Daily Advertiser, 21 January 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. IL] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 21, 1893* [NO. 634
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 435 1 IHE DAILY ADVERTISER 'o/o /a /o, T|fgonlceoi publication «>f the DaiLT v ,i is .-it the Upper Fioorof i<i Malacci Sireet. i; \-i k of Subscription. iv, <) i^ollsr. p -le c..pies 5 cents eaok. f iDVBRTISKMBNTS. I r eV ry inch orpad «><" an inch, Two per month, snd
      435 words
    • 434 1 EOU Si S 553H S& {alm MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEEBS, [RON FOUNDERS A SHIP BUILDERS M \< 'in ri shop i Shipbuilbivg Yard,— Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. Room,— Opposite the General Pest Office. II AKB RS OF m Light Drai steamers unci Launches, Lyon's Pate nt Rioe Mills,
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    • 257 1 MfSQUITH d CO., TUNERS TO THE PUBLIC TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Occasional Tuning jk t l\l 1 1 I I I r The Tuning and Rej .airing Department is under the direct supervision of our MADRAS WORKSHOP SUPERINTENDENT. Hiley Hargreaves Co. FIRE-PROOF SAFES WITH CHUBB'S PATENT INVIOLABLE LOCKS, IX ALL SIZES.
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    • 474 1 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR ANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. Head Offi.t— 120, Bboabvat, Nkw You London Office— 81, Lhkai'Siok 8.0. Trustees for Greet Britain and Irof an <i TBB RIQBT How. THB Eaki.uk DBKBIOa TuRIGBT Be n. tiik Eaulof Kintou. Rm Joseph C. Lkk. (From the New York Bkm,
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  • 533 2 The Daily Advertiser Saturday, Jan, 21, 1893. Pensions to M unicipal Servants. The correspondence just published on this subject shews that His Excellency has spared no pains to find out what rules apply to Munipolities in India. The letter jui I received from the Colonial Secretary bears on iis face
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  • 244 2 A native constable of Leith Street Station was arrested on last Saturday afternoon on the charge of theft. It is alleged that the accused went into a Chinese shop in Hutton Lane where he bought a cent's worth of bread and than sat down on
    Pinang Gazette  -  244 words
  • 1270 2 By the way, tins is most unusual Weather, and many people are place d in most unpleasant position**. The inconvenienc tun pin ■.1 »u and uuiteria] d: ma;» i*x|>erien •<• 1 j :-i now by hundreds ol oor o beyond estitiial The most or! thing to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 578 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. Pleasi rkad ttib.sk few linkii u*d i*.i: \i t:!i;m in MIND. y i: I URNITURE FACTORY is ia Orchard Road, snd is the lai dici •< mplete. !t is supplied 0 lin power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saars, 1 there Oonl 1 rricrs can be pul
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    • 544 2 riANTON rNSURANCE OFFICE I yj LIMITED. Capital Subscribed 12-500,000 Amount paid pp S 5(K),ooo 1 Keserve I 1 sd 500,000 Head Office, Hokgkokg. (,> i.i ral Agents Messrs. Jabdieb, Blathesoh «fcco THE andeisigned having beau ;i)»--ji-.ii.fi -I Ap "is Ten tie- above Company, e prepsred to accep! marine risks at
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    • 542 2 1 c POSADA WINE COMPANY, WE have now reeeived Stexks of Wines and Spirits of choice description which we can strongly recommend to consumers. The wines of the POSADA Co. are imported direct from Spain and Portugal, and are kept on Tap at 3, Battery Road. We would strongly recommend
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  • 432 3 Parachutist Valazu Klllsd. hina Mail. Information has reached Hongkong ►fthe death of the well-known parahutist, Victor Valazie, under the shocking circumstances at Saigon >ur account oi the accident is supplied i.y an eye-witness who arrived by tho French mail steamer Sydney last night. Valazie, who was
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  • 38 3 II e dtmirs it to ho hama in mind that by in-s,-r(,,..j Utter* mt ,io n ,.t eanoen mm a matmion taaormklt to thrir rout, mis, nor </.. </■<• ur Vi rrsaansMefsr the opinion* of our corn jo ftoastemts,
