The Business Times, 2 February 1993

Total Pages: 46
1 46 The Business Times
  • 13 1 SINGAPORE BusinessTimes MITA (P) 552/12/92 Tuesday, February 2, 1993 H EKNOH ASIA 75*
    13 words
  • 2am LATEST
    • 100 1 Reuter JERUSALEM The Israeli C abinct has convened a special meeting amid increasing international pressure over its deportation of 415 Palestinians to Lebanon. State radio said Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin called the meeting to update ministers on the crisis. Some members of the United Nations
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 46 1 Knight Ridder LONDON Russia has introduced unified tariff rates for all imported goods. Moscow television, in a broadcast monitored here by the BBC, said: "The official version of the new taxation scheme is that it will attract foreign investment." Knight Riddcr
      Knight Ridder  -  46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    117 1 Source: Reuter Stock market indices Monday (hang* SHI 1.644 44 +24.28 KLSE Composite closcd Nikkei 17.133.64 +109.86 Hang Seng 5.697.78 -53.62 SET Index 965.75 -8.73 Jakarta Composite ...280.15 +2 72 CLSA China B 1.382.80 40 55 Aust All Ord 1,529 I +0.9 FrSE 100 2.851.6 +44.4 Monday Pretious
    Source: Reuter  -  117 words
  • 717 1  -  By Schutz Lee SINGAPORE Non-oil domestic exports jumped a remarkable 46 per cent in December, with shipments to all of Singapore's eight largest markets, except Australia, growing by more than 40 per cent in volume. The impressive export performance, announced by the Trade
    717 words
  • 164 1 SINGAPORE There was elation in the stock market yesterday as the exceptionally strong December trade statistics lifted share prices to yet another new high. Ihe benchmark Straits I imes Industrials Index surged 24.28 points to 1,644.44 in active trade. Brokers said followthrough
    164 words
  • 436 1  -  From Ray Heath in LONDON AFTER slumping to rccord lows on the Far Eastern markets, sterling was also sliding on London foreign exchange markets yesterday. But firm denials from the government that last week's full-point cut in interest rates would be followed by
    436 words
  • 474 1  -  By Quak Hiang Whai SINGAPORE In a move which could pave the way for more Indonesian banks to enter Singapore, the government has finally recognised the Singapore branch of Bank Negara Indonesia 1946. A noticc in the government gazette last week categorised PT
    474 words
  • 397 1  -  By Paul Leo SINGAPORE American investment house Shearson Lehman Brothers has maintained its view that Singapore is still the most attractive of the 17 capital markets the company tracks around the world. The firm's global strategist. Steven Nagourney. said yesterday that
    397 words
  • 512 1 AFP AP PHNOM PENH The government has launched its biggest and most coordinated offensive since the UN peacekeeping operation began in Cambodia and its troops appear headed towards the Khmer Rouge headquarters of Pailin. UN officials said yesterday that government soldiers were
    AFP; AP  -  512 words
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    • eye on the ECONOMY
      • 440 2  -  By Teh Hooi Ling TOTAL bank loans to industry a good indication of the level of economic activity and the business outlook grew by 9.4 per cent in the first II months of 1992 to $69.3 billion. The growth rate, however, is about three percentage
        Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore  -  440 words
      • 42 2 SENIOR MINISTER Lee Kuan Yew and Deputy Prime Minister Ong Teng Cheong will be in Taiwan for a private visit from today to Friday. Mr Lee is scheduled to meet old friends and do some sightseeing.
        42 words
      • 72 2 SINGAPORE s travel and convention industry representatives are setting out to woo Japanese convention and incentive visitors with a series of seminars in Japan. A delegation will visit Osaka and Nagoya over the next three days to point out Singapore's attractions as a convention
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      • 38 2 SINGAPORE AIRLINES will start direct freighter service to Bangalore, also known as India's Silicon Valley, because of its growing electronics industry. The service, which runs every Thursday, will begin on Feb 18.
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      • 115 2 THE Ministry of Environment plans to cover and extend the sewage treatment works at Ulu Pandan. The covering phase will start about June next year, while extension work will start in early 1995. The entire project will cost an estimated $300 million. The project is
        115 words
    • 479 2  -  Amount of CFCs under tender-cum-allocation system to be cut By Genevieve Cua THE Trade Development Board is tightening its squeeze on the availability of ozonedepleting chemicals, a move likely to affect traders and manufacturers, particularly in the metal stamping and electronics industries.
      479 words
    • 310 2 PASSENGERS flying from Singapore's airports will have to pay more in airport taxes from April 1 this year. A Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore statement released yesterday said all those flying from Changi Airport will have to pay $15 each regardless of their
      310 words
    • 187 2 THE Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore plans to track planes via satellite on a trial basis, under an agreement signed yesterday with two of the world's leading aeronautical communications providers. The agreement puts Singapore on track to be one of the
      187 words
    • 389 2 THE Public Utilities Board will raise water tariffs by about 6 per cent, in the first adjustment since 1986. The new tariffs, which reflect the higher cost of supplying water, will take effect from the April cycle of metre readings. The
      389 words
    • 204 2 THE top man in Westin International's Asia Pacific hotel operation is leaving to head Shangri-La International Hotel Management's chain of Asian hotels, including two new venues to be opened in Singapore. David Hayden, who is now Westin's Asia Pacific executive vice-president,
      204 words
    • 367 2 SWISS developer Finger Immobilier is holding a three-day exhibition at the Goodwood Park Hotel to market 60 properties in the tourist resort of Villars, an hour's drive from Geneva. Director Miguel Ernand said yesterday he believed there was a potential market in Singapore
      367 words
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    • 83 2 Head F convenient TuUDr'O fYVTD WAV W Get ahead to Manila any day! Philippine Airlines InUJVC u UJNU YYAI Bp leaves Singapore at 9:40 in the morning and Ifeife arrives in Manila time for your Ta AITT7 kT\ IsJg afternoon business appointments. We also have X U VjUl AH hAll
      83 words

    • 278 3 AFP BANGKOK Thai police have completed their investigation into a major stock manipulation scandal and have concluded there is sufficient evidence to press charges, a senior officer said yesterday. The police will present their findings to the public prosecutor who will then
      AFP  -  278 words
    • 556 3  -  From Al Labita in MANILA PRESIDENT Fidel Ramos yesterday said he would not interfere in a seandal that has roeked the Supreme Court over a deeision preserving the telephone monopoly of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. He said he wanted to
      556 words
    • 41 3 Reuter members of the Scorpion gang involved in the kidnapping of Filipino-Chi-nese businessmen presented to the press yesterday after they were arrested by police. Six other members of the gang were recently killed in a police shoot-out. Renter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 259 3 Reuter DILI, East Timor East Timor guerilla chief Xanana Gusmao went on trial yesterday as hundreds of Indonesian troops ringed the court and set up roadblocks nearby for fear ot attacks by Xanana's dwindling band. The 45-year-old, bearded Xanana looked calm and waved to
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 577 3 Reuter YANGON Myanmar's junta yesterday reconvened a national constitutional convention it has portrayed as leading towards democracy, but which others see as a way of keeping the generals in power for years to come. "In the capacity of chairman of the convening work committee, I
      Reuter  -  577 words
    • 236 3 Reuter HANOI Vietnam has eased its requirement for foreigners to have police permits for domestic travel, a Hanoi immigration official said yesterday. That rule has resulted in the detention of several overseas businessmen, journalists, diplomats and tourists, and led to complaints by potential investors
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 383 3 BANGKOK The Malaysian Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts, Samy Vellu, has confirmed that construction of Malaysia's pipeline will reach the Thai border in three years from now, allowing his country to sell natural gas to Thailand, The Sat
      383 words
    • 370 3 Malaysian Constitutional Crisis Reuter KUALA LUMPUR Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday that Malaysia has succeeded in curbing the excesses of the country 's hereditary rulers through constitutional amendments approved by Parliament. "We have achieved our objective through the amendments," he told reporters after
      Reuter  -  370 words
    • 334 3 Bernama KUALA TRENGGANU The unwritten privileges enjoyed by Malaysia's hereditary rulers will remain withdrawn regardless of whether they give or withhold consent to the constitutional amendments removing their legal immunity, Deputy Prime Minister Ghafar Baba said yesterday. But he also reiterated that
      Bernama  -  334 words
    • 261 3 AFP SINGAPORE A plan to transfer some 200,000 tonnes of crude from a crippled supertanker ofT northern Sumatra has been delayed by the crash of a Malaysian plane ferrying a salvage crew, said the vessel's Danish owner, A P Moller. yesterday. Joern Poulsen, A
      AFP  -  261 words
    • 591 4 Hundreds of state-owned enterprises expected to be hit HONGKONG China's reentry into the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) is likely to spark mas- sive lay-offs at state-owned in- dustries and force hundreds of government enterprises to shut
      591 words
    • 554 4 Reuter BEIJING China has opted for the scalpel instead of its usual sledgehammer to fix problems in its booming economy, but no one is yet sure which surgeon will be wielding the knife or how steady his hands are. Although China's top
      Reuter  -  554 words
    • 152 4 AFP BEIJING In a rare disclosure, China has announced that a new destroyer has joined its naval fleet after successfully undergoing open sea trials. The destroyer, Zhanjiang, was designed and built domestically and was equiped with the latest technology, the Xinhua news agency said
      AFP  -  152 words
    • 392 4 Reuter BEIJING China's annual tide of migrant labourers has started its sweep towards the rich cities of the south as hundreds of thousands of workers from poor inland areas cram trains and buses hoping to find better jobs. The China Youth
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 35 4 BANGKOK A long line of motor-cyclists wearing their helmets in the Thai capital yesterday. Most of Bangkok's one million motor-cyclists donned helmets to avoid fines as police began enforcing new head-gear laws.
