The Business Times, 11 October 1977

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Business Times
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    • 60 1 UPI VIENNA, Mon. A leading US oil expert said today exploration for new oil fields will have to be greatly Intensified during the next 20 years to prevent a world catastrophe. Petroleum engineer Michel Halbouty from Houston, Texas, told a seminar of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 68 1 Reuter VIENNA, Mon. Oil producers will adopt "collective strategies" to develop their own refining and petrochemical Industries unless they get technical help from Western consumers, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) said today. Mr. All Mohammed Jaldah, Opec secretarygeneral, told a seminar here that his organisation's members
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 69 1 Reuter ALLAHABAD, Mon. A deluxe passenger train on its way to New Delhi crashed into the rear of a stationary goods train in northern India early today, killing at least 51 people and injuring 150, Railway Board officials said. The accident occurred at Nainl Station near here shortly
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 62 1 AFP KOTA BARU, Mon. Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Hajl Mohamad Naslr said he would file a writ in court tomorrow challenging his expulsion from PAS by the Party's Central Committee today. He said that the expulsion was invalid because the Central Committee had not sent any letter
      AFP  -  62 words
    • 73 1 Reuter ROME, Mon. A leading Japanese steel manufacturer said today increasing tension in the world steel market could have serious consequences for the future of international free trade. Mr Eishlro Salto, president of the Nippon Steel Corporation and chairman of the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), said,
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 60 1 UPI OSLO, Mon. Air ->ty International won the 1977 Nobel peace the Norwegian Nobel committee announced. The 1976 Nobel prize award, withheld last year, was given to Mrs. Betty Williams and Miss Mairead Corrigan, leaders of the Women's Peace Movement in Northern Ireland. Last year a "people's
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 65 1 UPI NEW YORK, Mon. Stocks drifted lower early today In slow Columbus Day holiday trading. The Dow Jones Industrial average, which fell 1.73 points on Friday, was off 1.73 points to 838.62 shortly before 11 a.m. Breadth figures reflected considerable Investor uncertainty about the course of the market.
      UPI  -  65 words
  • Chief Price Changes
    • 187 1 SHARES ruled with an easier bias in light and scattered trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The market opened on a steady note on scattered shortcovering account but prices were soon set on an easier bias as buying support petered out. At the close, the
      187 words
    • 109 1 Foils Most active Olympla TrtJhoh Magnum Corp M. Glass B. Raya P.M.R.I. O.C.B.C. M Weaving Inchcape 1.46 6 30 3.02 1.18 1.21 2.45 6.55 1.04 2.23 -.10 -.10 -.07 -.06 -05 -.05 -.05 -.04 -.04 Olympla 240,000 G. Ceramics 141,000 Mega Chem 122,000 Lien Hoe 56,000 Total
      109 words
  • 1240 1  -  SUCCESS BREEDS BAD HABITS By RONNIE LIM THE success of the economy In the 1960s and early 1970s has bred new problems and some threats within the economic system which, If not checked, will Impose serious constraints on Singapore's future development. Dr. Ow Chin Hock,
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  • 141 1 JOB-Hopping is not u serious now as it was in 1972 and 1973. But 4 to 8 per cent of Singapore's labour force still indulges in it every month. This is stated by Mr. Ong Wee Hock, head of the manpower division of the Economic Development
    141 words
  • 864 1 THE ROLE of Singapore In the international distribution of raw materials may grow as the export productlon of its neighbouring countries expands, and economic integration increases within the region. Describing Singapore as a "turntable in trading commodities from the South-east Asian region". Dr. Alexander
    864 words
  • 65 1 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore yesterday announced that with effect from today, its rediscount rate tor pre export and export hills has been revised from 3 per osnt to JVi per cant. The increase is thought to be a realignment of the rate in response to recent
    65 words
  • 294 1 THE Asian and EuroAmerican Bank (Aseam) ia to be restructured. Bank of America through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bamerical International Financial CorC oration, and other shareoiders in Aieam have agreed on the exercise. A BoA statement yesterday said that the number of shareholders in
    294 words
  • 649 1 FOREIGN Minister S. Rajaratnam yesterday prescribed a simple cure for the world economic crisis rich nations should help poor countries to prosper. Such a policy, he told the United Nations General Assembly In New York, will cut down Inflation and enable developing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 Replace your woods Ay with /wu&eAe/i BOMBSHELLS B Overseas NewwTV ft Radio -PI Overseas New*/ Crosswords Local Co. News —P4 International Co. News —PS Local Stocks —PS Overseas Stocks —P2 Commodities Transport A Cotn—PS munications —P4 Features i—PS Local A Overseas
      41 words
      32 words
    • 150 1 U-Bix COMPLETE COPYNG SYSTEM APS ELECTRONICS (PRIVATE) LTD SINGAPORE Tel *****2 <5 L.nes) APS ELECTRONICS (M) SDN BHD KUALA LUMPUR Tel *****/*****/***** WE HAVE MOVED JONES. LANG. WOOTTON Property Consultants Valuers Real Estate Agents are proud to announce their move to new offices on the 39th Floor OCBC Centre. As
      150 words

    • 922 2 WELLHEAD TAX PROPOSAL NYT NEW YORK, Mon. This week the US Senate Finance Committee Is supposed to make its final decision on whether to accept last Thursday's tentative agreement to drop from the energy package, the wellhead tax on crude oil proposed by President
      NYT  -  922 words
    • 126 2 Reuter GLASGOW, Mon. Scots yesterday celebrated the end of a 100-year drought. That Is how long taverns had been forbidden to open on Sundays under laws described as designed to save the Industrial working class from the worst excesses of escapist drinking. But in the Tartan
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 32 2 UPI NEW DELHI, Mon. Despite its actions against Coca-Cola and IBM, India welcomes foreign investment and will unveil a new industrial policy shortly, Industry Minister George Fernandes said today,-UPI.
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 509 2 NYT HOUSTON, Mon. Natural gas producers and energy economists here are charging that the Carter Administration, in Its fight to retain federal price controls on natural gas, has resorted to grossly exaggerated cost projections for unregulated new gas and erroneous assumptions about the rate
      NYT  -  509 words
    • 250 2 Reuter CHICAGO, Mon. An American federal grand Jury has opened an Investigation to discover how billionaire recluse Howard Hughes, though surrounded by doctors and aides, died a physical wreck weighing only about 41 kilos, the Chicago Tribune reported today. The newspaper said several former top
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 278 2 AFP TOKYO, Mon. Japan will propose the establishment of an international system for controlling plutonium at the first general meeting of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Programme (INFCEP) to be held in Washington from Oct. 19 to 21, government sources reported today.
