The Business Times, 11 December 1981

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Business Times
  • 10 1 BUSINESS TIMES M.C.(P) No. 107/1/81 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11,1161 60 CENT£
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  • 427 1  -  By AGNES WEE CONTRACTORS are meeting Housing and Development Board officials today to iron out what could potentiaUy be a sore point between' National Servicemen and their workers. The talks come just two weeks before a pioneer batch of 94 brigade
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  • 150 1 WAH CHANG International will sign a cooperation agreement with China today for building rigs here. The Vice-Minister of the Sixth Ministry of Machine Building, Mr Liu Fang, who is currently visiting the Republic and the chairman of Wah Chang, Mr RH Ho will he the signatories.
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  • 315 1 THE Development Bank of Singapore has agreed to buy Rollei's industrial complex at Chai Chee, the last remaining major asset of the German camera manufacturer. The two buildings on the 38,396 square metre site is estimated to be worth between $40 million and ISO million
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  • 228 1 THE cream of the Republic's economists will meet Trade and Industry Minister Dr Tony Tan today in another of his pre-Budget discussions with the private sector. Representatives from the Economic Research Centre, the Economics Society of Singapore, and the Economics Department of
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  • 459 1  -  By ALVIN TAY FINANCE companies suffered a second consecutive monthly decline in their outstanding housing loans in October. Total bousing loans provided by the finance companies amounted to $766.8 million at end-Octo-ber, a drop of $3 million over the month-ago figure. Such loans reached a
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  • 307 1 TO SIMPLIFY the tax structure (or goods vehicles, the Government has decided that their road taxes should be baaed on maximum laden weight instead of unladen weight. Effective immediately, the new tax rates will affect all goods vehicles, inchiding vans, lorries, articulated
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  • BRIEFLY...
    • 73 1 LONDON, Thurs. The executive of Britain's National Union of Mineworkers set Dec 18 as the date for convening a special delegates conference to seek support for possible strike action over pay. At the same time, the executive rejected a slightly improved offer by the National Coal Board which
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    • 45 1 UPI BEIJING, Thurs. China said today it will continue supporting Third World candidates for the UN Secretary General's job no matter what "complicated and torturous" situations emerge. China's repeated vetoes have forced incumbent Kurt Waldheim to withdraw his bid for a third term.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 55 1 UPI TOKYO, Thurs. The governmentrun Japan National Oil Corp said today it will build its fifth oil storage facility west of Japan's southernmost main island of Kyushu. The proposed storage facility, with a 38 million barrel capacity, will have seven floating tanks inside breakwaters linking two uninhabited
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 73 1 Reuter JAKARTA, Thurs. Indonesian Trade Minister Radius Prawiro today announced sweeping changes to government import-export regulations under which foreign companies awarded government contracts must guarantee overseas buyers for Indonesian products. The new decrees come into effect from Jan 1. He said the moves were intended to overcome the
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 54 1 AFP LABIS, Thurs. The Malaysian government will not entertain any application from ex-Malaysians who have taken up citizenship in other countries to become Malaysian citizens again, Datuk Musa Hitam said today. The Deputy Prime Minister said the government would adopt this attitude to instil in the people the
      AFP  -  54 words
    • 55 1 AFP TOKYO, Thurs. France's nuclear forces should remain outside the scope of the Soviet-American talks on strategic arms reductions in Europe currently underway in Geneva. French Minnister of Research and Technology, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, said that France's possession of an independent nuclear force is a factor in the
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 51 1 BEIJING, Thurs. China and India opened their first border and normalisation talks in almost 20 years today in an effort to improve the strained relations between them. Vice-Foreign Minister Han Nianlong and Indian External Affairs Secretary Eric Gonsalves met in the morning and afternoon to discuss the border
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    • 34 1 TOKYO, Thurs. Japan and China will agree at next week's ministerial conference here on a Japanese loan of 300 billion yen (US$l.37 billion) to help finance steel mill and petrochemical projects.
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  • 283 1 THE TWO-DAY air talks between the Hlnpini aid Germaa gaverameata aM tore yaatarday aaiy with the Germaa appraval la tato ef 81A'» wtater aetodale right ■f la March aezt year. This averts a piallii eaart acttoa hy 81A iphit the Oeraiaa <WI avlattaa aattorIttea. A
    283 words
  • 509 1  -  By RICHARD SEAH CANE furniture makers in Singapore are feeling the pain of an export tax on raw cane recently imposed by the Malaysian government. The tax, which took effect on Oct 23, is levied at M 51,350 per tonne, regardless of
    509 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 111 A PROMINENT property developer, Mr Ho Kok Cheong of People's Parte Development, has been barred from all dealings in the securities market Page 12 BOTH banks and finance companies chalked up huge increases in total deposits amounting to more than $500 million during the month of October Page 2
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    • 51 1 BALLY < >f Switzerland The Best of Bally Over 125 years of Swiss Craftsmanship, flair for fashion colour and design, haw given Bally all that Worldwide reputation. Shoes designed for people for whom only the best is good enough. GLENROY Sole Agent for S.EAsia, Hong Kong Taiwan S.G.Parrett Son (Pte)
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    • 141 1 MINOLTA EPS2O Wishful thinking? No! Wayfoong thinking For most of us, the buying of a new car is one of the largest purchases we'll make in our lifetimes. Almost everybody needs help in a loan to make their new car dream a reality. And Wayfoong can make it happen. What
      141 words

    • 401 2  -  By ALVIN TAY THE ATTRACTION of high deposit rates was too much to resist as both banks and finance companies chalked up huge increases in total deposits amounting to more than $500 million during the month of October. Latest figures released by the Department of
      401 words
    • 124 2 Reuter BANK if Japan ■—«need a LU percentage print eat la Ike «ffidal «beemat rate te LSi per eeat, effective today. The 9.75 percentage print eat in the «ffidal tout rate ftiJikriy te he fallowed IwilH rate by the saam margla te Ml per
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 448 2 Reuter BRAZIL has raised US$l5.9 trillion on international markets this year, broadly completing 1981's external borrowing needs, and has already secured funds for 1962. Planning Minister Antonio Delfim Netto said West German banks agreed to extend the equivalent of $300 million to Brazil's state
      Reuter  -  448 words
    • 416 2 Reuter SOUTH AFRICA, whose economic problems have grown over the last year as the price of gold has dropped, is increasing the use of its gold reserves as security (or badly needed foreign exchange, the Reserve Bank said on Wednesday. Dealers said South
      Reuter  -  416 words
    • 174 2 Reuter BRITAIN'S Cooperative Bank Ltd will introduce an interest-bearing current account next month. Joint general manager for customer services Terry Thomas said the "cheque and save" accounts will carry variable interest linked to money market rates, which would amount to 10 per cent at current levels. However,
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 224 2 Reuter A SCHEME has been Implemented to enable the Hongkong government to Influence the level of money market rates through the Exchange Fund. This will need an increase in the limit to the amount the fund may borow from any source. Financial Secretary
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 95 2 THE ASIAN Development Bank has approved a US$3O million loan to Malaysia for financing a farmers' organisation support services project. The project includes two major schemes launched by the government the farmers' development centres and the farm mechanisation programmes. Work on the $56 ■fflion project
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    • 22 2 THE average rale at which major Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customer* is 12.67 per cent.
