Comrade, 25 December 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Comrade
  • 22 1 12 PAGES WEEKLY Comrade Published In Memor^of the Late Maulana Mohamed Ali. No. 18 Dated 25th December 1946 w Price 20 ceatt
    22 words
  • 1042 1 THE following is a summary of the recommendations made by the Committee on ths future Constitution for Malaya: In framing its recommendations Ihe Committee had before it as its raiding prinoiples among other things:1. The need for a common form of citizenship for all those persons who
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  • 1102 3  -  NOON MIM BY THE MALAYS OF MALAYA All the civilised Malays of the Malay Peninsula are said to trace their oriuin to migration from Sumatra, especially from MenangIkabau. At *hat period these lmmirants fronj Sumatra settled m the nterior of the Malay Peninsula is not definitely known, bnt
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  • 1067 3 "Dr. MIRTH'S" PRESCR PTION FOR THE 'BLUE' ANGEL OP DEATH READY TO HELP! An old woman or was it an old man' was m the habit of grousing over her 'Kismet' m that being hapless and friendless she had to go to the woods daily to gather fag tots to
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  • 1523 4  -  Yusuf Afghan (8) On 25th DaesaahflTi Muslim India will celebrate the Tint Birthday of •'the most important man m Asia,'* Qa»de Azam Muhammad Ali Jmnah. who enjoys the BBIOJBS distinction of being loved by the Muslim population of India and hated by the Congress Working Committee.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 205 4 WHY PAKISTAN is demanded by 109 million Muslims? THE ANSWER IS HERE:Indians and friends of India! You owe it to yourself to know the real problem of India: Pakistan Literature Series 1. Through Pakistan to Freedom by J. Ahmad 2. Pakistan a Natio: by El Hamza 2-40 3 The March
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  • 1863 5  -  W. M. Shareef Majahid By I Npeakimrofa Hero to a Nation, arlyle wrote thus: 'The hero can be poet, prophet, king, priest or wh%t you will; according to the kind of em Id he finds himself born into. this description of a hero is as BBS today Bfl
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  • 6483 6 Egypt and its Problems I*l* HE entire range of Anglo- Egyptian political relationship is dominated by two geographical features of paramount importance, the Suez aanal and the river Nile. The former constitutes a vital artery of Britisu Imperial communications: '.ho latter supplies the Ufa-blood of Egypt's existence. I To Britain,
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  • 1735 8 Strictly speaking, his name ifl not Mr. Brittling. It is Patrick Lacey. But he. too, has seen it through. In the world-renowned allegory—Mr. Brittling Sees It Through produced shortly after World War I, H. G. Wells allows Mr. Brittling to see through the war and
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  • 997 9 BtftODUCTION of cancer m rats Wr bf diet alone has been reported bf two nutritionists of the agricultural experiment station of the MabaSRS Polytechnic Institute. aaeer experts all over the w rid for several years have been studying fiiet because of evidences that it sometissss seems involved
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  • 638 9 FRONTIER PROVINCE, NO MORE A CONGRESS STRONGHOLD I I I' I turnout neliqiou* Leader jpeeen "The Congress has been indulging m malicious propaganda about the Frontier people. I assure Muslim India, that the Pathans are solidly behind th*ir National Organization All-India Muslim League and they will make all sacrifices for
    638 words

  • 1079 12 TH E PROPOSED FEDERATION Dear Sir, for weeks, nay for months, perhaps, the all-absorbing topic of diseaesion among the people of the Malay States and the Settlemente ef Penang and Malaoca, who are directly affected, and the peoples of the Colony of Singapore who, I believe,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 107 12 tor NEAT, CHEAP Efficient Printing Flare your order* WITH THE SOUtH INDIAN PRESS, 123, Jeranqeon Bond, jingapore. WANTED QaenU fat Com^e all Ooe\ Ttlalaya Wide teims. miiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiniimmiiiiniiiiiiiiiiH if I Radio Sarawak Calling! I Hallo! Comm mcaM with the g V J* Bintulu, SARAWAK General Import- Ex port Merchants I AND
      107 words