The Business Times, 6 October 1977

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Business Times
  • 10 1 BUSINESS TIMES M.C.(P) 300/1/77 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 50 CENTS
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    • 55 1 AFP NEW DELHI, Wed. A government writ petition in the Delhi High Court challenging the unconditional release of Mrs. Gandhi by a lower court here yesterday has reportedly run into some temporary difficulties. Samachar news agency said that the petition was returned today by the High Court
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 60 1 Reuter BRIGHTON (England), Wed. Prime Minister James Callaghan today won the overwhelming support of his Labour Party for a constructive approach to the Common Market, calling for its reform instead of British withdrawal. Labour's annual conference endorsed the highly critical assessment of the Community's Impact on this country
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 58 1 AP SEOUL, Wed. The government has ordered South Korea's heavily export-oriented textile Industry not to invest in new or expanded facilities because of growing overseas trade protectionism. Commerce and Industry Minister Chang Yiejoon issued the order yesterday when he met with industry representatives to hand down new
      AP  -  58 words
    • 69 1 AP CAPE CANAVERAL,-Wed. Union machinists at Kennedy Space Centre Joined a strike against Boeing Co. and a subsidiary today, but there was no word whether the walkout would affect an Oct. 19 launch of a European data-gathering satellite. Picket lines went up after employees of Boeing Services
      AP  -  69 words
    • 23 1 AFP DUBLIN, Wed. Mr. Seamus Costello, president of the Irish Republican Socials Party was assassinated here today, it was reported. AFP.
      AFP  -  23 words
    • 61 1 UPI SYDNEY, Wed. The Victoria state government today declared a state of emergency following a decision of striking electric power maintenance workers not to go back to work. But in announcing the decision, Premier Rupert Hamer said his government will not implement the emergency powers until the outcome
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 65 1 GENEVA, Wed. Deadlock In negotiations for a new international agreement on sugar prices was broken today when Cuba accepted a compromise proposal on export shares, delegate sources said. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Douglas Anthony said that the new-agreement being finalised here was a major Improvement on that drawn
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    • 36 1 NEW YORK, Wed. The stock market, faced with new evidence of rising interest rates, declined broadly this morning. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 4.51 to 837.49 in the first half hour.
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  • Chief Price Changes
    • 172 1 CONDITIONS turned rather uncertain in quiet and scattered trading on the Stock Exchange of SingaDore yesterday. However, most shares finished slightly higher on selective support. The Business Times index closed 1.98 points higher at 414.84 and the Straits Times Industrial index inched 0.44 point up to 260.42.
      172 words
    • 110 1 Foils Most active A. Hltam Sg Besl S H Chan 9 50 3.80 2.02 -.10 -.08 -.07 Olympla Msla Weaving O. Ceramics 465,00 199,000 187,000 Lien Hoe 1.65 -.06 O. Lumber 81,000 UMWLoan 0.86 -.05 A Choc 0.98 -.05 Total Turnover: 2.00 M SMInd 1.31 -.05 Total
      110 words
  • 1047 1  -  SERVICE SECTOR TURNOVER By JOHN TAN PRIVATE real estate developers with massive sales of $349 million In 1974 accounted for the largest slice of turnover In the real estate, business and general services sectors. This figure exceeded even the sales of the Housing Development Board, Jurong
    1,047 words
  • 92 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Exxon has found oil and gas, at an exploration well off Trengganu, it was announced here today. A Joint statement by state-owned Petronas oil Company and Exxon Production Malaysia Incorporated (EPMI) said further tests and additional wells, however, would be required before the
    92 words
  • 266 1 AFP HONGKONG, Wed. Instead of relaxing rules on deposit-taking by finance companies here, Hongkong is to further tighten Its control over them, Governor Sir Murray MacLehose revealed today. He was delivering his opening address at the October session of the Legislative Council today, reviewing
    AFP  -  266 words
  • 529 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. A Canadian government plane whisked Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew from Ottawa to Washington yesterday afternoon and this morning he starts eight discussionfilled days with virtually every top US official. Mr. Lee, who Is to meet President Carter for the
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  • 119 1 PARIS, Wed. Major Industrial countries today urged the United States to cut down Its crowing oil Imports to help the world avoid a crippling energy crisis In the mid-1980s Pressure on the US Congress to give swift approval to President Carter's energy plan
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  • 360 1 A PRELIMINARY count of application* for Singapore's first share issue of the year the Nanyang Press Singapore (1975) Ltd shows that it has been 12 times oversubscribed. Underwriters for the issue, Development Bank of Singapore (DBS), said that it has received more than $60
    360 words
  • 481 1 MANUFACTURING will become the largest sector of the Malaysian economy by 1990. This Is the forecast of Mr. C.F. Leong, deputy director of the Federal Industrial Development Authority (Flda) In Malaysia. He predicted yesterday that manufacturing's contribution to the gross domestic product which stood
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  • 59 1 AFP TOKYO, Wed. Saudi Arabia's Prince Nawwaf bin Abdul Aziz reiterated today it is his country's established policy to nationalise Its vast oil resources to transform the West Asian desert nation into an industrial country. He also said that Saudi Arabia will guarantee stable oil exports to Japan
    AFP  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 Colour TV is simply great SEE PAGE 2 )'!`[\%[<?"*'^<;`{,([^])&;`,(./
      8 words
    • 121 1 SEE BACK PAGE A MOST G\R! Peugeot 604 exudes luxury. It's rigid body is protected by Electrophoresis and six handsprayed coats of paint plus a top layer of varnish. Insulation from noise and vibration is achieved via a floating differential, seats that are tuned to the fully independent suspension and
      121 words
      9 words
    • 263 1 T IX v I* Which bank works for you around the clock, and around the world? We do. Bank of America. Today, when world-wide money markets and exchange rateschange rapidly, the ability to make on-the-spot decisions quickly is more vital than ever. That's why our internationally known man-on-the-spot service never
      263 words

    • 484 2 FT TOKYO, Wed. Mitsukoshi, Japan's oldest and biggest department store chain has bought £1.1 million (554.67 million) worth of goods ranging from tissue paper to Constable and Turner masterpieces for sale at a special British fair and exhibition to be held from Oct 7.
