Daily Advertiser, 15 September 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. IT] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1892. [NO. 529
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 345 1 CHIANTI WINE, Best Wink for Indigestion. .o: Sol*- ImpoHen for BingApore, GAGGIKO 8c u. |HE DAILY ADVERTISER. ition of the Daily e i im" 1 Floor of i. Sl BSCRIPTIOH. < >■ I k>llar. cents each. I, inch Twu r>r long periods -i eel t«t :i iua rtion lit. <>t
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    • 379 1 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS A BHIP BUILDER& Machink shop A Bhipbuildikg Yabd, Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. Oi fici and Bali Boom, Opposite the General Pest Oilice. Light Draught BtesoMfi and Lamu hes, Lyon*i I'utnit Rioe Miils, Colonial Wood Working Machinery, laoh'h Self Aetinj,' Tapioca Macliiiiery,
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    • 327 1 ISiley Ilargreaves Co. 1 M V i Ji A Ij O C K S IvJ t—^ r\ I I C. I I im AA \J 'iM sa^iTSß wi"9!& wHiSI <_"/ERATED WATER WORkT > **J i PROPRIETOR.^^^ All descriptions of Crated Beverages of the Highest Possible Class Manufactured under Professional European
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    • 417 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: AUTIIOHISK!) C.MITAI jjU.OI >«>,0l>0 Si t,s( i i i >. m i 'aimtai. Ooo.noO Amount Paid bv 600 000 MARINE BUSINESS. r PIIIS '(.nijianv is prepared to issue j»<tli\ ics on Marine risks to ;iny part- of the world policies may 1»- ma 16 tyable
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 Mew Goods. was. soqsi Has just received the undermentioned French Lawns and Cambrics. Figured and Striped Shot Silks. Mousseline Delaines and Flannels. (For Tka Gowns.) Fancy Dress Materials and Nuns Veilings. Chiffon Neckties, If nslin Ties Embroidered. Plastrons 19 Chiffon and Lace. LADIES 1 TENNIS SHIRTS. Flannelettes, Corsets, Shoes, Gloves,
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    • 526 2 Cash Clearance Sale. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Robinson Co. SINCAPORE, will offer for Sale during the month of September, their surplus stock of drapery, outfitting and other goods, at greatly reduced prices for CASH, and would call attention to the goods mentioned below, which will be found of exceptionally
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    • 547 2 Cash Clearance Sale, Continued. Ladies' and Children's Colored Lisle Thread Hose, same quality and price as black. COSTUMES, SHIRTS, BLOUSES, AND UNDERCLOTHING. A large assortment of White Embroidered Costumes in boxes from $7 each, French Stuff Embroidered Costumes from each. These costumes will be found of very good value. A
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    • 574 2 By the P. O. mail Btr. Bokhara this morning, there arrived for Mr. Bettamn's Royal Hair Dressing Saloon a coiffeur from Paris, who will specially attend to Ladies and Gentlemen requiring his services for Balls and Theatres, All orders will be attended to personally by him at 35, Raffles Place.
