. H. COKLHO, J*oie Proprietor. Singapore, 3rd May, 18*);}. .1,,
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  • 1020 3 11. M.5. '•Pallas" left on a cruise to lhe eesteard rarli ibis morning after coaling ut the Borneo wharf. Mr. Fredemk G. Dcrntord, C.8., Btraila S< t leincnts, lias teen elected a fe'low oi the lvoyal Colonial Institute. Tun Right Kevd. Bishop afeuVirea rrauaaed ins voyage to
    1,020 words
  • 80 3 Conefum l month* e sijltt 2 P| t ov> dams «ii/ ht $n 1 •»<> ii l J <!t rawed 8"- 23 s 4- -/</ mtcr, it emu n>l 5.45 .\flC 10/"/ i' 1. (J Joan I ;> tfmuthuru 1 79 t*enmaa > Inofia 22Z Rmu ;oon Mo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 sJ*ttjLt L ti^mtirtJs. Municipal Notice. To Civil Engineers. Municipil I'oiuiu'wowiri of Singapore require* the services of a eompetect (Jivl Engineer to ret as a temporary Assistitnt to the Mltnicipa' Engineer. Candidates who must lie able to enter on the duties of the appointment inunediately should send their applications accompanied by
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    • 535 3 saterf THE JELEBU MINING A TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. J^ DIVIDEND of 10 0/0 for tha halfye.ir closing 16th February, 1803, having been declared, Coupon No. 0 is payable at the Branches of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia aud China, m Singapore and Hongkong, on and after 24th April, as
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    • 601 3 AUsIIUAN LLOYDS' 8I&AM ji*viiiATia!i na Ukder Mail Contract with thi? AUiSTIiIAN (jOvaRJUhUOST. r PIIK following are the da»*« an which the Co.'s Steamers may bd expected to .sail from ii re. OUTWARM FOB HOaVOKuNG. BHABOHuI, AND g. 8. 'Jhisbe Mny 7th. s. 6. VindulsoHi June 13th. HOhfBWABDa for Tribstu a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 314 3 SHIPP.N3 INTELLIGENCE. AKRIVA.4C*. May ti. British str Peiiai g, Dnnlot*, fr>m BaSSa aie,', Tan Kirn Tian ami Sons British str Palitana. D nghorty, from Rangoon. Boustead and C German str Tai Yiek, Bmke, from Hongkong, Behn Meyer and Co British str Amherst, Girod, from Kian-, Wee Bin and Co Dutch
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 595 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Plbasb hkad thksk fkw links and BBAB THKM IN MlNl>. f|Ul FUKHITUKE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, nnd is the larcest I and most complete. It is snpplieii With SBBMB power to drive onr W oud working Machines, Saws, Lathes, sYe*, Iherefore Contracts and lar^'e orders
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    • 252 4 John Liftle Co. Have just received a lot of Thonet'a Austrian Bentwood Furniture. Also English Giit Mirrors with Marble-topped Consol Tables. ThoneCs Bh.ck Ruck,^ X w^o *i 1 Mmunnw' 0 v j L °ntt a Black Reclining Couch, No. 1, 81*. _rf''_J*2a ?Jst^^^»j 4s**' 1 try* _1-.''- *Ki*'*^!%aw T 42&**4&
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    • 590 4 THE MERCANTILE BANK OK INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Companies Act 1 86 j to 1890.} Reconstruction of Tho Chaptered Mercantile Bank of India, London China. Capital (60,000 shares of .£25 each) £1,500 000 Subscribed Capital 1 125.000 Head Office No. 65, Old Broad Street, London, I c. Court of
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