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    • 165 2 ASIAN RATES ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Dec 10: US DafentSfrt) Offwr M 7 days 12* 12 3/1* 1 month 12* 12* 2 month* 13 1/16 12 15/16 3 montha 13* 13 months 13* 1311/16 months 13* 13* 12 months 14 13* (win. _p—1 month 3
      165 words
    • 42 2 RANGE of prices aflwtd by discount kHM am Dae 10: Ovcraiftt: 2% to 4V«* CftU departs: M to CM« hrkfMN 3-month Treasury bUU 3* J* 5-month Bank bills 7% 7H ImooUuCD 7« 7M months CD IH 1« Source: National Discount Co
      42 words
    • 158 2 THE US dollar In Hongkong yesterday traded mixed against moat major currencies in revived late foreign exchanges Local demand for the US unit lifted it to 2.2470/80 marks and 1.8400/40 Swiss francs, compared with its early 2.2436/45 and 1.8S40/70 respectively in Hongkong, and 2.2450/70 and 1.8350 80 closing in
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    • 445 2 MAJOR currencies traded oo the local foreign exchange market yesterday showed little changes, except for trading on the Japanese yen. The US dollar strengthened slightly from 2.060/70 to 2.0480/90 against the Singapore unit. khrtMlliMlMhiiilpß! OMaooth-UM/im Two month» LSK/2JBU tiro» itfti lam/usc SU month» —10*73/2.81« Against the Japanese yen,
      445 words
    • 245 2 SINGAPORE gold futures yesterday closed generally weaker on some local setting in thin trading, dealers Total sales for the day was recorded at 47 lots while kerb volume at 11 lots. Prompt closed easier at U*****.50/410J50 an ounce against *****/412.00 on Wednesday, February at 411.00/416.50 against 418.70/ 419.10 and
      245 words
    • 32 2 Hem York 15TB ft MA6 I.T5B O ox Zurtcfc V>Mb •5TB UB 1«1S IMS An Wti !hyp»» 15BB I1QB •.705 UBS CMngprk wfcUSd hilars troy ouao Source: Credit Suisse, S'pore.
      32 words
    • 247 2 THE US dollar (or overnight delivery in Tokyo yesterday cloud easier at 218.30 yen against its 213.00 opening. This was also caster than the 219.20/30 finish in New York and 219.15/30 on the US West Coast overnight, but unchanged from the done in Tokyo on Wednesday Trading was moderate
      247 words
    • 204 2 THE dollar in London yesterday remained firm fat fairly busy sarty tradh«, while sterliag displayed overall weakness. The dollar csntlnues to be underptaned by Arm Eurodollar rates which rose again yesterday morning sad are now higher than before last week's one point cut in US discount rate. It opened
      204 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 SUNDRAPE VERTICAL BUNDS DIETHELM Introduces a beautiful way to keep out the sun. Let in the sunlight or slant the Louvres to keep out solar glare and heat. Open up and enjoy a panoramic view. Completely closed, the room is at once quiet, relaxing and pleasantly comfortable. SUNDRAPE VERTICAL BLINDS
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    • 2 2 Leader...Page f
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    • 177 2 Appointment i Hm ft;.- n.„w-s t PICA, an international development finance institution with over 200 corporate shareholders and investments exceeding US$l5O million, In 10 Asian countries, invites applications for the position of: CREDIT ADMINISTRATION OFFICER The person should Have a recognised degree in accounting, business administration, economics or other recognised
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    • 359 3 THE NATIONAL Productivity Board has called on more companies to consider seriously the introduction of a greater degree of mechanisation and automation, including robotics, into their production processes. This is because there is a shortage of skilled workers, and the use of robots
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    • 161 3 THE National Universtiy of Singapore (NUS) has stated that a candidate who proposes to read Computer Science is required to have at least a pass at "O" level in one of these subjects Mathematics, Physics, Physical Science or Computer Science. In addition, the
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    • 420 3 ALTHOUGH the private and the public sectors of the tourist trade in Singapore do not see eye to eye on many issues, they do agree on the major challenges facing them this decade. Mr Joseph Kong, deputy director at the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, outlined
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    • 311 3 THE seminar-cruise organised by the Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU) has been a success. Participants of the semiMr held on board the CeoOc/r, representing shipownM, the SMOU, the Singapore Polytechnic and Government boards, spent two days at sea discussing topics aimed at "cruising towards a
      311 words
    • 525 3  -  By TSANG SAU YIN THE Singapore franchise for Renault cars has been taken over by Exklusive Auto, an associate company of the Ngo Hock group of companies which deal primarily with motor cars and spare parts. The franchise was held for about six
      525 words
    • 126 3 ABOUT 400 senior civil servants are expected to take part in a seminar on work improvement teams as part of the drive to introduce this concept into Government bodies. The programme, which will be held on Monday at the Civil Service Institute, will focus on
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    • 119 3 THE GROWTH of the German School in Singapore reflects the growing commercial and industrial commitment of German investments here. The German Embassy in Singapore added that this trend has continued unabated throughout last year. The school, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on Wednesday, has grown from
      119 words
    • 132 3 SINGAPORE will become the South-east Asian cargo centre and space control station for Swissair next January, when the airline's cargo operations here become fully computerised. Swissair's cargo volume out of Singapore has increased substantially in recent years. The main cargo commodities are electronics and perishable items
      132 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 INVESTMENT Due to corporate merger, a profitable land development company is available for acquisition b 111' IV J feTi mrftfiiii residential lots in the principal city of New Zealand. The dominion of New Zealand is adjacent to Australia ond is a stable country for investment both politically and economically. Profits
      139 words
    • 269 3 MOI CONSULTANTS CRM/McGRAW HILL s "Human Relations, Motivation and Management Skills Training" New Arrival Film Series C PROGRAMMES: I) 'Tm Talk*" COMMUNICATION Date Friday, Bth January 1982 Time 8 30 atn to 12 30 pm Fees SJISS 00 per participant (Inclusive of lunch and tea) Preference will be given to
      269 words

    • 635 4 Reuter, NYT MOBIL Corp, the apparent loser in a battle with US Steel to buy Marathon Oil Co, has asked the American government for permission to buy one quarter of the steelmaker's shares. The surprise request indicated that Mobil, America's second-largest oil company
      Reuter,; NYT  -  635 words
    • 184 4 Reuter WEST Gennaay may stop toapsrt torth itwi tria utw they net U eat iiksUles to steel Weil Oenau laiutry Minister Otte 1 saihsisrlf toM his EEC eeaatorparto it a mtntisg la Lsadsa yesterday that nWtif pseed the greatest shstoeto to
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 341 4 Reuter THE EEC Commission is stepping up its efforts to create a community-wide stock market to rival the US system and encourage more funds to flow into European securities. The focus of its efforts has shifted from harmonisation of rules and procedures among existing
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 229 4 UPI THE JAPANESE government it tightening work safety measures after Japan's first fatal accident Involving an industrial robot, a Labour Ministry official said yesterday. The robot a computerised machine tool that can be programmed to perform multiple Jobs attached and killed its controller,
      UPI  -  229 words
    • 373 4 Agencies THE BRITISH government said it would not allow controversial tycoon Roland "Tiny" Rowland to take over the country's biggest department store chain that includes the famous Harrods of London. The Department of Trade ruled against Mr Rowland's mmpawy Lonrho after the Monopolies and Mergers
      Agencies  -  373 words
    • 168 4 Reuter CONGRESS has approved a controversial plan to finance the US$43 billion Alaska natural gas pipeline by making consumers pay in advance for the gas it will carry. The pipeline will be the most expensive private construction project ever when it is completed in the late I<Wob.
