Daily Advertiser, 5 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I.] BINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DEC. 5, 1831. [NO. -03
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 578 1 AA ADVERTISER, i i il fi m of the Dailt Upper Floor of 5 Utfl each. iVKRTISIXEm. art of an inch, Two and for kong periods is allowed. men! is subjected to a hether the insertion i! > will be inserted l, aud will be charged i i md business
      578 words
    • 377 1 MILLW.iIOHTS, I CIVIL AND MECIIA] [CAL ENGINEERS, ll:ox FOU> DER 9 SHIP BUILDERS. Machine Shop HIPBUI Albion 's. 33cacli Road. ■icb am> '-alh Room,— Ox>T>Oßite tl era! Post Office. M 0 F Light Drain; lit _tc iraen and Nt H ice M i < lonial Vi oo i Woi king
      377 words
    • 239 1 iiLEt, Hargreaves <s io. ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDKftS, SHIP BUILDERS, fcc_, cle. Agonts for gj.?]@&§§§ift§ f&itm iiiTsu®, Ruston Proctor Co y. Lt.i.'s PORTABLE AND FIXED ENGINES, BOILERS. PUMPS, AND MACHINERY, ALLEN'S "CONQUEROR" CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, AVERY'S WEIGHING MACHINES, 'A/';Ar/.-;-A r Stkam Launches Engines Saw Benches Changkols Stkam
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    • 534 1 "SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD, AtISCUSKR CAHTAft/. S4/»'m, SUBSCSIBID CIFITAJ 8 \vnl.VT PAID ll' I oou,oou MARINE BUSINESS. rpHIS Company Ls prepared to iss ae policies on Marine rish ito part of the world policies ma) b made payable ;»t any of the Companye Agencies. List of Agencies on appli catkm.
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  • 255 2 The Daily Advertiser. Saturday, December 5, 1891. Latest news from China. Thk recent news of certain atrocities reported to have been perpetrated m China, turns out. as we expected, to ho gros-lv exaggerated. Yesterday telegram published m the local papers announced that later advices from Pekin state that the revolt
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  • 141 2 Thk discussion m the Datl* W* phic on the alternative routes to In ha is continued, says tho IsOndon <"»'« China Smpreee. 'Lieutenant General Sir Andrew ('lark.* rontcwpl »l*' 3 without any grave apprebouMOU, Ue loss of the use ol the Sue/ Gand iv th event of
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  • 881 2 ;ird Ew *c have had time to enter into this month of Xmas, a M son of healthy and joyous festivii the citizens of this sleepy hollow, m allowing the gran to prow under their feet, have begun to look alire, and puttiu^r away dull sloth, eomneoced to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 537 2 73-MAFFLESSQUARE, BBS. !©®Sl. ni ifflftSMQl!! ANU «a_ma if B__IMJL W __SC« §o§9 g lng _po W ,ftHlNor.l»l. Municipal Notice. riMIK Uanieipal Cu.nniissioners are 1 spared to reoelTe tenders for pi M,ncr7te. _rr;»nite. and brickwork Quired for the foundationa of tke Nen Town Market. pwngmar bcteea and speeificationi obuin ed at
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    • 205 2 Ifusical Instruments. JUST TO HAND, l! BANJOS, Vidliiis. English Concertinas, Anglo-German j Concertinas, (iuiturs. Whistling Jemmys (Musical Walking With the new patent M Vox HUMAIfA" stop, of very A large stock of the latest Music, consisting oi" Songs, Dance Music, Classical Music, Hamilton's and Ilemy's Pianoforte Instruction Books for Pianoforte.
