Daily Advertiser, 7 January 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. M] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 7, 1893. [NO. G22
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 402 1 DAiU ADVEF !oLK 1 publication i»r the DaiLT 1- .-it t).r Upper Floor of N oa Street. ICRIPTION. m 1•- m One Dollar. i< b cent* li. DVERTIBKMBNTB. <w |.:j tt of :m iii<'h i Two ill h, and for long periodi ion llowed. m. vi is Kulvjedt t<> ;i
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    • 387 1 4 safe i^Ji I Si. CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, [ROM FOUNDERS sini' BUILDERS "V :o: Maiiuinb snor A Shipbuilding \i:d, Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. I O P P I C EANPS,\ I I X o< M Opposite the General Post Office. :o:— Lighl Dranghi Bteamera and Lanncbes, Lyon's Self
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    • 152 1 Riley llargreaves Co. IYVT O T, A l^T T^ T A n T'' n J- IULA Jj L L 1j UUK S 13, BATTERY ROAD. ESTABLISHED 1878. rfyii* th AT _E_p WATE R W 0 RKS TOWN DErOT AND OFFICES. /'//^Sf^Y S^^^^£j^ X^^^\\ THE PUREST, THE BEST, liit: TnUo I
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    • 282 1 HAIR DRESSING SALOON, No. 30, MIDDLE ROAD, SINGAPORE. the undersigned beg most respectfully to inform the pnblie that 1 have from the Ist October commenced to undertake hair dressing work for ladies ami gentlemen at the above place. K. OTTO. Singapore, 3rd Oct., 1892. NAID MARICAN CO., :o: DUBABHEB GENERAL
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    • 718 1 SINGAPORE "INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD, :o:— A UTH#RisiD Caimtai $4,000,000 HUBUCRIBiD CAJHTAL feW.OOO AMOUNT I'aid DP *****0 SO! MARINE BUBUUSBB. T IIIS (1I «']»^ny i H prepared to inns policies on Marine risks to toy ]>art of the world policies may be made W»W« M my of the Company's Agemcies. List
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  • 554 2 The Daily Advertiser Saturday, Jan. 7, 1893. The Electric Light. It has been observed from the report of last Wednesday's Meeting that the feeling of the Board is strong on the question. Very much has been said and written since Major McCallum first broached the matter. What he advanced m
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  • 519 2 {Hongkong Telegraph.) In the latest letter to the Straits Tines Arnot Keid displays at some length his ignorance and his opinions on American railways. He begins: 1 have at this time travelled three thousand miles m the United States; 1 hare visited seven cities or
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  • 759 2  - Tit- Bits. At all events New Year's morning passed off merrier than Christ mas Rmongtt that peaceful ami nsefal class of the community, the Eurasian.-*. I noticed no fewer than eight or fen gangs of them going about merry, making from one friend's house to another with fiddles, drums, &c,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: f*I.KASK KKAD TFIKSK FKW UWS ANI> 15KAK THEM IS MINK -:o:QIIK FUBNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, Mid m the largest ami mos' complete. It is rapplied with steam power to drive our Wo- >i\ working Ma<hincH, Saws, Lathe*, fte therefore Contracts snd large order* can
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    • 583 2 pIANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Suusciiihei) ?2,r>00,000 Amount paid DP... f)oo,ooo Kkskwve Fum> 500,000 Head Offick, HOKOEQVQ. (i( n»ral Agenti Messrs. .lakdixe. Mai meson Co The andetsigned baTing been ap])oint« d AirentH for the above Oonipanv. are prepared to accept marine risks ut current rates. A BonOS m annnally paid
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    • 499 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY. We have now received Stocks of W T ines and Spirits of choice description which we can strongly recommend to consumers. The wines of the POSADA Co. are imported direct from Spain and Portugal, and are kept on Tap at 3, Battery Road. We would strongly recommend
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  • 909 3 The tel irn of visitors fo the rary and Museum durins (At G rman dab i. istly whisky i i>• i i shpeak You tiv-i- giu yel I 'umise case is nd- i>url "i Lao Magistrates, will .v be t.tixcii on at its ._r. Bus El C
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  • 594 3 The Revd l^r. Miles Hitcheni of Eccleston-sqnare Church, Bel^rave Road, has been making some calculations of Jay (jould's wealth, and he introduced them into his sermon. Suppose his millions to be changed into £5 notes and those notes joined together m one htrip, it would reach from
    Pinang Gazette  -  594 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 689 3 Jateiit Municipal Notice. JJOTICE is hereby giren that m terms of ;i;j and ?A of Ordinance IX uf i,SK;, amended hy Ordinance XVII of l.Ss'J, an election of one MunicijnJ Commissioner for the Kallang No. f>) Ward of the Town of Mingapote, vice Hon*bie Tan Jiak Kirn resi^ney, will take
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    • 536 3 latest Wanted. CLERK; must write well and be correct at figures. Apply m own handwriting, with copy of reference, to T. M., care of Daily Advertiser office. Singapore, 6th January, 1^93. To Let. r I IHAT1 HAT commodious house, Xo. 49, Hill Street. Rent moderate. Aj.jily to WEE KIM YAM.
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    • 551 3 AUSTRIAN LLOYDS' 6MAN NAVIGATION 00. Undeb Kail Coktbact with thk Austria* GorEßmmrr. r |^HK following are the dates aa which the Co.*s flteajaeiß n»;iy l>« expected to s.iii from here, OUTWARDB, for Hongkong Shanghai. S. B. Orinn Deo, 2 "J i u 1 s. s. Qiiela Jan. ttnd. BOMEWABDR, roR
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 497 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, AUUIVALS. Jaxcart 2. Briti h Btr Calypso, Lowry, from Deli, W Mansfield V i Britisli >r Kui KHnsr, Jackwn, from Calcuttn, !>• ustend ;.n«t 'o French str liodaverv, 1! •.-■ii; 1 0, from ButtlviH, M»'<sa-_iv']M< M '"i;"!nf> BritUh str Strut I] M clinch lan, from >i w York,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 704 4 Robinson Co. NEW GOODS, I* r« neh Cashmeres m sill ahadetj New Cream DreM Mat* rials, v\|iit<- Crimped Stripe Material, Pane? PrinU d < Jorcl Btripe, Li-lit Fancy Printed < Jkinbrica, \V!ii;»- Kmbroiden d Contumi s, Paucj i loloured Crepons. Merveilleux Bilki m ;i!l ibadea, pongee Silks m all ahad<
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    • 263 4 Bt m^K a^Bi s^Bt led 133 vJyf* qv* fc^i t m^4B jt s^k I* jI f i Wuk Hh r^H uK3 r*~* jj| iCj WJ Xl e^q ReV bdA ifa. Kyj vji t&fl SINGAPORE, Owing to Increasing Trade m Furniture, the present Show liooms will be removed to larger and
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    • 508 4 $<N[itig for il|c $]m*cirtion cjf (Cruclto to &ntmal& rpil K pnblto are Informed thai the "d (h-css of the Society*! Inspector, MR. B. K. Paglar, m 215, Queen Street, or Holley'l Livery Stabler, Orchard Road. All persona wishing to report raj canes of cruelty which may come voder their notice
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