Daily Advertiser, 2 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. IT.] SINOAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1892. [NO. 467
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 417 1 fHE DAILY ADVERTISER. pnMicfttion <>f tin- Daily .it I v Upper Floor of no L iiXM OF *ÜBBCRIPTIOH. (V m One DoHar. a ;> oenti eaoli. l-yrß m'i \DvRRTIBI MBHTS. h .i it of u inch 4 T>.vo utb, and for long p.-. i di tion ii allowed, wmetil is
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    • 372 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, VJ 1 Ii M-J XA 1 K l^7» Machine Shop SmPßuiLDnra Yaud,— Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. Office and Sale Room,— Opposite the General Post Office. rnmping and Mining Machinery, Pinespple Piesw^ing Plant, Anglo-Malay Floughi and i( arrows, Ac, &c. On Hand For Sale. Steam
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    • 142 1 Riley ISargreaves Co. AGENTS FOR FORGAN'S CELEBRATED GOLF CLUBS CLUBS FITTED WITH NEW HEADS OR HANDLES. 13, BATTERY ROAD. f t li BitfiMiw fi&un mm Mi WATER WORK^% ill v\ C^ wiT'^^^ '^^71l II If I I 0Y MOST APPRoVt °llllll 111 \M\ I Ili fill STtAVM CHINtR '//y|J All
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    • 404 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: AITHOKISKI) CAIMTAI $4,000,000 BubBcbibid Capita] $3,000,000 Amount Paid UP GOO o^o MARINE" IU SIXESS. rpniS Company is pTBpaf6d to ifwmt p<»lici<'s 011 IfsjUM riskß lo anj part of tin* world potloiei may 1m; made payable at any of the Company'* Agencies. List of Ageoflpes on
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  • 565 2 The Daily Advertiser Saturday, July 2, 1892. The Coffee-Shop Keepers. »>y no means KinHlf, tion of the public win I I r to learn that practiS^fc lias at last been given T l representations mad, il(! columns as to the ImprotS? of allowing a numb!.,., reputable characters to fi with
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  • 216 2 Some interettrag lK :lN u w effect of Russian occupation in nia ur- ,iv,n l,v Mr in the Eastern and >■ u Mr. Beat bai rwwutl> p»w iv the Armeaimo Patrwi ■uuWn,oue of th ealceolr^ofArm.Miia. rheci^ taiuithr.i.Mnrt iiilieii"|»rtt» of Bri?»u t large ana thr:vi«MP^ which, like
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 710 2 Robinson Co. :o: Cricketing: and Football Goods. The Ifagie Cricket Bats. The "All Cane" Spliced Hat. I The M MagBe n Crleket Balk Wicket-Keeping (iloves. Lep Guards. RerolTing Brass Top Stumps. Association »»»d Uugby Footballs. Skin Qoarda. Hatting Gloves. Levee Dress Shirts, single stud. White Linen Sir. r t^ with
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    • 437 2 PIANO AND MUSIC ROOMS, NO. 2, RAFFLES PLACE. 9 (TUNEHS TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE.) S~~~^ MADE SPECIALLY FOE THE CLIMATE BY BROADWOOD, C. BECHSTEIN, COLLARD COLLARD. REPAIRING AND TUNING Attended to by a competent and experienced Tuner sent to us from Collard Collard's London factory. Old pianos RE-TONED, tuned, re-felted, and
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    • 602 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. :o: Plkasr read these few lines and BEAR THEM IN ftflND. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c., therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 486 2 H. K. YAMATO CO., Dealers in JAPANESE CURIOS, SILKS, AND SUNDRIES. No. 9, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Singapore, 13th June, 1892. Ex 'Malacca/ 'Bombay' 'Canton/ mrs.lTday, MILLINER and DRESS MAKER, IS NOW SHOWING A LARGE SELECTION OF NEW GOODS, INCLUDING Ladies' Embroidered Silk and CashImere Costumes, a largo and pretty selection
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  • 199 3 r-ir in wind that by in r.'ii r, if ,l it ij op) it it'H m-r d,i irr hiltl our unit <>/' cur corrrt i reading your paper i ultimo, 1 chanced to come cd A Resident,' 1 the want of police upenision in Bain Stceet. This is but,