      AFP  -  278 words
    • 508 2 AP PANAMA CITY. Mon. The United States and Panama apparently have agreed not to squabble In public on the most controversial aspect of the new Panama Canal treaties the question of US Intervention. Although both governments are taking different ?>ostures on how
      AP  -  508 words
    • 393 2 UPI WASHINGTON, Mon. Kuwait, a barren desert kingdom turned modern welfare state by oil, has the fastest growing population in the world, a new report shows. The tax-free nation will double its population of 1.1 million within the decade, according to estimates compiled by the Environmental
      UPI  -  393 words
    • 855 2 AFP LONDON, Mon. On a global basis the cotton and allied textile Industry sank deeper into recession In the second quarter of this year, the British Textile Statistics Bureau says in its latest review. In the first quarter, the weight of yarn spun in noncommunist
      AFP  -  855 words
    • 330 2 Reuter MOSCOW, Mon. British Foreign Secretary David Owen arrived in Moscow yesterday for two days of talks expected to centre on Rhodesia and Anglo-Soviet trade. Dr. Owen, on his first official visit to the Soviet Union, was met at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport by Foreign
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 169 2 UPI LOS ANGELES, Mon. More than 15,000 machinists struck at LockheedCallfornla's three aircraft plants today as a result of a breakdown in negotiations over pay and fringe benefits. The walkout at the Burbank, Palmdale and Sunnyvale plants followed an overwhelming strike vote yesterday by the
      UPI  -  169 words
    • 477 3 NYT WASHINGTON, Mon. John Moore Jr., head of the United States Export-Im- port Bank, has disclosed < that Zaire has not paid any I Interest or fees on Its US$435 million (551,065 million) debt to the bank since August and that pros- pects
      NYT  -  477 words
    • 190 3 Reuter ROME. Mon. Italy had a trade surplus of 254 billion lire (SS69B million) in August, its third monthly surplus running after surpluses of 283 billion lire in July and 82 billion in June, the Statistics Institute said. Exports in August totalled three
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 365 3 Reuter NEW YORK, Mon. With the latest round of prime rate Increases virtually concluded, a number of Wall Street forecasters expect the Federal Reserve's discount rate to be moved up by another notch fairly soon. The latest prime rate Increase to 7-1/2 per cent
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 128 3 AFP BRASILIA, Mon. Japanese investment in Brazil zoomed seven-fold from 1971 to 1976, the Brazilian Central Bank reported yesterday. The bank said that Japanese investments in the country had risen from $124.87 million in 1971 to $1,006 million (*****.93 million to 2.46 billion) last year, an increase
      AFP  -  128 words
    • 585 3 AP PARIS, MON. France's none-too-modest proposal to shrink unemployment by sending Immigrant workers back home to southern Europe and Africa Is raising cries of racism. The measure is the most extreme taken to date by any European government and reflects rising blackwhite friction on
      AP  -  585 words
    • 232 3 AP NEW YORK. Mob. Economic problems in developing nations are intimately tied to America's problems of unemployment and racial disharmony, US Ambassador to tbe United Nations Andrew Young said yesterday. "We cannot tarn oar backs on tbe world," Mr: Young said in a strong statement against US economic
      AP  -  232 words
    • 618 3 NYT MELVIN VILLAGE (New Hampshire), Mon. Foreign bank's lending in the United States has been growing despite a period of poor demand for business loans. This resulted In a decline In domestic commercial and Industrial lending by major United States banks, according to
      NYT  -  618 words
    • 513 3 NYT NEW YORK. Mon. The economic expansion of the United States will continue at a slower rate next year than this year's, but growth will probably halt and the economy turn down by late 1978 or 1979, according to a survey of
      NYT  -  513 words
    • 185 3 Reuter TEHERAN, Mon. The head of Iran Air confirmed today that the national airline will buy 10 Franco-German Airbuses worth US$25O million (Ss6lo million) and also said Iran stood by Its preliminary agreement to buy two AngloFrench Concordes. General All Mohammed Khademl, managing director
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 115 3 Reuter MADRID, Mon. Spanish government and opposition leaders agreed on urgent measures to solve the country's economic problems. The agreement, reached after two days of talks preslded over by Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez, called for price and wage controls to reduce inflation, currently running at 30 per
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 264 3 Reuter LONDON, Mon. Britain's Conservative opposition party, which begins its annual conference tomorrow, will be seeking to convince the nation it could tackle the country's economic ills better than the Labour government. Last week's successful Labour Party conference, which amounted to a
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 63 3 AFP LIMA. Mon. Many of the world's foremost architects and designers are scheduled to meet here In December to draw up a charter on human habitation, it was announced here. Americans Charles Eames. Jose Luis Sert, Paul Rudolph and Buckmlnster Fuller, Italian Luigl Nervi and Brazilian Oscar Neimeyer
      AFP  -  63 words
    • 548 3 Reuter LONDON, Mon. British financial analysts differ on whether indicators due over the next 10 days will show evidence of a turnround In the real economy, but concur In forecasting; a continuing downtrend In price Inflation. On the demand side they expect the
      Reuter  -  548 words
    • 186 3 AP LONDON, Mon. A 13nation conference on the L- nta r f tic has a ?reed there should be no oil drilling or mining for minerals in the icy continent until detailed examination of the damage such operations could cause. The attending nations,
      AP  -  186 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 Progressive Year for Hongkong Land Half year Group Earnings to 30 June 1977. after taxation, were 5547.3 million (14.4% increase). An Interim' dividend of 6.3< per share (5.7* 1976) has been declared, payable on 24 November to shareholders registered on 14 November. The final dividend is expected to be at
      303 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 340 2 THE WEATHER WEATHER report for 24 hours prior to 7.30 pm on Oct 10 at Singapore airport. Maximum Temperature 31.2° C Associated Humidity 68 Minimum Temperature 24.2° C Associated Humidity 98 Hours of Sunshine 8.25 Rainfall in Millimetres Trace Total Rainfall for the Month 21.8 Total Rainy Days for the
      340 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 COPPER TUBE I I \T i MERITS: 1. Excellent quality 2. Available even in small quantity j 3. Short delivery terms 4. Stabilized supply I SINGAPORE KOBE PTE. LTD. a subsidiary of KOBE STEEL tn Japan NO. 3, 6TH LOKYANG ROAD, JURONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SINGAPORE, 22 TEL: *****88/9 TLX: RS
      51 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 649 3 THE TWO-IN-ONE CROSSWORD S.S CRYPTIC PUZZLE ACROSS 4 It seems It adds up to a season (6) 7 Thing Alt designed for Illumination (8) 8 Anything that exists, yet tin Is the source (6) 10 Poem endlessley bringing wild glee (5) 13 The "Mrs" takes this food on (4) 14
      649 words

    • 633 4 MALAYSIA'S largest tin company, Berjuntai Tin Dredging has reported record profits for the year ended April 30, 1977 In line with the dramatic movement of tin prices towards new heights during the period. Pre-tax profit took a 50 per cent leap