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    • 253 2 ?A?lK_iymArlL3fl_ For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarang-. |»JAII_ once a week, and bave excellent accommodation for all kinds of passengers. CELEBTIAI 1,018 Tons. B GIANGANN 878 PENANG 6*3 For Freight and Passage, Apply to TAX KIM TIAN k SONS, No. l. Prince Street. Singapore, Sth January, 1891. nmmmmJL QOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDERB
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    • 707 2 latest 26 k 27, Raffles Place, Singapore. Milliners, Dressmakers, Silk Mercers. CHRISTMAS, 1891. r\N Tuesday, Ist December, and KJ following days, Robinson CO. will show a large and specially selected stock of Millinery, Silks, Costumes, Dress Materials, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, and General Drapery Goods, and would call attention to a
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    • 408 2 JafrjH 3_drcrtKfmrnta. Black, White and Colored Silk Gloves, m all lengths. Hosiery— -Robinson Co., Importers. A Special lino m Black Stockings, at $4.50 doz. Ladies' and Children's Black Diamond dye Hose. LadieV and Children's Black Sanitary dye Hose. Navy and Black Cashmere Hose, all sizes. Lisle Thread Hose m all
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  • 1449 3 Thk total return of visitors to the Kafles Library and Museum doting erk was 807. Tm; IL IC. steamer Natal leaves Saigon at 4 a. m. to-morrow, and is here early on Tuesday niorninv o Dl. West will preside at tho United Visionary meeting m the Prineep
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  • 73 3 London A- month's sight 3/lg H I l/ll CO Jaus sight' g/ij HO 3/l} demand g/ol f T.T. 8/0} F-t/urn, mkmoud 3.87 _y«NS 74 N 189 Ha t nburg 312 Penang 0/ p, em India 222J Rangoon Madras 022 Colom' Bongkong o j o dis. »•'*>•■ 0/0 piem
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  • 76 3 Gambier, 15.7*1 do Cube No. I, 905 do do No. 2 7*50 Copra Bali, 3,-5 do Pontia nak, 3 2.") Pepper Black, «> 75 Pepper White, 17.00 Sago Flour, 3 flo Pearl Sago, 40Q Coffer Bali, 2f>'oO Coffee Liberian -5 00 Tapioco small Flake, 4 25 do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 3P___BK_ una. kit Mim Imported since 1876. Mono genuine without these two Labels. T I? A U E^^ A _|____-_jL\^^faU 1.-imm* A.KD Tradb Mark Registered m England and In a* ma my. Bkware of Imitations. I^^g^^^yjff^^^^p^JfT A A ''ti^'Affi/tmW 'Warn Ut&f^£j£i£3U^=& Mr^¥ I>_^_-_^mSn_____r*%M^Sr^ jJaS—ir J rilirtfr ißiSfßy V ■•'w-mw' ___9
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    • 485 3 !a. 1. nuiii mini.) ma, im SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Square. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time the perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS.DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 6 o'clock.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 113 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, SAILING VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Antiocli, American barq., 9f>6, Henningway, New York. Boustead Co., Boston. Enter pc, Ger. harq.. 623, Ballmuller, Saigon. Behn Meyer Co., Mauritius. Penobscot, Amer. barq, 1007, MeCaulder, Pecalongan. Boustead Co., New York. Western Belle, Amer. barq., 1084, Sweney, Hongkong. Boustead Co., Boston. Sostrene, Norwegian bq.,
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    • 227 3 STEAMERS EXPECTED. For I_ondon Polyphemus, due Bth Dec. For the Continent, Fidelio, due 12th Dec. Preussen, due 24th Dec. Iphigenia, do. For Trieste Maria Teresa, due 13th Dec. ARRIVALS. December 4. British str. Vita, Davis, from Rangoon. Boustead and Co. consignees. German str. Salatiga, Bornemann, from Batavia. Puttfarchen and Co.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 776 4 ETmiysis of Wines m our stock by the Imperial and Royal Chemical Laboratory, Vienna. i ilx.r-.Ltoiv w _> i Arrived here m the Laboratory irrivcd BCTi IB tne ui«ratoi\. Result of the Analysis. nf ATnl f h J Result of the Analysis mt\ oi lUrcfc, ML diciof Maich. J a
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