Daily Advertiser, 3 December 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I.) SINGAPORE^ THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1891. [NO. 301
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 531 1 =frfVADVERTISER. I THE DAli*' *J ;•< r floor of One Dollar. \TS. i ng periods 1 to lie.r the insei ti« n I I t and I i charged inu- > it i < pay.l I M teriori to the Elitor. i r p ihlie i- loin if m of
      531 words
    • 299 1 M.\<"i' w: Shop a v A: ■-ion I Bcaob Road. I R_ II s" x Vil if 1(1 I _j B 11 Power, Garden Rolh c> and Lawn Mowers, Circular, I Iross ent, ai Han-! Saws, Boiler and Stsv Tubes, Gas and Water Pipes, I», rtable Forges, Anvils snd Hammers,
      299 words
    • 218 1 Ull PY lit 4BRRP &wcq l Ws\ Agrents for l^, I ;,vJ;J.;:. li >i-> i X DL,i_j J Ruston Proctor Coy. Ltd.'s PORTABLE AMD FIXED ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, AND MACHINERY, ALLEN'S "CONQUEROR" CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, AVERY'S WEIGHING MACHINES, •t, ;..:.i Launches Engines Saw Benches Changkols steam Yachts Toilers Pullies Axes Iwin
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    • 511 1 SINGAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. :o: IaiSKD CaMTAI C 1 Capitai p,OOO,DOn Am., m Paid vr. I 800,000 MARINE BUSINESS. "Pjl Is Company Is ]>r<}» tre Ito iti pi licies on Marine i pari of the world pol cii p ivable :t any of ibe < '>:ui>.m.. 'a i i <
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  • 653 2 The Daily Advertiser, Thursday, December 3, 1891. Amerika and China. OtJi contemporary, The Btruito Independent, quotes the following from the Daily Teh rook The Central Government of Washington is fully alive to the struggle, and is not without a certain measure of sympathy with a movement which msy prove s
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  • 178 2 I hi: Berlin Porf contains a louj apparently, inspired article os Pamir Question, the writer of whi.ii arrives at the following conclisosi w M Russia evidently has it pra uo far-reaching plant against or India, but the British principles 4 following every Btep of Russias ia
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  • 209 2 Penang Tndep n<l>»t:> The other daj when it nouncod to i» that cholera bad W our at Ba«an Jernial, we very mmdered how such a pw* la< been *o |»rovidentiallv P^ ere then from the «ttacko«"» ,li,,.;,.-, could have heen Komi U if. The follow^ which w
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 560 2 43-A, Rtf^ W* B6 Municipal Notice. rnHE Municipal Commissioners are prepared to receive tenders for pil- „,M n t e, granite, and brickwork Quired for the foundations of the New Town Market. Pima may be seen and specifications obuined st the office of the Municipal Engineer between the hours of
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    • 434 2 musical Instruments, JUST TO HAND, BANJOS, Violins, English Concertinas, Anglo-German Concertinas, Guitars, Whistling Jemmys (Musical Walking Sticks) and Musical Boxes. With the new patent VOX HTJICAIfA" stop, of very a_P £"*> A largo stock of the latest Music, consisting of Songs, Dance Music, Classical IMusic, Hamilton's and Ilemy's Pianoforte Instruction
      434 words
    • 705 2 f Salt.'it Rittnsra ct, l 26 27, Raffles Place, Singapore. Milliners, Dressmakers, Silk Mercers. CHRISTMAS, 1891. r)N T Tuesday, Ist December, nnd following days, Robinson Sc Co. will show lar tre and specially selected r stock of Millinery, Silks, Costumes, Dress Materials, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, and General Drapery Goods, and
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    • 348 2 <tttst g_dr(|rtij_em*nt». Black, White and Colored silk Gloves m all lengths. Hosiery— Robinson a Co, Importers. A^ I r e^ 1 ,me iußl »ck Stockings, at •r4..)() doz. Ladies' and Children's Black Diamond dye HoseLadles 1 and Children's Black Sanitary dye Worn. Navy and Black Cashmere Hose all sizes. Lisle
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  • 1192 3 French transport passed through i( ur this morning from West j Mk. !< 'Vl ft, the Chief Inspector of Nuisance** irned this morning rom .-1 s in tho l*urm <l The .merican barque William Hal rived yesterday from New i -*.\\o cases petroleum for Kats Bros. >W,
    1,192 words
  • 183 3 (Pinang Gazette.) The Directors of this d npany,four from tho Coromandel Coast, one from Singapore, one from S. langor, together with thoso resident m Penang, met on Momla. and Tuesday at tbe Head Office m Chulia Street, and discussed i questions relating to
    183 words
  • 58 3 London 4) month's sight 8/ls a 8/11 IGO dees xiahC 3-\ demand F.ance.demand B.B# Neto York /l Jan, 1» Uamhnrg S>.l* Penane I <"<> r 2224 Rangoon Mau ros r Coll)»>' M Hongkong Io > S k *>/»«" _tf_,N»7a *i 9/eprem Shanghai FoJreSaMS I 1 Australia :t 'i
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  • 74 3 Qemhier, lo.T\ do Cube So. 1, 925 cc il" No.l 7-.JU Copra Bali </_» Pontia nak, l.» i Pepper ßlaek 8.75 Pepper White, 1700 Sago Flour, ISo Penrl SafO, l*.oo Oofet Bali, 2500 Cafes Liberien r 00 Tapioco smell Flake, 425 do do let eeelity ••AS do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 533 3 nasinn if us. ksy im.ii i Imported since 1876. \one genuine without these two Labels. Ie j« /y /j i _3T =ri^J_[^^r^ VV^* V^-A M PORTERS ■^^^^f/ V s^y V -rr Ay _*if_r Lajbkls and Tbadi Mask Register d m Exglahd and Gaaauuir. iei >**'- _"> A^-.iL fe _?__V >
      533 words
    • 491 3 ii, wmm mmi iv, t tn, SURGEON ANI) MECHANICAL DENTIST, l\ Battery Road, opposite the Square. s started practise as above, and intends jj rforming all dental operations at reform ices, guaranteeing at the same time the 1 rfeetion of fit and appearance. Bill II I %r%/o/ciA/oy PERFECTLY PAINLESSiDENTISTRY A
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 47 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. BAILING VESSELS IN BARBOUR Antioeh, American barq., 956\ Henningway, New York. Boustead k Co., Boston. Euterpe, Ger, barq.. 623, Ballmuller, Saigon. Behn Meyer k Co- Mauritius. Iviol i rrt, Amer. I»ir<| l'K>7, McLanldi Ci Lv aloagau. Souatead At oWest en. Belie, Amur. 1 *rq 10*4,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 620 4 Analysis o/mnes m onr stow oy me imperial and Royal Chemical Laboratory, Vienna. i .Iv.r-.toiv i_ rxi i Arrived here m the Laboratory Arrived bere m tne Mj bofataty. Result of the Analysis. 3rd of March. Result of the Ana. _taii>le bottle Specific weight si 15° Cels. 0.9499, aire of
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