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    • 325 4 THE Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation (Cisco) increased its gross revenue from services rendered by $2.43 million to $18.87 million for the year ended March 31, 1977. This was an Increase of 14.8 per cent over the previous year. "Demand for Cisco's
      325 words
    • 425 4 AS A RESULT of its crop diversification and the higher prices obtained for all its crops, pre-tax profit at Chersonese FMS Estates, one of the few sterling rubber companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, continued to forge ahead in the first seven
      425 words
    • 308 4 PRIMA (FLOUR MILLS) will take a 40 per cent stake in the new Joint venture company, which will build a US$3O million flour mill in Sri Lanka. The new company, called Prima Ceylon Ltd. (PCL), will have an initial paid-up capital
      308 words
    • 469 4 Curraat Ex Date Total for Total for mm* Date payable the year previous year Prim* 8%(I)TE Sept 27 Oct 11 8%I(TE) 22.5%(a) NSOP 12W%I Sept 23 Oct 12 12 W% 17W% Wilkinson Process 8%I Sept 22 Oct 12 8%I 20% Metro Sept 27 Oct 14 8% 8% Metro
      469 words
    • 224 4 GILANI JUTE and Textile Mills (M), the defunct Jute manufacturer which ceased operations in August 1975, has reported another loss of M 5287,000 for the first halfyear ended June 30, 1977. The latest loss comprises interest charges of $230,000 and general and administrative expenses of
      224 words
    • 791 4 NYT NEW YORK: These days, the new chairman of J.P. Morgan Company rides the long Island Rail Road to work, but he still represents a bank whose patrician traditions probably rule out lending money to any of the other commuters on the 7:46
      NYT  -  791 words
    • 924 4 FT LONDON: The question whether Hitachi should be allowed to set up a television manufacturing plant In the UK has begun to raise Issues of principle on general Industrial strategy. These Issues will have to be considered by the government In the coming
      FT  -  924 words
    • 143 4 HOTEL Negara expects to Incur a loss of $160,000 for the current year ending Dec 31, 1977. This was revealed by the comrany Jn reply to queries fronrthe Stock Exchange of Singapore on Its prospective earnings following Its proposed one-for-two rights Issue. The estimated
      143 words
      • 53 4 KHONG GUAN Flour Milling Consolidated pre-tax profit $1.52 million ($l.ll million) on turnover $22.01 million ($24.99 million) for the year ended April 30, 1977. Tax $729,907 ($488,300) and extraordinary items $2,940 ($149,740) leaving net profit $787,518 ($770,086). First and final dividend 15 per cent (same) payable Dec 16 to shareholders
        53 words
      • 50 4 Pre-tax profit M 52.7 million ($1.15 million) on gross sales $12.38 million ($7.87 million) for the year ended June 30, 1977. Tax $1.17 million ($328,393( and exceptional Items $18,831 ($7,181) leaving net profit $1.51 million ($817,958). Final dividend per cent (five) making total 12V» per cent (7vy.
        50 words
      • 32 4 Pre-tax profit M 5453,910 ($234,648) for the year ended March 31, 1977. Tax $202,000 ($108,000) leaving after-tax profit $251,910 ($126,648). First and final dividend 15 per cent (same).
        32 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 143 4 Bu SINGAPORE ness SINGAPORE 3 jj ft If PRICE $300 INDEX Cumulative MANUFACTURING Confectionery communications i Air Sa'ety ifl INVESTMENT j.nno Enterprises TOURISM Asean Travel UFEATTMETOR Joseph Nahhosteen 4 TNENOS v Heading lor Anotne i. Recession Trends m S.ngapores Economic indicators Commodity Markets STOCK MARKET «VKW STOCK PNOntE Kuala Lumpur
      143 words

    • 213 5 ASIAN COMPANIES Reuter MELBOURNE, Mon. On an Increase of 11 per cent In sales, Dunlop Australia made an unaudited consolidated operating profit of A 518.22 million for the year ended June 30, 1977 up by about 20 per cent from $15.17 million in
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 62 5 TOKYO. Mon. Ishika-wajima-Harlma Heavy Industries has signed a six billion yen contract with Elin-Union of Austria to build two desalination plants in the United Arab Emirates by March 1980. The plants, each with a daily capacity of three million gallons of fresh water, will be part of a 150.000kilowatt
      62 words
    • 216 5 Reuter BANGKOK, Mon. Kawasaki Steel Corp, Mitsui and Co, Mitsubishi Corp and Kawasho Corp are interested In a joint venture with Thai partners to establish a multi-million dollar integrated steel project in Thailand, Mr. Chamni Vasavapolboon, managing director of G.S. Steel said. Mr. Chamni, wno recently returned
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 143 5 Reuter TOKYO, Mon. The Industrial Bank of Japan said its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kogin Financing Co of Curacao, will issue a US$5O million, five-year, floating rate bond, guaranteed by the parent bank. The contract for the bond will be signed on Oct 20 with an international group
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 102 5 Reuter TOKYO, Mon. Honda Motor said its four-wheeled vehicle production this year will total more than 670,000 units, compared with the target of 650.000 and 1976 output of 560,000. Production in the first eight months of this year rose 15 per cent to 407,100 from
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 601 5 NYT NEW YORK, Mon. A new corporate tactic of reducing an original tender offer has been tried three times recently with mixed results, raising questions in Wall Street about the strategy's overall worth. The first such instance was the Crane Company's reduced bid for
      NYT  -  601 words
    • 138 5 Reuter MANILA Mon. A Saudi Arabian bank and two private Filipino banks have guaranteed US$6.OB million to Landoll Resources Corp's subsidiary, the Philippine-Singapore Ports Corp (Phllslnports) for port operations In Juball, Landoll officials said. The guarantees were provided by the National Commercial Bank of
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 132 5 Reuter HONGKONG, Mon. LI and Fung suffered a 32 per cent setback In the first half-year ended June 30, 1977 which saw unaudited consolidated net profit sliding to HKS2.I2 million from $3.11 million In first half 1976. However, the company said it is maintaining the
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 86 5 Reuter SYDNEY, Mon. CSR said it received acceptances for 389.000 AAR nominal Asl shares in the two weeks ended Oct. 6. This lifted its AAR stake to 3.66 million shares or 14.1 per cent of AAR's 25.85 million share Issued capital from 3.27 million (12.6 per
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 69 5 Reuter PARIS, Mon. Banque Natlonale de Paris and Inchcape and Co. have agreed to form a Joint subsidiary, Compex Sa, for the promotion of French exports, BNP said. Its two million franc capital will be held 25 per cent by Inchcape Export, 25 per cent by Inchcape's
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 702 5 NYT NEW YORK. Mon. Hardly a day goes by in Wall Street without rumours of another merger involving major brokerage houses. For with rising costs and falling revenues, profits have become elusive, and many leaders of the securities business believe only the largest and
      NYT  -  702 words
    • 115 5 NORTH AMERICAN COMPANIES Reuter NEW YORK: Union Carbide Is intensifying a profit improvement programme begun this year, chairman William Sneath said. It involves reducing overhead expenses and personnel, cutting back and delaying construction and capital Investment and withdrawing from product lines and development programmes that do
