Daily Advertiser, 14 September 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 11 1 The Daily Advertiser. I Bl_Ta-_____»o_Et___, MON'OA.'S' SZEPTEMBEIJ 14. 1891. [INTO. Qr>,4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 300 1 j, M. LYON Co., MILLWRIGHTS, „.j, ..j v B_[ECEI_A_NTC__X ENGINEEES, 1 I v FOUNDERS AND SHIP BUILDERS. MACHINE iKOP A SHIPBUILDING HARD, JtTL Albion Engine Works, Beach Road OFFICE AND SALE-ROOM, ITE the General Post Office. :0: Makers of Lmerfl and Launches, Mills, Working Macliinory, Acting Tapioca Machinery, Mill Plant,
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    • 436 1 SIfIOAPORE INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. LCTHOI. jsf.t. r.vpiT.vr, $4,0<JO,0l)O iUUSCHIUFI) CAPITAL $3,000,000 .mount Paid u* 000,00" :o: MARINE BUSINESS. I'M. _?_T Company is prepared to is* ire* JL policies on Marine risks to any part >t the world policies may be made payable at any of the Company's A« r enic...
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  • 29 2 At the Methodist Episcopal Church ou the 12th instant, by the Revd. J. j C. Floyd, b.s d d., Edmund Auoustus Surin, to Jane Elizabeth Dokal j m\s
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  • 515 2 From the home papers we glean that the neutrality hitherto preserved frith respect to this passage to the Black Sea has been suspended m favour of Russian war vessels It will be remembered that recently j Kust mil Paeba, the Turkish Ambas- j
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  • 225 2 Sequah' s 5th appearance in public. On Saturday, both m the afternoon and night, Sequah secured the largest audience that ever gathered on the old jail site. There can be no douht now that Sequali's fame has travelled far ami wide, and his medicines are so highly prizedVhat not only
    225 words
  • 966 2 ih_ apworth L„,, lw •ocutlii. the Meth'o Church ou Friday Om of tbe big Tanks dv was recently struo;; "V ammo fewer than mjell ot them treaty seers i„;r killed. The talk of an Afgl_n(J likely to com* to %J m Ameer has an enumeration of his
    Bangkok Times  -  966 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 KNIGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers, Decorators and Designers, -tailors, and Qeneral Oontractor> 14, Little Barrst*, 49, Biu Riaam London, Singapore. RECISTFREO TRADE MARK NO. 90,915. A large stock of every description of Household Furniture. Ornaments m great variety, suitable for high class decorations, designed b~ I DR. CHRISTOPHER DRESSER Sole
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    • 115 2 dfn tai. mm Tim urn OF STEAMERS. For Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarang. AIL once a week, and have exctllent accommodation lor all kinds of passengers. CELESTIAL 1,013 Tons GIANGANN 873 PENANG 623 For Freight and Passage, Appl, to TAN KIM TIAN 80NS, No. 1, Prince Street Singapore, 6th January, ISO
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  • 187 3 ARRIVALS. SSPTBMBBB 12. British str. Orestes, Birr, fr >m Liverpool. VV. Mmsfield __> co. consignees. Britisii str. Palamed, Jackson, from Liverpool* W Minefield co. consignees. Si itisb str. If impsliire, ECerrnisb, Liverpool. Born *o co. ooiiHi^nees. Skpt^mfo.r Birsiwak su. I»ij .h Brooke, Joyce, from Sarawak. Lint li»n co.
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  • 71 3 Condon 4 months' vioki 3/3 00 days' eight V2| 'do :> 21 demand 3/2-} Prance, demand 4.0 i New York 77 .lar a 19 J Hamburg" '\.20 Penaug o .■> prem India 2241 Rangoon Madras 211 Colombo fTongkone o/o dis So iaa v o i o prem JfaH
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  • 77 3 Produce. Gambler 80.20 do Cube No 1, 10.00 do do Xo. 2, 7*50 Copra Bali, 8.65 do Pon tia nak, 4.61 I Pepper Black, 11.25 Pepper White, 19 00 Sago Fhar, 2.60 Pearl Same 2.85 Co/fee Bali, 2550 Coffee Libcrism -7*oo Tapioeo small Flake, 4.45 do do
    77 words
  • 305 3 1 mENDKKS trill be received at the 1 British Resident's Office, Kwala Lumpur, up lo noon on the loth Sep- tember I^9l for the following farms for a period of 8 years from Ist January _892 to 3l«t December 189±. 1 Farm of the sole right to
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  • 423 3 GOVERNMEN T NOTIFICATION. A PPLICATIONS ->re invited from candidates desirous of entering the Govern ment School for Surveyors at Singapore, of which particulars are given below. Applications should be addressed to the Officer m charge of the Survey Department aiTeach Settlement, not later than 30th September, 1891. By His Excellency's
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  • 47 3 DENTIST Xo. 27, Sou'h Bridge Boad UpstairsFYiHK oldest and most successful dentin X m Singapore. In possession of numerous first class testimonials, which _au he seen at mo premises. A trial solicited. The most moderate tern s offered. Singapore, 9th June, 1891. 1 v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Marble Merchants, STONE MASONSMONUMENTS, RAILS, &c, executed to any desig n In Marble, Granite, and Iron. Just unpacked Wreaths and Immortelles m meat variety. 187, Orchard Road, Singapore,
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    • 183 3 UU. J, BERTRAM UOSELEY, RM, Ha, SurgeQct and. Wechactfcat Qenttet, BATTERY ROAD, OPPOSITE THE SQUARE iias started practise as above, and intends performing all dental operations at reform prices, guaranteeing at the same time the perfection of fit and appearance. PERFECTLY PAINLESS DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY. OFFICE HOURS 9.50 to 5
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 MAILS WILI, CLO3E FOR BY tIUI To-naV. Malaccft vie. Amherst, I p in To- mo a sow. Bmirkok, Ban Seng o'ua/i, 7am H;in_rk<>k, Tengshan. 2 p iti Mahn-ci, Purl Dickson, Klanfr, ITye Leong, 3 p m Hatavia BaOMRMMJ h B 'liraWava Create* 1 p in Halavia Oieribon ft S:iniaran_j Celestial,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 658 4 Analysis of Wines m onr stock by the Imperial and jjTj Chemical Laboratory, Vienna. 1 Arrived Here m the Laboratory: R a c„Hnftho a«_.i^_,c_ Arrived here m the Laboratory: r ~-^==sr-^_ I 3rd of March, 1891. Result of the Analysis. 3rd of March. Result of the Ar^^^sß I Percent- One
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