      Reuter  -  168 words
      • 371 4 Agencies PRIME Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has called on the Malaysian people to adopt a "work ethic" similar to the one practised in Japan. Dr Mahathir said he would like to see the adoption of such an approach which would help Malaysia progress at par with developed countries
        Agencies  -  371 words
    • 106 5 Reuter ASEAN Foreign Unpins yesterday arged the 3gL Ja Pattaya, developments on the gsmparhfaa priMcm, said that knrlM d State Priaee «hsasek and far* Bnaa had sappwltl the k*Lmlk eaMhr'te finnotlsa n looselyraMaaM groups led by the Prince and Mr Sea
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 563 5 AP THE US economy will recover in line with falling interest rates next year if President Reagan sticks to his current economic policy, three economists said. "Reaganomlcs hasn't failed—it has yet to be tested." said Walker Fackler, professor of business economics at the
      AP  -  563 words
    • 524 5 AP NYT WHILE American are discusßing a possible oil boycott or other sanctions against Libya, it is believed that a boycott would have little effect on Libya's oil trade. The amount of Libyan oil now Imported by the United States estimated at under 1)0,000 barrels a day
      AP; NYT  -  524 words
    • 707 5 ARRIVALS ferriee Local Operator Noaber Use Froa MAS MH671 0845 KUL RBA BI427 0930 BWN MAS MH680 OMD BH/MYY/KCH MAS MHG51 1000 PEN/KUL SIA SQ201 1000 HLP CPA CX710 1000 HLP SWR SR176 1030 ZRH/GV A/BOM GIA GA960 1030 HLP GIA GA930 IMS MES SLA SQ103 1045
      707 words
    • 293 5 Reuter THE Reagan Administration has ibudoacd controversial plan that would have brought about a financial restructuring of the World Bank and other development agencies. The plan had been proposed in a draft at a major Treasury Department review of the US role
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 236 5 UPI NINE candidates from the Third World, twrhnHng tAx Latin Americans, have officially entered the race to become the new UN Secretary General. The nine diplomats Informed the Security Council of their candidacy before the 6 pm (2200 GMT) Wednesday deadline. The
      UPI  -  236 words
    • 131 5 UPI POLAROID Corp, the instant-camera maker, is feeling the pinch of the sagging economy and has announced the closing of all company offices and manufacturing plants for U days. The closing will come between Christmas and New Year's Day, and officials said the 14,000 employees can take
      UPI  -  131 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 A(xttdli*TcLtt.'Bl Gentlemen, ii s iu»w the season to give yourself a shoe gift from Marelli. At very special (Christmas prices! Renowned for its superb rraftsmanship and supple quality leather. Marelli shoes keep its good looks, colour, texture and finish alwavs. So come down quick cos' this is the last sale
      128 words
    • 0 4 ]<$//}:].@<})_:_`$(~>`_+{%?_,["
      0 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 233 5 a til \\U «s 4+ i h I r/i M -> y£?ct* vN V W y* Visit CommunicAsia 81 and see the world s most advanced electronic communication technology in action At CommunicAsia 81, we come right to the core of the communications industry, for you to explore deeper into
      233 words

  • 379 6 THE EUROPEAN Economic Community, or Common Market as it is commonly known, has been characterised by a disunited stand rather than a common stand since its inception. Members have pledged themselves to common ideals but have been understandably guided by more urgent national interests. Indeed, .the
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  • 293 6 GOLD, THAT soft yellow metal over which wars have been fought, lives have been lost and hearts have been won, is likely to be cheaper in the next tew months. Wednesday's announcement by the South African central bank that it is increasingly using its
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  • 959 6 YET TO PROVE ITSELF FINANCIALLY Convergent Technologies, which makes desk-top work stations for the office of the future, marches to a military beat, unlike many computer firms in California's Silicon Valley. The president of this so-called 'Marine Corps of the computer industry,' Allen Michaels,
    NYT  -  959 words
  • 568 6 AP AS JAPANESE products pour into countries across the world, to the dismay of domestic industries, one made-in-Japan export is welcomed the moneyspending, sightseeing tourists estimated to number four million this year. The United States, the destination for L 2 million Japanese this
    AP  -  568 words
  • 606 6  -  By HOWARD LUXENBERG Reuter WITH CHRISTMAS two weeks away, hopes are fading that US retailers will do enough hnriiw to erase a difficult fourth quarter. Sales la November for some of the largest companies were down from a year ago. Even for chains
    Reuter  -  606 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 371 6 jnj dll sscrst Inngungn (4) Thnchw doing a halMon on a MO (5) To mug, Jerry's saaocisfc SLna Drying vtth >» flnt-daa gae hauler Dmt fatt of bow? (4) f money? aa «f the rMhirfni (3.5) Aanoy greatly by spoiling Allow to be hurt? (I) Hmm la the development of
      371 words
    • 24 6 BriStdW: PranlLD-u^iensl WJMPCT Do VOO "WIKJK or my PToosTpsCHe^ IN7VW CRSe.HOU) DO€STmS GPPIB >0u? ne*£ RRe VOOR LETTERS on* ap,— p rnej&Ny m 0......
      24 words
    • 523 6 RADIO SINGAPORE'S RIVERS THE UNITED STATES ud the Saviet Uaiea for the Ural time rince Salt 0 whpwi Friday Bmekgnmmd (eh S at 1M) feUawa the nekv arm* Mate which calmiaaied darlag the Geneva Summit The Mate la being fellewcd by the reat ef the wnrld with late! behind the
      523 words
    • 155 6 Side SJS News MS Radio Patrol MS On The Sunny Side IMI Prog Summary A Today's Diary foil wed by Happy TimeslSJS Profile IMS Potiuck 11JS News-In-Brief 11.SS In Harmony 11 Jl The Paramor Sound IMS Lunch Date IJI News Followed By Share Market Report And Weather Forecast 1.41 Sounds
      155 words

  • 1526 7  -  DAVID PALMER talks to the new chairman and chief executive of Britain's largest company, and finds that Peter Walters, 50, is bringing a few new ideas to the job. The appointment of the youngest chairman BP has ever had is likely to lead to
    FT  -  1,526 words
  • 920 7  -  By ANTHONY ROBINSON FT YUGOSLAVIA'S foreign borrowing plans have not been helped in recent months by the fact that western bankers dealing with Yugoslavia also have responsibility for lending to the Comecon countries. Deeply Involved with the complexities of Polish debt re-scheduling and the
    FT  -  920 words
  • 457 7  -  By MARTIN DICKSON FT BRITAIN'S three leading oil refining and marketing companies (BP Oil, Shell and Esao) have resumed profitable trading after losing money for most of the year. The turnaround is attributed partly to favourable exchange rate movements and partly to October's price realignment by
    FT  -  457 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 11 u Ml 1 V. ALFETTA 2.0 tt $52,360.00 OFFERS I 4: 4IWiO: Compare and you'll be convinced. COMPARISON CHART 1981 Offer valid for the first 5 Alfetta 2.0 L buyers. MH# I I I I So»e Ageot 'MOTORS ISI PTE HO G3-G4, NOVENA VILLE. 275 THOMSON ROAD. SINGAPORE 1130
      66 words

      • 184 8 oacm ilr-U««i ta COKBULU -u lira •rak earn <2^ cSSJNP (MKn Altai MM' SB B9H Koy«i Dv SUM (CM Udnor Pro (taiol 1MB Hi 1MJ> tm M m sum n im a (B) Ml m CWM Ml «Ji 1M f» OM9 UjM S A HAM MlMM SA ***** itcb
        184 words
      • 66 8 ok m rn lt»VAID M AUI rr AMC m M UM la M MM ♦XI |B*«| a In-Uab sr Mm Boc am Mb BotiKJ A MM taa M «n» MM M MM Mi M ♦a ■neb U ♦a *u -i ♦a ♦a ■»i -a n Wtn V Mont HI
        66 words
      • 118 8 j KJ DM mm a* Alia Van UMJi tmm -M -M BASF Bmj HT«b ■if Vtut mm MI UIM T* 44 «U 41 ST BMW ma tU DM IMI U 1.1 CHaa Varw HtJB -1LA IJ Ohm CI—■ OIWH-IM «1J* mu» nt v ♦U -M •U u ika -u
        118 words
      • 64 8 DOC a Prua nil him »f-_ S tu BWW1 Br. MM cm* (Mo Br. UN -U atKMprc m Ss°3=*=»- g*y m p«tuuMMfc. n -J» OMPMak M Okobm fx «1 mm B. am m S£rt*=£ nianwu w. MM «n OB *m 2* ji Br uu >fj" -1« Mi iMk Oo*p
        64 words
      • 116 8 nac a n» ASH WIM -I AftoM M -*T AJW> BJi -«J UOT AmtaM «J* mach 7l> IWIII Ml m« aocft a» —SjL'yiT KM +U t cu«* Dam ma +u mjhh mm *u -*.1 MM (km a» -U OMtm aa -u OotMtD bmmm aa tu MMte «UM »11 Z.:.
