Daily Advertiser, 3 November 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. Tl] SINGAPORE, TIIUKSDAY, NOVEMBER, 3, 1892. [NO. 571
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 352 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER F'o/o, tf/tfy implication of the DaiLl I the Upper Floor oi !!RIPTIOH, ..One Dollar. 5 cent < i.-h. AUVBRTISBMHS TO i f»r ;>:!! ol an in<-li t Tu<» and for long p iriodi ia allowe I. incnl is sohjed to a n hether the m a rtion
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    • 406 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL 'ENGINEERS, IKON FOUNDERS SHIP BUILDERS Machine Shop Shtpbuildixg^Yard~ Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. Office and Sale Room,— Opposite the General Post Office. MAX I R B O F Light Dranght Steamers and Launches, Ljen'i Patent Bioe Mills, Colonial Wood Wdridng Machinery, Ljon*s Self Acting Tapioca Machinery,
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    • 286 1 Riley Ilargreaves Co. IN ALL SIZES. 13, BATTERY ROAD. ESTABLISHED 1878. CAtRAfECTw ATERJWJ^R K^^3^% TOWN DEPOT AND OFFICES, [ff o^^s}}^-^L9 R /^S^W CV^ Battery Road. l^^^^^^^^p| Facsimile of temporary additional Label. FROM "URE UIoTILLED WATEai steam power aerated The Dispensary Aerated Water Works Co. WATRB FACTORY AND 76, Brass Bassa
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    • 390 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. AcTHORifBD Capital 14,000,000 HcBSOBIBBD < 'ai'ltai $3,000,000 AMOUNT Pah, i p ,s *****U MARINE BUSINESS. 'piIIS Company is prepared to iasnt fK.lir-ic-; O n Marine ritki to any part of the world polidei nay h m ule payable al any of the Coinpenj a A t'H's.
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  • 1746 2 The Daily Advertiser Thursday, November 3, 1892. Mail News. (L. V. Kxpre**, Ith Oct.) The Tyne lias L«it wiih a ii" v crow for the i I yju-iuih, as weil us lor the Nymph anJ Daplme. The following appointment has been made al the Admiralty Commander (i. H. M'Artbnr, to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 580 2 DES CLAYES CO., WINK MERCHANTS. Sole AOIVT a; BIKOAfOItK, .i. D. SAUNDERS, <!, D'Alm« Ida Bl reet. r pi!K above firm have always on hand at tlxir Singapore Alt* ncy a large and <i oicc Stock <»!' Wines and Spirit*. 8] :i ntion U called to their "White Sparkling Burgundies.'
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    • 665 2 Millinery Millinery Millinery Robinson Co. ABE now Bhowing the latest f.'ishions iii Ladies' Trimmed liars and Bonnets, and solicit the favour of an inspection. These #oods have all been specially made to order and are most stylish. Millinery Millinery Millinery Singapore, 15th Oct. To Let. rpWO BUNGALOWS on Hooding Estate,
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    • 609 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. JO. PLKASW KKAD THRBB II W jJKlft AM> BKAR THEM IN' MIND. :o: QUB FURKITUBK FACTOKY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied With steam power to drive onr Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, Arc, therefore Contracts and large orders can
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    • 596 2 rjANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capita l Subscribed $2,5( >f\< l( > AMOUNT PAID Ul» s<M),Oott RMIKKTE l\:su 500,000 Hhad Officb, ETokokong Qenenil Agents MBSB its. J a RDINR, 9 1 A T 1 1 1* X A Co THB andei signed having been appointed Agents for the above Company, are
      596 words

  • 421 3 Malaysia Message.) H w raise an adequate rer the Straits Settlements, I >}>ium traffic is aboli>hed a question which must be tore long, h will not be i«» make a few pertinemt Instead of encouraging revenue system we must which rightly consider*hip, but a benefit