      35 words
    • 297 4 AFP HONGKONG Hongkong will keep a ceiling on home loans to prevent renewed property speculation. Michael Cartland. the territory's newly-appointed secretary for monetary a flairs, made this announcement yesterday, a day after the neighbouring Chinese province of Guangdong said it would restrict sales
      AFP  -  297 words
    • 711 4 NYT WASHINGTON In a move that has increased concern that North Korea is secretly continuing an effort to develop nuclear weapons. Pyongyang has rebuffed a request by the International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA) to visit two sites that Western intelligence agencies
      NYT  -  711 words
    • 427 4 Reuter SEOUL South Korea's trade deficit, which narrowed steadily last year, hit US$956 million (S$ 1.56 billion) in January after posting a surplus in December last year. Provisional Trade Ministry figures released yesterday showed that the shortfall, however, was an improvement on
      Reuter  -  427 words
      • 71 6 AFP HONGKONG China recorded a US$4.4 billion (557.3 billion) trade surplus in 199_ despite a surge in imports, it was reported here yesterday. The semi-official Hongkong China News Service said exports soared 18 3 per cent to US$B5 billion, while imports ent l US S
        AFP  -  71 words
      • 94 6 Bloomberg Business News KUALA LUMPUR The Malaysian Trade Union Congress renew its request today for the lifting of a government ban on an electronics workers' union, the labour group's new secretarygeneral said yesterday. G Rajasekaran. who was elected to the post in December,
        Bloomberg Business News  -  94 words
      • 72 6 Bloomberg Business News HONGKONG A monthly magazine devoted to China's 800 million farmers was launched in Beijing on Saturday to spread new ideas among the country's rural dwellers, the China Daily reported. Publisher Zhao Yueguang hoped the magazine would spread fresh concepts, provide modem lifestyle
        Bloomberg Business News  -  72 words
      • 109 6 Bloomberg Business News TOKYO Two leading Japanese trading houses, Marubeni Corp and Mitsubishi Corp, will take part in an international consortium to build a natural gas pipeline in Turkmeniya, a former Soviet republic, the Nihon Keizai newspaper reported yesterday. Companies from the US and Europe
        Bloomberg Business News  -  109 words
      • 89 6 Reuter SEOUL Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam arrived in Seoul yesterday for a five-day visit to strengthen tics between the former foes following the restoration of diplomatic tics. A South Korean official said Mr Cam would sign an agreement on economic and technical
        Reuter  -  89 words
      • 73 6 Reuter NICOSIA Iran will sell telecommunications equipment to North Korea and establish a direct satellite telephone link with it under an agreement signed on Sunday, the Iranian news agency Ima said. The deal was signed by the post and telecommunications minister of the two
        Reuter  -  73 words
    • 211 6 AFP TOKYO Business gloom has deepened in Japan, with 70 per cent of corporate executives now predicting no recovery before the October-Decem-ber period, according to a poll released yesterday. This compared with a previous survey in November in which
      AFP  -  211 words
    • 189 6 AFP TOKYO Japan will propose creating a multilateral body to control arm sales, during the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialised countries meeting here in July, the Nihon Keizai newspaper said yesterday. Citing Japanese officials, the economic daily newspaper said any such
      AFP  -  189 words
    • 463 6 Latest anti-dumping duties seen weakening Tokyo's hand IHT TOKYO Japan's decision to impose anti-dumping duties on a Chinese alloy is only the first of what will become an increasingly common tactic as Asian nations push to open Japan as an
      IHT  -  463 words
    • 438 6 Reuter TOKYO Japanese scholars yesterday said they will urge the government to break a long taboo and make school history books tell of the atrocities committed during Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule in Korea. In a book to be published in
      Reuter  -  438 words
    • 453 6 UPI SYDNEY Both the AsiaPacific region and the rest of the world would be best served by a policy of "open regionalism" in the area, Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans told a major international trade conference yesterday. He also welcomed the emergence of
      UPI  -  453 words
    • 471 6  -  From Salil Tripathi in BOMBAY BRITISH businesses have continued to cash in on the goodwill generated by the visit of Prime Minister John Major. Sun Life Insurance of Britain has been allowed to set up a joint venture with India's Life
      471 words
    • 8 6 Reuter
      Reuter  -  8 words
    • 531 6 Reuter WELLINGTON The New Zealand government is aiming to cut state spending in fiscal 1993/94 but a Finance Ministry spokeswoman yesterday denied reports of a 5 per cent blanket cut. Three senior government sources said the government planned across-the-board cuts of
      Reuter  -  531 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 6IVE VOUR EKE 1H EXECUTIVE TREATMENT vorryhnes leading to Removed tired baggy eyes f I Omtrnshed T "ithe onset of furrowed Removed f M stress lines and blackheads J |v JB mm V Diminished Removed the formation of the start of vertical age sags ii°°k stv e confidence nationally trained
      262 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 RAW FISH WITHOUT THE RAW DEAL What you get instead is traditional Teochew-style Yu Sheng, or if you prefer, Salmon Yu Sheng. Whatever your choice, you can be assured that we only serve the freshest of raw fish with the added touch of our Hung Kang hospitality! HUNG KANG RESTAURANT
      60 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 Page 5 v *.&>. v > 4 r-'j>, y >. :v ft v .:> 'V < X < < V V, ,-v > j. v v A i t >'**t utilise?*» t < V i -> _v v <% s i' t. v s v, ./,>-> .<■ «>* 4«»v> *4>
      227 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 IBM" The second annual Rigid Disk Drive Components Technology Review will be held on March 5,1993 at the Hyatt-Regency in Singapore, co-sponsored by the Head/Media Technology Review, Inc. and the lEEE, Singapore Section. H SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUP&I—i A table top exhibit session on March 4, 1993 from 13:30 to 17:30,
      147 words
    • 8 6 The Bottom Line: India's foreign policy, Back Pg
      8 words

    • 1282 7  -  Government sees this as vital to growing economic links with Asia. Sydney Correspondent Florence Chong reports Florence Chong FORGET Italian, Spanish, French or German. The most popular second languages in Australian schools are Japanese and Bahasa Indonesia. And soon the choice will widen to
      1,282 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 NiT SURE WHERE T# PUTYiUR M#NEY? Get the answer in Personal Investment Finance. Every Saturday in Business Times. Business Times
      20 words
    • 43 7 ■Mflfif --W w r --w j2r «,%t J -A j m »^jP W HH W j_v f Ml fclf A HBr Johnnie i |L___Cla^k_^^J Asia's Premier Golf Event Singapore Island Country Club, Singapore 4th-7th February 1993 c fiElll. WIUI ;L t dur J
      43 words

      • 61 8 Bloomberg Business News DAVOS, Switzerland The Group of Seven industrial nations should integrate Russia to create a "G-8", said Hans Dietrich oenscner, tormer German foreign minister. Speaking to journalists at the annual World Economic Forum, he said such closer cooperation was needed to
        Bloomberg Business News  -  61 words
      • 91 8 Reuter DAVOS, Switzerland Leaders of the three Baltic states, struggling to make their way outside the Soviet system, called on Sunday for more regional cooperation to help their transitions to market economies. Latvian Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis told the World Economic Forum, a gathering of
        Reuter  -  91 words
      • 103 8 Reuter BONN The German privatisation agency, Treuhand, is setting up a team to promote the sale of east German products, newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported. Bild said the project would be led by Klaus von Dohnanyi, former lord mayor of Hamburg. He would be
        Reuter  -  103 words
      • 62 8 Reuter AMMAN PLO chairman Yasser Arafat (right) embracing Jordan's King Hussein on his arrival here yesterday for talks on the Middle East peace process and the plight of the Palestinians deportees in South Lebanon. Mr Arafat then left for Baghdad where he will meet with Iraqi
        Reuter  -  62 words
      • 102 8 Reuter BAGHDAD Iraq said on Sunday it expected the new US administration to give it more credit for complying with United Nations resolutions. But the top UN nuclear inspector in Iraq ended his latest mission saying that Baghdad still had a long way to
        Reuter  -  102 words
    • 506 8 World Economic Forum Bloomberg Business News DAVOS, Switzerland Free trade for the US may best start close to home. Many business and government leaders gathered here for the annual World Economic Forum said quick approval of the proposed North American Free Trade
      Bloomberg Business News  -  506 words
    • 414 8 IHT DAVOS, Switzerland In spite of widespread hopes in Germany and France that an improving US economy should he|p overcome Europe's worsening downturn, the US alone will not be able to pull western Europe out of its economic doldrums. Indeed, in
      IHT  -  414 words
    • 459 8 Governors and senior Democrat oppose government moves Reuter WASHINGTON The Clinton administration plans cuts in federal benefits for the poor and elderly as part of its economic programme, but the country's governors and a senior Democrat have fired warning shots
      Reuter  -  459 words
    • 248 8 IHT WASHINGTON The Clinton administration has picked its senior team for diplomatic engagement in Asia and there is not a Japan veteran in the lot. This is generating criticism in foreign-policy circles and questions about the new administration's plans for dealing with its most
      IHT  -  248 words
    • 255 8 NYT NEW YORK Viewed as a stimulus for an economy in the doldrums, a US$l5l billion (*****.6 billion) transportation Bill was quickly approved by the US Congress and signed into law by President George Bush in November 1991. The Bill, Mr Bush promised, would
      NYT  -  255 words
    • 37 8 Reuter BOSNIA With a fence pole for cover, a Serb took aim at enemy positions during an attack by a Muslim sniper last Sunday in hills near an eastern Bosnian village. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 454 8 NYT WASHINGTON In a sweeping new policy statement, the National Governors' Association said on Sunday that the federal government should set nationwide standards for health insurance and should limit the tax deductibility of health insurance for both employers and employees. But in
      NYT  -  454 words
    • 248 8 LONDON The UK purchasing managers' index was barely changed in January at 49.3 per cent after 49.2 per cent in December and 49.5 per cent in November, showing that manufacturing industry is still under pressure, the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply said.
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 277 8 Bloomberg Business News LONDON Reckless bank lending aggravated Britain's recession, former finance minister Nigel Lawson said. "Even after I started to put up interest rates very sharply in June 1988, which was a clear signal, I felt, that things had got out of hand
      Bloomberg Business News  -  277 words
    • 311 8 Reuter KHARTOUM Out of the world spotlight, in a country isolated politically and economically, Islamic visionaries have embarked on the task of building what they think is the ideal society. Impoverished Sudan, Africa's largest country and a nation with a complex mix of
      Reuter  -  311 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

    • 354 9  -  By Lilian Ang SINGAPORE The Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) will soon shift to The Quadrant, the prime office development which has seen only a trickle of tenants moving in since it was completed six months ago. Straits Steamship Land (SSL), which jointly
      354 words
    • 208 9  -  By Teh Hooi Ling SINGAPORE Listed Singapore Electronic Engineering Ltd (Seel) has signed an agreement to market advanced computing programs produced by the multinational Alsys company. Under the terms of the agreement. Seel will distribute the company's so-called Ada product lines in
      208 words
    • 572 9  -  By Shoeb Kagda SINGAPORE Foreign institutions, attracted by strong growth figures and betting that a US economic recovery will have a ripple effect on Southeast Asian economies, are ploughing their funds into the Singapore stock market and other regional
      572 words
    • 701 9  -  HOCK LOCK SIEW By Amy Balan SINGAPORE There was little doubt in most analysts' minds that the local stock market would test new highs this year. But when it did precisely that last week, after two weak attempts, analysts could not quite
      701 words
    • 513 9  -  B* Lee Han Shih SINGAPORE In a strong statement, Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) chairman Michael Fam is asking the government to go slow in withdrawing the protection it gives to local brewers. "We do not believe we arc pjaying on a
      513 words
    • Article, Illustration
      365 9 Performance of STII 's index stocks Feb 1 Slock Last Sens* Index sale Chp factor mo»ers (S) (S) At nm> 1.950 -0020 1.64 -1.14 (4< 7 450 -0050 6 27 -2 85 Cercbos 4 920 -0 040 4 14 -2.28 old Store 3040 0040 2 56 2.28 KAN 11
      365 words
    • 216 9 MBT KUALA LUMPUR Uniphoenix Corp Bhd (UCB). which has strengthened its manufacturing operations through the acquisition of stakes in several companies, is now making forays into manufacturing projects overseas. The company wants to shed its image as a property development and management company and has been placing
      MBT  -  216 words
        • 46 10 SINGAPORE QAh Ltd said yesterday it did not know why turnover in its shares rose sharply last Wednesday. It was responding to a query trom the Stock Exchange of Singapore about turnover ot 1.04 million of its shares that dav.