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 145 5 MOUNTAINSIDE. (New Jersey): Worthington Pump, a subsidiary of Studebaker Worthington, has acquired the assets of Cryodynamlcs of Los Angeles, California. Cryodynamlcs Is engaged in the design and manufacture of submersible single and multi-stage centrifugal pumps and pumping systems for land-based and marine cryogenic applications including
      145 words
    • 44 5 Reuter CUPERTINO (California): Litronix said the proposed sale of 80 per cent of Its outstanding common stock to Sltronlx, an affiliate of Siemens, received the required approval from shareholders, creditors and the bankruptcy court. Litronix expects to complete the sale on Oct 18.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 79 5 Reuter TULSA: Cities Service said it has decided to stop exploration for minerals such as copper. It said It Is taking the action due to increasing problems affecting the economics of minerals mining, but there will be no change In current plans and programmes for copper operations
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 440 5 EUROPEAN COMPANIES AMSTERDAM. Mon. A group of West Asian investors is taking a stake worth something like 26 25 million guilders in a major Dutch construction company: Mlnefa Holdings, the base for the Arab Interests. Is to acquire an eventual 16 per cent holding
      440 words
    • 94 5 ST. NAZAIRE (France), Mon. Mr. Pierre Loygue president of AlsthomAtlantlque, said here his company has a letter of intent to build two submarine hydropower stations on "a major river" in the United States. They would be equipped with three groups of 300 megawatt generators. The
      94 words
    • 442 5 BARTLESVILLE, (Oklahoma): Phillips Petroleum is building a USSI.4 million plant for North Carolina based on a process developed by the company that recycles waste motor oils into a high-quality product comparable to new motor oils. The compact plant, which will begin operation in mld-1978,
      442 words
    • 210 5 LONDON, Mon. One of the top three UK flour and bread groups. Ranks Hovls MacDougall, which has worldwide sales of nearly £1 billion a year, has bought a US pasta manufacturing company for £12.2 million In cash. It Is RHM's second major purchase In
      210 words
    • LOANS
      • 107 5 Reuter CANBERRA. Mon. Treasurer Phillip Lynch confirmed the 250 million mark 5 1 4 per cent five-year private placement for the Commonwealth of Australia was priced at 99 per cent. In a weekend statement, Mr. Lynch said the placement agreement was signed here on Friday. Deutsche
        Reuter  -  107 words
      • 42 5 Reuter ZURICH, Mon. The 80 million Swiss franc 4V« per cent 15-year loan raised by Ste Nationale des Chemins de Fer Francais, the French railways, was considerably oversubscribed at its issue §rlce of 99 per cent, Credit ulsse said. Reuter
        Reuter  -  42 words
      • 159 5 Reuter LONDON. Mon. The province of Quebec will issue US$75 million of 18year Eurobonds, lead manager Credit Suisse White Weld said. The bonds, which will have an average life of 13 years, are expected to carry a coupon of nine per cent. Credit Suisse added. Terms will
        Reuter  -  159 words
      • 65 5 Reuter LONDON, Mon. The London branch of the Mitsui Trust and Banking Co said it has completed a US$l5 million three-year floating rate certificate of deposit issue. Interest is 'A per cent above the six-month London interbank offered rate for Eurodollar deposits and is not subject to
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 53 5 Reuter ZURICH. Mon. The 80 million franc 4 3 per cent 15-year loan to be floated by Oesterrelchlsche Draukraftwerke on the Swiss capital market from Oct 12 to 17 will be issued at par, Swiss Bank said as issuing consortium leader. The loan Is guaranteed by the
        Reuter  -  53 words
    • 246 5 FT LONDON, Mon. The Blue Circle group's consultancy services division has gained another major contract to design and supervise the construction of a £52 million cement works in West Asia. The contract with the Hamadan Cement Company for the building of a new
      FT  -  246 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 OCBC CENTRE your prestigious address with a panoramic view Prospect of "in house" business Private dining rooms available for top executives 27 fast computerised lifts Large airy Car Park for 654 cars no parking problem for visitors Cafeteria for executives and staff One floor of special conference and meeting rooms
      86 words

  • 2329 6 urn High Low Company Last Sale +orGr'» div 1 i Div c'vr Gr'a y'ld Net P/E Vol C000) 1 Day High Low SECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS 154 204 116 238 88* 198* 169 224 414 171 135 172 58 212 57* 155 152 182 350 145 Acma Alcom
    2,329 words
  • 1305 6 BID and offer price* officially luted and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word Sett Big Board deaU
    1,305 words
  • 1455 6 BID arm offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1 000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Atinomato (2.068 2.105). Alcorn (1.765). A. Ch*« < 1.018 1.028)
    1,455 words
  • 66 6 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. C and C (Dec $1.90) (0.328 0.405). DBS (Dec $3.60) (0.128 0.208). Inchcape (March $2.40)
    66 words
  • 163 6 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST INCOME BOND UNIT iMtniien' price* for Oct 11) (Current pri CM) 1 08 1.14 The Commerce 1.72 1.82 INCOME BOND The Saving Fund S pore Prog Fund 1.04 1.10 0 82 0 87dx MARA BUMIPUTRA FUND S pore Security (Manager*' price* for Oct II) Fund
    163 words
  • 187 6 B O T 8 1/2% 1981 (100,000) (101 T »B 102SS) B O T 7 5/8% 1984 (100,000) (98> >B 995) L T C B J 1982 (100,000) (98V«B 98\S) Credit Lyonnaia Floating 1983 (100.000) (97%8 98V>S) DBS Convert* 6 1/2% 1991 (100,000) (96V,8 9TX.S) D B S
    187 words
  • 46 6 4 3/4% 1/5/79 (250,000) (100.60S) 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250,000) (101 60S) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (99.805) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250,000) (100.15S) 7 1/4% 1/5/87 (250,000) (100 60S) 5 1/2% T F 15/9/87 250,000) (100.555) 6 1/4% T F 15/9/95-97 250,000) (100 058 100.15S)
    46 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 Confront Singapore's decision makers in Business Times Business Times, Singapore's new financial daily, offers you the most costeffective medium to reach Singapore's top businessmen. The decision makers of industry and commerce. Politicians, civil servants, the media and more. It's people like these who For only $3.50 per single column centimetre
      176 words

  • Article, Illustration
    618 7 SHARES ruled with an easier bias in very light and scattered trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Operators and dabblers generally adopted a wait-and-see attitude in the absence of any clear trading incentive. The morning market opened on a steady note on scattered short-covering account but
    618 words
  • 385 7 SHARES were traded narrowly to finish on a slightly mixed footing at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. With no signs of a clear lead from overseas markets, the market was generally left to drift. Trading was conducted at a very slow pace, with the bulk
    385 words
  • 1692 7 BETHLEHEM (Pennsylvania): Bethlehem Steel Is like a dinosaur, and a dinosaur Is so big that sometimes he thrashes his tall around without realising he Is knocking things down. This view of the Bethlehem Steel Corp, the nation's second-largest steel producer, was given by Mr.
