Daily Advertiser, 29 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. L] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DEC. 29, 1801. [XO. 321
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 687 1 I i mERTlSER ■H r i«'i'" !ll n of T)ATLY f i, Upper Floor of \s I m r.MUHTIoX. B One Dollar. V :.cenucach. V of Al'VKKTIsr.MKSTS. L^s^LvF ■fr nr part of an inch, Two K monlhi *ud f«»r long periods I j iluctioii is allowed. I ylvertiscmeiit it subjected
      687 words
    • 354 1 *i« Wt. £.¥CW JL fill MILLWRIGHTS, I CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IKON FOUNDERS SHIP BUILDERS. I Machine Shop Shipbtjildixg Yard,— j Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. j Ok kick and Bali Room,—- j Light Draught Strainers and Launches, I*l 4%* ATI* Improved Cattle Powers and Windmills, I Pompiag and Mining
      354 words
      170 words
    • 496 1 SINGAPORE INSUi COMPANY. LI D. AnnoßisFD Capitai t.. »0 v OOQ BITMCBtBEB CaMTAL j .i|,oo<» A.MOINi J*All> (I' 6UO 9 (lO0 :o: MARINE BU8IN& Company is })re]».ir 1 i«M polieifli on Marine ri^:. io any r»:»rt of the world polieien m M M payable at any of the Compaq Agencies.
      496 words

  • 688 2 The Daily Advertiser, Tuesday, December 29, 1891. Affairs in Europe. In our isme of Wednesday last, we published without comment a New York telegram on the possible rupture on the Continent. We now propose to look back a little and study the attitude taken up by Russia daring the past
    688 words
  • 1914 2 Mb. P. D'Aranjo, Chid I Telegraph Ma-t-T ml'eruk. L > I grunted six mouths' leave. I H Thi t&uef fe bean thttanot I Der i» likely to ipring into n I m lVnang. Thi number of arrivals M I ture> among the Enroneaa com ut Bangkong is
    1,914 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 534 2 SJWIOOM. XX PJS.-STDKKT." -CAHTOH," AND PATBOCLUB. f Trimmed Millinery. Uutrimmoil Straws, Flowers— Bibbons, Chiffom -Laoes, Bibbon Velveli A forset^ Coloured Silk Velvet-, p| IM j ie9 --Cordsand Trimmings, Silks— Drew Materials! Uwns, EC-vlon Flannels, &C n &C .*.;-A, BUfflei riare. Singapore, Jdth Dee, 1891. Municipal Notice. rpHE Muni ipsil Commiasiotiers
      534 words
    • 540 2 Nisqnitb's Autoharp THE GREATEST MUSICAL WONDER OF THE AGE. This now and wonderful Instrument, placed In the hands of -i more child with the aid of Zimmermaim's Patent Figure Music, is capable of producing the sweetest and most enchanting music known. It is similar m shape to the zither, having
      540 words
    • 148 2 TMBUNYMNLNII *c fa/% 'ctj For Batavi;;. Ciieribon, and Bamarang. fiAIL once b week, nud have excelul Bocommodatioii for all kinds v ELEBTIAI 1,018 Tons. (iIANGAN.N 878 PKNANG Cj3 For Freight niui Passage, Aj.ply to TAN KIM TiAX ft SONS, No. l. Prince Street. Singapore, Oth January, 1891. L. A. WAY,
      148 words
    • 615 2 latest &qtito*&t DEPOSITORS m the Savings Bank are reminded to send m their passbooks between the 4th and 15th Jan nary I8i)2, for audit, m compliance with the rules and regulations under the Savings Bank Ordinance. Pass-books may be forwarded free by post to the Secretary of the Bank. NOEL
      615 words
    • 536 2 HONGKONG GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION HONGKONG OPH'M FARM. JTOTICE is hereby given that Sealed Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong till 3 o'clok on Tuesday afternoon, the 2Uth day of Dccemlier, 18D1, for the purchase of the entire privileges known as the Opium Farm established under The Prepared
      536 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 126 3 Sin,--The following is a Pusale from Tit-Bits of the 2#th November, 1891. Will any of your readers find out the result I have sireody worked it out, and will you rili* aits**< r on Thursday ne.u .or pjMiciltiio:! v I am a word of eleven letters, B OOUntr, arid contain
      126 words
  • 71 3 London t month* night •Vlj! m 8 60 days titjhC U/\ 80 3/n$ demand 8/01 77. 8/o{ France, d ravin 1 Ji.B4£ I Nno York 74 n lhunhnrq 8.10 I'riinng O/« pi em Mi* 222 Rin/foon Mndrm „r^ 221^ Col0»>' Hongkong o/o 7>//i 1 8 iiq<ni 1\ ou/tiem
    71 words
  • 86 3 Gambier, J.j !M do CJ» Xo. 1, »2--. do <1" X* 2 7*50 Co,>rt Bali, ft 56 i I*" it i i :i'i V, 2i 2g Ptpperßhtek't I'HMJ Pepper lV>it*>, m"») »SV/yo Four, 880 Pt'ttrl Sut/n, 4.(»() fhfm H>iH, 28.50 Co//'*-? Ltl>ni<ni, fcB 00 T<i/'ioco hi, tall
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 580 3 MIBIBII BS3KB. 511 SMII Imported since 1876. Uoiic genuine without these two Labels. '•^Btt.T^~^-r"^^^^j!^^V > ''^'^^f lp 'a iJ^^'^ffP'*T vW^iSJsvit SOLE V%W^^,IMPORTER« 4&&£*£MM jar fc'^jt j— ~f Lamli 4«o Team Mask Rbcostkrbd m England and Obbmavt. Bbwabi or Imitations. Soil by Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co. and by all Chinese Provision
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    • 454 3 H9k I MISIIH INHIf. fM, 111. BUKOBON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Sqnare. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time tne perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICK HOURS 9 .30 T0
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 155 3 SHI PPING INTELLIGENCE, BAILING VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Antioeh, American ban]., '.)">6, Hennimjway, New York. Boustead 4 <: Co., Boston. Sostrene, Xorwe^iati h\., 400, Niessn, Bangkok Gilfillaa Wood Co. For Sale. Abyssinia, British ship. 1,127, Hilton, New York. Boustead and Co. Boston. William Hales, American b,j., 833, Buckley, New York. Stiven
      155 words
    • 179 3 Fi«lelio, German str., 8.2, liunsen, BwatOW, Behn Meyer Co. Continent. ARRIVALS. Decemiuik l>B. Sarawak str. Vyner, Moore, from Badong. Paterson, Simons and Co. British X. B. str. Royalist., Armstrong, from Saridiikan. Ong Ewe Hai and Co. British Htr. Hecuba, Lyons, from Bangkok. W. Mansfield and Co. British str. Gfenaron, Jacobs,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 426 4 Analysis of Wines m our stock by the Immrin! zs £j Je •s v f" 2 Percent- One liter ftai pie bottle: Specific weight at Io c (Vis. 0.9499. age of contain- BtonAinM *rf th* 1 X— OXAUPERUS.' 1 Kt-v,.lmi. n< m a tube of 800 »/«d. weight, mg gr.
      426 words