        116 words
      • 69 8 amc m u N m -u OM Aemm Baa* BM -M m i Vtai M OtwnH MM -im m -m in PTH i i CM 1 m -m m MM -UK l ltiW CM HM inch n» -w Mi OtMtU CM nma AM C nrMlM uneh Mi -m m
        69 words
      • 70 8 tmcm ct amom n Aiean SI «t •uk Mont m .«a M Ml TM HH Mt On »oi«u< n SPfi^r=F Cm&iarum* r* wS DM TV aneti PgtlttlM JM» am OtWMUfc -I* a 15» eSTZZZZZZ an S»°" m* aSLr* s* w a*» 1 —a a. I s 222V SM a«
        70 words
      • 126 8 OK m mmmi ikdustbials am use* WO UDCh rm noch S V MM uncb MO 4 m Ui i (M m uocti -i M MCb Sra u» MM* 1MB 1M M MM 222? ssz IIS Ml I* .4 rnm >11 U kn. Saewtaw Mm* T» art- Ob Maal M
        126 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 "The American Express Card serves you well, wherever good food is served" an II I ll* V *3 Cost only HALF AS MUCH if you're residing in Singapore It's easy. Just book our chalet units, and enjoy a 50% discount. Offer applies MONDAY THURSDAY (except public holidays and holiday eves)
      199 words
    • 83 8 iiiiu for sushi. For teppcuiixiki For other authenticaUv Jc.panese delights. ii 11 r\ I i r| x h in »i i 1 i| >• »r» HYATT REOENCVOSMGMO¥ Carrie Model Agency Mgtowu Show Hme- 1 2 p.m. Plata* cat *****11 a* 2110 tor mm k A 4 V w» N i
      83 words
    • 139 8 $~!,)+<$^^./-%;~@=*~,=,`;[]*{.% 11\ I f Vti Ml f: .IV\ u tv»i• miuk !k\ n-;i; vi»t;r :M_'- then Ht k i»i.r tlu t c I >rn:u-n:« I\v>t.K:r.inr \r.,i\ ::i .rr<n.nJ:n. in.: w ::u .mj J;:r- on -|v :n« > v I! itc!"! !i'»l 1.1! v IK' Pinne:'nn "11 :>:n" Jcrapergial A Merlin
      139 words
    • 100 8 Be in vogue .".in K Lit >i<iiv Verv exclusive. Verv different Very private. I''s disco and more. i 32 v I vttk i—*J *£$m. c We have a Soft corner foryou THE ALCOVE Come and visit our cosy alcove. We serve sumptuous dishes like Grilled King Prawns. Carpet bag Steaks,
      100 words
    • 153 8 5k For businessmen and profaawals,aplacc to caul your own. Located at the bsunncm of the Cnrltptt Hotel is the Citation. Exclusive. Plush. Luxuriously spacious. A dub with live and pleasant entertainment, gracious hostesses and all the privacy you want. Ideal (or drinks and evenings with Hjffm and colleagues. And all
      153 words

    • 343 9 RUBBER prices in Singa- pore yesterday closed slightly easier with January One RSS buyers quoted at 184.00 cents per kilo, down 4.50 cents from Wednesday's clone. Morning prices were <k marked down slightly on stale bull selling lack of buying support despite some covering interest. Afternoon prices lost further
      343 words
    • 294 9 .RAS prices In cnU per kilo yesterday: Noon daw J (P« kilo) (per kilo) Buyer» Sellers Buyers Sellers let 1 R-S.S- prompt f.o.b. 180.00 Iffl OOM 178.00 179.0« Int. 1 R-S.S. January 186.00 186.50 184.00 185.00 lot 1 R.S.S. February 131.50 192.50 190.00 ISO.00 Int. 2 R.S3 170.00
      294 words
    • 110 9 NOON S&R aad SMR pncaa; BAS ICtrml MU) Mytfi Saltan raaraarr (Far»ar* Mtfc) Bayara Saltan S8R10 (1-toa paUx t) 102.40 1*4 JON 184.40 188J0N (1-toa pall* t) 1C8J0 100-40N 100-40 182. SON M 8MBCV {l lai pa** jin 1J 0 107.00 laoooN 180 00 181.00N SMBL (l
      110 words
    • 489 9 aaca I JCTM 981 a* M wkch HIM Ckw cp AOted Mora a* «nt SM -1 M M M M M i M IM KM 1 M T" tttr MM m m a an rr SMPVT tatM 1*1 AT* is tec tee Si* MM MM MM IM
      489 words
    • 75 9 THE STRAITS tin price In Peaug yesterday remalaed naehaaged at MS3SJC per Ule to stay within the ITC opper range ef $34.18 and $37.89. Despite higher disposals sf metal the market treaded steady la line with the Leadea svernlght cleee, with laflienttal bayers sappertlag at this level while
      75 words
    • 31 9 Rubber: Dee 9 Singapore: 194.00 cents (down 4.50 cents) Malaysia: Jan: 203.00 cents (down 6.00 cents) Tin: M 535.36 per kilo (unchanged) Official offering 211 tonnes (up 36 tonnes)
      31 words
    • 159 9 SOYBEAN futures in Chicago on Wednesday closed up Ave US cents a bushel in nearbys to up Vt cent in deferred November. Active soy trade on European markets and trade sentiment that the market was technically oversold prompted short-covering from the start, especially in nearbys. Late follow-through purchasing of
      159 words
    • 168 9 CHINESE fnfcw Eufcup, IwVi'kg r»ii—l «II: Bulk fob 008.00 sellers, ok) drum (in second hand drum) (ob (122.00 sellers, new drum fob $126.00 sellers Csfta: Mixed (loose) $59 50 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper (ob Asta NLW $370.00 sellers, Sarawak white pepper faq fob NLW (365.00 sellers, Sarawak
      168 words
    • 191 9 YARN and cotton prices were quoted as follows in Hongkong yesterday. (In HK dollars, spot ex-go-down) CaMsa yam: China Blue Phoenix 20a 2,535; 32s 3,165, 40a 3,330 (per bale of 400 lbs). Flees gas*: China Butterfly and Globe brand unq; Dragon Head unq; Five Lambs unq; Flower and Butterfly
      191 words
    • 229 9 BDMMPOUE: YMerday'l closing prices in S$ per kilo, ex-godown: THAI WHITE: 100 per cent first class (Kangaroo) new crop 1-88, 100. per cent second class 1.13, 100 per cent third class 1-08, 25 per cent new crop no stock, B-10 per cent do stock. THAI BROKEN: A-super 0.73. Special
      229 words
    • 88 9 WHEAT futures in Chicago on Wednesday clipped g»>n« late to close on bottom of a iV* US cent range, up V* to IVi cents a bushel. Local long liquidation and scattered commercial selling took prices off day's highs. Traders said late activity was extremely choppy, and dealers appeared uncertain
      88 words
    • 746 9 COFFEE: Sterling's lower trend against the US dollar was the main support factor yesterday morning in robusta coffee futures, dealers said. They noted the steadiness followed average New York based opening call lasses of £6 taking prices to session highs at midday to show gains of £5 to
      746 words
    • 116 9 THE Kuala Lumpur palm oil market yesterday ruled steady in fairly active trading. In December, south was traded Mss higher to $875 a tonne and central rose to $872.50 from 1860 when last traded. South in January was unchanged at $872.50 while central was up $10 at $875
      116 words
    • 248 9 Reuter DEMAND for nickel could increase by 10 per cent next year over 1381's depressed levels. Charles Balrd, chairman of Inco Ltd said the demand is expected to fall by 5 per cent in 1981, which will make it the first time that demand has
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 790 9 NYT ALREADY a major producer of opals and sapphires, Australia is apparently about to become a major force In the world diamond business. In what is known as the Kimberley area, a remote site about 2,414 km northeast of Perth, Australian companies have opened up
      NYT  -  790 words
    • 258 9 AFP INDONESIA has threatened to atop Importing wheat tram Australia if the latter country does not increase its non-oil imports from Indonesia. Junior Minister of Cooperatives Bustanil Arifin said the contract (or the purchase at an annual 600,000 tons of wheat from Australia was
      AFP  -  258 words
