Daily Advertiser, 30 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 13 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. T.] BINaAPOBB, WRDNKHDAY, DEC 30, 185 M. [NO. 522
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 296 1 M R Daily M W ...0 D liar. v i B I B H I w I I I w rs of E B y pub- LIMI i IJ, r St. W. ml. lOiulou. 33. Edin- fur 12 Uu n I•; LX DJLK, Hi led I. and i> ao\v of
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    • 316 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AX]) MECHANICAL ENGINEEHS, and Sale Room, Bl Aa.L li o Ox I r and Launches, i ::i Mills, ooc] Working I iv, Self Actii Tapio I kinery, ar Aiill Pla iberiao < ?off< i Ma< hinery, Lmnrw 1 <'. nrs and Windmills, ['nmpin r and Miniu Mi cl
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    • 491 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. A TH( f.D PAI W J 1,000 I S: 'a: ITAL... A ■< 11, I MARINE r rilis Comp 1 I oil i on Mi part of the world polici< piiyabl i nj ii ies. List of Agei Ji >•: DEP^I FIRK J dist and buildii
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  • 364 2 The Daily Advertiser, Wednesday, December 30, 1891. Pahang. The latest intelligence from tl i'-e m no wise assures u« that evervtiiing is to continue m tUUm The disturbing: element is brotabi? insignificant, but it may bo influence the surruundinsrs as to interfere materially with the mining industry. The Sultan, we
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  • 118 2 i approaching, v I er J I#? gsntang m the I I :v.-y J I I >ur.-. ■f* carets A fraud. It b run, trQ I u2t Planter,; a lucrative M**" I Ti I nS the M doubt* re!i;e:. I day, I murdered I I Per said to
    118 words
  • 121 2 :s-:- I h is a: -I t Has] it ropriai I r I [nd t$ foi I ties I it -a I "•s- B "■T I m B ber teens 1 1 the h:i T ll I a*_ R I tfa i" I their ns B
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 XX s.S.-?VDN'EY." .-ASTON." ISD •PAIBOCMW-'i lU.justopeneaiar^^.: atf of Flowers— X Mli Chi:T I-- »i Kibl n V id p| ni l, Cur:, i Manning* gilks— Dreai M A 1.. CeyUmFl a 43-A, Baft iPh ginpj I9th IVc. 1891. Municipal Notice. i re tenders for an 11 rk rrquired for 1
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    • 528 2 Misqiiith's Autoharp THE GREATEST MUSICAL WONDER OF THE AGE. Tuts new and wonderful Instrument, placed m the hands of a mere child with the aid of Zimmennann s Patent Figure Music, is capable of producing the sweetest and most enchanting music known. It is similar m shape to the zither,
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    • 141 2 For Batavia. Cheribon, and Sainaranj-. j^AIL oiicf week, tnd hay« ■Mil •ocommodMuni lor a.i k::. i> «.«f _>r>. I CELESTIAL I,ol* Tom. liIANGAN.n. s7^ I'KNANG Fur Freight an i l\»sv.«r. Aj.ply to TAN KIM TIAN k SONS. No. l. Prince street. B ogapore, 6th Jmnoaiy, I>'.U. L. A. WAY, the
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    • 593 2 latest "TiEPOSITORS m the Savings Bank are reniindei to send m their passbooks between the 4th and 15th January 18«.»2, for audit, m compliance with the rules and regulations under the Savings Rink Ordinance. Pass-books may be forwarded free by post to the Secretary of the Hank. NOEL TROTTER, Acting
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    • 556 2 HONGKONG GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION HONGKONG OPIL'M FARM. >^OTICE 13 hereby g-iven that Sealed Tenders will be receive. I at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong; till 3 o'eiok on Tuesday afternoon, the 29th day of Dcoeml^r, 1891, fur the purchase of the entire privilege* known as the Opium Farm established nnder Tht
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  • 776 3 M «,,iz I'. !•>( tnr-i aro selling M -Ills s. s. Baldwin's Butler. I :lllV will shortly open m the B. ]j 1)1 f<>r a buoH season. BnE Ht ese gunboat thuya, W destined for Miican, b exK. h-Tc il;»ilv from Lisbon. H tii*' Council of tho
    776 words
  • 151 3 01 **<"* snvs the PenmngOuM^lU of the 24th V( b »M 4 private adrices from Rangoon it ni expeeUd thai there would be an ample wpplyof rice available shortly, as the tfrVtari rivals ol the new crop wereexptcted «:i few day* It i, probable, there- f!l the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 254 3 Sir, -With reference to my letter ol yesterday regardinaf a "puxale" from I'U'DiU, I think ii is better to :il i raiv answer to-,lav. as certain persons \ui\e already hinte I thai M B. iiniself cannol «h> i«. i»ut expects to >i\ul our the reanlt from others m your to-day's
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    • 35 3 Sir,—Herewith the answer to yonr 12. A. li.» I'iiz/.i;'. v 1 hope it \h correct. DORSETSHIRE,—Porrit, Rod, Horse, Irish, Ire, Shirt, Kit, Store, Rest, Tiro and Stir. ours, J. 3. EL Singapore, 80th Dee.. 1891.