    1,692 words
    • 342 7 HONGKONG: The market closed slightly easier fin quiet trading on Monday, with more Interest towards the close, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index fell 1.99 points to 421.49. Jardine Matheson and Swire Pacific fell 10 each to 14.00 and O.zu respectively, Hongkong Land five to 6.90, Hutchion and
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    • 15 7 TOKYO: The market was closed on Monday for the Health and Sports Day holiday.
      15 words
    • 397 7 SYDNEY: The market closed mixed on Monday, with BHP gaining four cents to $5.22 on turnover of 47.000 shares, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles rose one point to 424.29. CSR rose nine to 2.95. Central Norseman 30 to 6.90, Pancontinental 20 to 7.50, Vlueensland Mines 10 to 1.70, Kathleen
      397 words
    • 142 7 MANILA: The market closed lower across the board on Monday, with turnover falling to 7.35 million pesos from Friday's 9.03 million, dealers said. Phitat fel two points among minings while San Miguel lost a point In commercials. OCT 10 Pesos Acoje Mining .01 0 0002 Atlas Con A 17
      142 words
    • 127 7 OCT 1# Bahts 47Asia Fibre 222 +27 Bangkok Bank Bangkok Invest 270 unch Bangkok Metropolitan Bank Bata 702 BerliJucker 442 -2 Charoong Thai Wire 244 17 Dumex Duslt Thanl 295 1 Faber Merlin First Trust 229 1 Genera Finance 275 *9 Indo-Thai Industrial Finance Corp 1335S J And J
      127 words
    • 66 7 Reuter FRANKFURT.Mon— The Japanese firm. Canon, is discussing the issue of a 100 million mark convertible Eurobond, possibly this month, bond market sources said. Conditions and issue timing have not yet been set, but maturity is expected to be 10 years, with the coupon s'/4 per cent
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 50 7 Reuter LONDON. Mon. Financiera Nacional Azucarera SA of Mexico plans to Issue a US$25 million Eurobond, co-lead manager First Boston Ag. said. The offer will be made on Oct 12 and the issue, which matures In 1982. is expected to carry a coupon of nine per cent. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
  • 934 7 Options Hottest game in town for brokers NEW YORK: Options are the hottest game in town for Investors and speculators and also one of the most lucrative parts of the business these days for brokerage firms. "We're dealing with a product that went from zero to our second largest source
    934 words
  • 592 7 VIENNA, Mon. The powerful Austrian consumer cooperatives called Konsum have decided to engage in banking on a large scale. The board of Konsum gave notice of plans to establish eight to ten branch offices In Austria. The Central Finance Institution of the cooperative
    592 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 526 7 BUSINESS TIMES Airline Directory Aeroflot Soviet Airlines 110-112 Show Centra, Orchard Road, Singapore 9 (Tel: 377.111) Air Ceylon 302-B, 3rd Floor, Marina Houm Shanton Way, Singapore (1) (Tel: *****88) Ground. Floor, ICB Building, Shenton Way Singapore 1 (Tel: *****11) 16th Floor, UIC Building, Shenton Way, S< (Tel: 2205.277) Air New
      526 words

    • 331 8 OPENING quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up 0.75 cent on steadier London advices and the weekend announcement on future US stockpile policy and advanced a further half-cent on shortcoverlng and speculative buying. The gain however, was not sustained as buying interest petered out
      331 words
    • 30 8 Rubber: Oct 10 Singapore: October 214.00 cents (down 0.75 cent) Malaysia: November 217.75 cents (down 0.25 cent) Tin: $1,792 (up $32) Official offering: 220 tonnes (up 43 tonnes)
      30 words
    • 343 8 R A S prices In cents per kilo yesterday: Noon Close (per kilo) (per kilo) Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Int. 1 R.S.S. prompt f.o.b. 215.00 216.00N 213.00 214.00N Int. IRS S.Oct 216.00 216.25 214.00 214.50 Int 1 R S S. Nov 217.75 218.00 216.25 216.75 Int. 2 R.S.S
      343 words
    • 10 8 vr 522 s 11 m Pf #-.'vl
      10 words
    • 317 8 HONGKONG, Mon. The market closed easier in fairly quiet trading, In line with Friday's trend In New York, dealers said. Local speculative selling at the opening pushed prices down, but commission house buying throughout the session stemmed the decline, they said. Trading was confined to March and July
      317 words
    • 87 8 LONDON, Mon. Copper wirebars were down £2 for cash and £1 for Three Months in the morning. Dealers said steadiness at New York and very firm gold provided underpinning support although continued hedge selling had a restraining effect. A smaller-than-expected rise In warehouse stocks was also a steadying Influence.
      87 words
    • 64 8 LONDON, Mon. Silver finished with gains of 1.8 to 2.0 pence per troy ounce in the morning. The market produced routine trading at up to 269.4 pence per troy ounce for Three Months, the very steady tone reflecting buoyancy of gold, dealers said. On the kerb, prices hardened further
      64 words
    • 318 8 SINGAPORE produce dealers were Idling yesterday for want of proper price Indications from the overseas markets. With foreign markets behaving in a rather Irregular pattern of late, dealers tended to avoid fresh commitments, particularly In the market for coffee beans which continued to show a barely steady trend
      318 words
    • 200 8 LONDON, Mon. Coffee futures In the morning opened £94 to £42 per tonne higher In a moderately active turnover of 534 lots. Traders said good trade buying and reserve on the part of sellers pushed prices up sharply. They said the move by Brazil to suspend sales of coffee
      200 words
    • 201 8 LONDON, Mon. Terminal cocoa finished the first call up from Friday by £36.50 to £7.50 per tonne, partly against Friday's New York market with near December moving higher in open trading on shortcovering and outsider support to within touching distance of limit up. Dealers said sentiment appeared to be
      201 words
    • 190 8 LONDON, Mon. Sugar futures finished the first call £ £111 bid) to £3.25 per tonne < up from Friday, and continued to harden on mixed covering support in reasonably active open trading. Dealers said sentiment < was influenced by the successful negotiation of a new International Sugar Agreement (ISA).
