Daily Advertiser, 13 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. ll] SINOAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1892. [NO. 479
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 392 1 f H I DAILY ADVERTISER. t piiHicsiionofthc DaiLT iti it the Upper 1-Jooi of Sireet. SUBSCRIPTION. intn» m << Dollar. rt'iit 1 each. AI.VKIITISKMKNTS. i., and for long periods I n is allowed. in< it is subject to a whether the insertion o r ft rtoighi. .1.. i.ts. anK i
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    • 401 1 e wJLIo dj JL ?>l3 4ii?e MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, Machine Shop BHIFBUILDnrG Yard,— Albion Engine Works. Beach Road. :o Office and Sale Room,— Opposite the General Post Office. Litflit Dramght Bieamen and Launches, Ljon's Patent Rice Mills, Colonial Wood Working MaehinefT, J.von's BeM A( tintr Tapioct Maohinerr. Suj/ar
      401 words
    • 304 1 Riley Hargreaves C<h Bicycles and Tricycles. *Q J HIM LARGE STOCK OF CYCLISTS' REQUISITES. 13, BATTERY ROAD. //MIGRATED WATTR W QR*<^~J\^ All descriptions of Beverages of thu Highest Possible Class Manufactured under Professional European Supervision by the latest and most improved machinery ever imported to the East. :o: Steam Power
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    • 403 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LID, :o: AUTHOUSBD Catital $1,000,000 Buaaoium Camtai i;-i,(M>o,ooo Amount Paid up dooooo MARINE BUBINEBa 'J'HIS Company in prepared to issne policies OH Marine lisks to any part of the world polieief m iv be made) payable a! any of the Company*! Ageacies. List of Agenciet on application*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 685 2 Robinson 4 Co. Cricketing: and Football Goods. Tin M If agio* Cricket Bats. The "All Cm.-" Spliced IJ.it. The M Magic "Cricket Rills. icket-Ketping (1 lores. Leg Qnards. ReroKiiig Brass Top Stumps. Association ;mil RatrbY K*^h }k»l)s Skin Guards* Baiting Glove* Levee Dreei Shirts, tingle sfu«(. Whitr Liiivu Shirt* \v
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    • 229 2 John Little Co. SINGAPORE, C<>M I .i'iS '^n'm'^wv!^ 111 1^- ESTIMATE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE PREE ON APPLICATION. mv.v; I ALSIKIAN BENTWOOD FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES, BEDROOM, DINING AND DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, ARTISTIC RATTAN FURNITURE Mfiili^ IS I ilk V. 847. Massive Sidehotri with Hand Carved panels, be*elM edge Mirror piatei al
      229 words
    • 557 2 Powell &€o. SINCAPORE. PLKASR HEAT) THKSK FKW LIVES AJTD BKAB THKM IN* MIND. QVM FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied With steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, Ac, therefore Contracts jind large orders can bo put through
      557 words
    • 415 2 e Dfspensarif RAFPLEs Pi iAC| h BUSINESS im. Daily b i3C OU^ Sandays.. m r argent <•,_ At other ti )ll( s **fc to the IPP1 PP ln M important Bra ■>«*•*■ oar Chief <w oectod therewith Ufi •criptions. p T*»e Department i; ;i European Dig^ WHOLESALE O KDER Our
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  • 305 3 DAT, .Frr.'k It, Itfi. lili: queen's Scholarships. Tin: ivmilt of the Queen's Scholarship Examination, if vr( ucr can l>e driven to the Jr j. M ,t in connection with it u i l( li wo published in our yesterday, will be re- with much satisfaction w ho
    305 words
  • 1203 3 mimdtkmt Uin **rds we hold our f»rtke*p,*io n99 f our€orrm «AI;iTABLK ACTS DOKI BY Mil. Chkaxq H.»n,; I jIM r llr eharitabla »cUi done by StmiU Settli. toonumeroua U> bo ea. M mav sav with con'.man •rJth ,«ch ££l fionanj public M I 1 '""J in the Smuts. ur
    1,203 words
  • 65 3 T H U l)ui!^ Adverting" offers every facility to all tho.se desirous of A; i v,.,-i ,sii lsf foremplormenl. The cham WUJ only bet nominal one. Advertisers' :i( ';''^s(.s irill be r^i st( re d, nod all rephefl forwarded them. If adTertisen do not snoceed in ting
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  • 666 3 A French Go/ernment transport patted through this morning from Saigon to Toulon. Our readers' ■Mention is called to the advertisement of TII9 Dispensary <m the second i>a"e. His Highness the Sultan of Kedah accompanied by his Private Secretary and his followers, left yesterday afternoon in the Good
    666 words
  • 805 3 Sxam Free Pre**, 5th July. been received l, v 5: M Consular authorities from one Siamese, spologising or statin* reasons lor the arret of the British objects Wee Tien Uhye and his mother. We are given to understand that Captain Jones, V.C.,
    805 words
  • 59 3 London I month's tight 2/105 M I/lOJ 00 Jny* night 8/loi j'° "!!!!!!.2/iw N demand »y i n i 2/10^ Ft a ncr, demand J an o.M) W Urk 6X] Java IT? j gj. tm/t./oon &3 ;j "3. fj2*r» .i/«7,,7« f frm c«? IV oo prmt lok oh
    59 words
  • 59 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Produce. "0 Cube Ao. 1, <fo ffo jVo. 2 g' 0 Q do Pont in nak t o'o/> Prpprr Black, *jg *^^3« *2 likrMi, picked.'.'.'. 3100 Jnpioco small Flake, 3%\ </o Ut quality'.^. ain do small p ea rl t o C^^*, Amboina f? X 7V/i, Opium,'
    59 words
  • 125 3 SHIPPING INTELL IGENCE. ARRIVALS. July 12. BriM str Rohilla, Jephson, from Hongkong, Pud 0 Co French B tr Tihre, Fauran, from Saiger., Messageries Mari times Br.tish str Ning Ohow, Allen, from Am h Df \V B r S7, PS^J Limited Am bq Wakefidd, Minnot, from Sydney, Boustead and Co Saiion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 310 3 Municipal Notice. T Ex P r ERS are illvite(l fo tlie nppiT of j>,(XX> pairs of Jinrickisha Lamps of the Ke-ulat.on pattern approved by tlie Municipal Commissioners, and equal thereto in quality. Samples of the Regulation Lamps may be purchased from the Registrar of Jinrickisha! Tenders will be received up
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    • 457 3 latest QAvtrtiHtmtnts. J|KGINA THEATRIC A L OOMPAM Y THBATmi Hall, KamfOVG KaPOUL Close to the Tamil ISranch School. SATURDAY, I6THJULY, For the Benefit of a Poor Box. GALA NIGHT, ALI BABA THE 40 ROBBERS. Prices of Admission as*.:: tz •7-1 j O' S<> ihird class c- Ze ;i ana $o.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 711 4 4rri?ed li^re in tne Laboratory Srd uf Mar,-,, R-H of the AnaK.i, Arnved Ko s ,,U oftho Ana^i, Percent- One liter Made np: Well eorked Alcohol l£o Voli'o/o !I! I!'. 9V7 Mj PIABL OF THi Dahuii Water <S( 78 Extract 288 W7 at 1 wl. AJoohol lo K Sort: RED
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