Daily Advertiser, 1 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VD!,. !|.l SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1892. [NO. 4G6
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 377 1 T DAILY ADVERTISER. puMi ition of the DAILY i .i[ 11 rj>|)<-r Floor of I SUDSCBIPTIOH. POne Dollar. I I S KM K NTS. horpaH of no inch t Tw«i ;1 ,1 Imp Long period* tion is allowed. menl ii tubjed to a insertion „u, i m oiberwtM i until
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    • 262 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MEOHANICAL ENGINEERS, IKON FOUXDKKS A SHLI> AtJILDERa :o: MACHnri Shop Shiphuilimm; Takd,— Albion BngiQtd "Works, Beacli Road. f\ mOffice and Salk Room, Opposite the General Post Office. MAK B U 3 0 F Liu-lit Draught Pteaman and Luunohts, J Lyon'i Patent i >' Miiln, "W* 1 I«J
      262 words
    • 137 1 AGENTS FOR FORGAN'S CELEBRATED COIF Cl. U B^. CLUBS FITTED WITH NEW HEADS OR HANDLES. ee==J r^s^a^^ .W-"t-^^ V^WsMiii < "m^ X^> v j" •i yisl4rf£& t J PROPRIETOR,^^ All descriptions of TErated Beverages of the Highest Possible Class Manufactured under Professional European Supervision by the r latest and most
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    • 422 1 JES SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. A utuorisbd Capital $4,000,0<>0 Subscribed Capita] $3,000,000 Amount Paid up t»00 o<>O MARINE Bl BINEBB. CJompftny in prepared t<» issnt poiiciei <>r» Marine rt»ka to any pan of the wo >liciea »n,iy be made payable ;it ;i i Company 4 A^cuoiea. J >i^f <»t cm
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  • 283 2 The Daily Advertiser Friday, July 1, 1892. The Straits Apothecaries. NOTWITHSTAX, )IX( t position of the Milit,rv m tribution, which, f,,,;? <*« duepresrare, has caused u tacflon in Public exDend:^ and a curtailing of every item as Far j.s'i"" cable, Btill it is in,,!;"' note that one particular not in
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  • 110 2 UV dc*ir> it to be burn* tertinf later* we do %ti furoruhlt to their contents. »tl .<fh'nxib!c for tht 1 i t //>> uts.) Sorting the French Mails. Sir, As our energetic acting Postmaster General is ready to at N any reasonable suggestion, might I point out to him
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  • 323 2 Sir, It really appears to me most remarkably strange that BomcpcrsoM in this colony are to very simpleminded that they believe in an) stat< ment which may be made to tb without takinn the trouble toconsidec it leisurely and enquire into t! ter, fly off at a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 696 2 Robinson Co. :o: Cricketing and Football Goods. The Magic Cricket Hats. The All Cane" Spliced Hat. The M Magfa Cricket Rills. Wiekat-Keeping (iloves. I,e^ Guards. Hevolvln BraSi Top Sti AHRoi'iulion and Kugby Footballs. ►Skin (iuards. Batting (iloves. Levee Dress Shirts, single stud. White Lines Shirt* with eollars. White Tennit Flannel
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    • 457 2 MfSQUtTH I Gs'S PIANO AND MUSIC ROOMS, NO. 2, RAFFLES PLACE. (TUNERS TO GOVERNMENT HOUSE.) A MOST SUPERB STOCK OF NEW PIANOS MADE SPECIALLY FOR THE CLIMATE BY BROADWOOD, C. BECHSTEIN, COLLARD COLLARS. Attended to by a competent and experienced Tuner sent to us from Collard Coliaid'fl London factory. Old
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    • 602 2 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. :o: Please read these few lines and bear them in mind. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 493 2 H, K. YAMATO CO., Dealers in JAPANESE CURIOS, SILKS, AND SUNDRIES. No. 9, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Singapore, 13th June, 1892. Ex 'Malacca,' 'Bombay 1 'Canton.' MRS. H. DAY, MILLINER and DRES MAKER, IS NOW SHOWING A LABOR SELECTION OF NEW GOODS, INCLUDING Ladies* Embroidered Silk and Cashmere Costumes, a lar^e
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  • 56 3 t v Advertiser offers every ljj t y to ail thoH desirous of! 'for employment. Tbeohargs v, l tfbea Dominal one. -.dTCrtiaara 1 n s will i"' regtstired, and all ro- l 'y v ]-\'A-d them. af erti**'ra Jo not seoceed in getcini nf within a month,
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  • 842 3 Labour Ordinance Ri i Dr. (i.isnirr goes day by the B. I.S. unei ulamcutta. M Co's steamer SmlawU at a a. m. to-day, and here on ednesday, daylight fl. >« i.0r.l in River Valley •n Monday morning, 4 th i. ,i t, .ifi.-r the midsummer j) 1.
