Daily Advertiser, 30 December 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 10 1 The Daily Advertiser. vol. i: SIISTOAPOEE, TUESDAY. DECEMBER :{(>, ISOO. [NO.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 436 1 j)" v 3)atfij ..^<>vertiAet ~Hu c|fl« p^^ lca<loM c al^ l J k M at tt»? vUcrcantiU VreAAj -Xo luf.iaiptiou I Cue llatc of J«d««ltMnMnU y iucfi or part of aw nidi. 3«M I J,i., m tuoutlt. anJ fqi nu J p*«A a fi" c a f tiductMM ti allowed
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    • 214 1 KNIGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers, Decorators and Designers, Builders, and General Contractors. 14, Little Rritain, 49, Hill Rrasjß London, liaSAroaa. NO QO Q1 A large itoek of every description ol Household Furniture Ornrtments m great variety, sttitable for high class decorations, designed by DR. CHRISTOPHER DRESSER Sole Agents ros The
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    • 355 1 The Equitabfe Life Assurance Society of the. United States, EfiAO Omcav- ISO, Bboadwat, Rn foas. i LOMPOS Ukui I SI, CHBAItIDK, -JO. Trustees for Great Britain and Irelani TKI Hu.iii Hon. iiik Karl »y T'enhkui. TilK Hli.Hl 1I()N. HIE E\Rl. ot KI>IOKE. Sir Jc-ki-u C. Lkk. (Fnm fht Nen tori
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    • 483 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, I'JJXANCJ. 50! 111 IK above Dock, situatrd m ProrilUM \V clli'slcy, at the entrance of the 'rye Hirer, has lateljf been tengtlieiied ml deepened, and m now of tin' follow* n£ dimension* Lanftb on Dm bWeiu :"!<> feet. Bread! Ii at entrance 50 Depth of water
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    • 479 1 Municipal Notice NO TICK is hereby given that the hooks containing. the valuations of, and rates ini|)osed on houses and buildingfl situated within the Municipality of the Town of Singapore for kite year LHOI are now open for insped ion l»y ratepayers at the Municipal Olliecs, Town Hall, daily ("Sundays
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  • 328 2 The verdict of the Archbishop of Canterbury m the cas»* ofthf Bishop of Lincoln was what all thoughtful students of 'ecclesiastical history would hav'H anticipated. The moment the. \\i%\\ Church p>rtv, which is DOW l>y far the most powerful and influential m the Church of England, hud
    Methodist Times  -  328 words
  • 210 2 The Daily Advertiser, Tuesday, December 30, 1890. Thk question was mooted yesterday m the Slfpretne Court :ia Ui whether the im*w Kuglish Partnership Statute of 1890 applies to this Colony. It, was ii- -t ar^u**.] out, because tlie motion for iui order to tnake it apply was «l"»Mii«'tl tOO premature,
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  • 283 2 Thikr is quite a p:inic m the bazaar imong the petty tnden m reu r :ir «X tlie Coin Bill. There sterns to be mi impression m the native iniml that, the new Ordinance is to be put m force on t lie Ist of January iwxf.
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  • 1115 2 A l'o..t}):ill match »ai plx Talon the esplanade yesterday aftenooi between teanu froa tbe Police aa4 the Bugineers. f Fkiday tlie lii 1 |.?ux. hai 1.-, b\v<l for the Cricket nntcti betweei til.* Stniiti M*l Hongkong taunt und S.iiurl \y tli-- -M-l, t'.r the Sii»*«. pore Cricket
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 ABE N<>" SHOWING A ELECTRO-PLATED WARE WEDDING I CHHiSTMAS A No rr 1 r~} "v AND IBOItT BOIsTS. Bingapore, 25th Nov., 1890. KELLY WALSH, LTD. Just Received NEW SUPJ^IES OF Stylographs: Pens, I'atf.nt Automatic Pkn< ii, s Lkads PoHTAin.r Coraira Ptsaup, «PA I'I.RMANKM MAKKIS«i INK JIOODALL'S PaTKXT <'aRI> ToiNIKKS Ink-Stan
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    • 425 2 SINGAPORE DISPENSARY. (ESTABLISHED 1823.) (Adjoining Messrs. J. Little A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS AND DRUCCISTS. DISPENSING.- The careful pounding of Phywciana' Prwwriptioiii ii well known to K> the monf ini|*ortaiil and raapoiuiiblfl duty of tlie Cliamwt. l'ho greatest care is tlierefore taken to keen our di»pei»«ing eountor well *»|>
      425 words