          46 words
        • 51 10 SINGAPORE Two directors of Van der Horst Ltd informed the Stoek Exchange ot Singapore yesterday of a significant change in shareholdings. Chan Mun Lye and He'ng Kim Chuan Freddie each acquired one million shares on the open market. The cost to each individual was $1.3
          51 words
        • 73 10 AFP MANILA San Miguel Corporation, the largest private Firm in the Philippines, has acquired a 49 per cent stake in the Indonesian brewery PT Delta Djakarta for US$35 million. SMC, a beer-based consumer giant, said it originally planned to acquire 58.8 per cent
          AFP  -  73 words
        • 90 10 MBT KUALA LUMPUR Pan Malaysia Rubber Industries (PMRI) has changed its name to Pan Malaysia Industries (PMI) to reflect the present activities and diversification programme of the company which is no longer involved in the rubber industry as was implied in the old name. The principal
          MBT  -  90 words
        • 70 10 JAKAR TA Diversified group P T Bimantara Citra has signed a joint-venture agreement with state-owned P T Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) and its sister company PT Indosat to establish a new satellite operator, says The Jakarta Post. The new venture, to be called P T
          70 words
        • 84 10 Bloomberg Business News BANGKOK Siam City Cement, Thailand's second-largest cement manufacturer, has said that its net after-tax profit for the year to Dec 31, 1992, fell 13.9 per cent from the previous year to 1.13 billion baht. Profits on a per-share basis also declined 13.9
          Bloomberg Business News  -  84 words
      • 231 10 Reuter TAIPEI Taiwan will soon allow foreign companies to issue stocks on the island as part of its plan to become a regional financial centre, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said. Foreign firms listed on the New York, Tokyo and London stock
        Reuter  -  231 words
      • 542 10 Multinationals and big corporations are main issuers MBT KUALA LUMPUR Interest in private debt securities (PDS) is growing among corporate borrowers in Malaysia and there are indications that 1993 will be a more active year for the sector. Last year, there
        MBT  -  542 words
      • 862 10 MARKET WATCH China-concept stocks in HK provide some relief Sunday Morning Post HONGKONG How have China funds fared since their spectacular launch last year? The Year of the Monkey saw the launch of 17 China funds authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission. And
        Sunday Morning Post  -  862 words
      • 31 10 Reuter TAIPEI Taiwanese stock investors watching trading screens at a Taipei broking firm yesterday soared 2* per cent in reaction to the resignation of Premier Hau Pei-tsun. Reuter
        Reuter  -  31 words
      • 300 10  -  By Genevieve Cua SINGAPORE UK pharmaceuticals giant Glaxo Holdings pic will move into over-the-counter medication a major new direction for the group, which so far has focused mainly on ethical or prescription drugs. Arthur Pappas. who is now director of Glaxo's operations in the
        300 words
      • 255 10 Bloomberg BANGKOK Thai Airways International. Thailand's national carrier, said its net aftertax profit for the quarter ended Dec 31, 1992 was down 84.8 per cent to 120.0 million baht (557.7 million) from the same period a year before. Revenue from transporta-tion-related
        Bloomberg  -  255 words
      • 247 10  -  From Al Labita in MANILA MANILA Philippine President Fidel Ramos yesterday hinted that he might be forced to step into an internal feud at Philippine Airlines, should its board fail to resolve the squabble. "My guideline is not to allow
        247 words
      • 396 10 South China Morning Post HONGKONG Casino king Stanley Ho plans to splash out more than HK$4 billion (SSB4O million) on shipping, property and leisure investments in China. But the 72-year-old Hong-kong-born Mr Ho insisted it was no gamble. Comparing himself to other Hongkong
        South China Morning Post  -  396 words
      • 274 10 Knight-Ridder SINGAPORE Talks are under way between Malaysian state-run oil company Petronas and Conoco Inc of the US to jointly develop a second Petronas-owned oil refinery in Malaysia. The two sides are expected to sign a letter of intent later this year
        Knight-Ridder  -  274 words
      • 416 11  -  One of first non-bank financial institutions in Indonesia to do so From William Chia in JAKARTA LISTED First Indonesian Finance and Investment Corporation (Ficorinvest) has become one of the first non-bank financial institutions in Indonesia to get a commercial banking licence. Deputy managing director Herman
        416 words
      • 270 11  -  From Stephen Vines in HONGKONG HSBC Holdings appears to have finally succeeded in turning round its most troubled subsidiary, the New Yorkbased Marine Midland Bank. The American bank yesterday reported a net profit of US$lO9 million (S$ 179.8 million) for 1992, compared with a US$l9O
        270 words
      • 301 11 South China Morning Post HONGKONG The Bank of East Asia has struck a deal in principle to acquire 51 per cent of Hongkong-based United Chinese Bank (UCB). The addition of United Chinese's 17 outlets will boost East Asia's presence in the territory.
        South China Morning Post  -  301 words
      • 209 11 HONGKONG Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co (Asia Sat) has mandated a sixbank group to arrange a US$25O million (SS4I3 million) financing, members of the consortium said. The successful group consists of ABN Amro Holding NV, Asia Capital Partners. Banque Nationalc de Paris, McAuley,
        209 words
      • 274 11  -  By Kooi Cho Teng SINGAPORE The Public Utilities Board is raising $250 million through a bond-cum-warrant issue to finance its development projects in Singapore. The issue is being arranged and managed by DBS Bank and POSBank, both of which were involved in the
        274 words
      • 887 11 New Vietnam branch office is latest move in bid to emerge as major player Bloomberg Business News SYDNEY Australia New I Zealand Bank flung open the doors of a new branch office in Vietnam last week, the latest move in a bid to
        Bloomberg Business News  -  887 words
      • 431 11 Reuter BOMBAY The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the county's central bank, should be given broader powers to control and supervise India's commodity and financial markets, an RBI study recommends. The report, which looked into financial flows between the securities and stock markets
        Reuter  -  431 words
      • 530 12 Reuter WASHINGTON The Clinton administration plans a major push to remove eonstraints on bank lending and help ease the eredit crunch, US Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman said last Sunday, sending the strongest signal yet on bank policy. "We are going to
        Reuter  -  530 words
      • 412 12 Reuter TOKYO Japanese investors steered clear of sterling's dive in Asia and instead may offer help in the near term by picking up the battered British currency near record lows, Tokyo dealers said yesterday. The Irish punt's Saturday devaluation and expectations of another cut
        Reuter  -  412 words
        • 144 12 Bloomberg Business News TOKYO Japan s banks will set up a credit information exchange system by spring 1994 to allow them to compare data on customers and prevent bad loans. Over 150 banks nationwide will take part in the system, the Nihon Keizai newspaper
          Bloomberg Business News  -  144 words
        • 87 12 Bloomberg Business News WELLINGTON John McCarthy, who heads the property and investment services division at Australia New Zealand Bank in Australia, has been appointed managing director of New Zealand property group Robert Jones Investments Ltd, the company said yesterday. His appointment follows the resignation
          Bloomberg Business News  -  87 words
        • 80 12 Knight-Ridder HAMBURG Lower key interest rates in Germany are a vital precondition for bringing the German economy out of recession, said Horst Koehler, Secretary of State at the Finance Ministry, in an interview with the magazine Der Spiegel, published yesterday. C urrently there is
          Knight-Ridder  -  80 words
        • 98 12 NYT NEW YORK The total assets of America's 609 retail money market mutual funds decreased by U553.62 billion, to U*****.20 billion, for the week that ended on Wednesday, the Investment Company Institute has reported. The assets of 379 taxable retail money market funds fell
          NYT  -  98 words
      • 460 12 Reuter TOKYO Warnings alone are not a big enough deterrent to stop banks in Japan extending foreign exchange contracts for treasured clients if market rates are unfavourable, bankers say. Despite warnings from the industry's regulatory bodies, bankers say historical rate rollovers (HRRs) still
        Reuter  -  460 words
      • 415 12 Reuter LUXEMBOURG While most European bankers complain of sliding profits and soaring bad debts, Luxembourg's financiers are still rubbing their hands with pleasure after what they say was a bumper year in 1992. Bankers based here say their institutions have benefited from a
        Reuter  -  415 words
      • 439 12 Bloomberg ENERGY REPORT LONDON Oil futures in London and New York recovered from last Friday's losses after Nigeria indicated it would go along with any production cut agreed by Opec for the second quarter. Nigeria has hitherto showed no sign it's prepared
        439 words
      • 147 12 A stronger US dollar against major currencies lifted the USD/SGD to a high of 1.6475 before strong selling emerged. After the initial activity, trading was quiet and confined to a very narrow trading range between 1.6463 and 1.6468 for the rest of the day. With
        147 words
      • 195 12 Knight Ridder LONDON The US dollar surged relentlessly on against other currencies yesterday, breaking through resistance against the deutschemark and touching a six-year high against the British pound, as economic indicators continued to point to an upturn in the US. While the dollar suiged. sterling remained under pressure from
        Knight Ridder  -  195 words
      • 84 12 AFP NEW YORK The dollar was up yesterday against major currencies in New York, in calm trading following the dollar's rise in Europe. At 9:30 am (1430 GMT), the dollar traded at 1.6240 German marks, up from 1.6110 marks late on Friday, and at 124.80 Japanese yen (124.60).
        AFP  -  84 words
      • Article, Illustration
        1226 12 I raJf index •.akutatni atam\i S'panr'i nip 14 trading partner, Bo* war t9Rf US$/S$ forward rates Noon Feb 1 s$ Bid Offer I-month 1 6443 I.64S8 --month 1.6433 1 6448 3-mowh ***** 1 6439 6-month ***** 1 6412 Source: OCBC FOREIGN CURRENCY NOTE RATES As at 10m yesterday: Singapore dollars
        1,226 words
      • 1320 14 SIMEX REPORT Reuter SINGAPORE Eurodollar futures ended steady to weaker yesterday in uneventful trade as dealers stayed sidelined ahead of a slew of US economic figures over the week and the US quarterly refunding next week dealers said. March Eurodollars ended steady at 96.69,
        Reuter  -  1,320 words
      • 889 14 Rubber SINGAPORE: Rubber futures were nudged down marginally in quiet trading following slight profit-taking seen in the Tokvo rubber market, traders said. However near-term prices were seen supported by firm demand for Malaysian latex grades and Indonesia's SIR2O. they said. At around 0945
        889 words
    • 1716 14 I Rubber MS CowwUUj Ftrfciap (Mm dartg m at ly) ■SS 1 Contract (S cents/kg) u™.». (lose Volume Open Monlh High Low Sett (ion n«) Interest Feb 93 150.50 150.50 150 50 550 57T Mar 0.00 0.00 152.50 700 6 025 Aj* 0.00 0 00 154.50 250 6
      1,716 words
      • 1092 15 +0.9 Share prices held firm on national share markets yesterday despite a slide in the Australian dollar, brokers said. At the close of trading, the All Ordinaries Index had edged up 0.9 of a point to 1,529.1. Trading was narrowly mixed. The All Industrials Index shaved 1.4 to 2,417.3.