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    • 141 3 o> DeAB Sit,—The answer to the Puxile" quoted from Tit Bit* of tlie 28th N<»v. m by B. A.!{." m your issue of yesterday is DORSETSHIRE —being a word ol' 11 (1, 2, 4, 5, (5, 7, 8, 10, 11) letters, a County, and containing 11 meanings, as follows 1.
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    • 67 3 Save ju^t been reading over 3 "Mi- Daily Advertiser. I> this the notation tcrthe Tit-Eds 1 Ptixile on yonr 3rd page IX)RBETSHIRE,— Dorrit, ttod, ;(l|-";,.lnsh, In-, Shirt, Err, Store. i 1>-' 1 ire und Stir. B. \V. J. Singapore, 80tii Dec., 1891. Siß«7-Bepljing to the letter of E. A.11. m
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  • 68 3 London 1 month's a/f/ht I) L| GO iltn/x sight' 8/1 •{<> n 8/O| ffrnunnf 8/'U| M 7'V. oj frnucr, Jemam? 8.84} iVV/y 1«/>A 74 ,/rt/v, 187} Ifnmhur;} JJ I<> I'tixiuy i 0/« IWm '11.:. Hqmoon j Madras 221J Hongkong <>/• pm Saigon l-i *fo prem ManiU 4| prwa
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  • 74 3 Gambler, 15.9»l Jo Cube Xo. 1, 925 o t!" No 2 7*50 Qopr* B« d) I :>.!■' i Pi ,);:> r BltiC I' I Proper White, "S5iJ SafO Wour <Si > Pmrl N"v 00 Coffee tit?** s •"•<» ik>Jfec Lt'irrii'ii, l:Sn> 'I'ahioco x.ntill I r '"i'\ 425
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 578 3 |Mssnis sin, nr mtm Imported since 1870. soiiuliK. witliout Ihesi Uxo lalMlM. I >' i *MIL MA wZ~7IJ> J l* jj \L <" SOLE f^T#^* v 'QWj r V :>~^-^ IMPORTERS .uV.Jf- ;^;;T Übsu amd Tkadk Mark Registered m Eholamd and Gmmamt. Bbware or Imitations. V: 2-^:7---"- '.'^7^' y if
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    • 451 3 '1(4. ssarisM til, nt SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Square. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time trie perfection of fit and appearance. -V-.A/./o/o, PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HOURS ,jo To 6 oW
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 MAILS WILL (LOSE !'<)!{ PLiCi bt Tnn:. To-DAT. I Calyi so.^t n. M«Jaoe« an«l Klaaf, Clmmi lii>;i, 9 ir. U r M ca, Ac M:il;tt* a:i ii 'l Ltef*n< Saiutor, p m ■r»i»g (Vlvtial Mnv ir. i I lint. \i:i;/ \un Dii m. 1■ r Jt iV^ ..n:f nnyn i
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    • 162 3 _S H IPPING INTELLIGENCE SAILING VESSELS IN HAUiiOUR. Aiitioch, American b;irq., 956, llvn- uinirway, New York. lioustcad A: Co., I Boston. Boatrene, Norwegian bq., 490, Niesen, Bangkok Oilfillan Wood Co. For Sale. Abyssinia, Britishship, 1,127, Hilton, New York. Bonsfead and Co. N. Toric. William Hales, American b«|., KY.\, Buckley, New
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    • 167 3 iidolio, (German .^tr., .s.ri, Bunsen, Swatow, !> >T !!i Meyer A Co. Continent. Cantoat French str, Qadaifi, Saigon, Boustead and Co. Marseilles. STEAMERS KXPECTEI). For London. Plngsney, due 2nd January. Ajax |.lue 4th January. For th<' Continent DaphiiB*dne 3rd January. Kriemhield doe 15th Jannary. Stuttgart due 'J.:n-i .January. IDDIVIT.U DUCI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 369 4 Analysis of Wines m our stock by the Imperial and Royal Chemical laboratory Vienna. Arrived b«re to tne J.ahonitory Result of the Analv is. Arrived here n the Laboratory 3rd oflUroh, ML 3rd of March. Result of the I. 1 1 Bicnatvrß of ample bottle &p*rißc we>Vht at 15- Cels.
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