      190 words
    • 179 8 IN THE Singapore market, the kllobar opened at 5512.259. Subsequently, It drifted down to the low of 5512.227 before recovering to close at 5512.244. In the London market, the metal opened at U*****.00/20. The market hit the low of U*****.60/80 and closed higher at U*****.80/156.00. The London morning fix
      179 words
    • 153 8 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday rose Ms 32 to $1,792 on an official offering up 43 tonnes to 220 tonnes. The recovery was In reaction to last Saturday's sharp fall following shortcovering and general buyings, dealers said. In LONDON yesterday, tin fell £95 for cash and
      153 words
    • 83 8 LONDON. Mon. Lead jvas £4 hlgner for cash and £5 up for Three Months in the morning. Dealers said the market displayed a firmer tendency of hedge buying against recent physical sales, fresh speculative interest and some chartist activity when Three Months moved up through £355 per tonne on
      83 words
    • 55 8 LONDON Mon. Zinc rose £2.50 for cash and £3 for Three Months in the morning. Market sources said zinc lacked fresh feature with the higher prices reflecting steady copper and higher lead. Three Months traded from £294 to £296 In the ring and maintained this level on the kerb.
      55 words
    • 206 8 BANGKOK, Mon. Indicative prices for rice quoted today were: (U.S. dollars per tonne fob basis Bangkok) White Rice: 100 pet Ist class 308. 100 pet 2nd 292. 100 pet 3rd 288. 5 pet 277. 10 pet 280, 15 pet 257. 20 pet 254. 25 pet 245. 35 pet unq.
      206 words
    • 255 8 Reuter KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Peninsular Malaysia crude palm oil production rose to 116,156 tonnes In July from 106,883 tonnes in June and was above the 105,517 tonnes (revised) In July 1076, preliminary Statistics Department figures show. In the first seven months, production totalled
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 68 8 Reuter MOSCOW, Mon. The Soviet Union expects a record cotton crop this year, but the picture for the grain harvest remains uncertain, Agriculture Minister Valentin Meayate said. In an address to farm workers on Soviet television Mr. Mesyate said the Cotton harvest mainly from Central Asia
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 890 8 AFP LONDON, Mon. Record prices were paid for tin last week and gold touched a new two-year "high" In rather mixed conditions on the commodity markets, with most sectors tending to lose ground ahead of the weekend. The continuing strength of sterling against the US
      AFP  -  890 words
    • 94 8 TAIPEH, Mon. Taiwan will produce 2.65 million tonnes of rice this year, 50,000 tonnes less than the 2.7 million harvested in 1976, the Central News Agency reported. The agency quoted a senior official of the joint commission on rural reconstruction as saying yesterday that
      94 words
      • 535 8 SINGAPORE'S foreign exchange market yesterday saw rates generally unchanged from opening levels with the Tokyo market closed and New York's also on holiday. The yen, which until the close of last week, saw dramatic movemept, hardly budged from opening position till late afternoon. Throughout the session, the US dollar
        535 words
      • 54 8 ACBC <* 7 Algemene Bank 6>. 7 Bangkok Bank 7 HSBC 6*4 Bank of America Bank of China Bank of Tokyo 6>< 7 6>. Indoauez Malayan Banking ...7 7 6* 4 Bank Nrgara Indonesia 7 OCBC OL'B IS Chartered Bank 7 L'CB 7 Chat* Manhattan 7 UMBC
        54 words
      • 158 8 Asian rates ASIAN currency deposit rates as at close on Oct 10 Interbank 18 Dollar*Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 1 mth 2 mths 3 mths Smths 9 mths 12 mths .611/16 613/16 615/16 .7 3/16 .71/2 .7 6/16 .7 5/6 66/16 611/16 613/16 71/16 73/8 77/16 71/2 84. Fn Dm.
        158 words
      • 47 8 RANOE of price* offered by dls count houses on Oct 10 Overnight 3%% Call deposit 3% to 3%% Clown* Buying Selling 3-Month Treasury bills 33/16 31/16 3-Month Bank bill* 415/16 413/16 3-Month CU 5 11/16 5 9/16 6-Month CD 57/S 511/16 Source: National Discount Co. Ltd.
        47 words
      • 54 8 AUSTRALIA/NZ exchanges quoted on Oct 10. 1 AUSTRALIA: Sterling .6383/ .6316 US dollar 1.1192/ 1.1144 1 Ninety-day air mall buying rates: Sterling 0.6524 US dollars 1.1473 Ninety-day forward buying rates: Sterling 0.6290 US dollars 1.1077 NEW ZEALAND: Sterling .5573/ .5542 US dollar .9847/ 9747 Ninety day-forward rate: Sterling 0.5656
        54 words
      • 208 8 LONDON, Mon. The dollar opened lower against major European currencies, but recovered slightly on initial quotes as operators took profits. The mark eased from an initial 2.2895/ 2905 to the dollar to 2.2907/17 though It was still above Its Friday close of 2.2935/50. Dealers said trading was relatively subdued
        208 words
      • 115 8 HONGKONG, Mon. The US dollar eased from Friday's New York close, ending the morning at 256.70/80 yen from New York's 257.60 mld-polnt equivalent. In quiet trading. They said the US currency's easiness was In continuation of New York trends, with no new factors influencing its decline. Trading was very
        115 words
      • 147 8 Euro rates LONDON, Mon. Eurodollar deposit rates opened little changed from Friday's closing levels, but dealers reported a firm undertone due to fears of tighter US monetary policy and higher Fed funds rates, coupled with an expected increase in US money supply figures later this week. Fed funds closed higher
        147 words
      • 32 8 FRANKFURT exchanges opening quotes on Oct 10 US 2.2907/17 Can 2.1055/75 UK 4.029/039 Neth 93.94/94.04 Swltz 99.42/52 Italy 2.597/607 France 47.02/12 Norw 41.66/74 Belg com 6.446/456 Belg fin 6.45/46 Japan 0.8915/30
        32 words
      • 14 8 THE Tokyo exchange was J closed yesterday for the Health and Sports Day.
