Daily Advertiser, 7 November 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 18 1 The Daily Advertiser V( JL. I.] i LJ~^m r-v*rw c~ ?k SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOV 7, 1891. [NO. 280
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 727 1 THE DAILY ADVERTISER. Vll( tfice of publication of the Daily ["'•irti tie U P| h.t Floor of JjAlb OF SUBSCRIPTION. r /iK*n«em O\w Dollar. Siugk cofkt 5 odati each. Iv'a.i: oy Advkktikkmicnts. fj tvtrj lack or j^art of an inch, Tvra \hA\*r* |*f uionih, md for long j.»eriodg :il tle«Uiclion
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    • 395 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEEBS, IRON FOUNDKHS A SHIP BUILDKKS. Machine shop a BmmufU>i9« Y.muvAlbion Engine Works. Beach Road. Office and Sale Room,— Opposite the General Post O3ics. ;<»; MAKK l< S OF Li^rM V>v u-^ht St»'umers and Innili hej, Lyon's P.i<»'Tit Rii« Mi!lB Colonial Wocxl Working Maohineiy, LyoaV S^lf
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    • 472 1 SINGAPORE IKSUFAKCE I COMPANY, LTD. I :o: Acthorisid Capital 14,000,000 Subsceidei) Capital $3,000,00(> Amount Paid up... 600,0Q0 MARINE BUSINESS. Company is prepared to hhu« policies on Marine rUks to aoy part of the world policies may be mad« payable at any of the Company's Aj?euciefl. List of AgenuioH on application.
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  • 455 2 The Daily Advertiser. Saturday November 7, 1891. A Suggestion. WkitEVFR .fjuilfc may occnsionally be found with tin- Muuwirnlity, no one can deny that the BourtHtas or' late shewn n deal ot vitality, and wiiere improvement was required, particularly such as conduced to the health of the population, the necessary sum
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  • 186 2 The tramway accident of Thursday nigtit lust wa« the first shocking incident that has ever occurred m Singapore. How the unfortunate boy got un.Jer the ear no one can give a proper account. It looks as if tram ac- cidents are becoming quite a frequent j oouureoee
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  • 594 2 f Frout n fti--tti v- r. '.*}>•■■ ih-)}./ Tills i ji'in .-u'.'ins to iuw Uitfijf j l>e«*n m a »tut« of harmless: ferment to j iJiaturb the other wij*a monotonous state !of thiii^s. Kirst came t»*o mad dog craze, when every harmlesji cor wa;. tabooed, until the hyUrophobiu
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  • 263 2 An invention wiik-L > o'"volutionii" the .srat"? of ouv ia the East is recently noticed m Statesman thus: An exhibit worthy of notice at" toS ft»itaj Soldiers' Iv- stitute. is an electric punk it: ir.wnlt-v by Lieutenant-Colonel Junes, iln pn&kah consist* of three funs rtfolfMf i witnin ;i
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  • 151 2 The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China. ,nwre, or fc«W, x w rtl e«t mmths. b..s to li oCt urnn Ui. STS. v,,y const liable It was h**J tJ.avtue Morcanti^ Bank had emor^od from tli« tiouolos it wot m ten >aar» a ut lllCse h«*v v uiiiuunta «gii"i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 420 2 fl "43A, RAFFLES SQUARE 1 ■Mn>ndc™ art- invife.l for the trir.mu-k^-^of the following Munifip.i! M:ir- W' *1. Tht^ Town Market Laon). W t. The Klieiiboruugii Market 1 1'.isir J JUhru)--j T». The Civile Terr.ico Marker 1 P.isir J 4. The Rocboro Market (Plwir Ro- I clior). i. The Kampoii£ Kapor
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    • 164 2 "til na§? 1 3 -'-^x S "ANGLO-INDIAN CHALLENGE PIANO. 11 A FRESH consignment of these popular and much admired solid wood iron-framed upright Pianos received. Full compassed. Iron-framed, and with Rivitted Felts and Keys. Specially constructed to withstand damp and GUARANTEED. j PRICE FOR CASH (including case) £250, 111 w
      164 words
    • 285 2 For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarangr. j^ail once a wet-k, and Imit« excel* lent accfMumodation for ail kinils Of pafcAetigera, ICELKBTIAI UiilsTooa, GIANG ANN 87« 1 i;nan(; t t >:\ Y\)\ i'ni-ht and Passage, Apply to TAX KIMTIAN SONS, I, PBfKOE STRBBt. Singapure, €th January, 18U1. JEWELLERY! JEWELLERY!! JEWELLERY!!! ]^JR. B.