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  • 192 3 SIR,— For the last threo or four days several of our public stre-ts and tnoroughlarcs have been so flooded with water about two or three feet deep that it has been impossibles to be passed over without being wet. I his is no doubt
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  • 259 3 {From our own correspondent.) 19ctA Jan.— It is believed that 11. B. tlie Governor, who is expected to arrive here to-niorrow afternoon or earlv on Saturday, will make a pretty long stay at Tanjong Kling, the Sanitarium'? of this blooming citv. There lias certainly been an agreeable change
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  • 259 3 (From our own correspondent.) 2oth January. Heavy showers still continuing, with sky still determined to pour. A 10-inches has already been registered within the 48 hours. Streets and low-lying houses and other buildings flooded, though not alarmingly. No mail of any sort was received yesterday from Singapore, or any
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  • 586 3 T_M total return of visitors to the I Raffles Library and Museum during I the week was 454. -opMa N. P. Trevenen, tho British J onsnl for Brunei, who is now in S ngapore, leaves for Brunei on Mondiy by the Ranee. YisTCßDATalarge fish, Than Jman weighing
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  • 182 3 ARRIVALS. January 20. British str Chow Phya, Pallett, from Klang, Bun Hin and Co British str Penang, Dr.nlop, from samaraug, Tan Kim Tian and sons British str Isabella, Hudson, from Djambie, Ban Hin and Co British str Gympic, Morris, from Klang, Straits Steamship Co Ltd British str Yuen
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  • 68 3 London 4 month's sight 2'V 1 t/9] 00 days' sight .l n *n% 2/8} demand 28* n T.T. 2/8J France, demand 3.43 &em lark fJS Jai 1 167 Hamburg 277 i 010 prem India «)-*oL ---2 tiangoon Madrax 000 Colombo llomjhonij par o/amrem ]tt: »>l« 9 0/o prem
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  • 80 3 pßoorcK. Oamhier, H 2o do Cuba Xo. I, 970 de do So. 2 c\.osi Copra Bali, sun dried 4.00 do Poatianak, Z.&O Pepper Black, |a[ M Sago Fiour, 3 q 0 Pearl Sago, 3 5o Cj/lee Bali, 32 Coulee Liberian, picked 31.00 Tapioco small Flake, 3 $q
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 403 3 patent retirements. I N DCK H IN A^S. N7CO. LTD? FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA THB Company's str. KUTSAXG 1,481 tons, Capt. W. Hall Jacssos having left Hongkong on the 18th Inst may be expected to arrive here on the .3rd instant. She will have cmick despatch for the above ports,
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    • 659 3 latest The Tamakichi Troupe OF TOKIO, JAPAN, I Jf AS arrived, and will give several performances of Japanese Acrobatic Feats at the Circus Ground, corner of River Valley Road, opoosite the Ico Works, beginning on TUESDAY, -Ith JAN. This Troupe is composed off 18 of the best and well known
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    • 629 3 I JTatqtt AUSTRIAN LLOYDS' STKAM NAVIGATION CO. USTDKR Mail CdNTRACT with TIIK Austria m- < jov i rnment. rpHE following are the dates on which the Co.'s Stsan iers may bo expected to sail from here. outwards. for Hongkong, Sharghai, and Kobi (Japavj.i s. s. Oieela .lan. 22nd, s. s.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 631 4 Robinson 4 Be. NEW GOODS, French Cashmeres in all shades, Sen Clean Dress Msterielsi White Crimped sfateriai, LFancy Printed Cord Strip* Light Fancy Printed CambftCi, White Embroidered CostllEESE, Fancy Coloured Crepons. Uerveillenx Silks in all P, Silks in all sbadflS, Bnrah Silks iu all shsdes, Figured Black Silks, I\\ I
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    • 390 4 John Little Co. SINGAPORE, Owing to Increasing Trade in Furniture, the present Show Rooms Will be removed to larger and more commodious Rooms at the back of our godown, which will be opened on Ist October, 1892. K '^1 t^t r iT r 'Vf c^f' I'll lii" rtIM L i
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    • 786 4 for i\\t tymeni'm tCrucltij lo jvmmate. rpHE public are Informed thai the 1 1 dreSS of the Society's In-] ec '•> Mb. e. p. Paglar, is xls, Street, or Ilolley's Livery Stables, Orchard Road. All persons wishing to report any cases of cruelty which may come under their notice are
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