    • 418 9 Reuter BATTERED BY a slumping US economy and reduced exports to Europe and Japan, aluminium producers are bracing for a difficult fourth quarter. Industry analysts believe the problems could cany over into early next year and perhaps make it difficult for some companies to
      Reuter  -  418 words
    • 387 9 Reuter WHEAT SALES activity for the current marketing year totalled 277,300 tonnes during the week ended Nov 26, sharply below the previous two weeks. The US Agriculture Department said that Brazil, Japan, Algeria and Indonesia were the major buyers. Sales far
      Reuter  -  387 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 I Harvard Business Review, International Management, Business Week, Dun's Review, I Administrative Management, Fortune, Management Review, Marketing Times, Industrial Worid,: Columbia Journal of Worid Business, Credit and Financial Management, Business Horizons, Retail Control, Journal of Small Business, etc. and sHH manage?Digest The compact international magazine offering carefully selected time-saving condensations
      90 words

  • 1528 10 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and repeated to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1,000 units, unless otherwise specified. SECTION ONE t INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Am* (MOB
    1,528 words
  • 174 10 ■NiratDNTBI m (Miiiain' artm tar Dm 11) The Commerce IS 3 41 The Savings Fund 1 91 rm S pore Prof Fund 1 43 ISO S pore See. Fund 2.14 IS S pore Iavcat Fund 1.11 111 S'pore Equity Fund 1 34 1 41*d uu umriBwr (M«n«r»' prteae
    174 words
  • 2864 10 1M1 Hick Low Company Last Sale +orGr*s Div Div C*T Gr'a rw Net P/E Vol (•OOO) Day High Low 8KCTION ONE INDUSTRIAL A COMMERCIAL 404 IIS 380 312 420 200 410 532* errs 420 248 115 130 190 306 75 360 220 322 231 Acma Aicom Allied
    2,864 words
  • 1637 10 BID and offer prices officially listed and hurt new in and reported to the Kuala I j»mpir Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in tots at 1,000 units, unless otherwise specified bimibiiib AĔmm (LSTB UK) (4) 19 (1) LST (S)lMad Akm
    1,637 words
  • 36 10 THE KLSE bu asked Pnwt the expected effect on it> profits from its M331.6 million contract to build a 30«torey tower in Penang and its $100 million contract to develop a complex in Kuching.
    36 words
  • 465 10 KNOOdMD by TThMtm itj'a -Itmtii toi iniii kMkt iMldeatty Ml Km ymwtey •I wbtoh prim mmd off. Jto BMi au ■•■7 »>•»• wui|» levels. Sivirnl nMgiiallj rtie MM.*"" kMm Uato tM itoady aurkit tiai, tin Straits Times MaMrial Ma mat m Ml cr«srTradtog «M still wttvt
    465 words
  • 599 10 SHARE share prices surged ahead again on a broad front on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday as Improved sentiment strengthened the market in active trading. The market opened firm to selectively higher and the steady trend remained throughout the morning session although some counters finished off-best
    599 words

    • 755 11 MALAYSIA Mining Corporation (MMC) is to set up a training centre to develop the skills needed for its numerous mining projects. The centre, to be located at the Lower Perak Tin Dredging property at Tanjong Tualang, is expected to start early next year.
      755 words
    • 244 11 J Cement Chin Teck Int Wood K Kim par HLeoog Credit Seiangor Dredg KLKepong Berjaya Kawat Utd Malacca H Royal J ram i p i i p i F I I F Date laatjaar20/11 22/11 26/11 3/12 10/12 10/12 11/12 15/12 15/12 18/12 La Net EP8 (eeate) 7.7
      244 words
    • 525 11 cmt Kz Ctae Dale Tata! far Mai far DMa Payable the year Preview j AIM 2J%I Nov 30 x Dec 10 Dec 17 2.5% 4.8%(a) OMOH 7% Dec 31 Jan 8 Jan 18 7% 4%TE Mu 20% Nov 18 Nov 28 Jan 6 30% 26% AjrrmkmT* 15% Nov
      525 words
    • 216 11 Particulars Proposed rights issue of 2 fori A 11.00 per share PrortnooH hnnna iooiiA Ex Date NYA Books Close NYA PaWte Textile 8PP rrupiwfu wuiu isouc of 1 for 2 Rights issue of 1 for 2 a 51.40 per share Bonus issue of 2 for 1 Proposed bonus
      216 words
    • 73 11 SYNTHETIC BcdM (Malaydi) Berks i AGM to be held at 17th Floor, Komplek Kewangan, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur 0510, on Dec 11 at 10.30 am. SUPREME Corporation Berhad: 53rd AGM to be held at 20th Floor, Wisma Supreme, Jalan Punchak, Kuala Lumpur on Dec 15 at 11
      73 words
    • 786 11  -  By MAUDRENE NITHIANANDUM IN SPITE of a rather disappointing performance for the year 1980/1», United Industrial Corporation's chairman, Mr Lee Kim Tew, is confident its main subsidiary, UIC Chemicals, will continue to contribute to group profits in the future. In UICs 1980 1981 annual report,
      786 words
    • 478 11 SKA VIEW Betel, in reply to e query by the Stock Exchange of Singapore on the sharp increase in the price of the company's shares, said it is not aware of any reason for it TA8EK 0mm* Bhd has been asked by the KLSE to comment on a
      478 words
    • 329 11 TIMAH Langat Bhd (TLB), whose prospectus was released yesterday, is a cash-laden company with fixed deposits, cash and bank balances of MH2.06 million against its issued share capital of $8.55 million. The company, expected to be listed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
      329 words
    • 306 11 UNITED International Securities has been appointed the sole manager and underwriter of SPP Ltd's re-pro-posed rights issue. When SPP first proposed the rights issue of one-for-one at $1.50, in July, more than 90 per cent of the originally planned issue of 16.63 million
      306 words
    • 265 11 SHARE prices in Tokyo yesterday rose slightly in slow trading on scattered bargain hunting in export-orientated issues and domestic industrials. The market average gained 3.78 to close at 7,746.91 on a volume of 260 million shares. The Tokyo stock exchange index added 0.14 to 567.97. The second
      265 words
    • 74 11 owe U Pun AcoJ* Mtnlac Ml uncb AUaa CM. A Alio Con a 1MB uneb B»*ulo Ootd JU» unch Of UOOdnCB CDCP 1M +OJB L&ndoll Ltp+nto B .MM -MB Marlndvjqu* B Ortantal A Oriental B Mi -OjOBS Phil Ciirwu aa uneb PUn A ptui«i b in» *<um PVMMr i
      74 words
    • 54 11 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 5202 Tuesday 521.7 Week Ago 531.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 888 22 Tuesday ***** Week Ago.. 882.81 H.K.HANG SENG Thursday.. *****® Wednesday 1403.86 Week Ago 1309.82 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Thursday-*™™. 740 9 Wednesday 7455 Week Ago 740 2 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday «00.3 Wednesday 001.9
      54 words
    • 246 11 HONGKONG STOCKS IN Hongkong yesterday closed higher on pared gains due to late profittaking, after holding steady for most of the day following the recovery on Wall Street. Trading was limited and the market was quiet. The Hang Seng index finished up 9.13 at 1,412.99 against a
      246 words
    • 357 11 THE Sydney market yesterday was testing the 600 point barrier after two days of profit-taking eroded the gains of the gradual uplift The Ail-Ordinaries index dipped below the 600 point level after the first session but a firming of several key stocks helped arrest the slide.
