Daily Advertiser, 10 September 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser V()L- IT^ SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, BEPTEMBEB 10, 18(Ji>. [jfO. 525
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 416 1 CHIANTI WINE~ Hist Wink for Indigestion. Bo fmpoffteci f(.r Biiypuie, GAGGINO Co |liL DAILY ADVERTISER. i r»( puHication of the I >au.v skii 'I|<;1 |<; l( r Ploorof I t. \I I BBCRIPTIOH4 ■11 < )ii«* I foliar, (vtjiiefl 5 ctMits each. VDVKRTIBKMBNTB. I I, ..r palt OJ .ill mch
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    • 243 1 f MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, [ROH FOUNDBRB <t BHIP BUILDERk Ma< ijink Shop BRTPBUILDTHO Yahd. Albion Enr-ine Works, Beach Road. Light Dravfht Bteamen and LanDehes, Lyon*s Self Acting Tapioca Machiuery, BeflH Portahie Compound Engine aud l^oiler 8 Horse Power, Brick and Tile Making Machine, Copper nnd Rrasß Shee^K and
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    • 291 1 Uiley llargrcaves Co. 13, BAXXERY ROAD. H*W% lfcfll!llill8A9i\fl ifiiiliOH WAOiffi fflMKl-ffl All descriptions of iErated Beverages of tin; Highest Possible Class Manufactured under Professional European Supervision by the latest and most improved machinery ever imported to the East. :o: rVTEAM Poweb Factory, to. Brass Bassa Road. OFFiCKS A Towx Dep6t,
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    • 384 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. AUTHORUBD Capital Sl»s( vi tio CahtaJ |B.OOO.<MH) Amount I'aid »;r r.ooooo IfARINE BUSINEBB. r pilis Companj is prepared t<» is-«uy ]»<.li( i««s on Marine ri^ks to any part of the world policies maj be madti paya"ble at any of the Companj f i A^(iicit'H. Li.vt of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 Mew Goods. :o: aRt-. !©©KSi Mas just received the underment ioned French Lawns and Cambrics. Figured and Striped Shot Silks. Mousseline Delaines and Flannels. (Fok Tka Gowns.) Fancy Dress Materials and Nuns Veilings. Chiffon Neckties, Muslin Ties ErabroideredL Plastrons m Chit Von and I*ace. LADIEB' TENNIS SHIRTS. Flannelettes, Corsets, Shoes,
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    • 526 2 Cash Clearance Sale. 0000 GREAT REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Robinson Co. SINGAPORE, will offer for Sale during the month of September, their surplus stock of drapery, outfitting and other goods, at greatly reduced prices for CASH, and would call attention to the goods mentioned below, which will be found of
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    • 551 2 Cash Clearance Sale, Continued, Ladies' and Children's Colored Lisle Thread Hose, same quality and price as black. COSTUMES, SHIRTS, BLOUSES, AND UNDERCLOTHING. A large assortment of White Embroidered Costumes m boxes from $7 each, French Stuff Embroidered Costumes from $(> each. These costnines will be found of very value. A
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    • 584 2 I^OTICE By the P. &O. mail str. 4k Bokhara." this morning, there arrived for Mk. Bkttaxin's Royal Hair Dressing Saloon -a coiffeur from Paris, who will specially attend to Ladies and Gentlemen requiring his services for Balls and Theatres, All orders will be attended to personally by him at 35,
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    • 551 2 Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Plkask read these fkvv links and BKAIi THKM IX MIND. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 488 2 TPX**** .ill he »'»--t-i «..r,. w x "r,v r 1 Lumpur a,,,i <>( 0* Fur,,, v ,i r«odw must lv "I-.. n«n«, NMdmcM Li pcmm tencUring. 11:iu 3EJ* **rtto rtqoind is .1 months' rent or of ;,|,,,,,V l '-tip-a1u,,,,,-,,,,, rhe Qorenuneol ,l,, u< to ac, ;u „t u,c in,i,c. s
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  • 1348 3 The Daily Advertiser Saturday, Sept. 10, 1892. Local and General. %Vl i v v Kl l:N ,,,M t(> t;il return I i the Itaffl Library am] luring tlie week eras 835. U \l Bub ui a, —The surveying in ur rived from Sandakan i r Vrn.MiAM. We note ,111 raul'urd's
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  • 766 3 [Bl B»o. Fikminl's.] To-morrow, tin* Church eelebraiet tli<« feMtof the Holy mine of Mnry. l>v this ire are taught l««>w useful an.i advantageous ii ia U) invoke her i all om nec«wH(itti The name Mary, whitli is given t<> this aogual Virgin, .si^mii^
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  • Selections from Home papers.