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  • 821 3 The Fyner brought to-day from Sadoog a consignment of coa i ™r Messrs. I'aterson Simons Co. H. M. S. Egeria left again for the Anambas Island this forenoon h« not yet completed her surveying Thb Mail despatched from Sineapore o London, via Brindis,, on the ultimo WaS
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  • 59 3 London 4 month's s'ujht 2/10 2/93 CO days *iyht 2'■!)- J0 f |/9| N de mn mi 29l n TT. 2/91 F/tt/icr, t/nit'ltlil 3 s(> v >'«^* n .ZZ.'.\.\'.\.. 671 /v i 69 ll«mb*rs B f'"*"* prim lion goon Madra* o^4l Culotrho ""'^'".7 \o/*di* ID*/****, okamgmMt ~.>i lo^ciAama
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  • 102 3 Pkodcce. Gambier, JO 01 do Cube No. 1, tf 2;> do do Art. 2 S.o Copra Bali, sun dried 4 45 do Pontinnak, 4 00 Pepper Black, 1;» 00 Pepper W, e, ly.oO &iyo F!our y 3 00 Pearl Saqo, 3 Oo Co /fee Had 3| Co
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 490 3 JOSEPH BAKER, Confectioner and Bread Baker, 82, Brass Bassa Road, (Opposite the Raffles Girls' School) JJEGS to inform the Ladiesand Gentlemen of Singapore that he has just returned from Europe and has opened the new Confectionery nnd Bread Bakery shop at the above j lace. Ice Cream and Water Ice
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    • 574 3 latest Notice. QVand after the Ulfc November, IK!>2, the following trill be the rat per word and minim-un oharm for telegram* peering over the Btraita Government and Native States Liud lines 1. Between any two Stations m the same State, l> rents per wori, with a rnininiuin ehaive of 1<»
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    • 682 3 Noticer, J have this day etarted M ('onsnltin^ Engineer, Surveyor and Machinery Valuer, and am Dreparod to superintend the building and repairing of steamers and any other description oi Engineering work. r 1 havo been .Superintendent En>e sineer to the New Harbour Dock Co., [8 Ltd., daring the last lour
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 283 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE FOR Plvce by Time To day. Saigon, Glucksburg, 4 p m iO MORROW. Ratavia; Samaranp, S'baya, Nanyang, 9am Ratu I'ahat. Aing Ann. yam Bangkok. Hydra, 10 a m Sourahava, Bawean, etc. Sri Runner t t> m Malacca and Klang. lian Whott ilin 3pm Penang, TetMA, 4 p.
      283 words
    • 145 3 B.itUh str Gnn'^B, A de ton, from C ol »mbo, P and O Coin;>aii<' Hi-itKih sir ObelfftrM, Can;, from Calcuttfi, RoMtoad and Co H M rb B^ria, Held, from Anamba Island, Senior Naval Officer I>;itch ,tr Srie Sintanir, Helkwt, from I bnUftnak, Toong Dm Bn^ and Co British Ann, FolleM,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 696 4 The Dispensary. 4:5. RAFFLES place. .v: PIIOPRIITOB d Man- AiilAi.... j A MACKAY. BUSINESS HOUHS. Dsilf From a. m t 1 r. m. Sundays From 1 1 A.M. to li\ M. For nrgeut u<{ s, where Ifedicinei nre rsqsired during the night, an Assistant Will he found on duty :it
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    • 408 4 SINGAPORE, Owing to Increasing Trndo m Furniture, iho present Show Roomi Mil] bo removed to larger and more commodious IJooms at the bad of our gbdowH, which will be opened on Ist. October, 1892 Massive FlWost Bedstead, 2" I'S^lfl I v lf v No. 916 taper pilfers, BnM rail at
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    • 701 4 j .^ociftij far |ipwnito n of CCruclti) to fnima!£ rynv: public tre Informed that H j -livss of the Socioty'a >^"U, or Hollej', Livery 's Orchard Road. Ail persons wishing to reitorf ca.sc ;s or cruelty which may coin, their notice are requested to com Z c«te wM him at
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