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  • 804 3 H. M. S. Resolution." The new first class screw battle ship Resolution, launched from the building yard of Sir C. M. Palmer Co., Ja£ row on Tyne, on May 28, is the heaviest ship yet buili for 'the Navy, weighing 7,500 tons when floated her length is 380 feet, breadth
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  • 199 3 Thk latest news from the island of Mauritius indicates that the telegrams in no way exaggerated the disaster. The total number of lives lost amounted to 1,200, while the list of persons injured exceeded 4,oi)i). The tempest broke over the island with unimaginable fury, the velocity
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  • 642 3 Sum free Preat, 2 1st June. From a conversation tho other day with* gentleman recently arrived from Mr. Norman's Concession we gather the nature of the dispute which has long been going 0:1 in that district, and the agents of the concessionaire. The Temomh Concession may
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  • 77 3 London 1 month's Bifki 2/11 m 2/10J 60 itayx gifht 2/lOj h W n 2/10| J- mmmd 2 JOi TV. s/10l Francr, detn.> i 3.(11 New fork tJs'i jw 2 h 170 Hamburg 292 P«*«Wf i 010o lO prem ft*" n 21>4 lift n y o on iimJnrt
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  • 98 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Produce. Qamhier, %h.9fb do Cnhe No. 1, j) (jq do do No. 2 B.U, > Copra Bali, sun dried 4.45 do Pontianaky SHO Pepper Bhick\ 9 Qq Pepper White, 15 50 Sayo Flour, 3 0 Pearl Sago, 3 7() Coffee Bali, 27.50 Coffee Liber inn, picked 31.75
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  • 230 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. Juki 29. British str Glenfallock, Darke, from Hongkong, Bonstead arid fo British str Beonndra, Parsons, from Madras, Boustead and Co British str Japan, Bundberg, from Calcutta, Sarkies and lfo*es German str Nunatra, Cassens, from Deli, Behn Meyer and Co British str Nam Tong, Smith, from Rangoon, Wee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 TyAXTBD. An educated Chinaman ay Assistant and Interpreter in an English School. Apply by letter in own handwriting to T. C, care of the 44 Daily Advertiser office. SiiiLC.ij. >re, 28th June, 1892. Employment Wanted. JJY an Electrical Engineer, trained in Loo lon. HaS a varied and extended experience in
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    • 780 3 latest JJOARD AND LODGING fora single person can l>e had with a Eurasian couple from Ist August, in quiet and respectable locality about 1 mile from the Square. Apply by letter, stating offer, to D., c'o this paper. Singapore, Ist July, 1892. Municipal Notice. 'piIE public are hereby warned that
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    • 427 3 For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarang*. CATL once a wh.-Ic, and have excel lent accommo.latiou for all kind** of passengers. CELESTIAL 1,011 Tons. GIANGANN 878 f PBNANQ 023 For Freight and Passage, Apply to. TAX KIMTI AN SONS, No. 1, Prin<:k Strebt. EHngapnre, Gth January, ISJI. TIIK FRENCH BAKERY 382, Victoria
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 810 4 Analysis of Wines in our stock hy the Imperial 3rd of March, iB9L 3rd oi March. Percent-lOno liter Percent-One tiler Bign 1 nre of ■ample bottle Specific weight at 15° Cek. D.9499. age of eootain- Signature of the sample Specific weighi ;it ih° Cels. 0.9913. 1 age of contain DONAUPERLE.*
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