Daily Advertiser, 15 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I.] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1891. [NO. 311
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 498 1 iDVERTISER. B !).\li.Y I I' i KM Of m m ISCHIPTIOX <>m- n Hav. W n:> tacli. m .M inch, Two I ind for long I ifl übjectod i i i the :i i 1 1* i naer < i irill be i barg< I i I K ',:imuId h
      498 words
    • 269 1 MILLWRIGHTS CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS SHIP BUILDERS. ampin r*nd Mining Machinery, j Semi Portable Compound Engine and Boiler 8 Hone Power, Belf Acting Haw Keucheß, S^rew i Jutting loathe i r« >. j Tube W. 11 and other House Pom; n. Boiler and Stajr Tubes, Gas and Water
      269 words
    • 137 1 ®os I u 1.. 1 2 isis HiiUFi. l 8. v L 0 u: „tjj tj BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS, »/MtJ -> --vvj j > j;,!_. j j ■j£, Ijj 1 Huston Proctor Oov t u PORTABLE AND i laED ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, ALLEN'S "CONQUEROR" CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, ESSES- ESS U B^
      137 words
    • 503 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: AtTTBORrSKD CaMTH J.' v ftlßl D CAI .I vJ s:!,'»ni»,i 00 Ajioi m iV.ii* up 0 ICARIXE BUSINESa r^U is c.jiiji mv is prepared to i ne policies on &farine ii.-!cs any pert of !li»' w«.j-i(i policies raajr betnade pujableat any of the oompany*fl \/<-n--ciea.
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  • 23 2 At Bain Street this morning, from child-birth, ROBALIHA, wife of Mk. UaTAKIXO Montkiko, aged 85 years. Funeral at ti.3o a. m. to-morrow.
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  • 325 2 The Daily Advertiser. Tuesday, December 13, 1891. The Market Contracts. JUDGING from the report made bv a sub-committee of the Municipal Commissioners on the matter of the Ellenborough Market contract, it would seem as if a determination has been come to to thoroughly re-open the question. It is evidently a
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  • 68 2 exists under n (l n 'Mit I Pnblic. An < )ri] M tTI I eminent, b, u 7 ftttj^J "<v| be of littE li(^wm ourpul.l.or,,^^^' I (lein iuil IIln wl v I P™ Protection t» e n° 'Jpl 1 pence the necessity ft, t] S^kingtheOrdinLlr' 11 1 rows, but
    68 words
  • 389 2 t»ie sul.stanee of rh,', I ™'es of the proXTt: I Institute. Tk 1. I or from China, by -ivi,w\l J r l to Western th^H I 1 as is insistent with the 2i Progress of the human rac, I glasses being formed for th,' 1 I
    M.A.  -  389 words
  • 429 2 Fmin a Correspondent, I It may not he too n\wh I I readers of your pap*r to call to n I again the curse Ill.lt over 100 w* I ago was pronounced by tlie 1 I Saint of the Bast Indies upon Maltf I and that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 437 2 43-A, RAFFLES SQUARE, Ki:XTI ,oonTO"TII E I)IsrEN-SAnY." HBI. SOO3l, i9i —r^ v B AND until iWI!L /b/fe/cr/%r Singapore, 2nd Nov., 1891. Municipal Notice. rpHE Municipal Commissioners are prepared to receive tenders for piling concrete, graaite, and brickwork r^.uired for the foandationi of the New Town Market. Plant may be seen
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    • 284 2 PIANOFORTES, 8200. 8200. The Best Value ever offered in this market. mmwsm Solid wood. Iron Framed and specially constructed for extreme climate. MISQUITH CO., 2, BAFFLES PLACE. BINGAPOKE. Singapore, 12th Dee.. 1891. fct/ck/cr/ay For Batavia, Cheribon, and Sainarang;. I OAIL once a week, and bave excel- lent accommodation for all
      284 words
    • 584 2 Safest %ivqtsyupi*WANTED immediately by a respectable family a Furnished House or Bungalow. Dis'ance no obiect. Teims must be moderate. Apply by letier to 44 European," c/o this otl?ce. Singapore, l«>th Dec, 1891. TO ANTED for a 2nd Class Hotel, a Barmaid, at once must be respectable. Nationality no oDJect. Apply
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    • 539 2 HONGKONG GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION HONGKONG OPIUM FARM. XTOTICE is hereby given that Sealed Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, till 3 o'clok on Tuesday afternoon, the 29th day of Decemlier, 1891, for the purchase of the entire privileges known as the Opium Farm established under The Prepared
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  • 340 3 I Regatta will on Friday, the Ist Janu '"'patrons Excellency '•nor. Tlie fin will be i 'met nally ;i i !n.:; a< m< H- II- Ungkoo Kha- the Senior Naval Officer, Captain •I- R.N., Mom-. [>. Joaquim, l^alfour Lee», U. N. Bland, B. J. uison, A. J.