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    • 554 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Please head thbsk few links and bkak thkm in mini). :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 542 2 Government* s^TENDMMB .viii b. r V( Printed forms *hich u Ul JH application k) fh, Lwnpwj tod mZ i marked on an outM.l, name of the Far.n t, I1( 'T Kmn muHt be t.Mi.|,. r U leaden must §Dec jf v hum*, residences Li' fl||i persona tendering. The security n~,,
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  • 778 3 The Daily Advertiser Thursday, Sept. 15, 1892 M,M« ii'AL Commission. IV i „f tlio minutes of ;i meetr flic Municipal Comininiouaii -,Vt.T-.luy :.t thfl Board Room, iM I'. AJi.-i.ilr.KHj, President, M M ■(':illmii:mtlTun »Ji;ik Sobst, Patoraon, Nan,,'m .Hid tin* In>i»octor Gen- 11..I 1 M Callam sske 1, with re,lioum tli:tt
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  • 352 3 '(Contributed.) The continued depreciation of silver, and the consequent appreciation of all produce in silver countries, promises to make tin mininq in the Malay Peninsula a still more thriving industry than it has ever been before! The State of Perak offers now, with its fine metalled
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  • 587 3 From toe Health Officer's report, zymotic diseases. It appears that tlie Chinese recognize the infective nature of smallpox and take the precaution to place a token over the door-way as a warning to friends, but they only recognize infection from direct contact of the healthy
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  • 742 3 GVMKHANA.—Our readers are reminded of the Gymkhana meeting at the Race Course at 4 o'clock this afternoon. 1 assengers.— Messrs. Donaldson, Uutchinson, Beciier, and Solomon were passengers yesterday from Kluik' by the Sappho. Arrival.— The Hon'ble A L Donaldson, who left this for Selaugor on Saturday last,
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  • 349 3 (Pinang Gazette, 10th September). Mr. B. Mitchell, Inspector of Police, Kuhm, has been transferred to Kedah. Several large irrigation works in Province Wellesley are to be taken in hand early next year. Messrs. Behn Meyer Co. have been appointed local agents for the Royal Exchange Assurance Company. Paddi
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  • 78 3 London 4 month's sight 2/9f I i/9| GO days sight 2/9) n W m B/91 demand 2 Ji n T.T. 2/9J Frnucr. t/finnivf.. H.Jl^ Urm lcrfc <J7| Jtt'» N IO.Si Hamburg 282> a Penang 0/0 fnein India 2J5.\ /til ll'/n-in Madras J ff| Coluhlkj Iltmgkmg g 0/0 dis.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 635 3 latest gidircrti^mcitts. To Let. gUKIT CHKRMIN, furnished. Entry Ist October. For particulars, apply to PATERSON. SIMONS CO. Singapore, Uth Sept., 1892. uc To Let" TWO BUNGALOWS on Hooding Estate, New Harbour. For particulars, applv to PATERSON, SLMONS CO. Singapoie, 14th Sept., 1892. uc in"do^ciTina_s. nTco. ltdT FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA.
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    • 592 3 2akjH DES CLAYES CO.. WINE MERCHANTS. Sole Aoßjrt at Bmoiroßi, J. D. SACXDERS, t>, D'Aliin-iila Stn-'-f 'pilE above firm bave always on band at their Biagapore Agency a large and Choice Stock of Wines and Spirit*, gpeoial attention is oallod to their "White Sparkling Burgundies." Tlks'j Wines are of the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 94 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE FOR PI.VCB BY TIMB To PAY. I'ouan^ an<l Calcutta, Wim& Sang, 3 p ra Sourabaya, Hali, hic, Flintshire, 3 p.m. llMgkoa, lyd. a. '4 p m Asrthan, llixfcfjiti an<l Deli, Sumatra, 4 p.m To-aiolinow. r>janibi<\ Isabella, 8 a m U itu Pahat, Sultana, 11 am. .Silicon and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 683 4 The Dispensary. 43, RAFFLES PLACE. .o: PKOPH1KT0R *1UH-) A Mackay La(;kr... A MACKAY BUSINESS HOURS. Daily From fl A. M. to r > P.M. Bnndayi From 1 1 a.m. to 1 i\ M. Fof urgent OtMt, when Medicines are required during Um ni^rht, an AshiVliint will be found on duty
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    • 376 4 John Little Co. SINGAPORE, Owing to Increasing Trade in Furniture, the present Show Rooms will be removed to larger and more commodious Rooms at the bad of our godown, which will be opened on Ist October, 1802. >'-— 8* 4 A X H M. I Tm. F "33 A 4
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    • 614 4 for ll]e jrcrrntion of ((ruelty to §mmali T H f vuhn< tafamrf that the ad m» v eH l .> th fco^jr'i Inspector MR. E. F. PAOLAB in li*. n Stioet, or HollW In's 1 1 Orchard Road. uljN> All jH-i-Hoiis irishimr to renort of cruelty whicTmay fSTaJS their non(.earcMv
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