Daily Advertiser, 24 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I] SINGAPORE, TfH'PoDAY. DEO. 24, 1891. [NO. 319
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 716 1 ■—^«TISER. J^H \\'.r DAILT I i ITpper Flour of I I IMITIOX. n,:r 1),, 11 ar V f-uts each. \]i\i:i'Tiskm i:\ts. li 1 1 i- <p| »n men, Two mid for loog pertocb rtion is allowed. Hp -in' nt i> subjected to i Hf. I.:* 'er the iiMettion Bg; Rr
      716 words
    • 287 1 E MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, Machine Shop A Shipbuildiko Vac'>. Office am; Bali Room, Lyon'i Self A.fting Tapioca Machinery, Liberian '<.ll<«- Nfachinerr, I'mnj.inr and Mining Machinery, I'iim apple Preserving Plant, Aiigto-Malay Ploaghn and Harrows, sVe^ &c. On Hand For Sale. Bemi Portatile Compound Kngineand Boiler 8 Horse Power, Tangye's
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    • 201 1 IILEY, tiHRGREAVES 10. KX<:rxKi-:i>s, iuox and brass rorxi>?:u^ BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS, SHIP KUILDKRS, ftc. AC. Ag-cnts for lAnmvmz mini mjinw, Rus'on Proctor Goy. Ltd.'s 1 PORTABLE AND FIXED ENGINES, BOILERS PUMPS AND MACHINERY ALLEN'S "CONQUEROR" CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS AYERY'S WEIGHING MACHINES. High class Steam vessels from 38 ft. long to 100
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    • 490 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE I COMPANY. LTD. Aitjioriski) Capitai 14,000,000 Hdmcmbbd Capitai ....s;j,«><mv>oo A mi. i xr Paid up tJou,ouo or MARINE BUSINESS, J»HI8 Compeaj is prepared to issue policies on Marine risks to :i,»v part of the world poUciesma/ be made payable at any of the Company's Agencies. List of Agenofes
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  • 622 2 The Daily Advertiser, Thursday, December 24, 1891. A Merry Christmas. The most festive period of our year has come round, a period which brings with it many glad and happy recollections. For those who are m the autumn of life, it teems with thoughts of the past, and for those
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  • 716 2 Tas Municipal Commission. Al>st rae't of the prooeedinsn of a meeting of the Municipal Uommitsionera held yesterday m the Board Room, Town Hall. I'KKSKNT. Alex. Gentle, Esq. President, Messrs. Sohstj (/rane. Riccard, Lim Eng Keu<^, Hooper and Major McCallum. The minutes of the previous ordinary and special
    716 words
  • 332 2 Sunosi Ujoho. I (From >' C I THI distribu ion of f*f J I boys of the Government Enj! I at Serambaii took yhu-e j" I instant. Mrs. Paul kui'M P ami gave away I tiu.se present were the ft* I Stork, Mrs. K*trop,*l I CaldfcW,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 43-A, RAFFLES SQUARE, N !XT1 >ooKTO"THEn.srKX S AUY." AND Singapore, tod Nov., 1891. mm Municipal Notice. 'pill! .Municipal Commissioners -ire prepared to receive tendefi for pi1- L'ruiitt'. and brickwork required for fche foundation! ol the New Town Markei i plans maj h sen :m<l spccineations obtain I ;«t t Ht-
      448 words
    • 561 2 Ulisquitli's Autoliarp THE GREATEST MUSICAL WONDER OF THE AGE. Tins now and wonderful Instrument, placed m the hands of a mere child with the aid of Zimmermaim's Patent Figure Made, is capable of producing the sweetest and most enchanting music known. It is similar m shape to the zither, having
      561 words
    • 144 2 TMIRIHTMNUHC For Ealavia, Cheribon, and C!AIL once week, mid have excellent aocommodatioß for all kinds of pMßengen. CELESTIAI 1,018 Tom. QIANOANN 878 PENANG 623 For Freight and EHuaage, Apply to TAN KIM TIAN A SONS, No. 1, Prince Street. Singapore, 6th Janoaiy, 1891. L. A. WAY, the best No. CJO,
      144 words
    • 688 2 latest QAvtrt'mmnts^ GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A PPLICATIOXS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's O-nee v}) to I<> A. M. on the 2iHh inßtant, for the ■Mointment of Cashier m the General Post Oflfctt, Bfngapore, on a salary of $75 a month, from the Ist January 1892. A thorough knowledge of
      688 words

  • 1158 3 Tin: Tempi* U.ir will bo closed t aorrow (Christmas \).i\) There will he do issue <,f the lhiihj rtiser on Christinas Dm und on liiu I'} following (Saturday, jtoth Dec.; I'kincf: Henri d'Oblkanb was ;i [.avenger In the 11. If. mail steamer which arrived here yesterday evening.
