Daily Advertiser, 14 September 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser L IT.] SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1892. [NO. 528
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 chiantFWine! Best Wine for Indigestion. [tnpotton for sinL'^pnii', GAGGINO o, [LY ADVERTISER, p Floor of fPTION. ....One tollar. 'ii. inch, Tw«i long j. iriodi r .mi p| -I until i ontite ori ;uil pe J. i M i rtheD I Oil allowed i rieol :i'.iy <m i j i to
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    • 391 1 4, w &km ML 444 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS A BHIP BUILDEBS Machikl Shop ft Shipbuuaikg Yard, Albion Engine "Works, Beach Roa r l. ich and Bale toon, Opposite tfce General Pest Office. MAK K U S 0 F 1 iit Draught Blmuk n and Launches, Lyoii'a
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    • 312 1 Riley Hargrcaves Co. FIRE-PROOF SAFES WITH CHUBB'S PATENT I I N Y I O L A B L E LOC K S IN ALL SIZES. 13, BATTERY ROAD. U%|s^ sc^-^i^i^, r /> WiViii Wi4-S < WORt?Jir> V ffjf wilt JJg^^*'"^^^jj^pßSJ^B3wß^^Sjjßs^^^^jfc^^^^^fc^^* />' > nCPf i>i /r^~~~~ v^\\ I All description of
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    • 358 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. $4.000,< O«H1 p Paid i MARINE B1 nniii.s r, j i i is I poli on Marin part of the trorld p« lici< b m I l>;iy- Mil}- of the i b. Li. (of •■i,< oa on appli< d;.l'.\ n Flß] i i Morel nb ."1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 New Goods. Has jnst received tlie undermentioned French Lawns and Cambrics. Figured and Striped Shot Silks. Monsseline Detained and Flannels. (Poa Tka Qowms.) Fancy Dress Materials and Nuns Veilings. Chiffon Neckties, Mu>lin Ties Embroidered. Plattroni in Chiffon and Lace. LADIES 1 TENNIS SHIRTS. Flannelette.-, Corsets, Shoes, Gloves, Ribbons, &c, &c.
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    • 525 2 Cash Clearance Sale. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Robinson Co. SINGAPORE, will offer for Sale during the month of September, their surplus stock of drapery, outfitting and other goods, at greatly reduced prices for CASH, and would call attention to the goods mentioned below, which will be found of exceptionally
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    • 558 2 Cash Clearance Sale, Continued. Ladies' 4 ind Children's Colored Lislo Thread Hose, same quality and price as black. COSTUMES, SHIRTS, BLOUSES, AND UNDERCLOTHING. A large assortment of White Embroidered Costumes in boxes from $7 each, French Stuff Embroidered Costumes from $fi each. These costumes will be found of very good
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    • 576 2 NOTICE.— By the P. &O. mail str. X1 Bokhaka" this morning, there arrived 'or Mu. Bettanin's Royal Hair Dressing Saloon a coiffeur from Paris, who will specially attend to Ladies and Gentlemen requiring his services for Balls and Theatres. All orders will be attended to personally by him at 35,
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    • 551 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Please read thkse fkw lines and bmab tukm in mini). :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and lar^e orders can be
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    • 553 2 Tendon moat Km ui i. Bntu. u, sil k.,, t s, Prints form, whuh n, ,V application tu Um t tag-tl and n,:!;; 1 1 marked on an (M.tsi.l,,.,,,,., Mi 1 *d -me of the Farm t,:n ,:::;'t U l ;h ftrw must be tendered for *L J renden must
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  • 951 3 The Daily Advertiser Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1892 Mail News. C. Ax;»rcs*, VJth August.) <\ F. Martin, t'onnaught T9i lias been •elected for the ,t,,i»ut of Assist, nt Conunistbtl Ist lVrak >ikhs. Ueiieml sir Unarlei Van Strauli.C.h., died at Bath, on the inik, U hll eightieth year. the ChlOCie war ho