        1,092 words
      • 522 15 -6.72 Stocks finished slightly lower as sellers needing cash came forward late in the session after seeing an uninspired market, brokers said. The Manila Stock Exchange composite index slipped 6.72 points to 1,337.52. "The trade went one fluctuation up. one fluctuation down. It looks like it's going to be
        522 words
      • 599 15 126.67 Taiwan's stock market soared 3.8 per cent in active trade as buyers Hooded back into the market after Premier Hau Peitsun announced on Saturday that he was resigning to ease a political crisis. The weighted index ended 126.67 points higher at 3.501.23, near its intra-day high. It climbed
        599 words
      • 390 15 -6.99 Seoul's stock market slide showed no signs of abating as gloomy individual and institutional investors unloaded shares to drive the index down for the sixth consecutive session, brokers said. The Composite Index fell 6.99 points to finish the day at 663.57. Some brokers regard the 660 level as
        390 words
      • 296 15 -2.68 The New Zealand share market yesterday closed easier in featureless trading. Volume fell because of a holiday in Auckland. The NZSE-40 capital index closed down 2.68 at 1,513.33 with a volume of NZ$l3 million. Brokers said they see the index hovering in a 1,490-to--1.525 band for some
        296 words
      • 69 15 -62.55 NEW DELHI Indian stock prices dropped yesterday after the Bombay stock exchange eased restrictions on short sales, but brokers said underlying sentiment remains strong ahead of announcement of a national budget on Feb 27. The Bombay stock exchange index fell 62.55 points to 2.618.24 and the national index
        69 words
      • 747 15 Britannia Funds Sterling Cash Bid Offer Mim (ap Depoiat •3*1400 ******0 Mim Jer\c\ C.iH 0.1879 0 1979 Mim Max Income "0 9900 ****** L'S$ Cash Income Plus Fund 10 0800 lOfOOO PS S Rner\e Fund 5 2000 5 2100 Stirling L<|iail\ Euro Performance .***** 0 4780 F» Fay Fund *2
        747 words
      • 646 15 +44.4 Renewed hope for another slash in UK interest rates and expectations that sterling's decline will improve earnings for exporting companies propelled the FTSE 100 index within ten points ot its record close yesterday. The FTSE 100 ended 44.4 points higher at 2851.6. a stone's throw away from the
        646 words
      • 97 15 +0.77pc The Paris Bourse finished the day with a gain yesterday. as the CAC-40 Index closed at 1,785.90 points, up 0.77 per cent by comparison with the Friday close. Paris F* I Fr \ir Lnjuidr T} I 00 1500 Alcatel Aiwhom 620 00 -2 00 Elf-Aquil J2J 04 -2
        97 words
      • 110 15 +2.03pc The sharply stronger US currency gave a firm impetus to dollar-dependent shares, such as forestry, and lifted the whole market to a higher close yesterday. The All-Share General Index rose 2.03 per cent to 907.30. Turnover was 673 million crowns. The main gainers were forestry companies, whose sector
        110 words
      • 202 15 13.31 German shares ended yesterday's trade otY the highs, with the DAX 30-Share Index up 13.31 points to 1.585.16 at the close of bourse floor trading after having moved in a narrow range between 1.581.95 and 1,587.81. The market was supported by dollar strength and firmer German bond prices,
        202 words
      • 180 15 +0.09pc Italian shares closed with small gains overall yesterdav after a session overclouded by political and currency uncertainty. Fiat and Pirelli both rallied but other shares lost ground as the market focused on troubles plaguing Prime Minister Giuliano Amato's Socialist Party. The MIB All-Share Index closed 0.09 per cent
        180 words
      • 272 15 +2.51 Dutch shares closed higher yesterday, boosted by a firm dollar and firm bond prices, traders said, but truck maker DAF sank to a new low. The EOE Index closed up 2.51 points at 294.46. near the day's peak of 294.50. Advancers outpaced decliners by 23 to 2. illustrating
        272 words
      • 278 15 13.9 Swiss shares closed higher in moderately active trade yesterday as the strong dollar and lower Swiss interest rates led banks and insurers and chemicals higher. Dealers said the Frankfurt bourse's strong performance. based on hopes that key German interest rates would be lowered at this week's Bundesbank meeting.
        278 words
      • 291 15 +2 South African shares were firmer at the close on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange yesterday after drifting easier for most of the day, dealers said. The JSE Industrial Index ended up two points to 4.525. The Overall Index recovered some ground lost earlier in the day to close one
        291 words
      • 236 15 +2.7 Toronto stocks moved fractionally higher in moderate early dealings yesterday as firmness in the Canada'dollar buoyed investor confidence. "The Canada dollar is looking firmer and that's giving the market a little better bias." one dealer said. The TSE 300 Index edged up 2.7 points to 3.308.2 on volume
        236 words
      • 742 15 +7.54 Wall Street share prices rose yesterday, boosted by encouraging economic figures and a climb by American Express alter the company announced the appointment of a new chairman. At 11 am (1600 GMT) the Dow Jones Index of leading industrial stocks was up 7.54 points at 3.317.57 in
        742 words
      • 191 15 19.42 Sharp across-the-board gains, fuelled by increased hopes for a cut in interest rates, a stronger dollar and heavy buying, pushed Belgian shares to a more than 1.6 per cent higher close yesterday. "Some investors fear they might miss a nice bullish run and they are jumping on the
        191 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2272 16 Reuter AFP HONGKONG stocks closed easier in subdued trade yesterday, with the market wary about Governor Chris Patten's political reform proposals which will be brought before the Legislative Council later this month, brokers said. The blue-chip Hang Seng Index finished 53.62 points, or nearly one per cent, lower at
      Reuter; AFP; Source: Bridge Info  -  2,272 words
    • Article, Illustration
      430 16 TRADING on the Shanghai A and B markets were hectic yesterday. The CLSA Shanghai A Index soared 6.68 per cent to close at 8,749.47 amid a very large turnover of 56 million shares. New brokerages across China, which were set up after the Lunar New Year to trade in
      430 words
    • Article, Illustration
      807 16 Reuter JAKARTA stocks closed higher yesterday in active trade, raising hopes among brokers that the market may have finally awoken from two years of slumber. Bank Internasionai Indonesia rose 225 rupiah to 3.150 in cross trade of 3.21 million shares. In regular trade it was up 125 rupiah to
      Reuter; Source: Bridge Info  -  807 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2494 16 Reuter STOCKS in Tokyo ended modestly firmer yesterday on late in-dex-linked buying in sleepy trade, with the Nikkei closing at its day's high. Sellers kept a low profile on speculation of credit-easing and a lack of new themes to lead the market kept turnover thin again, brokers said. "Investors
      Reuter; Source: Bridge Info  -  2,494 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1759 16 Reuter SHARE prices on the Stock Exchange of Thailand closed lower as a market consolidation continued, brokers said. The SET Index lost 8.73 points, or 0.89 per cent, to finish at 965.75 on a turnover of 5.34 billion baht. Declines led advances 188 to 52 with 61 stocks unchanged.
      Reuter; Source: Bridge Info  -  1,759 words
    • 1802 17 Source: Bridge Info Source: Bridge Info MOST ACTIVE volume Multi-I*ur|x»c 7. IKK.4HMI Vnul Slccl NX 1.711(***** (•II 1 SS(I III 1 S5VOOO kamunling MX 1 HXIOOO Tan hong MV 7$K.(»0 VI Properties 700.(100 Mulphj lull MX $26,001) Kcnong Bhd MX" 464.000 Simc IXirtn MX' J7» 000 MMT Mkr...
      Source: Bridge Info  -  1,802 words
    • 3764 17 Vol Day Net Cap Hitch Low Company Sale "000 High l/>* P/E Smil INDUSTRIALS 168 152 AISB 5C 157 I 31 157 155 523 3 1610 MO sil 2 |0 249 220 2"> 14 5 306 2 590 590 Acidchem 510 ,27 j53 7 \jinomo»« 354
      3,764 words
      • 4706 18  -  By Quak Hiang Whai SINGAPORE Underpinned by the robust December trade statistics, share prices yesterday extended their gains of last week to hit another high. With the trade figures bolstering market sentiment, the benchmark Straits Times Industrials Index surged 24.28 points to end
        Source: Bridge Info  -  4,706 words
      • Article, Illustration
        73 18  -  HOT STOCK Paul Leo YEO Hiap Seng Ltd at $2.17 is poised for a move towards 52.30 before a correction sets in. Weekly RSI has turned down from near the 100 level but it is still above 75 and turning up indicating that it is still overbought.