    340 words
  • 882 3 Tm M<'tli »'i^t ton-meeting will take ice in iiir Town Hall to-night, to be •.<•(! by an evangelistic lervice. A Itugby f<M)t!»;ill him tcli between t'h" < IP k< i ('lul) and the Arms and I'ivil Service, is down for to-morrow. Tin: compliiutMttary l)«'iu*fit to the rua
    Pinang Gazette  -  882 words
  • 72 3 London 4 month** tim hi 8/11 n 8 Ijj <*>() days sight' ;> i i w 8/jI (Irninvd ;j it 7 m T.T. ;< „:j Frit lire-, ilr.iinnil IJ.^7 Ni-io Yt^rk 7| n 180 Hamburg ;j j-> P****f I o/o vrt >„i fntfiti 22 -> R/fHJOOA Ma tiro
    72 words
  • 78 3 LAT EST MARKET QUOTATIONS (i<tm'nfi\ < .-> 7< Ctf/if Xo. 1, 925 do do No. 2 7*50 Copra Baft, 3.5fi do I iii ,)>i i, Pepper Wnck, lu.(K) Pepper li'.itt:, Sago hour, tSn Pcti'l Smjo, on <"'//" Buff, 88.60 r •>'■'' Ltluritin, Tapioco small Wake, 4.25 do do itt quality
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 Imported since 1876. Xonc geuito wfiihout these two Labels. ~i~. -\'*V, nc' -t "»i Übbu *»d Tbadi Mask Registered in Ek land and Gebmait. B.WAB. OF IIOTAtIOy 8 Soil by Messrs. .InHN LITTLE Co. and hy all 'iuiK'se Provision Slioi>-ket»pers. SOLE IMPORTERS SOLE AGENTS, Sequah's Cube,— i For Indigestion and
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    • 395 3 flaw; it* t) --«.-»,..jL ilLy^ii^p^ --.*.i.» BURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposiie the Square. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time tne perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. J.oO TO G Hi i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 102 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, BAILING VESSELS 1\ HARBOUR. Antii ch, American b;irq M Henningway, New fork. Boustead A Co., Boston. Enterpe, (J<t. barq.. 623, BaJlmnlier, Saigon. Behn Meyer .v ('<»., Maaritins. S< '-in lie, N on 41 0 >. i Bangkok. Giliillau VV< Jk Co. J charging, Abyssinia, British ship, ',I^7, llilion,
      102 words
    • 162 3 STEAMERS 1 N HARBOUR. Hampshire, British str, 1,609, K« i rish. Hongkong. liorneoCo. Marseilk*« ;md Liverpnol. TEAMERS EXPECTED. For London.— Ir< ne, dne 15th December. I'riiiin. l.Sth Bombay, P. A O. due 28th Dee. Glengyle, due 30th I tec. Iphigenia, do, Glamorganshire, dne 30th I)<»c. For Trieste Maria Teresa, dne
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    • 259 3 British >ir. Chow Phya, Kunath, from Klnng. Jinn Ilin ;i ji(j '<>. consignees. British str. Calypio, [nkster, from Deli. \V. Man tf\v\d and Co. consignees. British Btr. Lightning, Spence, from 1 1< »n<rk< it l^- SarkiesA Moses consignees. Nor. *tr. Ceylon, Kroger, from Manila. Pateraoi Sim tm and Co. consigniees.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 641 4 k i.,t.,,v Arrived here in the Laboratory lrrive d here to ine Ljboimiory ResuH of the Analysis. 3rd of March. R^nlt of the Analysis. of March, i»»i. Percent- One liter bi tre of sample bottle Specific weight at 15° Cels. 0.9499. age of contain- Signature of the sample Specific weight
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