Daily Advertiser, 11 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I.] SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1891. [NO. 308
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 684 1 I T -^DAILY ADVERTISER. ;i,;iii-n of lbe Daily Upper Fiooc of I IB i hi SI USi lUPTIO3C. OneDolk,. .v...s cad!. B \i,\ i:i:tisi:mknts. W j of ;in inch, Two and for long }>cri<)(ls is allowed, I n, mi i< sabjecled to ;i f 'liter the ins(.'iti<'ii I rtni^ht. f
      684 words
    • 199 1 1 m ?;ffrw i jpn MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENOINEEBS, Albion Eng-ine Works, Beach Road. Opposite the General Pest Office. Semi Portable Compound Engine and Boiler 8 Horse Power, >nC Self Aeting slnv'nl'L'r' Garden Hollers and Lawn Mowers, Circular. Cross ent, and Hand Saws, Winches, Chain Blocks and Screw .lacks,
      199 words
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    • 496 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: AuTHOtrsio Capitai 14,000,000 BviMBiBED Capita] |8 9 000 9 000 AaocvT Paid ur j 600,000 :(>: m.wmxi: BUSINESa rpHIS Compaaj is ptepared to issiM polioiefl on Marine risks to any part of the world policies mm r be made pajable at any of the Company's
      496 words

  • 846 2 The Daily Advertiser. Friday, December 11, 1891. Mr. Maxwell on the Malay Peninsula. The following abridgement of a paper on the Malay Peninsula, by Mr. W. E. Maxwell, Resident of Selangor, will be perused by our readers with interest. Quite a number of colonial notables were present at the Colonial
    846 words
  • 182 2 (Pinany Gazctte.J "Xwv. order to have the bunch ready at D.oO a. in. wu<j telephoned from mornimr a! J lt a. n /^^S ~dd not t^, aU '^C,, I J**ij feted l, t i t '""'l»'lial r Mr- hotter ol)lai stoker fro,,, |1.
    182 words
  • 268 2 DaBWIX, in hig Look on M ment in Plant*," is of opinion t:m many plants may be laid to haves ami the investigation! of other tY botanists have oonfirMsd kis opiniot. An Indian botanist relates the follow. ing remarkable incident "I m^ ting in the verandah with
    268 words
  • 1321 2 The outward k 0. Mail rt Raven** having left Goloabottl m. on Wedncsh-y h«>t is due liereuii Tuesday next Hkadacbi fttoost tlwtyi y u a medical paper »)t, to the a neous Rpplkalioa of hot water u feet and hack of the neck. According to the Present«import
    Bangkok Times Gazette; Ibid  -  1,321 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 518 2 ,~43-A, RAFFLES SQUARE, NBJT noo R TO"TH E OIsrENSAEY" TffSS, BODS?. li*-^* AND inffSttifl *****1 $999 Singapore, 2nd Nov., 1891. Municipal Notice. mHE Municipal CommiMioßefi are I prepared to receive tenden far pil- n eoncrtte, granite, »ud brickwork Quired for tlie foondatioui ol the New Town Market. plans liny l».-
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    • 481 2 Musical Instruments. BANJOS, Violins, English Concertinas, Anglo-German Concertinas, Guitars, Whistling Jemmys (Musical Walking With the new patent Vox Humana stop, of very y^^ /^J. y^k. /j£k\ /A* o/o o fl x? cry crt a\ jb I I I lY! \j o I w A large stock of the latest Music,
      481 words
    • 445 2 latest M p EVERHARD, UNDERTAKER, SCULPTOR, AND TOMB-BUILDER, 148, MIDDLE ROAD. A LARGE assortment of Coffin Ornaiiaments just unpacked. All ordeis are carried out by personal supervision. Charges Moderate, Singapore, 11th December, 1891. "pOR BALE.— A fast trotting black Java pony, a young animal and In sound condition. Price $100.
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  • 378 3 Bangkok Times, sth Dec. About four o'clock yesterday afternoon a serioua outbreak occurred at the Gaol, which was only repressed by the military guard with some difficulty. As stated in our local news, twelve Sikh guards were engaged bv the Government early this week, and
    378 words
  • 73 3 London 4 month's sight 3/1 3 s/i a 00 days sight' 3/1 J -*O H 3/1 J demand H(>l TT. 0 Vra nrr, demand 3.87 Nfuo lark 74 Java 189 Hamburg 3.12 Vmang O /o pre/n 222 Rangoon t Madras 22U Colon* 1 Hongkomf o /o dis. S'ig»n
    73 words
  • 80 3 LATEST M AR KET QUOTATIONS uamuier, ?5.7«> do Cube Xo. 1, 92" do do Xo. 2 7*Bo Copra />•'//, B.sfi do Po il'ii >>.ih\ •>,. Pepprr lihi"L y .j ;J Ptipprr White, 17.00 .SVjyu F/ovr, .'{.SO Pearl tin go, 4 0»/m B^», 2.V00 Coffee Librrian, fcf> 00 T'lpiuco small Flake,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 MisißEß mm, sai bmsi Imported since 1876. None genuine without these two Labels. LABiLt and Trade Mark Registered in England and Germany. y r ,I^l ~^^-*~Jf j^fcr //'ft ''Jw '/Jtt^/' 4m.\~M Sold by Ifetm. JOHN LITTLK k Co. and bj all SOLE IMPORTERS SOLE AGENTS, SoqiiiuTs Remedies. For Indigestion and
      114 words
    • 463 3 SURGEON AND MBCHAKICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Sqnare. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time tne perfection of fit and appearance. I PERFECTLY PAINLESS-DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 6 oVlock'. •r Note the Address. Jourdin's
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 80 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, BAILING VESSELS IN HABB0U& Antioch, American bar<]., [)M, Hnnningway, New Voi*k. Ponntcad tt Co Boston. Bnterpo, barq.. C23, Ballmnller, Baigon, Behn Ifejer »fc Co., Manritina, l'tnobsool, Aner. banj., I(W>7, MeCauldcr, Pacaloiigan. Booatead ».v Co., New York. Western Belle, Amor, banj., IOSI, Sweney, Hongkong. Honstoad Co., Boston. Sostrene, Norwegian
      80 words
    • 188 3 William Hales, American bq., KY.\, I Buckley, New York. Katz Brothers. STEAMERS IN HARBOUR, Bombay, British str., 1,040, Robertson, Penang. Boustead and Co. Marseilles and London. Hampshire, British ttr, 1,699, Kerrish, Hongkong. Borneo Co. Marseilles and Liverpool. BTBAMBRB EXPECTED. For the Continent Fidelio, due 1-Jth Dec. Preussen, due 24th Dec.
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    • 205 3 Dbcimbki 10. Dutch Rtr. Siak,Seepers, from Palawan. DjMiideli and Co. consignees. British str. Ban Poh (Juan, Stratton, from Newcastle Bag. Wee Bin and Co. consignees. British str. Naples, Harrison, from Batoum. Paterson, Simoilt and Co. consignees. Spanish str. Santo Domingo, Ugarte, from Bai-celona. E. H. Hinnekindt consignees. British str. Torrington,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 524 4 ed l" !> iri nu lt(tl v BesnH of the Analvsii Arrived her" in the Laboratory: 3rd of March, iB9l. 3rd of March. Result of the Analvsis. pkaTop the D^b,. I jjjy* limiu O.QQ DONAUPEKLB." K ,,,.,,,.,r: ,,,.,,,.,r Aiiniov,,,:;,,, "Jg w 8 M H SSL A "'"\.-7 s ;i 7
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