        SOURCE: BRIDGE INFO  -  73 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 223 9 Hong Kong Electronics Tarn Vk A Fair T Cash in on 1 Asia's Biggest Consumer Electronics Fair V Hong Kong Electronics Fair '93 October 13-16 The Hong Kong Electronics Fair opens the doors to the world's most lucrative and fastest growing electronic market. Asia International buyers from the region as
      223 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 I SINGAPORE# f-M Business Times I we KNOW ASIA Old soldiers never die I They fade into corporate boardrooms. Is the involvement J of Southeast Asia's military in the economy a boon or a bane? I Two prominent regional defence analysts address the issue Will Singapore be outpaced? I Thai
      111 words
    • 265 11 Kay Hian James Capel Holdings Limited ANNOUNCEMENT INTERIM DIVIDEND Further to the declaration of an interim dividend of 7.5% less Singapore tax (0.75 cents per share) in respect of the financial year ended 31 st December 1992 made at the time of the half year results, the directors are pleased
      265 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 264 14 _BJJ_g_L_N ESS TIMES TOLL-FREE TEL. No. 1-800-737 0043 FAX:734 3698 UQUOR LICENCE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, I, Tan Kim Seng of 20 Oaku Lane, Singapore 1542, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence in respect of premises at M/s Sentosa Beach Resort Pie Ltd at 101 Siloso
      264 words
    • 124 14 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANY ACT, CAP. 90 AND LN THE MATTER OF INNOVEX TRADING PTE LTD (Members' Voluntary 1 NOTICE OP PINAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that purtuut to Section 308 of the Company Act, Cap. 50 the final GenMeeting of the membera of INNOVEX TRADING PTE
      124 words
    • 27 14 The Malaysian tin and palm oil markets were closed yesterday 737-1166 Business heats up M. iV when you make the call and place an CA.T.S. ad. 1737-116^1
      27 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 53 15 I uac woong piumu ...142 -2 > wn 012 unch %S6OO With over 170 million cards honoured at over 10 million puts I "'4 whole world in your handStAnd ft gives -.Str. you easy access to cash at 300,000 bdnkbranches BSw fl A YOU'VE GOT THE WHOLE WORLD QM ATMS
      53 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 61 16 Singapore:THE HOUR GLASS Lucky Plaza Tel. *****20/1 Scotts Tel. *****27/7198 Centrepoint Tel. *****98/603 Penms u|a Plaza Tel. *****09/*****63 V/ ■4" J7 Palais Renaissance Tel. *****62/543 •Raffles Tel. *****41 vtSZwte THF HOUR p. V iCC 'S lndoncs,a Jakarta Tcl 21-*****6/*****1 Malaysia. THE HOUR GLASS Lot 10 Centre. Kuala Lumpur Tel. 03-*****20/932
      61 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 193 17 The Kuala Lumpur market was closed for a national holiday yesterday YOUR VERY OWN HASSLE-FREE ucjMNjcg^mewgj c ncws and cr pertinent information on companies listed on the Stock Exchange And for »übscrhtlon t— of ami* t9*a II of SlI W ore cl °b International arc important to you and your
      193 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 60 18 Singapore:THE HOUR GLASS Lucky Plaza Tel. *****20/1 Scotts Tel. *****27/7198 /jv Mm Centrepoint Tel. *****98/603 Peninsula Plaza Tel. *****09/*****63 "jT" yvfl J/ Palais Renaissance Tel. *****62/543 Raffles Tel. *****41 Indonesia: THE HOUR GLASS (Licensee) Plaza Indonesia. Jakarta Tel. 21-*****6/*****1 Malaysia: THE HOUR GLASS Lot 10 Centre. Kuala Lumpur Tel. 03-*****20/932
      60 words

    • 640 19  -  Golf By Shahiron Sahari SINGAPORE Nick Faldo showed why he is a sponsor's dream at a special golf clinic, organised by watch maker Audemars Piguet, at the Singapore Island Country Club yesterday. The world's undisputed No. I golfer had just flown in earlier in the morning
      640 words
    • 606 19  -  Super Bowl XXVII Whatwas supposed to be a close game between two talented teams became a rout, says Thomas George Thomas George NYT PASADENA, California The Dallas Cowboys turned a close game into a rout so quickly, so decisively, so painfully for the Buffalo
      NYT  -  606 words
    • 808 19  -  Dave Anderson looks at Buffalo's failure to hang on to it Dave Anderson NYT PASADENA, California Without a crystal ball or Tarot cards, the Super Bowl XXVII coaches defined the difference in yesterday morning's game two days before that difference developed. "There's only
      NYT  -  808 words
    • 402 19 Aikman and Irvin Dallas' dynamic duo NYT PASADENA, California After Troy Aikman passed Michacl Irvin two touchdowns at the Super Bowl, he passed him his Most Valuable Plaver trophy. "Promise I won't drop it," Irvin said. Aikman is the reticent one, who last week turned down Jay Leno so he
      NYT  -  402 words
      • 112 19 Reuter KOHALA OAST, Hawaii Defending ehampion Arnold Palmer won I lis third Senior Skins title last Sunday and earned a total of US$l 90.000 (*****.500) in the four-player. U*****,000 event. Palmer dropped a 12-foot putt for birdie on the par-four 16th hole to \*/in
        Reuter  -  112 words
      • 100 19 AFP PHOENIX, Ari; '.ona Lee Janzen rose to the challenge of the wind-whipped Tournament Players Club course here last Sunday to fire a 68 for 1 !73 and a two-shot victory in the Phoenix Open golf tournament. While Janzen flourished in the gustv winds, overnight leader
        AFP  -  100 words
      • 90 19 AP PERTH, Australia The West Indies retained the Frank Worrell Trophy on Mo nday. beating Australia by an innings and 25 runs in the fifth ci "icket Test at the WACA Ground. The West Indians took the s< .*ries 2-1, also winning the Adelaide
        AP  -  90 words
      • 103 19 AFP BEIJING The < Chinese authorities have decided to case restrictions on foreigi i journalists to try to boost their chances to host the 2000 Olympics, a senior official said yesterday. Beijing Vice-Mayor Zhang B aifa, a vice-chairman of the Olympic bidding committee,
        AFP  -  103 words
      • 103 19 Reuter CALCUTTA India's first victory over England in seven years, and its first in any Test: since 1990, is just 43 runs away despite a battling rearguard action by the touring team yesterday. England, following on 208 behind in the first Test, was bowled out
        Reuter  -  103 words
      • Article, Illustration
        398 19 AFP AP PERTH Scorecard at end of the series-deciding fifth Test between Australia and West Indies yesterday: Australia Ist Innings 119 (DC Boon 44: CEL Ambrose 7-25, IR Bishop 2-17). West Indies Ist Innings 322 (PV Simmons 80. KLT Arthurton 77, RB Richardson 47, JR Murray 37; MG Hughes
        AFP; AP  -  398 words
      • Article, Illustration
        213 19 AP NEW YORK Sunday's Natioi Ml Basketball Association result: L -A Lakers 96. Boston 87. Standings: Eastern Conferee Atlantic Division (W L Pet GB I. New York 25 15 .625 1 New Jersey 24 19 .558 2 1-2; 3 Boston 22'21 .512 4 1-2; 4. Orlan do 18 19
        AP  -  213 words
      • Article, Illustration
        67 19 AFP PHOENIX Sunday's leading fi-nal-round scores in the Phoenix Open (US nationality unless stated): 273 Lee Janzen 67-65-73-68 275 Andrew Magcc 69-70-64-72 276 Mike Springer 70-69-68-69. Michael Allen 66-70-70-70, Kirk Triplet! 69-67-69-71, Robert Wrenn 66-68-68-74 277 Keith Clearwater 68-72-71-66. Mark Weibe 67-70-70-70 278 Gil Morgan 71-65-74-68. Tom Lehman 69-66-73-70
        AFP  -  67 words
      • Article, Illustration
        348 19 AFP Reuter AP PAI RIS Jim Courier's win over Stel 'an Edberg in the Australian Ope n final strengthened his position at the top of the Association of Teni nis Professionals rankings. Fellow American Pete Sampras, beaten by the Swede in the Melbourne semi -finals, is second. ATP rankings:
        AFP; Reuter; AP  -  348 words
      • Article, Illustration
        116 19 AFP MADRID Weekend results from the Spanish championship: Real Madrid 2 Barcelona 1; Espanol 2 Real Zaragoza 0; Cadiz 2 Athletic Bilbao 3; Oviedo 0 Logrones 0: Rayo Vallecano 0 Valencia 1; Sevii lla 2 Albacete 1; Osasuna Pamploi la 3 Sporting Gijon 0; Real iociedad 2 Burgos 2;
        AFP  -  116 words

    • 465 20 CHATTERBOX YOU WONT be seeing Pawl McCartney's new video on MTV any time soon. The ex-Beatle's new single. Big Boys Bickering, had too many naughty words for the music video channel's taste. The F-word appears not once but seven times, which proved just
      465 words
    • 867 20  -  On the phone with Cheryl Bentyne in Kuala Lumpur, Shahiron Sahari discovers that the quartet is swinging to a different sound these days Shahiron Sahari JOHN DOS PASSOS' 1925 novel, Manhattan Transfer, told the stories of "the kind of people who made New York City run, and who
      867 words
    • 365 20 Music stores and teachers are celebrating the US president s love affair with the curvaceous instrument AP Bill Clinton's presidency is sweet music to one tiny niche of America's economy businesses that sell saxophones and lessons. Clinton made new political music when he played his favourite
      AP  -  365 words
    • 37 20 Reuter HAMBURG British movie star Roger Moore {right) greeting Franco Nero as Vanessa Redgrave looks on. The stare were taking part in a gala concert against racism on Sunday at Hamburg's Thalia Theatre. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 1073 20 I TV A RADIO A Place in the Sun. 10.30pm, sbc 12 A poor, lonely boy is comforted by girl, before geta one (Elizabeth Taylor). Problem is, the poor girl gets pregnant. %«jpjP Montgomery Clift and Shelley Winters great perfor- Wr mances, but this 1951 look at Hfflgr American morals
      1,073 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 627 21 Q A "Heavenly" Feast Scrumptious Sichuan cuisine. Rich piping hot steamboat. Delicate Yangzhou Dianxian. Mon -Sat 11,30 am to 2.30pm Sun 10.30 am to 2.30pm Kings Havelock Road. Singapore 0316. Tel: 733 0011 MfMSEROtCIX 9 EXKCUTIVE I PRE R 0 A I I V J A good business decision would
      627 words
    • 278 21 WHERE TO WINE, DINE AND ENTERTAIN 22 JAN 6 FEB Drop in to the Plaza Hotel yflM ami you can join the cele- brat ions with our mouth- X/ watering selection of Lohei dishes. Cafe Plaza has a 0 Chinese New Year Buffet with raw fish at $20++ (Adult), $14++
      278 words
    • 308 21 I (sOftwHa/u/e I You need_pnty_ n I travel <$ Baycux Month I Top of the M ta= Caen Qeaciv///e I taste Normandic jl ACtftMry Tour o( France w.^LT^J». J j. L !!is f i£< 1 ,fO° V^ or I Treat yourself to mouth-watering £D I Local Food at Cafe Excclsior.
