Daily Advertiser, 6 November 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. I] SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. NOV. 6, 1891. [NO. 27'J
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 708 1 T i^llli7AD VERTISER f niiUi f |ff in" n «>f the DITLT THi^ w il« Upper Floor of No.»M or siwcairnox. One Dollar. r*"*^*. soeiU«e*h. OF APVKI'.TiSKMKNTS. n i, or iii oi »n inch, Two r iQotllb, MM tor lO||g Jtenoda tteUoWod. u v( >rtifleDietit i* i 1 > j
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    • 391 1 MILLWRIGHTS, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, IKON FOUNDERS A S^HIP IiCILDKKS. MAcinra Shop Jk Phipbvildisg Yari>, Albion Engine Works. Beach Road. Omcfl and Sale K<>< Opposite the General Post O3ice. ,1 M a K kus o r Light I>rmsb4 Steamers and I/aumhe.*, Lv» \\> Pitoiit Ri«c Mills, C« lonial Wcxxl Working
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    • 579 1 SINWPOREMURANCE ff COMPANY, LTD, Ij Ai-thoiwid Capital UfiOO 9 (H)^ fl; Sub^cribko Capital S3,000,ou«» C hi Amount Paid up... ..:J 600,»i¥) A 901 I JH MABISI BUSINESS. I rpHIS Cgmpanj is prepared to iwu« ji policies on* Murine risks to any i #1 rart of the worW p<»ii«'ios m:iy be
      579 words

  • 494 2 The Daily Advertiser. Friday, November 6, 1891. Electric Lighting. Electricity plays such an impor- ant part m modern economics that it no small wonder that the Municipality, m spite of the eroakirg of pessimists, are endeavouring to secure the lighting of the town with the. electric light. If the industrial
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  • 737 2 4tk November. It seems rather unfortunate that my stock of news thi* week should be so uninteresting, seeing the progress the Daily Advertiser has made since its birth 17 months ago. by the enlargement of its size and the improvement iv its type, while the rat© of Mibseription
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  • 38 2 We desire it to be born* <» mi'td tktf "j w. tcrting letter* wt do not eonuy any o/nn** favorable to their cu/ttents, nor dj \ce hnl 9 selves responsible J*r thr !</;».■»*«»/*# $f jur c*-r» ponds nts i
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  • 397 2 Sir, -Your correspondent "IcbW evidently thinks that abut»e is Upment. 1 Rhall n»t stoop to r.jply m the same strain, but w\ I content atself with pointing out tome torditien and eonlndictioa v his leUofl aboand. 11 I that the Police sbou i for duty without fair, Utout,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 [[H 43-A, RAFFLES SQUARE, Municipal Notice. are invited for Urn farming of the following Municip.il Markets t 1 The Town Market (Pasir Lamm), i t. The Ellenborough Market (JVir IWhru). 3. The Clyde Terrace Market (Pasir i* Besi). I 4. The Rochore Market (Pastr BePjk vkor). Ififi ft. The Kanipong
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    • 451 2 I J f|^y I n jj^j j ra ~f36s^ttJ^k_ fT I 1 ''the m angjlo-indian. challenge piano/ 1 A FRESH consignment of these popular mul much admired solid wood iron-framed upright Pianos received. Full compassed, Iron-framed, and with Rivitted Felts and Keys. Specially constructed to withstand damp and GUARANTEED. PRICE
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    • 690 2 ~jr D VERTISER is deeirous of obt*in- ing a Clerkship either m North Borneo or the Protected Native States, I ahould lie be offered sufficient induce- went. Apply to A. B. C. e/othis paper. I (COPYIST Any one desiring copying j work to be done, can have the services of
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  • 1370 3 <„ ,1 r1, w.ir vessel Shamroon j Vtrurn B»n^ok thi 8 morninir nrr !T 0 -oU»- r for Tongkah. T ?p. m. to-morrow, at M, Tank K,.h 1 ife*** 1 I>owe^ Cot will sell furniture of tho lat* Mr. .1. D. V.nic'> flll j mftil-for Kuropo will
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  • 194 3 A tremendous gale from the south- i ea»*t swept over the eastern portion of this i.-Unil rarly on Sunday morning. It commenced lo Mow at about qu:irt»«r to two o'clock and continued for about two hours, and iiercely while it lasted. The harhour vai like ono mass
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  • 69 3 Placi by Timf i<* vu. Mtlacea, I*. DiekHou and Klanur Uilliton *l MaUcca, ,tc., Ki*,, Ann W l>»uvi» Chfribon it tt'ar«ng, GuTnic Ann, 4p n l'ontiauftk aua tiinkawanp, bri SiuUng, 4 p. a u afcu Pthalt KaUali».ToTm'. Boarab*y» t Bali, Ac, KongSM, 2p. m Tahang, Boon Hag 11, 2 p.
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  • 60 3 London 4 month' tight Jtyl| W0 n ZZ''.'.'.'..... 8/11 demand 8/1 TT. 3/0£ France. Jrmind B.BBJyeie York 74$ j a0(l v 189$ Jlamburq «13 penang' i °>o pre n India 223 Rfingoon Madra* > ft2| HongkLi \olodi. Saigon i o,'o ptem Manila Jboloprrm s ai v* 7L>i Yolcohtim"
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  • 71 3 Fkoduoi. Gambier fo.S'l do Cube No 1 02.^ do do No.2 t 7 6«> Copra Bali, B(ss do Pontianak, 4.60 Pepperßlack 11.00 1 Pepper White, 1900 a Sago Flour 2.60 i Pearl Sago, 2.85 Coffee Bali* 2G.00 Coffee Liberian i 7.50 Tapioca umall Flake, U. 90 do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 514 3 BURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Battery Road, opposite the Sqoare. has started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time the perfection of fit and appearance. 1 <&&&&&* PERFECTLY PAINLESS; DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HOURS »JQ If •Vi/vc. <r Note the Address.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. November 3. British atr. Kongsee, McGill, from Sourabaja. W. Mansfield co. consignees. British str Ban Seng Guan, Gonrr v from Bangkok. Ban Heug A co. ccwi§i^nee.«. British str. Poll Ann, Moppett, from Lahnan. Wee Bin co. consignees. British str. Bhumlaru, BLtke, from Calcutta. Boustea<{ co. consignees.
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    • 191 3 Gorman *tr. Sumatri, (!.ixsen>, from D«li. Btthn Mover co. consiifneos. J British utr. Wing Sanj?, St Croix, from Calcutta. Bous(ead k co. consignees, P. k O. str. Surat, Sleeman, from Hongkoug. P. k 0. Co. consii^noes. Dutch sir. Srie Sintauvr, Sulker, from Pontianak. Yong Ban Seng co. consignees. Spanish etf.
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    • 107 3 Dstch *>tr. Batavier, Flake, from Sonrabnya. Woe Bin Aco. consigr ees. firman str. Frigga, Nagel, from Hongkong. Puttfarcktn co. consigne*. November 5. British ?tr. Petrel, Muhlenbien, from Klan^j. Bun Hi a co. consig'neei. British *tr. (Mjpeo, Inkster, from Deli. W. Mansfield co. consignees. British str. Paraea, Eaglandrfrom Madras. Boutstead co.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 Tjglysis of Wines m olr stock by tU Imperial and Royal Chemical laboratory, Victim, Arrived here m the Laboratory Rpsnlt of t)»o fcmlv hei« In khc I/obotatoiy: Result of the Analysis. 'kd of March. BMWI or me Analysl* Tpercent- One liter I Pirn eut-.l)n e lj^ r weiirht at 15°
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