    L. & C. Ex.  -  1,158 words
  • 81 3 EXCHANGE TO- DAY. London 4 month's night 8/11 n i/l| i) 0 days sight 1 tf/1 n W n 3/"3 drmnnd B/Ol »> J ■M. J Fran rr t demand 3.84-i Xfiv York n 71 Jnra IB7| Hainhttry ',i I'mnng oio )>ren fait* 222 Rangoon ATadnu > '>'I\\ Mom' Hongkong
    81 words
  • 78 3 Gambier, $•> 7' l //r; Cnhe Xo. 1, 02"--do do Xo. 2 7;,i> Cojtru linfi, 8.55 Jo l*o>iti<t mile, I'c Pepper Black, •».(»<) Pepper White, 17.00 Safe Flour, B.so Prirl S<tt/n, (4.00 (\>(Jr f 11, n, 2,sr,<> Coffee Lihti'iaii, 18 00 T'if'ioro xiiidll Fltikc, 426 (f(t do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 669 3 nmm sin, isnr nun Imported since 1876. \0..0 genuine WtttxHrt tliese I WO I,abel«. S TK ADE^^^M ARK. \^^-C*^\ i ■fcsy^L-^MlJ^Jyy^frjßL#w^fc?<3D W^J^^#^ C»ZT A nt 7 nt Vt t i r J 'O j Z, T^k 1^" V^Sii^L sole rJs^^V MPORTCRS T^i-# L4BKU 4VD Tbam Mark Rmuwud m- England ani>
      669 words
    • 448 3 BDBOKOH AND MBCHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Square. Jius started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing- at the same time tne perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. ta/a/tffiifa/*, OFFICE HOSJBS „30 To oWk sr Note the Address. Jonrdin's
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 242 3 I MAILS WILL CLOSE FOR Plicb IT Timi:. To Hay. Uatavia; Samaranj; A Sourabaya, Patio clus .'l p. m. Manila, Salvadora, 4 p. m. I iiit.-l Kin^doin vi;i ports, Prcusaon, 4 p. in llatavia < kwibon A' Hamanmc. Oianj aiiw 4]>.m i'-ui K'>k, Hecate, I p. ni. Malacca, P. l)it!k>on
      242 words
    • 141 3 STEAMERS IN HARBOUR. Lanark, British sfr., 1,1*73. Cross. Barry. Bonstead ft Co. Marseilles. Irene. British utr, B26, Webber, Hongkong, Bonstead A Co. London. Tamarind, N<»r. sfr., 739, Castborg, Mnntodg, Helm Meyer Co. Hamborg. Fido'io, (Jennau str., 5.»2, Bnnsen, Bwatow, Behn Meyer Co. Continent. STEAMERS EXPECTED. For London. Priam, due 22nd
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    • 64 3 from Hongkong. Helm Meyer and Co. Deitnam str. Ipbigenia, Magleby, from Hongkong. tSittfaroken and iCo. German sts. Bfiobe, Thomson, from Hamburg. Puttfarcken and Co. British str. Hebe, Owen, from Deli W. Mansfield an. I Co. British str. habells, Hurson, from Jambie. Bnn Tlin and 00. German st»\ Bwatow, Binge, from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 725 4 Analysis of Wines m our stock by the Imperial I and Royal Chemical Laboratory, Vienna, I Arrived here m the Laboratory: 1 gl Arrived here m tne laboratory Result of the Analysis. ikd of March. Result of the Analysis. I :\n\ of March, iS'.U. fO j Percent- One liter Percent.
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