      357 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 253 11 TRUTH TRANQUILITY AND DYNAMIC PROFITS Our editors pursue fiscal truths, not the tranquility of thoee who succumb to prevailing opinion. At the depths of "DOW" lows, we recommended an aggressive buyln# posture, commenting: "The Dow Jones Industrial Average will touch 1,000 before hitting 790." In urging readers to purchase (within
      253 words

  • Chief Price Changes
    • 147 12 Rises Bousteadco Taaek Cement Beriuatai St Steamship OUE Selaagor Dredg H Leoag Credit Kamuntlng Tin K L Industries Paramount H Leong Fin M M C 500 MO 800 450 920 530 1230 550 470 404 825 424 86 #6 40 38 35 32 30 30 28 28 25 24
      147 words
    • Article, Illustration
      143 12 Rises Pengkalen 1250 Inch KK 1500 Kamunting 610 Ayer Hi tarn 1150 Kempas 670 Berjuntai 960 Toogkah 400 Trooota 1150 S Dredge 590 Isl Pen 745 160 150 110 110 +90 +65 +50 +50 45 40 Falls K Kampar Guinness C Sugars MU I 620 450 1450 536
      143 words
  • 230 12 MALAYSIAN Oxygen Berhad (MOX) has moved well in line with its own forecast of pre-tax profits o( at least Ms9.l million in the financial year ended Sep *****1. The group's maiden preliminary statement, following its stock market debut in April, showed pre-tax profits of $9.64 million.
    230 words
  • 657 12  -  HBH iw .1 < By HSUNG BEE HWA A PROMINENT Singapore property developer, Mr Ho Kok Cheong of People's Park Development, has been barred from all deal-. ings in the securities market following a breach of the Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers. This is
    657 words
  • 310 12 CHANDAN Holdings, the bumiputra company which bought an 18 per cent stake in Paper Products (Malaya) has declined comment on whether it intends to increase its shareholding in the company. Dr Mohamed Tajuddin Jali, Chandan's executive chairman told Business Times yesterday "It is too early
    310 words
  • 239 12 RALEIGH Cycles (Malaysia) Berhad has formed a wholly-owned subsidiary as its first step towards diversification into property development. The company intends to inject significant additional capital into the subsidiary, Raima! Development Sdn Bhd, when firm proposals for this diversification are arrived at. Currrently, Ralmal Development
    239 words
  • 743 12 LONDON, Thura. share price* opened little changed in quiet and cautious trading today, dealers said. Equities continued to trade quietly and at noon, the Financial Time* index was up 7.2 points at 527.2. Sentiment continues to be dampened by concern over UK labour unrest, dealers said. Sign* of
    743 words
  • 166 12 THE HIGH Court of Malaya has ordered the meeting of minority shareholders in Kempas to consider Sime Darby's proposed acquisition of minority shares. The court has directed that the meeting be held on Jan 6 for minority shareholders to vote on the scheme under
    166 words
  • 82 12 DUNLOP Estates Berhad has acquired a whollyowned subsidiary, Malaysian Poultry Sdn Bhd. This is a dormant company which ceased trading in November 1976. Malaysian Poultry has a paid-up capital of 1.142 million shares of Mil each. Dunlop Estates bought 583,333 shares from Ben and Co Ltd and
    82 words
  • 272 12 API. k ASSOCIATED Plasties y (API) experts m estimated grtip pre-tax r pwflt «T M 15.41 mliltoe fer n year eadlag December 15 IKI, Uktog l.t. u* >r trea Mi receat peipnai —ptrttt»M f yestentoy fereeM that wlthest Ike s pwpwrt MfMttNi tf twe
    API.  -  272 words
  • 566 12 mm by HOCK LOCK SIEW THE STORM of controversy over Singapore Land's proposal to move seawards has ended as suddenly as it began. Early Ais week, the property group announced it was abandoning its plan to acquire five ships with a total value of more than
    by HOCK LOCK SIEW  -  566 words
  • 181 12 JOHAN Holdings, which is undergoing a major restructuring exercise to diversify from its traditional tin mining, has appointed two additional directors. They are Toh Muda Dr A Fadzil Che Wan and YM Raja Petra bin Raja Kamarudin. Dr Fadzil is a well-known private medical practitioner in Ipoh
    181 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 intimus The extraordinary electrical waste paper basket Leaves No Trace Of Clues Which Might Lead To A Breach Of Office Security. This extraordinary waste paper basket features a wide opening in the middle of the lid of the machine and an elegant basket which sets in easily with any decor.
      198 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 50 12 WEATHERS OUTLOOK for Singapore today: Fair in the morning. However thundery showers are expected in many areas in the afternoon and early evening. Bepert («r 24 hNn prtor to Ml pm m Dm II at the airport: Total rainfall for the month 128.9 Total rainy days for the month 8
      50 words

    • 308 13 ASEAN shipowners would like to have a share of oil and gas-related shipping services currently handled by foreign firms. At a meeting of the Federation of Asean Shipowners' Association (FASA), Mr Miguel Magsaysay of the Philippines said it is time for Asean shipowners
      308 words
    • 681 13  -  By G DURAIRAJ SHIPPERS have decided to take a closer look at the practice, adopted by some countries, of requiring shipping conferences to obtain prior approval of maritime authorities before imposing general rate increases. The Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils (FASC) discussed
      681 words
      • 119 13 AP FIREMEN in Eilat, Israel's southern port, were trying to put out a blaze yesterday in an Israeli tanker carrying oil from Egypt to Israel. The 70,000-ton Riva was docked in Eilat port when fire broke out during the night in the crew's quarters. Two Filipino of
        AP  -  119 words
      • 69 13 AFP THE Hongkong-Europe Freight Conference has lowered the congestion surcharges by 5 per cent on cargoes loaded for direct discharge at Algiers and Port Said. The reduction was made in view of the improvements in the berthing situation in both places, a spokesman for the conference said.
