Daily Advertiser, 8 July 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 14 1 The Daily Advertiser. cvxcvbcvb I I s NGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY X, LbOO. \O. 30
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 280 1 Le proprietor, ALBERT BECKER. Manager, F. FISCHER, (Iol« <^^- <3f#a*d «»*•>..' 1/ WELL CO., Auctioneers, Singapore. FURNITURE. *C FOR SALE. „,r«hs I'"'* <'•••■■*'" iin«o J« w< Sl s I ?m Ja •> »"> L.llll,"* > X s 1. mil i r m Lit M.-... id SVi Lwi v..« .i **f»*
      280 words
    • 256 1 <^Mn.O^AL^?-^QffXO^ 76, ZJ^.A.3S 3ASS.A. ROAD, SX3STG- >- IPOI^g- .1. .11. LH).\ A: Vit.. CIVII. ANI' Ml -MASK W. BSOIMKEM, IKOHI -'t.\ni X«, SUirVUILUKKS, ami Com roua. Macliii'f Rbop r.i 'I Slii il" 1 idiiiL' V;u-(i. Albion Engine Works, Beach Ko.nl. otli''<» jiii.i Ba!< .r»«wi, Opposite Urn General V'jM OttUi Small
      256 words
    • 116 1 Art Furniture Item&ctwtrs, Iccsrators and Deci^nors. Builders, ari (hneral Consraotori 1 LITTM l'i;H>lN. I W Hltl -TKMI I^)MK)X, HllWAroM RrCISTEREO rRAOi OX 10. *****. A brj»e si "-lv of every ilencription ()1 Housoliold Furniture (^rnnmoiiti m fcrwU v»ri< ty, KiiitftMti for iMgli clam ilinwmtioiiii, d«wi«;iie<l U OR. CHRISTOPHER DRESSCR, S.)!.K
      116 words
    • 433 1 »A RESULT OF COMPFTinVE TASTING §9 W.THOUT PREJUOICE." M TIIKONLV SCOTCH WHISKY M DEAWH AT TBS BARS OF SPIERS POND LIMITED, [8 SUPPLIED, LJNDEK SPECIAL 9 CONTRACT BY J. WATSON Co., I) U N DE S I wliu jiuw otter til rough the undersigned t licit- reh'liraicd (Without Pass) I
      433 words

  • 362 2 The Daily Advertiser, Tuesday, 8th July, 1890. Prison Diet. In the issue of the Go* I Gazette for the 27tli Juneapw mi order from the Governor l v ri;«llv altering the diet of the „,!-1 m <•' -i BBBBBBB] prisoners. J ins order makes I difference m tlie scule «<r
    362 words
  • 821 2 The ordinary fortnightlj meeting I of tht 1 Municipal Cdininiatioiiers w I liehl m the Board Room yeuterdnj. Present Mr. A. G. -ntk rV* H dout, Captain Cameron, M <■>>«. Maxwell, Sohst, Cnl bertaon, Lin I Kng XVii- and Tn Wan. H The minntei of ;-t nuvtini: ;in(^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 SAYLE I CO., LIMITED. I ]S afilß VriV Caw l^V L^o %V A Gent.'i Terai Huts m all sliados. Gent.'a White Straw Hati. Gent.'s Leather Bhoes. Gent. 'a Hosiery Sin^l«-i s. Worsted Coatinpi. Cricketing :m<l Tennis Finn ids The New Striped mh<l Check. Tluuneis for suitings. llorrockae's Long Cloths. Ta
      152 words
    • 103 2 gD 8 Mfl Imported since li>76 iVoiM genuine ml fft^w ftr« Labels. Lal«l* and Trnde Mark Reg »d Germany SOLE IMPORTERS 2^ SOLE AGENTS* B£i;sl.^ MBI'KII CO* FROM CHAS. CREATREX SON, WALSALL, ENGLAND, ESTAELI3;]£j \U 1755 Black Pony Harness. Silver furniture, $30 Black Tony Harness, Brass furniture, 30 Brown Pony
      103 words

  • 56 3 Lomhn 4 months night &/•>* 3 '< y> I 60 imsd sight B/5J mBO M M** <//-mrrnrf jJ/« ry 8/4j France, demand Ji X r IV* N «/<mf JM(> Ititmhurq L rcnong r 100 prem, bitndiik'an n ...I'M India Rangoon o 2l Madras n\ Colombo o/o (lit■w" V
    56 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 wmmm a soil oio tusott MONUMENTS, RAILS, Ac., executedto pny design In ?^laj ble,Gra- nite, and Iron. Jusf. unpacked Wreaths ami Immortelles m groat variety. 187, Orchard Bead, Singapore, Singapore, 4th July, 1890. MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, NO. 80, HIGH STREET, nAS always m stork f*. larire raiictr of JewflIhiv. PrsONMM st'uiHS
      256 words
    • 289 3 Tiffin, d A Rdfldl ims, TIFFIN AT O^c M. EST/U SIX FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLES. From 9am to 7 p bl Singapore, I6tb June, lsi)0. Billiards and Bowling Alleys, SANDWICHES CAN BE HAD AT ANY TIME. MIDDLE ROAD, At the junction of theTrnmcnr line, Near* me Ba^ch. Four First-class Billiard Tables
      289 words
    • 240 3 HOT£L DE LA PAIX. X<>. IOLBMAI Street. pHB undersigned begs to inform the L public <d sin^;tpoi«' that he linn en* larged t lie above llotel, where finil elast rofreshments ran now be obtained, and auto board and lodgn^, at moderate riten. He t ru.st m that by strict attention
      240 words