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  • 516 3 N'G 01 A NI.U HI lI. DING. ierday afternoon, the new n the Convent ground was 1" i< <l bj M. E. the Goverr, who arrived punctually to time, panied by His Honor Mr. Jus- and Mrs. Goldney, Private Secretary. His was ushered in by the and the
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  • 57 3 'J'HE Daily Advertiser offers every facility to all those desirous of Advertising for employment. The charge will only Va nominal one. Advertisers 1 addresses will be registered, hikl all replies forwarded them. If advertisers do not succeed -in getting an engagement within a month, the advertisement will
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  • 624 3 Thk General Post Offico will bo closed to-morrow. Thk French Fete Nationale i? on the 14th July. Tub American Consulate will bo closed on Monday, being- lmlependeneo Day. To-morrow, the Church of St. Joseph celebrates the feast of St. Peter and St. PaaL The total return ot'
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  • 689 3 A MAN WHO GAMBLED IN STOCKS WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT HE WAS DOING. I never speculate," said a man who has acquired a fair share of the world's goods, and who enjoys them as much, perhaps, as any other man similarly situated. M And yet I
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  • 74 3 London 4 month* sight 2> 1 1 N ..S/IOJ GO JayS tight 2'l«>l M 2/10? demand 2 10S TT. ...2/10| France, demand B.f>] Nem y,:rk o;t. J—* 1 7(1 Hamlmrg "J [>* lJf -nang 0/ Jtre m India 2*»4 Rangoon Mmdrm* 2231 Colowho a 1/onrjkong ojn dis. 1
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  • 100 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Produce. Oambier |g gQ do Cube No. 1, ()0d do do No. 2 Copra Buli, tmn dried 4 45 do Pon/ianak, 380 Pepper Mack, <MV.) Pepper White, 15 50 Sago Flour, 8^ Pearl Sago, 3 7^ Coffee Bali, t 2V.. r >() Coffee Liberian, picked 31.75 Tapioco
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  • 421 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. June 28. British str Chow Phya, Carroll, from fKlang, Bun Hiu and Co British str Ban Whatt Hin,. Colonna, from Pontianak, S S Co Litd British str Poh Ann, Moppett, from Labuan, Wee Bin and Co British str Malacca, Morris, from Telok An son S S Coy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 Employment Wanted. I>Y an Electrieal Engineer, trained in J.*>n l'»n. Has a varied and extended experionee in the Kleetric Rghttfcff, ts^ifi mtin^, and inatallins; sjirne, and <i!h(» in repsiitnc Bledrie li^rht msoiiiaI sty. Apply t<» X. Y. Z., t*»re of Daily i Advertiser otlioe. Wiwi|wire 24th Juno, 1592.
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    • 83 3 •\y ANTED.— An educated Chinaman as Assistant and Interpreter in an English School. Apply by letter in own handwriting to T. C, care of the Daily Advertiser office. JSiugapore, 2«Sth June, 1891 Tobacco. ]ITR. M. LEOPOLD begs to announce to Singapore gentlemen that he has opened a tobacuonißt's shop for
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    • 784 3 JJOARD AND LODGING for a single person can be had with a Eurasian couple from Ist Augttt, in quiet and respectable locality about 1 mile from the Square. Apply by letter, stating offer, to I)., c'o this paper. Singapore, Ist July, 1h92. Municipal Notice. r |Ml]" public are hereby warned
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    • 429 3 @?B?BaSBERi. For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarangr. CATL once a woek, and hivo ox^el lent accommodation for all kinds of pasßengers. CELESTIAL 1,013 Tons. GIANG ANN 87M PENANG 623 For Freight and E^MHfe, Apply to. TAN KIM TI AN <fe SONS, No. 1, Prlnck Strkbt. Singapore, 6th January, 1891. THE FRENCH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 784 4 Aii;vi is* i v B h <>f Ui< Aiiiil^ u An iveil '""•■ni i f m!;;,.. il ii tory l Percent-lOne liter Percent- Duo tiler Bignatnre of wtmple 1 rtle: Specific weight afl 15 G Cels. 0.9499, age <>f contain- Signature of the sample Specific weight at 1:> C Cele
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