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    • 755 2 "IS HL GAUDART, 160, MfDDi.K RoiD, TTAS jaut ieceivu4l a choice soleebion of Christnidg, New V<;ur, <>m.\ Uirthdny Cards from Meshrs. Raphael, tuck j Toys and Dolls of vai'loua description, prices ranging from Ten Cents each and i Tinned P/.-visions and Ham mil Obeese of titc best i}oality, car; also
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  • 156 3 \\'k are informed on very good au- thonry that the local native mutton botcben are endeavouring to form a j ].>a£uo to raise the price of tuition, j now retailing m the bazaar, to 20 cents per pound, and imputation waited upon our leading
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  • 1057 3 Monday next being a Public Holiday m honor of the Priooe of Wales' Birthday* there will be no istoe of the Daily Advtrti*cr. i^^ A '.ricket match will be jlavod on tbe Esplanade this afternoon. AH extraordinary general imvtting of the Jelubu Mining and Trading Co.»Ltd.!was held
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  • 423 3 Teacher 'Tommy T raddle*, you may spell cigarette." Tommy (somewhat ill-prepared) Well cr my pa won't lot me smoke 'em, ami I don't think he'd care to have me spell em." F.R.S. A tvt 11-known scientific man doubled his fees for legal and consulting work after bin election
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  • 59 3 (m \i uortV^ Hijht 3/1 B/1J G Jays »ight 3/11 n 3/jI: demand '.1 rr. "'3 P.VHCt V r fk t; ..viBv)| Hamburg 13 r a > ~-'j Mmtrxi Tl>\ (hfombo Ho-/!, i o/« fife >!u < 'iii'i ~*l <i.'r/ p.- fiffrfttyhai 721 Yokohttm* 1 O/o jr't.i Australia
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  • 73 3 Pkodccb. Gambler, f r» .V'» do CnheSo.X V> .>;> do do j\'o. 2, 7 ."> > I Copra Kali, g.OS </o Pontianak, 1.0( > Pepper Bine':, 11.00 P^/>;;^r JTA*/*, )9 0() S»i(/o Flour, *J Qi) j Pearl Sttqo, 2.85 Coffee Bali 26.00 Coffee Libtrian fc7JO Txpioco mnall
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 Imported sinoe 1876. x\one genuine without these two Labels. '^^r^T^rißL k aV^'J' Iu»«l« avd Tiixdk Makk Registkked m Enolakd and »brmaht. Beware of Imitations. "^ft'^TiK.*^^ '■i^fr-i_:^S^f L Btld by Neeam JOHN LITTLE Co. anJ bj all Chinee* Piovmou Bbop«keep«re, SOLS IMPOETERS SOLE AGENTS, BJBBXV, ZHS7S2I CO S«i uali's Remedies. Sequah's
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    • 538 3 'fir I ISHUK iilttlTi Ul| IK. BUBOBON AND MECUANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Square. has started practise as above, and intend* performing all dental operatiqns at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time the perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HO'JRS 6 O €LOOK.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 87 3 SKIPPING INTELLIGENCE. I November 6. British str. Phra Nnnif, W*?ron t fro:u Rwratow. Buha Meyer co. consi^nocs. Jap. str. Miike Maru, MacMillan, from Hon<j;kon£. Pateroon Simons <^ co. consignees. Aus. str. Melpomene, Mitis, from Bombay. I). Brandt co. consignees. Am. bq. Antioch, Hemingway, from N<«w York. Behn A co. consignees.
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    • 178 3 British str lie Leoii^My 1 t 0-3 Pen? ny. 8. 8. 8. CO. oonsispi Hriti*h str. Amherst, M t. Klar.^r. Wee Hin co. ooitti'g] British itr. BellcroplioTi, tiorison, from Shanghai. \V. k»nafi»ld c; ca consignees. British »tr. Glamorynr:' D ffiet, from London. BovtteaJ «i co. :<m« aignees. British str. N
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 412 4 i• I'cf'i nt- One lit**r a w.-i^ht -it I 6« Cmh *****. *Re oflconUlli- Siptiatui-e of the aainplo Specific weight at lr>° Cels. 0.9913. »jw of oonUin- r lUL 2.%\ 4? Ma«i e up weii corked. _l|^ d "v; teu i^' aa J d o f wJr" iw T- Cmditioi
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