      308 words

    • 827 22  -  Firms from a dozen countries, Singapore included, are eyeing property projects in Ho Chi Minh City. Harish Mehta checks out their foundation work Harish Mehta ON PAPER, the artists' drawings look good, even though they do stretch the imagination. But in reality, the
      827 words
    • 683 22  -  David Toh discusses implications of the double taxation agreement between Singapore and Vietnam David Toh The writer is a director with Coopers Lybrand VIETNAM'S emerging economy, with its new open-door policy, has rapidly become the latest talk of the town, and economic flavour of
      683 words
    • 802 23  -  Lilian Ang finds out from BHL managing director Richard Lim what exactly makes his 47-year-old company tick Lilian Ang THE refrain thai rings through when Richard Lim talks about his company is "we build homes, not just houses". Quietly but without letting up, the
      802 words
    • 484 23  -  JWYOUR By Kooi Cho Teng BANGKOK Thai Wah Resort Development Co will start selling land beside the Banyan Tree Golf Course in Phuket this month. The plots will be part of the Laguna Phuket resort project, which includes four five-star hotels, condominiums, residential units,
      484 words
      • 48 23 Reuter TOKYO The number of condominiums sold in Japan in 1992 iq-tJ 'tl cen as y ear to 75.173 the lowest figure since iy/6. The average price of a condominium also fell last year to 39.38 million yen (*****.000) from 44.88 million in 1991
        Reuter  -  48 words
      • 89 23 China Daily GUANGZHOU A new regulation is expected to slow down land and real estate sales in China's southern province of Guangdong. The regulation to strengthen the Administration of Foreign Investment in Land and Real Estate Development stipulates that all deals involving the transfer
        China Daily  -  89 words
      • 103 23 South China Morning Post HONGKONG The best exhibition complex in Shenzhen the Shenzhen International Exhibition Centre is being eyed by a number of foreign developers, with the Lippo Group and Sun Hung Kai Properties showing the most interest. The centre is owned by an international
        South China Morning Post  -  103 words
      • 71 23 South China Morning Post HONGKONG Beijing's first major luxury development. Rose Garden Villas, has been well received by local people and multinat'ona'B interested in housing for their expatriates The sW,oooa|m "mim-aty" will have 772 villas ranging from P ces ran 8 e from HK52.3 million
        South China Morning Post  -  71 words
      • 77 23 Bernama LANGKAWI Another hotel may be built on the Malaysian island of Langkawi to ease the shortage of rooms expected later this year when the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (Lima 93) exhibition is held. Announcing this, Malaysian Pnmt Minister Mahathir Mohamad said over the weekend
        Bernama  -  77 words
      • 85 23 South China Morning Post HONGKONG Residential rents in Hongkong are expected to rise by an average of 12 per cent this year, according to property agents Colliers Jardine in the latest edition of Asia Pacific Trends Prices for luxury developments are. however, likely to
        South China Morning Post  -  85 words
    • Article, Illustration
      7 23  -  ■y Colin Tan Source: URA
      Source: URA  -  7 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 20 22 ifi'l ITS REIGNING CATS AND DOGS (and 1001 other things) in The Straits Times Classified V J M C.A.T.S. 737-H661
      20 words
    • 350 22 NOTICES THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY BERHAO (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Seventy-Eighth Annual General Meeting of the Company wil be held at the registered office No. 22 (Upper floor of No. 20), Jdan Hang Jebat, ***** Melaka, on Friday, 26 February 1993
      350 words
    • 211 22 IN THE MATTER OF CHIP ENG TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED (MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 308 of the Companies Act (Chapter 50) that a Final General Meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company will be held at the office of the
      211 words
    • 377 22 LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, I.KwekAiJong of Bk 581 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3, 102-3155, Singapore 2056, have applied for a Public House Second Class licence in respect of premises at M/s River Inn Restaurant Pie Ltd at No. 20 Garden Avenue 101-01, Singapore 0409, and that
      377 words
    • 364 22 LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN dnMKlmgPliiMui of 98 Ceylon Road, Singapore 1542, have applied for a Public House First Class licence in respect of premises at M/s Ancient Mariner Pub at #02-12 Serene Centre, 10 Jalan Serene, Singapore 1025, and that this application will be heard in Court
      364 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 348 23 REPUBLIC NATIONAL RANK OF NEW YORK A SUBSIDIARY OF REPUBLIC NEW YORK CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Condition Aceofc December 31, Liabilities and 5615 1992 ,991 stockholder's Equity 433-264 M3-w" 1 '""wsninterest-bearing deposrts: with banks 10 346 583 8 774 409 In es, <:o,,lces t 962.600 792.835 Precious metals Z °'S
      348 words
    • 450 23 Sheraton Sure Savers If you want a HASSLE-FREE WAY TO SAVE UP TO 40% ON YOUR NEXT VACATION, Read On At ITT Sheraton, we know that hotel rates can get very confusing That's why we've introduced Sure Savers in Asia Pacific. These new, simplified room rates will offer you the
      450 words

  • 510 24 EDITORIAL THE WORD's a turn-ofT to some people who think it a nebulous notion that's been flogged to death. So it is an uphill task, year after year, for Singapore's National Productivity Board to ensure that the workforce remains mindful of the importance of productivity. And. more pertinently,
    510 words
    • 169 24 SI ABILITY in the former Soviet Central Asian republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. Turkmenistan and Kirghizstan is nowhere in sight, except perhaps in Kazakhstan. The region faces bewildering problems and pressures. Critical to stability is economic improvement. The Soviet collapse caused tremendous dislocation to Central Asia's
      169 words
    • 121 24 THE DECISION by the Israeli High Court upholding the deportation of more than 400 Palestinians disappointed many who were hoping for a ruling against the deportations. The continuing impasse over the deportees jeopardises the Middle East peace talks, which are supposed to resume next month but
      121 words
    • 192 24 INSTEAD OF raising taxi fares, the taxi industry should find ways to improve its services if it wishes to thrive. Its proposal to charge an extra fare during peak hours is unfair to passengers. It might also make it difficult for them to hail
      192 words
    • 209 24 WHILE MUCH of the rest of the world languishes in recession, Mr Macleod is hard-pressed to devise new ways of dealing with a veritable mountain of money. And as the clock ticks on towards March 3 when he must deliver his second Budget speech, time to
      209 words
    • 161 24 A NEUTRAL and independent body to organise and supervise polls in the country in place of the Interior Ministry, to ensure that general elections are free and fair, is indeed a laudable proposal. The powers and functions of this independent poll body must be
      161 words
    • 186 24 WHEN THE Nobel Peace Prize committee awarded its highest honour to Aung San Suu Kyi, the citation described her as "one of the most extraordinary examples of civil courage in Asia in recent decades". Suu Kyi's non-violent approach in the face of brutality has been
      186 words
  • 983 24  - You're doing fine out there, John don't come home The British economy is going from bad to worse, and nobody in government appears to have a clue as to how to set things right, says Neville Stack Neville Stack The writer, a political commentator and editorial consultant based in England,
    983 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 187 24 YOUNG PARENTS IS PROUD TO SPONSOR A seminar for parents teachers Understanding and Helping Pre-School Children Dynasty Hotel Saturday, F«b 20, *93 > 8.30 am 5.30pm Are your 5-6-year-olds able to cope wi ol Mandarin and English? How can parents and teachers help Jp ;3figSfcE\ them to WHn gual? S
      187 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 37 24 Off T 0 "THC. 100R<PCTH0N Vf\ OOKD ty =tt ippyu^-r 1 I J>nl -> (CfSfJ'T STOP NOW >. "=cx wEE^ J g|st^ associated newsp«p£rslto .mum VicfrtPOONESBURY garry trudeau BOOPSI5? I'M 71RBDOF I FROMNOhU ON, IP6MAND T SBSSSSH *SK I
      37 words

    • 795 25  -  Ramesh Thakur says India could perhaps be persuaded to join the nuclear Non-Prohferation Treaty in exchange for big power status in the UN Ramesh Thakur The writer is professor of international relations and director of Asian Studies at the
      795 words
    • 1054 25  - Watch out, Washington here come the MITs Christopher Farrell takes a look at the virtual coup MIT economists have scored by landing key posts in the Clinton Administration In the accompanying piece, Michael J Iviandel comments on the public mugging oFIE Tyson by to pe^s Christopher Farrell, Michael J Mandel
      1,054 words
    • 597 25 WITH friends like these, who needs enemies? While economists are often the butt of jokes, it's rare for one to be the target of a public mugging by other economists. But that's just what happened to Laura D'Andrea Tyson when she was chosen to head Clinton's
      597 words

  • 480 26 Europe told to drop bias against certain American goods by March 22 Reuter WASHINGTON US Trade Representative Miekey Kantor said yesterday that the country would curb government purchases of European Community goods and services if the EC did not drop a bias
    Reuter  -  480 words
  • 249 26 AFP WASHINGTON US construction spending was unchanged in December from the previous month's level, the Commerce Department said yesterday. Analysts had expected a rise of about one per cent. Economic activity, however, rose in January on an index of economic activity kept by the
    AFP  -  249 words
  • 148 26 Reuter TAIPEI Taiwan Governor Lien Chan, breaking weeks of silence, announced yesterday that he was willing to become premier following the resignation of Premier Hau Pei-tsun. "If President Lee Teng-hui, considering the future of the country and the will of the people, decides to
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 336 26 AP LONDON British Airways chairman Lord King, who had made two embarrassing public apologies over a "dirty tricks" campaign against Virgin Atlantic Airways, plans to quit months ahead of his scheduled retirement. Reports in several British newspapers yesterday said the resignation of
    AP  -  336 words
  • 300 26 Reuter HONGKONG Beijing should go ahead with its own preparations for political change after 1997 if the colony's legislature approves Governor Chris Patten's reform proposals, said one of China's leading advisers on Hongkong yesterday. "I will suggest to Lu Ping
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 314 26 Reuter BRUSSELS The Group of Seven major industrialised nations should hold a summit meeting during April to take firm aetion on economic growth, said European Commission president Jacques Delors yesterday. Mr Delors told the first televised meeting of European Community foreign
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 304 26 Reuter BAGHDAD Iraq's UN ambassador says he has detected signals from Washington that may indicate President Bill Clinton is willing to open a dialogue. But the ambassador. Nizar Hamdoon. yesterday cautioned against assuming prematurely that the new US Administration would ease
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 848 26  -  The Bottom Line SALIL TRIPATHI SALIL TRIPATHI The writer is a BT journalist now on assignment in New Delhi. PITY the Indian protocol officers and security staff. Between now and the end of February, New Delhi is at its most cheerful, with resplendent
    848 words
  • 314 26 Reuter UNITED NATIONS US Sccrctary of State Warren Christopher was to meet UN secretary-general Boutros Bou-tros-Ghali and mediators late yesterday for talks that could help determine the future of Bosnia peace negotiations. Mr Christopher, in his first foray outside Washington since coming
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 205 26 fSingapore's most popular Nitsuko£\ Key Telephone System 17-18 February 1993 The Oriental, Singapore MINISTERIAL KEYNOTE ADDRESSES BY AHE Soeripto, Governor of Riau ADr Cosmas Batubara, Minister of Manpower, Indonesia CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS A e of Ba,am s indus,riai Es,ate executive Village and Industrial Estate Development Sectors for Development 5™ Mawardi Hami
      205 words
    • 15 26 SINGAPORE CONm Distributor of the most sought after Key Telephone System V Tel: 278 7088
      15 words

  • Shipping Times
    • 329 27  -  By Rahita Elias SINGAPORE National carrier Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) has spent a further US$3.4 million (555.6 million) boosting its container and chassis fleet. In a statement yesterday, NOL said it had acquired 500 45-foot High Cube containers, 100 40-foot extendable chassis and
      329 words
    • 201 27 SINGAPORE Marine equipment specialist Kvacrncr Eureka has broken into the competitive shipbuilding industries of the United States and Spain with its shipboard fire-fighting systems. The systems, which meet Class Fi-Fi I standards, will be installed in two tugs ordered by Foss Maritime Co of
      201 words
    • 877 27 Page Col ABC'Containcrline 12 1 Accord Group 8 1-3 •APL 5 3_ 5 Alpha Feeders 6 1 •ANL 3 |/2 •ASCL 5 5 Avant Shpg 6 4/5 Avia Airways 14 4 •Bait Orient Line 7 4/5 Bangladesh Shpg 18 5 •Bank Line, The
      877 words
    • 440 27 BANGKOK Newly appointed Bangkok Port director Payoongkich Chivamit is planning a major facelift for the notorious Bangkok Port to improve efficiency and solve service problems. According to The Nation last week, the new director said that his most urgent task is to change the
      440 words
    • 390 27  -  By Juliette Walker SINGAPORE The Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) has marked several milestones in its bid to become the premier port training centre for the Asia-Pacific region. Deputy executive director Goon Kok Loon said yesterday the PSA and its training arm,
      390 words
    • 714 28 Quality assurance is the in thing now in the shipping industry but some companies are rushing into it for the wrong reasons COMPANIES across the marine industry are finding out that quality assurance (QA) is expensive, harder to implement than it looks and
      714 words
    • 1383 28 COURSES 1993 From Feb 18 (8 evenings): Import/Export and Shipping Procedures organised by ELIM Management Services (SDF 50%). For course details and application forms, please call *****70. February 5 (10 eveinings): Cargo handling and shipping course organised by Computer Lord Industrial Training School Centre (SDF 50%). For application
      1,383 words
    • 348 28 IT TOOK a lot to get the big five ship-managers to sit down and talk to each other. It took a lot more to get them to agree on a shared code of quality. Competition between them is still fierce, so as the first
      348 words
    • 12623 36 I his is a list of ships loading Singapore for ports around tl world. It tabulates, by destinatio the name ol the ship, the shippir line involved and the estimate dates ot arrival and departure froi the Port ol Singapore. HN: ship calls at Penang a ter
      12,623 words
    • 3463 41 A X Containrlin NV: Bels.n Shpg Agcncics Pic Lid (SVMannc Handling Sdn Bhd (PK/PN). Accord (.roup: Accord Shpg Pic Lid (SVAccord Conlr Line (PK/PN). Adkris Business Corporation Philippine Calsourcc Shpg Trdg Pic Hd (S) Ahrenkiel Liner Service: Kim Shpg Trdg Album Sea-Air Service: Frala Shpg Pic Ud (S).