        AFP  -  69 words
      • 113 13 AFP THE French Cabinet was presented with a list of proposals on Wednesday to halt the decline of French maritime, commerce and shipbuilding industries. Sea Minister Louis Le Pensec proposed increasing aid to the French maritime fleet, and encouraging exporters and importers to make greater use of French
        AFP  -  113 words
    • 676 13 Sblpplag Use P»g* CM AcMpeteto Shp« VI Adriatic Cant vm Ale* VI Afro-EurMu VI Alfred CT VI AUtrua vn Hfc VI Angkutan VI AapMtT V AgM« vm ANL i APC Liar vm APL m Arab Liar vm Arfratinr IV ASCL m Ana Merchant VI Atlas Linra vm
      676 words
    • 399 14 ARRIVALS KEPPEL WHARVES Atrevtda (1200) 31 32 Cherry Bagus (0500 hauls 70m west) 26 Cherry Jaya (0700) 27 Jenson n (0700) 22 King Pearl (0600 after Cherry Bagus hauls) 25 Nan Hui (after Centaur) 1/2 Niaga XXI (after Cherry Singa) 28 Stratlunore (0100) 47 Suhadiwarno Panjang (0600)
      399 words
    • 907 14 RECEIVING OF EXPORT FCL CONTAINERS AND LCL CARGO AT CONTAINER TERMINAL Vessel's Voy Estimated Shipping Gdn Mode of Name No. Time of Arrival Lines Operatn Date Time Bunga Penaga 49A 11.12.81 1900 Ned-EAU TA 4 Gold Mountain 23 11.12.81 0600 Star Shpg TA 4 vc Prasetla 9/81 11.12.81
      907 words
    • 1569 14 CHARTERING was much quieter on Wednesday in all sectors of the freight market, brokers said. The main feature was a 75 cent decline (or grain business from the US Gulf to Japan which paid $9.25 for a 75,000 tonner. A vessel was secured from the US Northern Range
      1,569 words
    • 664 15 VESSELS Opea: Septimus Danish flag highest class BV built 1968 about 1,005 dwt about 76/71.000 cbft/bale OPSH flush between 2 hatches: 16.20 and 9.2 by 6.40 m 3 derricks 3/5 tonnes about 399/233 grt/nrt about 10 knots on about 3.5 tonnes gasoil fully cargo batten fitted 20 airchanges
      664 words
    • 209 15 Reuter WORLD merchant shipping laid up through lack of employment showed little change at 20.4 million dwt at end October but the number of vessels involved fell to 461 from 478 at end September, the General Council of British Shipping (GCBS) said. The latest figure, which represents 3
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 421 15 NEW flags-of-convenience are finding it difficult to develop because of a lack of credibility with traditional shipping-finance institutions. Flags such as Vanuatu and Sri Lanka, which have set up last year, are finding that shipowners are. continuing to turn to the older registries of
      421 words
    • 404 20 OAKLAND Benarmln/Elbe Express, Hapag-Lloyd, Dec 9. World Tiger/Defender, Sea Land, Dec 13. World Tiger/Voyager, SeaLand, Dec 13. Hongkong Express/ Alster Express, Hapag-Lloyd, Dec 14. Lexa Maersk, Maersk, Dec 15. Barber Tonsberg, BBS, Dec 18. N. Topax/N. Pearl, NOL, Dec 18. World Lion/Innovator, Sea Land, Dec 20. World Lion/Developer,
      404 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 309 13 Europe Our Next Loader Port Kelang: 18/12 Singapore: 15/12 For further details, see page V CONTAINER Schedules SHIPS Ib Pert LONDON Freights ORIENT Exchange SHIPPING Sefceduto REGIONAL Weather RUT COMT MOUSED SERVICE FROM EUROPE (VIA SUEZ) MM ■TIM ME 41 tma*.amzK mcm mcemn is MEMMCWm CNMCORTMOIC 27/12 29/12 31/12 VI
      309 words
    • 223 13 HSEALORDH 1 UASC J UNITED ARAB SHIPPING CO(SAG/ EXPRESS MULTI-PURPOSE SERVICES Hffjl] Oammam (6/1). Kuwait (9/1). Shuaiba (12/1), Doha (15/1), Abu Dhabi (18/1). Duba. (21/1) Kuwait (16/1). Shuaiba (19/1). Dammam (22/1), Doha (25/1). Bahrain (28/1). Abu Dhabi (31/1). Dubai (3/2). FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE Dubai (20/12). Dammam (22/12). Kuwait (24/12). Abu
      223 words
    • 541 13 > 2 Australia Our Next Loader Port Kelang; *9/12 Singapore: 15/12 For further details, see page V MAERSK LINE EXPORT FULL CONTAINER SERVICES TO: U.S. PACIFIC. GULF, ATLANTIC. EAST CANADA. ASIAN PORTS Fm4M "7 vT* vT mm M fc I SjM 12-13/12 14-15/12 19-20/12 21-22/12 21-27/12 24-29/12 ICS 3383G 2322Z53E3
      541 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 813 14 MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPN. BERN AD. WISMA MISC, N0.2, JALAN CONLAY, P.O. BOX 371, KUALA LUMPUR 04-09, MALAYSIA. TEL *****8 TELEX: MA *****, *****, ***** ***** CONTAINER SERVICE 1) Gburj 2) H'burj 3) B »en 4) Rdam 5) I* H P Ketang S port Saded Saded Sum Sated Saded in
      813 words
    • 201 14 SUPERCARRIER SERVICE FROM: US GULF US ATLANTIC EAST CANADA VM faM bM MM MM btot MM MM 11/1? 14/12 15/12 IV MM 14/12 11/12 a/12 21/12 21/12 J/12 25/12 23/12 29/12 a/12 1/1 V 2V12 1/1 VI VI 5/1 11/ l -BARBER PRIANT 2/l/B TO: PANAMA US ATLANTIC EAST CANADA
      201 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 705 15 The Straits Steamship Group OCL. Overseas Containers Limited STRAITS SHIPPING Slogapon toSibih, jirmclt. Brunei Ports and Bangkok [CONTAINERSHIP SERVICE TO UK CONTINENT a/i 2 02/1 02/1 04/1 H/l 11/1 11/1 12/1 17/1 19/1 M/l 21/1 25/1 27/1 2/2 4/3 M/ 2 K/2 M/ 2 11/2 A"MM UHht* 21/12 OS/1 •5/1
      705 words
      565 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 750 16 Hapag-Lloyd TOJOTHEWOK C*j M EMwgfc iTin E*rt» TMa turn. M» ci«rra 3/1 ?4/ M/ W/ Aho accepting transhipment cargo to< CARIBBEAN WEST HOES «a Hamburg TO MEDTTEMMC* T* HK S pore P Mang Genoa MM* Mm Port 12/12 1/1 13/12 15/12 20/12 21/12 10/1 CfcmOvdtßMil 24/12 26/12 1/1 2/1 18
      750 words
    • 391 16 MSSjline KOREA SHIPPING CORPORATION SPORE P. Keianf PENANG VE6A 167* 21-23 Dec 24-26 Dec 27-29 Dec FROM BUSAN BANGKOK VEGA 168E 21-23 Dec 24-26 Dec 27-29 Dec TO BUSAN VEGA 16SE 21-23 Dec 24-26 Dec 27-29 Dec ALTAR 171* 22-25 Jan 26-28 lan 29-31 Jan ALTAR 172E 22-25 Jan 26-28
      391 words
    • 524 16 EVERGREEN LINE FAR EAST/EUROPE CONTAINER SERVICE 1 ACCEPTRK FCI I LCI CARGO FOR: '*>•*« Mtardaa tahNf* It H»n w VI C/l l/l 11/ i 12/1 f" i£j' *V,i? 4/11 ,s/ »»/»i u/ti ?i/ii a/n I-SI i,« H/tl 2 f" 1 /tl v* 22/41 2/42 4/42 4/*2 t/H J/12 ALSO ACCEPTING