        14 words
      • 343 8 LONDON, Mon. US dollar bonds were up to 1/2 point easier in moderately active trading, dealers said. Against a background of a number of still unplaced recently finalised issues, most of the business appeared to be among professional operators, dealers said. Mark Eurobonds were steady with no particular features.
        343 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 from Penguin BELLOW 1976 Nobel Prizewinner 1976 Nobel Prize Winner is at his best again in his latest book To Jerusalem and Back'. As with his recent best-seller 'Humboldt's Gift', Bellow's brilliant images emerge at frequent intervals like sunshine through fog, witty, clever, radiantly imaginative and without doubt, Bellow has
      410 words

  • 257 9 Reuter NEW YORK, Mon. Peo61e living near New York's [ennedy Airport have vowed to step up their battle against allowing the Concorde supersonic airliner to land there. "We are going to demonstrate again and again. We represent one million people," Mr Brian Levinson,
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 937 9  -  In 1976, marine insurers paid out the massive total of US$4OO million for losses at sea. In this age of bigger and costlier ships and high risk cargoes, they want to step up rates but are frustrated by cut-price "fringe" companies. CHRIS HEWER reports. CHRIS
    FT.  -  937 words
  • 393 9 NYT WASHINGTON, Mon. Alice Rlvlln, director of the Congressional Budget Office, has clashed with mass transit officials in a dispute that could influence congressional decisions on Investment In transportation. At the request of Sen. Lloyd Bentsen's transportation subcommittee, Dr. Rlvlin's office had prepared a report on
    NYT  -  393 words
  • 440 9 AP EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, (California), Mon. They whine and roar over this remote stretch of sunbaked sands America's newest aerospace ideas taking wing. Ther strange bird in the spotlight now is the space shuttle Enterprise, being readied for its fourth glide
    AP  -  440 words
  • 307 9 THE Port of Singapore Authority's (PSA) Paslr Panjang Wharves recorded an overall 54 per cent increase in the total cargo throughput for the first eight months of this year Compared with the corresponding period for 1976. Cargo tonnage totalled about two million
    307 words
  • 529 9 ARRIVALS service Local Operator Number Time From CAL CI331 0040 TPE/HKG/KUL CPA CX003 0145 HKG TMA TL303B 0215 BEY/DXB/ BOM/KUL MAS MH682 0810 KCH CAL CI 806 1000 HLP GIA GA980 1030 HLP SIA SQ211 1045 HLP GIA GA944 1055 PKU GIA GA908 1100 MES PAL PR501
    529 words
  • 190 9 BEN Asia Container Service has been the only direct container service operating between Japan and Straits ports, in the last three years or so. Originally, this service was introduced utilising the 200 TEU container vessel Molra. Now, it has expanded with the replacement of "Moria" with
    190 words
  • Article, Illustration
    344 9 EXPECTED ARRIVALS TODAY KEPPEL WHARVES Car Liner No. 1 (Car Carrier) 1330 31/32 Golden Spear (Bulk Maize) (1100 after Protesllaus hauls must head West) 8/9 Idaho (after American Mall) 47 Jlangyln (0530 hauls 25 m East) 13/14 Klnkasan Maru (2100 after High Qlory) 46 Maritime Explorer (1600 tide)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 217 9 PRESSMEN OR YESMEN? Si This is a question often asked about the Singapore journalist. Another question is: How controlled is the Singapore press? New Directions quarterly discusses questions such as these in its September issue now on 13.00 lOuww*' .OOWIbM N x'.X'A' 1 !*<•//' /S, i na^ v vVI 'i'///"/
      217 words

  • 1196 10  -  By NICHOLAS GAGE NYT ATHENS: When Aristotle Onassis died In early 1975 at the age of 69, his empire was floundering In the worst shipping depression since he entered the business in 1931. 'Today, the shipping business is even worse, and .supertankers, which make up
    NYT  -  1,196 words
  • 712 10  -  S.KOREA AND TAIWAN AFFECTED TOO By PAUL MAJENDIE Reuter HONO KONG: If the European Common Market severely curtails textile quotas for Hongkong, this British colony could lose HKSI billion (SSS2O million) in trade and see 20,000 Jobs evaporate In its main industry.
    Reuter  -  712 words
  • 788 10  -  By ANDREW MALCOLM NYT SEOUL: Four hundred workers defiantly refuse to work compulsory overtime. Seven hundred strike for six hours over wage demands. More than 300 start a demonstration march that clashes with the police. The signs of mounting labour unrest in South Korea are unmistakable
    NYT  -  788 words
  • 1606 10  -  CHILDREN FACING MALNUTRITION By HARVEY MORRIS Reuter SANTIAGO: As much as half the Chilean population may be missing out on the benefits of an economic recovery with which the government of President Augusto Pinochet has been Impressing foreign bankers and businessmen In recent months, according
    Reuter  -  1,606 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 192 10 Give us a man for a moirttiwe'll give him a language for life Infingua now the largest group of language schools in the world offers a range of intensive language courses specifically designed for the busy executives whose work and position require them to attain a high degree of proficiency
      192 words

  • 932 11 INFLATION PROBLEMS Reuter SEOUL. Mon. High liquidity caused by a massive Inflow of foreign funds as well as inflationary pressures are two of the main problems facing the South Korean economy, government trade and monetary officials said. Despite efforts to control the situation, the money
    Reuter  -  932 words
  • 364 11 AFP KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Local researchers have developed a new technique of rubber tapping which can yield more latex. Called "puncture tapping," the technique also has other advantages over the conventional method. Dr. A.A. Ravoof, an agronomist with the University of Malaya, has successfully
    AFP  -  364 words
  • 97 11 AFP NEW YORK, Mon. China is gearing up for more tourists in an attempt to strengthen its foreign exchange reserves, the weekly magazine Newsweek reported yesterday. The airports of Peking and Shanghai are being enlarged to accommodate all aircraft including the Concorde. and new
    AFP  -  97 words
  • 60 11 HOECHST Singapore Pte. Ltd. Is hosting a two-day pigment training course for sales personnel from associated Hoechst companies in the Philippines, Indonesia. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and Hongkong. The course began yesterday at the Oberol Imperial Hotel. The course was Initiated by its head office, Hoechst AO
    60 words
  • 120 11 AFP KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Thai and Malaysian Customs have agreed on a Joint study on Customs guidelines for projects approved by Asean. The agreement was reached during a meeting between Thai DirectorGeneral of Customs, Mr Chanchal Leethavorn and Malaysian Customs officials here during the weekend.