      3,463 words
    • 260 41 Abacus C'ourMrs Tel: 545-8011. Fax: 545-1898. Air Express Intel Tel: 533-5771. Fax: 535-6144. Airborne Freight Corporation Tel: 542-8844. Fax: 542-3716 *****80. Airswift Worldwide Courier Tel: 278-0188. Fax: 273-8283. AJS Supplies Tel: 748-6322 (2 lines), 747-7421 Fax: 742-8975. City-Link International Tel: 344-3377. Fax: 345-6450. Ouster Link Supplies A Services
      260 words
    • 1483 41 Abe* Express Freight Tel: 542-7171. Fax: *****84. Actiaic Forwarder S> Td: 225-1833. Fax: *****42. Activair Singapore Td: 542-781:' Fax: *****20. Aeroiiak Freight international Td: 545-8033. Fax: *****05. Aerospeed Td: 542-5911. Fax: *****18. V Air Cargo Novo Express Td: 542-5454. Fax: *****06 Air Express International Td: 542-7666. Fax: *****74.
      1,483 words
    • 2264 42 ALBANIA Durres: I hree vessels in port of which 1 discharging hulk wheat; 1 flour, I vegetables oil in drums. AUSTRALIA Port kembla: Coal: 1 vessel loading. 2 waiting; 21 vessels due by Mar 5; approximately 1 day delay expected. Rooragang: 1 vessel loading, 1 waiting; 6 vessels
      2,264 words
    • 667 42 SHIP SALES TANKER RATES The information was contributed by Simpson Spence Young. There is still a continual flow of activity on the tanker market as buyers take advantage of the recent declines in price levels VESSELS ON OFFER Bulk Carriers Ocean Flare: 131,260 dwt and built in 1974 Nippon Kokan.
      The information was contributed by Simpson Spence & Young.  -  667 words
    • 442 42 ARRIVALS Op Flight l>T>e ETA 1 From TODAY NCA KZ203 B747F 0145 1 NRT KAL KE697 B747F 0150 1 SEL ML JL6I7 B747F 0345 1 TYO SI A SQ835 B747F 1125 2 BSL/DXB RJA RJ024 B707F 1900 1 AMM/DXB CLX CV796 B747F 2115 1 LUX/AUH/KUL TOMORROW AZA
      442 words
    • 536 42 CRUISE FERRY SCHEDULES CRUISE SHIPS Ait Dep Name of Vessel ETA LTD Ports of Calls Port Agent Telephone No FEBRUARY 03 03 Delfin Star 1200 1800 Sin-Port KJang Ocean Trade Chartering 299-0366 04 05 Sea Princess 1400 0200 World Cruise Straits Shpg 221-1748 04 05 Regent Spirit 1000 1800 Cruise
      536 words
      • 370 43 to* Voyto B-. fcrtm Dtparttft r iSJ 0212/2300 SE s s S «SS ASI49/B j! atoS 0212/0800 S? 6 38 0202/ 0600 04 02/0600 GandaPefkasa J8/9 alongside 0212/1200 8214 P01C 01 02 /0900 0102/2300 HuaHongSatu 01/93 Jll alongside 0212/0300 02 TO1A 01.02/1100 01 02/1900 Roda Perkasa 1/93
        370 words
      • 1467 43 DELIVERY OF FCL IMPORT CONTAINERS IN PROGRESS S* Ship ¥oy K» Cwhto wifaMt Sin Bhum 542N 31 m m nam Si! ?5J Si? COO(EST) 01.02.93 1500 Wo Exp I 909 3 01 93 0910 COO < EST 0102.93 1500 Anson *****N 310 93 0950 i a COO(EST) 01.02.93
        1,467 words
      • 541 46 earners losses have taken toll on world's 3 largest plane makers AFP WASHINGTON Plagued with overcapacity and facing only a modest economic recovery, US airlines were deep in the red in 1992 for the third year in a row. So concerned
        AFP  -  541 words
      • Article, Illustration
        18 46 Reuter carnages of the train are seen on the othefside of the bridge -Reuter remaining
        Reuter  -  18 words
      • 411 46 Reuter BANGKOK Most of Bangkok s million motorcyclists avoided a head-on clash with police yesterday by donning helmets for the first time in line with a new law. After a rough head count of the city's bikers, about 80 per
        Reuter  -  411 words
      • 377 46 UPI SYDNEY Qantas airport ground staff ended their crippling 48-hour strike yesterday amid fears that their action could have jeopardised Sydney's bid for the year 2.000 Olympic Games, officials said. Officials estimated that as many as 50.000 travellers, both in Sydney and
        UPI  -  377 words
      • 256 46 Reuter FRANKFURT German airline Deutsche Lufthansa AG could face serious financial difficulties if its planned cost-cut-ting programme does not succeed, according to the new German magazine Focus. It said last Sunday that confidential company documents showed the airline's equity ratio could fall to 10
        Reuter  -  256 words
      • 1224 46 nm a* n»_ AkuDkaW GA893 1500 GA982 0210 GA974 2225 GA886 2305 QF81 1935 Qf82 2050 RJ182 2200 i GA893 1500 GA974 2225 Aastortfam KL837 1545 SQ338 2300 j SQ323 1815 KL838 2350 SQ348 2300 NZ35 1425 SQ288 2045 SQ286 2045 NZ36 2235 »S«rt BegawM BI421
        1,224 words
      • LOG BOOK
        • 126 46 Bloomberg Business News k i Port Klang. Malaysia's biggest and busiest port, handled a rccord 28.4 million tonnes of cargo last vcar hc jVoi Straits Times reported yesterday. The Klang Port' Authority, which regulates the port, was quoted as saying the 28 4 tnnnrvT
          Bloomberg Business News  -  126 words
        • 52 46 Reuter LOS ANGELES Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley (right) joining riders on the Metro Red Line subway during an opening day celebration on Saturday. LA residents were given a chance to nde the 9.7 km route between the downtown and Westlake areas for
          Reuter  -  52 words
        • 83 46 Knight-Ridder J h PE i All Taiw an's five harbours yesterday raised loading and unloading charges by 20 per cent for bulk cargoes, a Keelung Harbour Bureau official said. The five harbours are in Keelung, Kaohsiung. Taichung, Hualien and Suao. The rise in charges
          Knight-Ridder  -  83 words
      • 231 46 Bloomberg CANBERRA Australian domestic carrier Ansett Airlines has been granted permission by Australia's International Air Services Commission to begin flights to Indonesia. The flights to Jakarta and Bali, expected to begin in about eight months, will be the carrier's first overseas routes under
        Bloomberg  -  231 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 16 27 LAW PAGE Every Thursday in Business Times Getting the yellow card for poor quality, Page 2
      16 words
    • 17 27 US airlines in the red, Back Pace Lkws and sarvfeM rwraiimK h» SSss® 31 5 S aSSSSHSSSr
      17 words
    • 319 27 International Freight Forwarder EUROPE LCL FCL Services -*****00 M+R FORWARDING PTE LTD I Someone dose has beenivlng Your son inCaiada is studying for some years. overseas. YauVegvenup ■PjflH And you BRI mesffiLs ■KH close to home Weekly tefis it bettet -with news (He might K»l T i3 from home. comeback
      319 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 68 28 The Baltic Exchange report was not available. a market for choice jobs I j-«x 'J Any Job. Any Career. fi\ Available Any Day. Any Time. Anywhere* }T~ r Stra,t Timm The Sunday Times Business Times jf-.'JI I mr j r Nrw p *w ».iamme ZAOHAO LIANIIE WANBAO <Lj r; i
      68 words
    • 9 28 Port conditions, Page 16 Ships In Port, Page 17
      9 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 536 28 TOOAVS TIDES (height in metres) HOW 0000 0100 0200 0300 040° MOO MOO 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 16M 17M 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 13 1-5 1.7 2.0 22 2.4 2.5 2.4 22 2.0 1.7 1.4 U U U U U 1.4 1.5 1J
      536 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 2736 29 9® CL (3) »»TE LTD JAROINE SHIPPING AGENCIES *****11 *****09 59P K ,l~ GS TEL: *****34 > *****58/ *****40 wlMwwf CFS (PSA F5) TEL: *****21/ *****79 t" JAROINE SHIPPING AGENCIES SDN. BHD. PETALING JAVA TEL: 03-*****76 FAX: 03-*****42 L iSSSI J Dedicated to Quality Service S 10,8 L S M
      2,736 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 843 30 V 4= 1- itVJIIUVT'I THAMES ¥2*"°. S PORE JEDOAH (via JED) S'TON H'BURQ HAVRE KURAMA 20/304 l'l 20/2 23/2 21/2 2S/2 LA SEINE .nX 21/2 24/2 21,2 1/3 MTnSlfte HOECHST EXPRESS 07 MS i/o *T,» 27/2 2/3 20/2 OJOMBt TOKIO EXPRESS 12/5 1/3 3/3 6/3 8/3 10/3 Sra i;i f
