Daily Advertiser, 28 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. L] BINGAPOEE, MONDAY, DEC. 28, ls.n [NO. 320
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 732 1 T -g^ ERTISER ;i, licatioii of the DAILt tl c Upper Floor of 0 si mscßiPTioar. H •"> Oenti each. R LDVERTISKMBFre, B „li or an of an inch, Two m ;iii.i for long periods 1 :tiwi i- allowed, I ineul i- subjected t<> r >• hether the inset tion
      732 words
    • 370 1 h hl urn it m. MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, MACHIXE .SHOP A BHIPBUILDIKO Y ABD,Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. :o: Oppicb ixdSaui Room,— Opposite the General Post OiTicc. :O! I -"'<_-lit 1'1.i./l.t Rtdunen and Launches, O lonial Wood Working Machinery, I ynn'fl Acting j>i* m ;i Machu i Überian
      370 words
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    • 516 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: AumoßUßo CArtTAJ 14*0001,000 BUSSCRIBIB Caiu Af §8,000,000 Amoim Paid vr 000,000 MARINE BUSINESa 'pIIIS Company Kg prepared to issue. polioiei on Marine riski to an/ part of the world policies ma^ bemaxJe pßjabk al anj at the Company*! Agencies. List of Agencies on application. FIRE
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  • 447 2 The Daily Advertiser, Monday, December 28, 1891. Malaca News. 23rd Doc. I cannot do better than preface mv brief stock of news this week with the time-honoured salutation of k< A Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year* fur this journal and nil its subscribers. Every one of us can
    447 words
  • 220 2 Hv of Lady M, r 'h I will }>c remembered w I Secrelary and Au m,, I Hong Kong m LB7U, 3U I« I administered the G I the nlonv on six o .1 ing n I**7 Sir Will I said that on the morning o!
    220 words
  • 145 2 lue Falls of Earn, we i learn, is likelj to be wreck, and the energy i tractor. Mr. F. M. M L perienoe a severe low. have split right across, i-. I to raise iwr. and ir i> anti tlie salvage operation* mil I abandoned. It
    Pinang Gazette  -  145 words
  • 195 2 Qcrri a revolution hai 6 I m thieving an 1 burglary. I now conducted by ~i^»' invest money m the pro! W carry on businea* m a thon i tematic manner, which <H»I I the sanction of t!u l 'f w r I one of the fine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 73XRAFFLES SQUARE, Nkxt „oobto"Tllki)isim:n-sary." AND Singapore, 2nd Nov.. 1891. Municipal Notice. rpHE llonicipal Commiisioiiers are prepared to receive tenden for piling ooncrete, granite, and brickwork required for the foundations of the New Town Market. Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the office of the Municipal Engineer between the
      477 words
    • 535 2 fflisquith's Autoharp THE GREATEST MUSICAL WONDER OF THE AGE. This now and wonderful Instrument, placed m the hands of a mere child with the aid of Zimmermann's Patent Figure Music is capable of producing the sweetest and most enchanting music known. It is similar m shape to the zither, having
      535 words
    • 152 2 t I §?£&s£&!. For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarang. ft^^L once a week, and huve excel- lent accommodation for sU kinds < of passengers. CELEBTIAJ 1,018 Tons. CilAN(i ANN 878 PENANQ 623 For Freight and Passage, Apply to TAN KIMTIAN vV SONS, No. l. Prince Strut. Singapore, C.th January, 1891. I
      152 words
    • 667 2 latest T^TOTICE.— I have this day established myself as Estate Agent and Valuer at No. :24, Malacca Street Also will collect Rents and effect Mortgages on town property. H. D. CHOPARD. Singapore, 28th Dec, 1891. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A PPLIOATIONB will be received at the Colonial Secretary's (Mice np lo lo
      667 words
    • 540 2 HONGKONG GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION HONGKONG OPIUM FARM. JJOTICE is hereby given that Sealed lenders will he received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong till 3 o'clok on Tuesday afternoon, the 29th day of December, J8 .»l, for the purchase of the entire privileges known as the Opium Farm established under The
      540 words

  • 1322 3 I />'■ iujkali§ ran ashore I (.j. -ii >■ «al "ii < 'hristmai Day. j urd mail per PMn dotes a. in« w ednesday. Phk < Hiiel Ju, ice left For Bangkok I irday l»\ lie ll< Harms-ton's Circus lefi for Mauibi I'hk steamer < ardigantkire arrive
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 637 3 W2LIIBI3S Sill, Sl7 Stan Imported since 1876. *0..0 genuine nHli«,.t the** tw« I.«l»ol«. V^V*- J £^>£ sole (^.F^-^ Mm r^Aßiu amd Trade Mask Rioistirkd m- Engla¥b avi> Gkbmavt. Bkwari of Imitations. Sold by Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co. and bj all Chinese Provision Shop-keepers. SOLE IMPORTERS SOLE AGENTS, Bjshst, Meyer Co.
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    • 497 3 BURGEON AND lIBCHANICAL DIMTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Square. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time trie perfection of fit and appearance. 'c/0/0/p/o/£, PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HO'JRfl ijo to c o'clock. erNote the Address. Jounlin's
      497 words
    • 101 3 MARBLE MERCHANTS STONE Masons. MONUMENTS, RAILS, y coted to any design m Marble. Granite and Iron. Just unpacked Wreathi and Im.uortellei m great variety. IX7, OiiniAiii, RoAIS BnOAfOBB. FOB Sam;. J}l:st made large iia« p«r aunple and price, applj to IH. I). CHOPARD, Bitate Ageni and Land Valuer, No. 24,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 147 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE VOR [*LICI il Till To i>av. PatemlMing, Carolina, .'< ji m. M;i:iiii. Am Ji«*i j~t .'1 p. m. Lull .11. ~v...'!:il.hm. A:<:-, Norm mh y, 3p m I" ftluikgAO, I'hra Ch'iin l\l.n», 4 pin 1 O nlluW. Bangkok, Bohw»lW| m Malaoa i. etc, l'« -^v, 3 p.
      147 words
    • 178 3 I Im-aoos, Nor. hq., &77| Olsen, Hongkong, 'aptain. Aliar.-. British bq M 360, Mnnro, from Hongkong. s'l KAMEKS IN HARBOUR. Lanark, British sir., 1,1*73. Cross. Barry. Boustead Co. Marseilles. Irene. Britis h »tr, 826, Webber, Hongkong, Boustead Co. London. Tamarind, Nor. str., 739, Castbnrjr, Muntonff, Behn Meyer&Co, Hamburg. Fidel io,
      178 words
    • 109 3 German str. Ulucksbui-g, Thomsen from Bwatow. Bun Hin and Co. Britisli str. P<';ti, Newham, from Malacca. S. S. S. Co. German str. In^raban, Bifer, from I Raigon. Da'mnnn and Co. British str. Glengyle, Gasson, from Hongkong. Bouatead and Co. Drcbmbeb -j.7. A us. str. Maria Teresa, Deperis, from Hongkoiijr. 1).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 670 4 m a Arrived her« m the L»boi*t«ry B«MtIl <>' II I i d, 0.9490. «ge of contain- Signature of the sample j Specific weigh! .-n Cels. 0.9913. ■;;-v:;': i j v iMi ~i i:; < lt i.;. i.; of 200 »/»d! w,i P ht. ing gr. MDONAUPERLB l i l
      670 words