    AFP  -  120 words
  • 120 11 AFP KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A four-man Egyptian delegation from the Ministry of Housing and Construction arrived here today on a four-day visit. The mission, led by Mr. Abdul Hamld Shaudkey, will make a comprehensive study on the quality and durability of Malaysian timber. It will
    AFP  -  120 words
  • 393 11 AFP BRISBANE. Mon. The Australian manufacturing Industry must In the long term realise that the level of protection must be reduced whatever the short-term Sroblems, the leader of the ipposltlon, Mr Oough Whltlam, told a Metal Trades Federation seminar here today. The Metal Trades Federation Is
    AFP  -  393 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 CORPORATE ANNOUNCEMENTS CARRY MORE WEIGHT IN BUSINESS TIMES m UK/TED "^SSSSCS. m ***ncn iti a ««r?w7 r A> S** -tg vjs M +*>*& S >* .rO^. r*>*2»V #orMr. -*SS£SsSST 2> -Cr Il\! i *%*'w'r» Ov/'^Tr,- 4» i w SS^SS sf£'«.r ft\ \N A s v v m \\l W x
      132 words

  • 630 12 Hongkong EEC textile talks will be tough Reuter BRUSSELS, Mon. Negotiations for a bilateral textile agreement between Hongkong and the EEC which open here tomorrow promise to be tough with several likely crisis points, representatives of the two sides said. Hongkong Director of Trade Lawrence Mills said the colony's 25-member
    Reuter  -  630 words
  • 381 12 Reuter CANBERRA Mon. The first stages of the Australian government's foreign borrowing programme contributed to a sharp drop in its balance of payments deficit. This was measured by net official monetary movements to As 46 million (Ssl24 million) in September from $382 million in August.
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 334 12 Reuter MELBOURNE. Mon. A renewed effort to settle a crippling nine-week-old power dispute In Victoria got under way, amid a fresh wave of speculation that the country's continuing Industrial ferment will trigger a snap general election. Representatives of 2,300 striking electricity maintenance workers and the State Electricity
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 93 12 THE International Monetary Fund remuneration rate on so-called super gold tranche positions will continue at 3.5 per cent into the last quarter of this year. Remuneration to an IMF member country Is based on its so-called super gold tranche position in the Fund to the extent
    93 words
  • 212 12 THE USE of industrial diamonds has been increasing steadily in Singapore, particularly in the engineering, electronics, optical, petroleum and construction industries, said Mr. John Rudd, regional director for De Beers Consolidated Mines Industrial Diamond Division. Mr. Rudd, who was here last week, attributed the
    212 words
  • 782 12 LONDON. Mon. Government bonds fell sharply on pro-flt-taking following adverse weekend press comment and reduced overseas demand, dealers said Lang dated government bonds were around S above lowest levels at the close to show falls of up to three points, dealers said Shorts moved erratically during the session
    782 words
  • 212 12 JARDINE Matheaon Holding* (Malaysia), the wholly-owned Malaysian subsidiary of Jardine Matheson (South-east Asia), Syarikat Pesaka Antah and Antah Management Group have set up a joint venture investment and holding company. The new company will be called Antah Holdings, Jardines said yesterday. Under the
    212 words
  • 115 12 Reuter HONGKONG, Mon. Hongkong's exports to the United States leaped by almost 25 per cent In the first eight months of the year, according to trade statistics published today. The detailed breakdown of the January-August figures showed what a crucial market the US Is
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 104 12 MEMBERS of the British Offshore Trade Mission which came to Singapore last week were Impressed by the wide range of facilities available In Singapore, according to a press release Issued by the British High Commission. The objective of the mission was to place before oil companies
    104 words
  • 327 12 Reuter MANILA, Mon. Japan has earmarked US$lOO million (***** million) In loans for the Philippines' superphosphate plant as part of Its $1 billion contribution to the five industrial projects of Asean, according to Industry Secretary Vicente paterno. Speaking to the Bulletin Today newspaper, Mr Paterno
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 312 12 Reuter MANILA, Mon. The Japanese embassy in Manila is pessimistic about Japan and the Philippines reaching agreement on the revision of their economic treaty at the third round of talks later this month in Manila, according to an Interview published here today. Mr Kunlo Morlklyo,
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 301 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Islamic Development Bank may take an equity participation of more than US$2O million (SS49 million) In the proposed MalayslanAsean urea project, Its president. Dr. Ahmad All said here today. He said although the IDB had not yet received a
    301 words
  • 159 12 SIGMA COATINGS. International marine paint manufacturers, plans to diversify its activities from marine coatings to other specialised fields In Its operations In Singapore and the region. This was disclosed yesterday by Mr. Frank de Wit, president of the firm who Is now on a tour of
    159 words
  • 123 12 AFP HONGKONG. Mon. Two Malaysian Investors, Mr. Lee Hing Chee and Mr. Lee Kon Wah, instituted action in the Supreme Court today against the former chairman of San Imperial Corporation, Mr. Choo Kim San. The action seeks registration here of Malaysian court Judgments on
    AFP  -  123 words
  • 432 12 Reuter TOKYO, Mon. Mr. Roy Jenkins, president of the European Communities' Commission, arrives here tomorrow for talks on the massive trade imbalance between Japan and the European Economic Community (EEC). The EEC's trade deficit with Japan totalled US$4.2 billion (SSIO billion) in 1976. It Is
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 40 12 Reuter GENEVA, Mon. Leading producers and users of natural rubber met here today in a special inter governmental "task force" to discuss in detail specific elements of a possible International agreement to stabilise prices and markets. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 392 12 Enter latest heavyweight the sixth zaibatsu AFP TOKYO, Another big industrial and commercial group like the pre-war "zaibatsu" (industrial clique) will be Inaugurated next Thursday in Japan to compete with such existing groups as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Fuji and Sanwa. According to industry sources, 29 leading companies including C. Itoh
    AFP  -  392 words
  • 142 12 AUSTRALIA will be displaying about half a million dollars' worth of hightechnology equipment next month at Machine Asia, the South-east Asian production machinery and engineering equipment show. Mr. John Hemphill, the Australian Trade Commissioner, revealed this when he visited the container port to
    142 words
  • 195 12 AFP HONGKONG, Mon. The third Hongkong toy and gift fair, a showcase of Hongkong's second most important Industry after textiles, opened here today. The three-day fair, organised by the Trade Development Council (TOC), has attracted more than 3,000 buyers. There are 144 exhibitors compared with
    AFP  -  195 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 3 12 SEE PAGE 10
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    • 134 12 ANL The Australian National Line A NEW 11-DAY RO/RO SERVICE TO AUSTRALIA With the arrival in October 1977 of the "ANRO Australia", the Australian National Line, the largest shipping organisation in Australia will introduce the first regular containerized service to and from all major Australian ports. Every 11 days the
      134 words