Daily Advertiser, 24 July 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 13 1 The Daily Advertiser. ISSUED GRATIS. r, SINGAPORE, TIIUKSDAY, JULY 24, 1890. [No. 44
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 291 1 JoTBXj IDE L'EUROPE, SIITGAPOE^E." it/ '^'{!Ll'' y .ZEXa^^a^3a^a^am^^^^^^^au^^^a^a^BßßLßßllJlJß "^^a»HJlß^^Ll^^U fa B^^^ nTßnrß*Maftt^BJSi^^ 1 WBB^^^^P^^y^^^S^^B lai lii if'^J^JjJ^^Bpv^^^a^a^aßay^^^^'^^'^ w~m '^™""''*~^~*~nrTssMf~Efi^^j' =3 *~i*M^~nrtTi V /^IISW 1 m v^ja^wwaiaWyyWMhV. rr^- jX%: ,^M*W^^^i '^^P4ii-^^^^*ißFVnk^*^^wnw~~^*~YT~*w^nk T^^r^-' r _nl 1 *!j(^M£u*P^B^aMßwagl^tol^^zsMMßL^alßßlM^B^?CTs^atiSßa^.^aL~' J ~]a»»>^»s^^ r '^-Jl£. irS-llißa^alWmiWav J^lt^a^a>^ai^^K^^^S^BHl^^Baji^^3B^Sl^^Bi^^^^aV'jL-j^a»"^^^aBa^^^^Bta^HtS!aJa^B£i-^^SjBP^s)!Ml»»^^B^alff "'~^j^ i^»r_^WL^BS«^^^^P^^^|j*a^^^P'^^^^^^^a^?^^^^a^a^^^pT^Sa!^^^^^^3^3as^^a^^3^a^aßHßa^B \^^-^^^^S>»^^^fc.»^JM^MlM^J^Jfci»Ma^MaM»Mßia(^^»'^^i|^aWE3^P^Bal^^^Sa^BaM ietoi ALl>Orr L3ECKEH. Managef, F. FISCHER,
      291 words
    • 232 1 PROPRIETOR, jfy 1Q BRASS BASSA ROAD, SI2STC3--A.FO^I3. .i n. liio.i x vo.. ClTIt IMII MniIAVKU, Ks«;iNKKKs, li:oNK>i MURKS, Sllil'ltlil.UKKs, \SD CoMKAtloiiN. Maraiae Khon mid KliiplMiiMinjr, fwrd. Albion KiitT'iit* WoikM, Beaca RumL OtVu-c iin I Sal.'-r'-om, (lupueitl tl't" ti«'«Mt :ii l''»->t OllifO Small Bieawew >«»»•* Lmwcaea. S«>.f A**tillg Tii|'ioi'ii Machiii'Ty. Colonlfil
      232 words
    • 116 1 KHJGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers, Decorators and Designers, Builders, and General Contractors. 14. LITTLI MItITAIX. ill illM- STKKKI LOHDOV/ SINUAPOBB REGISTERED TRADE MARK larte st u-k of every description <>l Household Furniture Ornament! m gr*el rarietj, auitabie for high class deeorationa, deaigned bj DR. CHRISTOPHER DRESSER, Soi.k AiiEMs foi; The
      116 words
    • 338 1 A RESULT OF COMPETITIVE TASTING WITHOUT P.tEJOOE." THROXLY SCOTCH WHISKY OK WVN AT THK B.\KB OF SPIERS POND LIMITED [9 BCTPrLIRD, I'NDKi: RI'KCIAL COXTRACT MV J. WATSON Co., DUNDEE who now offt'r lliroii^li tin 1 nn<l«'rNi^ne<l t heir celeonilt*! WO %V II INKY, al ff Hollars prr fl 'a«« S(
      338 words

  • 1009 2 The Daily Advertiser, Thursday, 24th July, 1890. (From the Malacca Admi«Lxß Report.) 3H Annexed ure the figures f past three years Births. B V B I*B9, 3417 lhe excess of deaths ov er \'^H cannot be Uken to repi esm l!^M facts correctly. The births ,'J nearly the same figures
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 SATLE I CO., LIMITED. EX SS "SIJTLEJ" <;eiitlciucii's Boots, Shoes, SINGLETB, AND Washing Ties. Singapore, 7th July, Ib9u. NEW &DCDS. Xx s.s. "Gleiilyoi/ 1 Gent.'s Terai Hats m all shades. hGent.'i White Straw H:.ts. Gent's Leather Shoes. Gent. 'a Hosiery Binglelt. Worsted Coatings. Cricketing and Tennis Flannels. The New Striped
      119 words
    • 80 2 PfLSESER BEER, KEY BRAND. Imported since 1876 None genuine without these two Labels. Labels and Trade Mark Hegistered m t ngland uid Germany BEWARE OF 1111 AT 0;; S. Sold by Messrs. .JOHN LITTLE C 3. and by all Chines* Provision Shop-keepers. SOLE IMPORTERS X SOLE AGENTS. BSa:iHx JBs:y3:b* Co.
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  • 63 3 London 4 months' tight 3/7f i *n\ GO days sight S/7| „BO ;V 7k demand TV. 3/6] France, demand 4.50 Xfiio York y **<">* ...i 1.; Hamburg b 4 /»«»/»wy *00 P rem Sandahan I o/o j*rrm. India Rangoon Colombo Hongkong o/o rfw. &I/90» \ojoprem Manila IJJ Shanghai
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 344 3 THREE QUARTER PILSENER GLOBE >|siP_ f R AN KFU HTM \i^g| BRAND li^'il hitler ALI i»f gotid botly and M«tt'l ll;l\.t||i'. Put up m ■peeinl Mia bottles for the EilHt. Sold retail by John Little Co. A. BARKER, Singapore, Sole Importer. Singapore, 14th July, IS9O. Tfi© Tempt© Bar Hotet. HIGH
      344 words
    • 495 3 HOTEL DE LA PAIX. No. 3, oI.LMAN' BTBBI P. rPIIK iiinlci> i^ncd \>f^H to ihfuiiu the X pul)lic uf Sinj^.ipore tliat lie lian «nIftrgeO tlie »lio\e Hotel, where |ml rlam refreshinenUi tan now be nbuuiied, and also board and lodging, at iikmU'i-hic rtUw. He trunts th.'it l>v itriet attention to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 83 4 By Special Request I WILL BE HELD AT THE TO-lvdOK/I^O'W IsTia-SIT FBIDAT, CTTJI-iIZ" 25T The Elite Skating Rink is open every morning, from 7 till 10, admission 20 m skates 10 cents. Afternoon, from :3 till 0, admission 30 cents, skates 20. Evening w 8.30 till 11, admission 50 cents,
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