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  • 948 3 An Opening. -Messrs. Katz Bros, advertise for an Eurasian clerk for the River Valley Koad Ice Works. Homeward Mail. The M. M. steamer Yarra, with the homeward mail, left the Borneo wharf at 2 p. m. to-day instead of at daylight, as she arrived here late last
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  • 352 3 From tho Municipal Progress Report for July, by Mr. A. Gentle, tho President, we make tho following extracts SANITARY MEASURES. A good deal of attention has been directed during tho month tc the foul state of Stamford Road Canal and to the three river creeks at Purvis Bridge,
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  • 87 3 From the Municiapal Engineer's Report. MARKETS. Fair progress, considering the work is all tide work, was made with the reclamation for the extension of Clyde Terr\ico Market. At the new Town Market, tho progress made with the foundations was not very satisfactory, but tlwre is plenty of time to them
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  • 490 3 ifi ihxirr it ti) }>,■ hortir iii mind that hi/ intcrriiuj letter* in- rf,> not ot*ntrjf any opinion fu n>r, thl to tluir contt nt*, nor do ice hold ourMifrrx rrxfjunxihU- for the opinion of our cor rr*/tondrntx. Dear Sir,— l beg to inform the individual who made mention
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 561 3 Sstpl Wanted at once. OLBRK for the River Valley Road Ice Works. Munt be strictly honest. Apply by letter to KATZ BROTHERS. Singapore, 14th Sept., ls[*2. To Let! JJUKIT CHERMIN, furnished. Entry Ist October. For particulars, apply to PATKKBON. SIMONS CO Si ngapon, 14th Sept., 1892. uc To Let! rp\VO
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    • 592 3 DES CLAYES^T^CoT, WINK MERCHANTS. Sole A«.ext at Singapore, J. I). BAUBTDSRB, 6, D* Almeida Btreei 'J'HK above firm have always <m band at their Singapore Agencv a large and Choice Stock of Wines and Spirits. Special attention in called to their %t VVhite Sparkling- Burg-undies." Tlhh'3 Winee are of the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 212 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. BbPTBHBIB 13. Brit str Cyclops, Xish, from Liverpool, W. Mansfield und Co Ger str Sumatra, Cassens, from Deli, Behn, Meyer smd Co Brit str Windsor, Raeburn, from Kutchinotyn, Mitoci ItnaiMl Kaisha Brit str Hydra, Fripp, from Bangkok, W Mansfield and Co German str din foba**?, Thomsen, from
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    • 58 3 MAILS WILL OLOBB FOB PIACI if Timk, Tl) I>*Y. A«.vh,ni, l".( da^ei uii'l Dtli. Sumatra. 4 p iu ln-iiii^ii 1. Ueiuiit, 4 p B9 Manu .tiid I'jilcml.Hi.j', ltul»y, I p.tn. 11l MwKltoW It.it n I'uhn'. 4illf| Ann. a. m. liMi.iu.' iiitii Ciilouttn, Wiri^ Sang, H p m Sour<ili.i}u. liuli. eie.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 673 4 The Dispensary. 43, RAFFLEB PLACR .o: PHOi.n.KTonAMAN-j M HQMM BUSINESS HOURS. Daily From 9 a. m. to p.m. Banaajs Fromll A.M. to l P.M. T. r urgent c;>s»-s. where Msdicinei ■re reqaired »luri nu the niirht, an Asi Rifitaiii wiß be fonnd <m duty si t the Dispensary from n>
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    • 328 4 John Little Co. SINGAPORE, Owing; to Increasing Trade in Furniture, the present Show Rooms will be removed to larger and more commodious Rooms at the back of our godown, which will be opened on Ist October, 1892. p^Ni'l'li'l >1^ ■ai|J--^ rT T'.~~~. <■-.. 3 it. ft. b i> ft. ft.
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    • 704 4 for tlK jJravntlon of (Cruel!!} to Inimali 'J'TIE public tn Informed thai ii,. Mr. B F. Paglab, i> 215, Q Street, or Hollej'i Livery Sr;,i,,, Orclmnl Road. AH persons uiaiiing r.. report nnv cases of cruelty which taay come under their notice lire roqnt-sted to coramuni. cate with him ;it
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