    • 268 2 111 r^kiw^ "THE DISPEfJSARY" >Eratec( Water Works bog to advise AN EXTENSIVE ADDITION TO THEIR MACHINERY lately received, and winch vow is |n full Vf ORKING pR° ER :o: THE original plani erect^l bj tbem w ;iB lounu u> be IXW SMALL to cope with tiie demand, and laiterij to
      268 words

  • 373 3 There is si now v F.ithei Di men m Japan. Ha is ;i French priest named Testevuide, tajl the Daily Sews, who first became interested m the lepOfS through the c«s-* of a. I poor JapsUrtM worn m, wlio n lie tended when she was abau I>u
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  • 468 3 Bangkok Times, 20th Dec. Mr. Robertson, of Messrs. Sayle Co., Singapore, arrived here per Ban Seng OsMoU <m Wednesday last and will call on his numerous constituents in the course o' the next few days. Bangkok is now seemingly inclu 1- ed ill the globe-trotters' route, as a
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  • 306 3 Team by year important additions are being made to the lioyal Navy, and England bids fair to continue to j hold her place foremost m the ranks of Naval powers. On the 24th ultimo, a first class cruiser of 7,850 tons displacement, and 12,000 horse power, was launched at
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  • 71 3 No 1 han(;k London 4- month* .siyht Jl/.VJ I n «/5| (»o */yA/ 9/Sji MM W Jfinund 3/5 rr. i/4| France. <lrman<l 4 «H) a>«' r«r* *i fcM »f Hamburg /Vn««y »'ff P«" Sandakan I o/o prem India <J- ir«U > --^i Colombo Hongkong I o/o di* Saigon
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  • 58 3 I'UOIHVK. fl.nnhiW *M\ (ft* X<> I, S7 db Mi I, 7m Cb/n W», 2fi ,/<> Poult uitik\ -I<M) Pepper Bkek, 10.70 /V V vr //'//> »•<* x,,,» JW. 2.20 />,"./ &mo, 265 r,,//"- B-H.piehd 2S(K) Cofee libtri** lH j </<; tfi M pmliis <M mUJUkt, 872| ,A;
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 MAMUFAUTUKIMU JEWELLER, NO 80, HIGH STHEET, U\S ulwhsh m stock k IWMt vnn-tv Ol I(<r y Viwi'iiiH Ki..n«»t»t ovny tli-si -ript ion. BfleWMt MJ Ol worku.on M «>'«' I" 1 1 1 J>W>tofJ HMBf Ml MJ iN»gn. Repaim undo.. Uktsu. CtetfM MNHH< iingtfof*, Itlli J»"«. Hyo
      45 words
    • 405 3 Cheong Chun Tin, DENTIST, No. 27, South Bridge Road, Uphtairs. Tiro rooms available for use, the front room for Europeans, mid the Ikklc one. for Natives. N.B. Please note present addrew. :O: Testimonials. Smgaporr, gfft Dec, 1885— Thin !S to certify that Mr. Chcoof Chun Tin has pnfetMtd here for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 189 3 SHIPPIKG INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. Dm. 21). British str. FfnithmwHa, Phillips, from London, ai riviMl at the New Harbour Wharf with ;i general cargo and ''250 Package* Powder. Paters -n Sunoiia co. consignees. Dutch str. *i*k, fcteep»rs, from li'iio, arrived at the Ttuijotlg hlg»»r Wharf with a general eurgu. liou- i .steid
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    • 203 3 DEPARTURE. Dec. 29. Chow Phyaj British str., Cock- burne, for Klang via ports. Carolina, Dutch str., Carruthers, I for Palenibang. Amlier.st, British str, Macey, for Klang via ports. Deuteros, German str., Dinso, for Saigon. Celestial, British str Folletl, for Batavia, Cheribon, »nd Samarang. Denbighshire, British str., Gedye, lor Japan via
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 LEWIS' TIFFIN, READING, BILLIARD HXB3BBBS P£:A€E. This Establishment is being opened with a view t«> affording tho greatest possible comfort to nil who may patronize it. OPENED 0\ AUGUST 9. 1890 lii this department of our business we purpose giving a Tiffin which for Variety. Cooking and Service shall he
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    • 371 4 PILSEIBEB BEER, KEY BRARID. Imported since 1876 %«m *e*tfl«c wilful Ihene l«<> Label* w J I I I il flc fin 1 5 w D ™Ji 9| Hh I r^9r**r /<m^;^« <M^«>^B^i^^>^^B^^iM^i^k«M^aaß^a0 < *aav^'^ Lab«la and Tiade Ma' k Reo;iatered m England and C.c: many SOLE IMPORTERS SOLE AGENTSI*s:ii\ ll
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    • 346 4 THREE (rS/WBTrjujfl A light bitter A rL I -ti f1ay...,,-. Put up ii, ipeeinl i r^ft Bold totality Job ;.;.B S n. IV Singapore, x,, :J Mm bnin i*i X Tiffin, Billiai *J^R Tirril p six firsT-11-n~ ::;ll:arii^» Singapore 16l B Lew s Co., H[ B:iiiards and I a« J
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