    • 75 3 An individual, n;>t remarkable for his uvriclc;n;!i::i'>s, \\;is one OCCA. sioii prompted to ilrewj liis li:iir, which office 1k k lia.l jiot performed for a considerable Lime. As may be icm^ined, the tusk by DO metlDl easy, and after a pe^'ere »trnjf(flfl he vu li< >ir<l to
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    • 47 3 Sunday School Teaohor M Now children, the text for next Sunday is It is I; be not afraid.' 1 Now, ('harlie, can you tell me the text for next Sunday Charlie (scratching hU head) It is only m<' dinna ho Feared. 91
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    • 45 3 A man entered barber's shop to get a shave. During the proceedings the bs>H er asked him if the razor held well. M Ye-," replied the customer, with tear* m hi> eves, it takes hold first-rate, bat it don't let go much* 91
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    • 78 3 «lu>t before the Camaron Highlanders left lvimlnni»;li lor Malta on« of ihefn (an Englishman) met another (i Scotchman) who talked m rather ;,:i i'MjJiiie.l fasliion. The KnglUho an asked him whore he had learned j jo talk suoli good Knt^lisli. M Man/ Bays the Scot, there
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    • 54 3 Foreman of quarry gang M Ws I R.id news I have far yea, Mrs. M. Burke yer hashan I's new watch is broken. It was s foine watch, sn f it's smiiffhed to paces." Mrs. M' Burke I) ;ni(? me, how did that happen?'' M A ten-ton
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    • 55 3 An Bctrmw was performing the part of Ltdv A DIM m King Richard III." ;it a country theatre, and on delivering tlio following passsge— v When shall I have resl r'" she was answered by Ikm- washerwoman from tli<- gallery, who explained "Never until you pay me
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    • 63 3 A little boy during his holiday* had not trot out as often as he wished on Recount of the rain. He asked his moth'-r why God sent so innch rain. Oil being told that it was to make the corn and (lowers grow, "Weel," he
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    • 58 3 Une evening a lit tie i^irl was repeating "The Happy Land," when she suddenly Stopped, and said "Mother, I don't think I should like to <jo to that "happy land." "Why, Jenny?" asked her mother. "Because it's always raining. 9 "What makes you think .that?" "Because the
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    • 53 3 i\t a small village school one day there was a Scripture examination, and the Inspector was examining a class of hors. lie asked Tommy for a short Scripture text. Ton. my promptly replied "Judas hanged himself." "And another,"' said th good man. MGo and do thou likewise," was
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    • 48 3 Teacher questioning 1 class on the Jubilee, asks M What is the Queen Little (iiii A fairy.*' M Not quite ivy again. Well, my boy, what do you say M She's ;m uuld wife wi* a veii doon her buck she biuga m oor
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    • 62 3 At a meeting of the Anti-Teetotal ('lull a newly-iuitiated and unseasoned member felt himself (dipping down beneath tlie table. After Iviug in a stupefied coudition for a little he felt as if some one was choking him, and thereupon lie bailed out M Murder k Hold on,
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    • 103 3 In a rural district ot Porfarshire a vonne ploii^rhman onci went courting on a Saturday ni«j;iit. In vaiu hv racked his brain sumo inteivsting topic. He could call np no subject at all suitaide to the occasion. Not one sentence Could he utter, and for two lon<;
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  • 82 3 London 4 month's siyht 2 0^ ;i 2/9 I *".••_> 00 days aiy'it 2 'j| n n 2/91 demand 29| n T.T. 20 Franc, iirmand 3.48 Xe,n York n G7J Jara HiS llamLttrq 28l I'mamj H 0(e I'lPin luiia 2251 Nmugoon Madras „>... *J\> (hlovbo Hongkong o/o dv.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 664 3 i DES CLAYES CO., WINE IfERCHANIS. Sole Ac;ent at Si hg a fork, J. D. SAtTNDERfI, 6, U*Almeida Street. above firm have always on hand at their Singapore Agency laixe and Choice .Stock of Wines ami Spirits. j Special attention Is called to their 44 White Sparkling- Burg-undies." Tins- Wires
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    • 551 3 Stolen. pROM Bowling A i Middle Sbod, •a Friday ereni ig, *Jn<l Sept., a SAFETY r;i ..k, with Pnenmaiie Tyr- ABUIT IIBOS. makurn. Any iiaiiou which shall lead to iui recovery, will warded. Apply to THE MANAGER, MaRIKI CLUB. Si-iiraporf.^ i;th Sept., IV.>J. 1 \v. NOTICE Oriental Telephone and Eloctri
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 144 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, ARRIVALS. SBPTRXBBR Sarawak str Rajak Brooke, Joyce, from Qsuuwak, Li m Lao and Co Britiah str Kinn Ann, Angus, from Janbte, Wee Bin and Co German ifcr Ingraban, Piper, from Baigoo, Dalmana and Co Brituh str Pond ia, Orcft, from Calcutta, Boostead and < o British str Myrmidon,
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    • 35 3 MAILS WILL CLOSK fOH P1.%01 if PIMK Mula nnl I i;*ri', Bappi 0, Sp. m. Huii.'i. i- i i' '.ii.ii. hicioi, 4 y .n \)a' Jil vp Xl m Luugkuk, U«mlu v, ft p in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 The Dispansery, 43, EUFPLEB PLAOK PROPRIBTOB A Man- Af AGBB j A MACKAY BUSINESS HOURS. Daily From i> a. m to T> p. m. Bunaajrs ...Fromll a.m. to 1 p. m F< r Urgent cases, where Medicines are le.jw ed dmini:' the ni-ht, an Asgifctaiti will b found on dutf
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    • 347 4 John Little SINGAPORE, Owing to Increasing Trade m Furniture, the present Show Rooms will be removed to larger and more commodious Rooms at the back of our godown, which will be opened on Ist October, 1892 X. 9 m M 9 9 V fill 4 Xf '1- -I T* ||[zh~
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    • 616 4 for |3:Tronticn of T H S 1(li( iir ;'i'>foHM,,! thaf (irvHH ot the Society* MR. E P. Pagla™ Is 215 T!! 1 or Holley'p UwJV Orchard Road. M to All person. irigbinß to report noes of cruelty which irmv tl-ir notice l u-, l v. 1 m,,] 1 r c»tj
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