      524 words
    • 758 16 H Everett Trnes Burma Fiva Star Shipping Corpn "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE' LOADING FOR RANGOON !>*• rite fmm. HlUllnai Mrtwj hwn; ■PT/MBk -T^ 12/13 tec JHttWfwwrw mou/u otc I r 6A 28/ M Doc *****1/8 CXSCHARGHG ONLY CampaiMa Afftmmt Do Hoioaorua iMttmmmtM* llllfß A S A C.I.P. "ARGENTINE NATIONAL LINE" 10ADMG
      758 words
    • 304 16 nmrriau times, Friday, December 11,1961 UO.S.E. OCEAN SHIPPING 8 ENTERPRISES PTE LTD SANKYO LINE JAPAN/STRAITS SERVICE KTO TEH MRU KAMAKURA 12-14/12 KOK m IS-K/12 OASB OfOfll 17-11/12 Ptt CSTKLLA 19-20/12 BANC UUrtOM 22-23/12 KTOSQMMU 24-24/12 TABHONARU 27-21/12 amom mm 1-2/1 KSTBM Ml Ml/1 SUN TWlltl 12 -13/1 HOKO MARU W/l
      304 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 735 17 PIL GROUP FULL CONTAINER SERVICE TO COLOMBO. HOOEIOAH, JEDDAH AQABA (Reefer Cntrs Acceptable) Accepting LCL Cargo to Colombo, Aqaba and Hodoidah. S.E.A. Container Feeder Service SINGAPORE/PT KELANG/BANGKOK/HONGKONG/MANILA ACCEPTING LCL/FCL/REEFER CONTAINERS NCR. TOPAZ 545/59N 14-15/12 16-17/12 *16-16/12 22-24/12 29-30/12 2-4/1 HEP. AGATE SS/6N 12-14/12 16-16/12 25-28/12 30-1/1 Tt/l l£u/1 HEP. ZIRCON
      735 words
    • 599 17 7*» BEN LINE CONTAINERS EXPRESS CONT MO SERVICE TO/FMM EUROPE ►fBURG rwvu ROAM HAWS TO owe Sport P Ma^WGmmm,i V«W| MPMt wu Wl2 VI 11/12 vi Dm* 21/12 lt/t a/12 21/12 17/1 T«Mi Eapw VI M/I Mqbm* VI 2VI tete* 12/1 IVI 2/2 A«tn»Aiihwrp Fran MUK VI 2V12 VI VI
      599 words
    • 469 17 7': H: t If: 'I w 1I vl rv 1 K I f'tj Scan Dutch? WEEKLY EXPRESS CONTAINER EP/UK/NC/SCAN SERVICE UMrfnL 111. Cmmy I nrwi nirwi DTM tyrtm IHM OMH ft am* M M M M m kM «/u MUM m i M/U U/U *F— M M M < 3/U
      469 words
      465 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 686 18 K LINE KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICES TO NORTH AMERICA feeder iesseis* n umm Htm muk ako mAttt m ro*kL Car|e« accptaM. to Oattaal taMM. NriM. Itata. Umto*. N ■krtM. Mk IMA. Mm, SdhA lackwH* JAPAN-STRAITS-JAPAN »«s«t rsjSre Penang PMum f~S«are Tokyo Hafoia NORDSTAR flO 12/12 lviz 14/12
      686 words
      375 words
      484 words
    • 574 18 KORINS MARITIME SERVICES Poon~ 6Qi ICB Building Shenfon Way Singapore Tel *****22 *****67 P Kelang Tel *****4/*****5 MIDDLE EAST/RED SEA/EUROPE SERVICES S'P** P. Rata* laada* Far nD Bandar Abbas/B. Khn 5 Jan Dubai/Muacat/Bdrabi 1 Bandar Abbas/B Khoi BUNGA VAMM. a wssa. AKSSa_ CD Hyundae Shipping Co. lid. S 'mi F.
      574 words
    • 466 18 >, rnu»y, iwmoer 11, t INTRASCA (PTE) LTD. Sut'e 261 6 Pa/a -*s. Siigaporn G2C <" Tei 224t,5l 1 BREAKBULK SERVICE TO EUROPE/UK s>« P. Kent Pmi 1(0k 12 0k rtlirgr/ Ite 4ba rmm (mo •OULOOE/rtMM/ FULL CONTAINER WEST BOUND SERVICE Iff" IS 2 Ja* MiAAteMl/irMBN/ cnuwi ,1.. CmUkmn to
      466 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 635 19 FAR EAST/EUROPE FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE/UK (VIA SUEZ): A rn«mt)er o' !hf ACf ConsoituT> A CONCORD 2*f. C PAUL 29W+ C RO2E 27W SS BUDGE 34 HL K CHANCE 6* m BUDGE 9WL.. N WOE 511 Also accepting cargo to/from Scandinavia C PAUL S pore Closing Times. FCL Cargo
      635 words
    • 500 19 MALDIVE LINES MALDIVE lOGHBOUR Loading For Jeddah malowiwty Loading for Alexandria MAIDWE CREST Loading For Male MALDIVE NOBLE Loading For Muscat/ Oubai Dammam MALDIVE PRDE Loading For Kuwait MALDIVE PIONEER Loading For Port Said/Latakia MALWVE STAR Loading For Hodeidah ETA ETA HA SPORE KUANTAN PORT I 25/12 KPORT 25/12 20/12
      500 words
    • 765 19 SINSOV SINGAPORE SOWET SHIPPING CO PRIVATE LTD SHSOV BtEDMG 55. Itaet Street Seifapore 0104 Telephone Nunben 9X2333 (15 Lines) Cable Address SJNSOV SINGAPORE Telex Numbers RS ***** RS ***** RS ***** P KOJNC M/S SHAW AT MM SOON SON. BHD IST AMD 2ND FLOOR. NO 1. JALAN CEMPENNG. PORT KLANG.
      765 words
    • 54 19 M PEACE LINE SIM SWEE JOO SHIPPING SDN. BF EXPRESS TO BMIULU w u* MW (MI1M) w, If 14JTM vm LOME UTV (Ml IMO Mr 17 lU2JI fee*** heavy Vt up to 30 tms car jo tar urabubon at fatal Godovn Agents: JAMBATAN MERAH SDN. BHD. P. Kelang *****6/7 K.
      54 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 437 20 EGYPTIAN ikjTF dm a Tink, a i i iKi c cll INTERNATIONAL LINE (EIL> EGYPTIAN FLAG OMECT UNER SERVICE TO EGYPT (PORT SUEZ POUT SAID ALEXANDRIA) iwi ft mz n urn no/mm li W 0»C n JM M in II lan DS tf WW 23 m av If Mw If
      437 words
    • 512 20 ft JOHORE SHIPPING JAIAN TENGKU BADAP PORT KfIANC. 55 r SFLANGOR MALAYSIA HAJ SHIPPING SDN. BERHAD Express Unttoad Service from P. Ketone East Malays* I Brunei V.ll/11 V: 19/H V: i/e H V; 19/11 H V: 20/11 HV: 1/12 3/11 1/12 2/12 P. KELANG 15/12 27/12 10/1/12 20/12 31/12 13/1/12
      512 words
    • 295 20 LINE KINKAI JAMM/mUITS/JAM* Fully Containerised Service 22* Jjpw r<~* f. M«l|S>ort Tokyo koto 22ESJJI* 5 WU 14/U IVI2 arts 25/12 29/12 ■■ITfIJ m 11/12 21/12 M/ 12 21/12 27/12 5/1 11/1 ft. P 19/12 22/12 1/1 4/1 5/1 4/1 11/1 21/1 (Wit MMT i I nONEB ION) KM MGOVA AS
      295 words
    • 209 20 SAUDI S LINE Regulr Conventional Service (AIWFWVmmI) SW PIC I ocxfcng »or.15/12 DM. Dum, J* 27/12 1/1 PM, PM, M 9/1 DU, Cml M J-uw ii/i EL «n» a* m «mn«/4mm wniMM.w«rm TRAHSTIMBER LINE BULK TIMBER SERVICE TL u )1 Ml [E3 ICE MACK LINE 21/12 30/12 Dar«vS«tajm rS~>\ OCEANUS
      209 words
    • 183 20 a PERKAPALAN LAUTAN MRU SON. M>i r O Bo* kou knabafc Sabah BGUAI IMB SBtVia Sab* Sarawak Bangkok Sngaporr Port kriar*! r Vessels Pdun| LAW ANENMN V J/Sl UHfTM MM ¥.12/11 29 Ok LMTM TK U/tl 23 Ok P.Klmi S'pore loadmg lor h Nrt Sandakan. TMM 24 0« KK 2t
      183 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 126 20 ooirruiu Refional Weather EH r* /A *r to k m V. 71 *r s V 4 cN c *c cr" SIGNIFICANT WEATHER AND SEA CONDITIONS AT 7JOAM THIS MORNING LEGEND" R Thunderstorm Temperature ®C V a o er Weather fY Wiad direction with speed ia ••Rata \J Cloudy Sky w>v
      126 words