Daily Advertiser, 3 July 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 14 1 The Daily Advertiser. (ISSUED GRATIS.) OL. I.] SINGAPORE, TEUttSDAY, JULY a, 1>D() [No. 26
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 HOTEL HDIE L'EUBOPE, SIIsTO-^IPO^E. Ths.only Hotel feeing thft Esplanado l^^a^^BjrTffr^^^^^^"^F^Pßßb R EVI Cb H Ehl BS BH L B BITJ [JMMyjßßßtaji^BßEi^W^HMßßlfaßßßllL'^ilßlMSw^^^^^ a^y^^fe*^^^~/^nJ^jyft^\j ole Proprietor, ALBERT BECKER Manager, F. FISCHER, (£«!j Otwml O/-.c.*:a: i/.»M, UWmnl*) POWELL CO., Auctioneers, Si n""n pore. FURNITURE. (C..FOR SALE. v Im Cl ••■<'* .m Si UN
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    • 257 1 76, BBASS BASSA BOAD, SiaSTO- a j. n. i, vox a co., Civil ani» MKCHANicALtE.voiNKKRs, InoSffomiOßin, Shihbi ildkiis, AND Co.NTEACTOUS. Machine Shop and Shipl»uil«ii»«cr Yard. Albion Rngint Works, Boack HoadL Offi*** 1 »ti Sn'^-r >o*r:, Oppoaito the IJcneia! IN»^I (>tli.-o Sir»all RtonmOM Him li:»ni>rhes. LroH*f l*.itrnt M'we Mill*. i Niif
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    • 118 1 KNIGHT SCO., Art Furniture Manufacturers, Eecorators and Designers, Builders, and General Contractors. 1 1, Lrrru Hutaim, 49. Hill Kmn LOXIMOI, SINr.ATOEB. REGISTERED TRAM USOU NO. 90,315. A largt st •.•!< of etert dateription <>t Household Furniture OnwiuenU m variety. «tiilftl>lfl for high I'l.'iss r|tN*omtion«, d««i^iieil l»y DR. CHRISTOPHER DRESSeR, Hou
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    • 438 1 A RESULT OF COMPETITIVE TASTIMC WITHOUT PRE.I^iOE." THEONi.V SCOTCH Wilt9J(Y DJUWi ATTIJK 8.4850I 1 SPIERS VJ 3 LIMttBD, IS. SUPPLIED, ir\'. 4? PR Mi. OOVTJUCTBY I J. WATSON &Co.,I>inii)EE wlio now ofi". t lluoii-i) ti,.; iMidtf «igi»ed their celebrli! i-.l WO. IVIIMKY, ai Gllollair»gs^rt las^1 as^ (Without Pass JlcAltsler (o.
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  • 196 2 The Daily Advertiser. Thursday, 3rd July, 1890. The Sikgapokk I>ebatinu Soenn We hear that the Singapore debt ting intends continuing till the clou of this mouth, when there will L ji recess for a couple of inouthi. Thl Liberali trill ;>t the finish bring j. their Home Bill, and ifbeateu
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  • 1058 2 Spobtb, 1 s< .><>. I Fibst Day, Wednesday, £hd Jult.I I Referee, B. W. Hnllett; Judges, \V. T. Wrench and W. Kott; Shuters. J. \V. BeiiMkin mid 8. Mowe; Time- keepers, \Y. lira llmrv iindj. L. Jenkins; Hswdicappers, W. T, Wrene*, s. llowe, R. M. McKwizii*, Lira Yuii Fa, A.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 SATLE CO., LIMITED, Have just unpacked IEX "CLYDE' <;<»iitit'iiit>ii's Tennis Slices, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Saddlery, and Electric Bells. Singapore, lltli June. IS9O. KEW GOODS. White shirts with and without collars White dress shirts, "The Levee." Linen collars m all shapes. White flannel tennis shirts. The "Pucca"tennis j shoes. White canvasshoes. Shooting
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    • 137 2 Imported since 1876 i\one gcHitstae ivilltottl these two Labels. sole r3^&"#V %m^^f^ .importers Labels and Trade Mar>k Registered m England end G~ many. 7^r *i P* -~rrr ir: t ■j, r- X -^.-fc i| y k^« t "-^^L -y^ v'^l-r-vS.. l^- 7 '~~^.~f^^^ y^^^ Chine 3€ Provision Shop-keepers. SOLE IMPORTERS
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  • 71 3 No CHANGE. London 4 months night 3/5| „3 WH 1,, GO days sight „30 B/41 demand <V*| y v 3/4 France, demand J«m n —I Q 7 Hamburg fj 1A PM«M n 0,0 prem. Sandakan l 0 0 l India n 23i Rangoon OOQ IT«^«| J 5 Colombo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 MM-. JOHK AKDKBBON will be glad to receive from residents m Singapore clothine of all descriptions m waul of repairs. .Such repairs will be jic.u ly and promptly executed by women who are m need of pecuniary assistance, and for whom a Society has been formed to provide work and
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    • 544 3 HOTEL DE LA PA IX No. o, COLKMAN k>TESBT. r j^IIE underpinned begi t<» mt un the X public of Singapore t!-nl h« n--larged the above Hotel, uh.ro H-j *m refreehnienti can hou be <ii'ian.» i, mid i also board and lodging, at inoder«te rite*. He trusts that by ntrict
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 Under Royal Patronage, UNDOUBTEDLY The most Select place of Amusement Ever m Singapore is TUB IEIILITE SKJlb'Tllfil JP.^^ F^LOlira- THE ICE WOR/KIS (Foot of Fort Canning.) ftonffeiT^ 111 ingj m 7 tm I o admi^'o» 2 0 cents, skates 10 cents, ifternej ceZ skis '>5 niSSl CentS BkateB 2 E
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