      843 words
    • 507 30 Fa Breakbulk Service to: ***** Af hani tan Ltd., I foreign Forwarder in Kabul for aN services C.1.5.-Vostochny, Vladivostok, Moscow, Tashkent, I M„ Riga, Baku North Korea t Vietnam t Mongolia e Hungary CSfR t Poland ocwrans II A<^ <qES EAST) LTD I I NOUAKCHOTT-BANJUL-BISSAU-LUANDA-BATA I F—df Vhmm 06BW I
      507 words
    • 726 30 I PJatlAilk *9MM II s;g ss HI E k r?;g i 111 I iKssrsw" I hSSSrRS.* 2^3 we 09/03 12/03 13 03 3 14/03 Vtftl II \lm 24/03 WKI I I 02/02 06/02 09/02 15/02 13/,?l 3/,? I rS^iJ'^.li 02 /02 27/02 M/ 02 27/0? M/ 0? HY MNOVATOR 30IF
      726 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1660 31 STRAITS SHIPPING PTE LTD 10 Hoe Chiang Road #11-01 Keppel Towers Singapore 0208 Tel: *****88 Fax: *****17 accepts Shipping Pit Ltd STRAITS WNTUK my y, C SAHS J J CONTAINER SERVICE TO CAANKMMA US?" llb 02 Feb 02 Fab 03 F«b RAJAH BSOOKF Iw 1' Sk n T 04 05
      1,660 words
    • 1382 31 |)0 rv rn SINGAPORE AGENT: W*y\ 1 Containers CB NumlS"o«lw Sffl 64 P loCS F "17 aj 1 L—i ii I 111 IMPORT Sir i|§ifl I s il ir- »"kHiZ™ Is as I 9304 04/02 07,02 H/02 26/12 0 /03 £5 02 "25 PENWSULAR BAY 0407 14,0 15,' ,7/0 24/01
      1,382 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 639 32 Uni p 8 WW I STBt|~mnnw I tf"* I Wl/WT *L SYD HLB laws IfK AOt w*™ 1/2 2/2 ujrisjrirr- no lATA»A>TA/***** 7/2 9/2 2V2~ li/i" 577" WO AIBTBAUA/***** I 21/? I*n li./i 1777" SOUTH-WEST PORTS WW HU- stok nu uci fru WO fggjHU/jgM t/2 4/2 14/2 19/2 25/2 "P™
      639 words
    • 1315 32 (g) HANJIN SHIPPING 11 **•*•«»«> SEA VCR FOR VSI tu w Clu Ml. KNANGYAN6 OME 8/2 H. CHUNGMU 096E 4/3 5/3 1. Ll "W* SAV LM NYC Imm KUNSAN 084E 15/2 H. KEELUNG 04IE 11/3 12/3 2JJX.I2L ,\'l mKCh 9911 I^3 l%li 21/3 I FISHGUARD BAY 303N 22/2 H. MASAN
      1,315 words
    • 661 32 j iicwuiy reorusry in J$1$;11 1 fS0U 2 V* 24/2 J/J 3/J $/3 1/3 J/3 11/3 12/3 13/3 15/3 24/3 7/4 J/J ../J 15' 4 7/4 27/4 7/5 11/5 I i M-SO ACCEPTMG CARGO TO: 21/4 22/4 21/4 W 14/5 14/5 IJ/S 'I I" SEEEi fT" SM > ~B,0" 3)
      661 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 605 33 CRYSTAL ME'TrTsGpTvO^QaB II II G ATEOBE* eta SGP 06/02/93 I I N. CRYSTAL 11K I 10/02 |c SATURN ME 28/02 04/02 04/02 N CRYSTAL HF 2JA)2 26/02 »A» 25/02 36/02 27/02 27/02 IS N. DIAMOND 11K I 17/02 IN. JADE 13E 07/03 11/03 11/03 N DIAMOND HE 17/ TO 05/03
      605 words
    • 308 33 I HEUNG-A SHIPPINGKorean Flag Vessels mmmmssm STRAITS/KOREA SERVICE m m MK BSD MC MM ,1/M «/«2 11/12 13/12 14/12 "™L H/t2 U/U 23/02 25/12 WK »/«2 10/02 2t/02 JPifL*? 1 W/K 21/12 25/02 20/02 27/12 •W. i 00MM M2N lt/K 22/12 03/03 01/03 10/03 OPTMKLMB M 307 21/02 21/12 21/02
      308 words
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1262 34 K" VP H■ ff AS AGENTS: KAWASAKI SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD (CRNo: **********0 M) W W IWT WT* TEL *****77 TELEX: KAWAKI R*****5 FAX; *****07/^9 1 I H MALAYSIA: "K" LINE MARITIME (MALAYSIA) SON BHD M A JLd# it TEL SA *****00 PK *****75 PEN *****0 JB *****1 PGU *****5*6 KAWASAKI
      1,262 words
    • 1149 34 j Shipping Times, Tuesday February 11M PHIU-OmCNT LINGS PTC LTD 108 Robinson Road #07-00 GMG Building Singapore 0106 I Te,; *****22/*****69/*****00 Telex: RS ***** Fax: *****76/*****38 I BY AIR, LAND OR SEA.... j WE TAKE ON THE WORLD FOR YOU jSrn I MEMBER OF SINGAPORE FREIGHT FORWARDERS ASSOCIATION I f
      1,149 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 728 35 I PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LINES (PTE) LTD I *40 Cecil Street, #03-00 PIL Building, Singapore 0106. I CR NO: **********0E I KOTA E WUAYA IjL. S,N HKQ SIN CMe JIB HOD JED AOJ I s™23iSI A z I*"° S I KOTAWMAWAN WRNO2I 21/2 25/2 ",3 J' 3 I ALSO ArrcDTMA h£k
      728 words
      906 words
    • 287 35 I BSA° transportation mm MYANMA H FIVE STAR LINE (Myanmar National Line) Loading for Yangon (Rangoon) im PK»* Ptn P.Gdg HPA AN VISSN In Pt gj MYOMA TWA VI46W 03/05 Foil PAGAN VI92W 04/05 F* I *120* 12/14 Feb 08/10 FM> MALAYSIA AGENTS BOUSTIAO SHPPWG AGEHCES SSSK. NATIONAL SHIPPING LINE
      287 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 1125 38 Canventfo/ia/ Semi-Container Full Container Ykk F "f Stowing I CMtta- C*« CM. Stim S* ON r.r.CtWMnlM«lMi. f nterprise Co Ltd c-tn s*im e iw <*« <*,; 2 msm roH? !*T*' T** B# r C tre 58 Pers aran aya Mw,a Musa <-« 3 34 3 rd n*r- J>« H Juanoa
      1,125 words
      207 words
    • 416 38 I I OCEAMA EXPRESS SO FEB 26 y,. I I OCtWBA EXPRESS SI JJJ 31 14 15 I «W t APR 11 APR 12 I I T n srOK (T/»)WTio *cssa SA»!^ws^isss^Sus^™scwr^H^^l SSmifSSS U Sv Ummm Ml Ml] wmjoxrm APR 7 Wl2 17 WT ETA SPORE SATAN <T/S> »TloTE^^^WsS^!ol^T!^sTTTrilriS!r!^ OCEANM
      416 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
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    • 613 39 I JAKARTA BANGKOK I i3tl *21 >5 «T DOT —iaurl —n--« I *11 »/2 PIYA BHUM 269* mPt 2/2 fh 5/2 BMUM *11 10/2 G. KOfIMSEV 12* Wed 3/ 2 j,, 6/2 I 11/2 MAHA BHUM 143* Wed 3/2 Sim 7/2 I rS jggLg«j_ w I LZS NANTA BHUM 127N
      613 words
    • 345 39 P TKER-UHE BAY OF BENGAL SERVICES "Ott 241K MPT Trail iTivi I IS LfL 531 ,J O4/2 10-11/2 IS-17/2 I S 2E. 2431 n l,Z I*"lV2 22-23/2 I ng» mow saw im/u in«/ 2 23-24/2 I wt aw an aw HO 04-04/2 09-13/2 19-20/2 l T 07-01/2 14-11/2 24-25/2 «aS«B2I
      345 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1085 40 P*fIMAC-NELS GROUPAGE I I HKG/TWN/BKK COTH/U-K/MED PORTS I BLUE STAR LINE 3/2 4/2 S/? u~.. V PEN PK SIN II 7/2 8/2 9/2 HoU! K Ldn/Flx/Rdm/Ant/LHV 4/2 5/2 6/2 J— 10/2 11/2 12/2 iinn. I#,, buri/Chafen/Slwlm/Oslo 7/2 8/2 9/2 SINGAPORE TO AND FROM 12/2 K0 P'aeui/Geno./Barcekma 6/? 7/2 8/2 NEW
      1,085 words
    • 844 40 Shipping Times, Tuesday February Z lWi I THONG SOON LINES PTE. LTD.I I 77 ROB «SON ROAD #15-00, #16-00 SU BULOM6 SINGAPORE 0106 I I WEB? t.v .»!!ti 27SOMFMMO:227W *****22 I rs ***** CARRER, RS ***** JEHHOL CABLE: TOSOCO I I StNGAPOUE TO SARAWAK SINGAPORE TO WEST MALAYSIA I s£
      844 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 107 43 FOR SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR BUSINESS Stories on labour and its relationship with management, management concepts in practice, profiles of leading managers in Singapore and 1 relevant book reviews. /o I o ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT, in I Business Times every Monday, is must rf/'i J> reading for managers who want the
      107 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
      759 words
    • 500 44 CROSS WATER KM) OFFICE: 291 SERANGOOR ROM) #06 00 SERANGOON BUUME $(0121) RAREHOUSE (CFS): BtK 37 #04-25/26 Tt PAGAR FREIGHT STATION IE: *****05 rHONGKONG/CHIN/l^^^jB^n \PT KELANG/PENAWG I 7/2| L to ky yokoh 18/2 I 572 i I IBUSAN 8 ft I I USA I 6/2 I ■SXlSSs&S^^^BEj/Sj IsYD/MELB 5 /2j
      500 words
    • 614 44 Shipping Times, Tuesday February 21W I ntwer P 6/2 Fremantle 317 i Banakok i/5~~ I Bremen 6/2 Sydney 8/2 Rncfn 5/o I Hamburg 6/2 Melbourne 8/2 °™n 1/2 I LeHarve 6/2 iJJILJIBIjf Hong Kong 1/2 I Felixstowe 1/2 Kaohsiung 6/2 I Rotterdam 6/2 rz Keelung 2/2 I Bombay 2/2 Jakarta
      614 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
      545 words
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    • 850 45 Ip"r r I I" Ial"I-h h |g I- I--FI SERW& U CALLS I i!!l n/c SINGAPORE I juawiMMM ihi/b SS wi Mir m nißPrr EUCDV I Mtmwui WU ummwcvm rum »M»/« .il!r-hLE ¥61,T uim MUI torn nm nutATc ca—lg nmi u/«i|n/u\w/m|| 7/t] /u l> M 1 1|/t] |ggl WEDNESDAY
      850 words