      FT  -  484 words
    • 92 2 Reuter BONN, Wed. Mr. Otto Schlect, a state secretary at the West German Economics Ministry warned of the danger of an Imbalance of supply and demand for tin. Opening the Seventh International Tin Council meeting In Hamburg, he said the metal's steep price rises not only went
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 299 2 UPI DALLAS, Wed. The folki who produce the NiemanMircus Christmas catalogue pride themselves on turning up a his-and-hers gift unmatched for outlandishness, and this year's offering is no exception. For the urbanite who is more interested in conserving energy than cash, the Dallas-based
      UPI  -  299 words
    • 887 2 U.S. BANKS EAGER TO LEND ABROAD NYT WASHINGTON, Wed. Despite the pile-up of International debt, and a recent, alarming congressional report on the matter, private-sector bankers don't appear to be particularly upset. Much of the International borrowing is from commercial banks In response to balance
      NYT  -  887 words
    • 475 2 AP GENEVA, Wed. The 72natlon sugar conference has been held up further by disagreement over measures to push up the sagging world market price. The discord essentially Is over the degree to which the sugar-producing countries should reduce their export quotas In the
      AP  -  475 words
    • 223 2 UPI MONTREAL, Wed. Canadian firms must recognise that the commercial markets of the future will be dictated by the needs of developing nations, Export Development Corp. chairman John Mac Donald said yesterday. In an address to the annual meeting of the Electrical
      UPI  -  223 words
    • 527 2 Washington Star WASHINGTON, Wed. Senator Edward Kennedy, Democrat Massachusetts, warned yesterday that unless comprehensive national Insurance is enacted, health costs are going to bankrupt the American people. Sen. Kennedy, addressing a National Health Insurance hearing here, said It was a myth that the
      Washington Star  -  527 words
    • 38 2 AFP KUWAIT. Wed. The ministerial council of the Organisation of Arab Oil exporting Countries (Oapec) will meet on Dec 14 In Kuwait and not In Bahrain as earlier reported, It was officially announced here today. AFP.
      AFP  -  38 words
    • 296 2 AP WASHINGTON, Wed. Farm groups and the oilseed industry have recommended that the US Agriculture Department announce a tentative price support loan rate for 1978 soybeans by Dec. 15. Deputy Secretary John White said that a meeting of various farm and Industry
      AP  -  296 words
    • 731 2 A UK financial magazine nas predicted that the British pound will become a reserve currency and a means of International payment again. The latest Issue of Euromoney says that the recent strenthenlng of the British currency Is more than a rally. It
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    • 189 2 AFP AMES (Iowa), Wed. Towing icebergs to Saudi Arabia to ease its projected shortage of fresh water would be economically viable, the first international conference on using Icebergs was told here yesterday. The conference Is Jointly sponsored by Saudi Arabian Prince Mohamed A 1 Faisal and
      AFP  -  189 words
    • 222 3 UPI WASHINGTONi Wed. The Administration said yesterday that fears of a substantially slower economic growth rate next year or even a recession are "unwarranted." Mr. Charles Schultze, chairman of President Carter's council of economic advisers, acknowledged that there are some disappointments in the pace
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 237 3 Reuter FRANKFURT, Wed. The Bundesbank said it Is holding, on the Finance Ministry's behalf, an open ended tender for Threeyear Federal notes, Kassenobllgatlonen, with a 4.75 per cent nominal interest rate priced at 99.20 per cent to yield 5.04 per cent. It will further
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 562 3 Reuter Reuter LONDON, Wed. Manufacturers Hanover Trust senior economist William Schwarz said he expects US commercial bank prime lending rates to rise by 1/4 Der cent before the end of this year from 7% per cent now and reach 7K to 8 per cent
      Reuter  -  562 words
    • 349 3 Reuter WASHINGTON, Wed. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved in principle a staff recommendation that would require all existing contract markets to have a system of sequential trade identification broken into 30-minute periods by Dec. 1. The CFTC said six exchanges were not In compliance
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 352 3 Reuter BONN, Wed. Outgoing West German Economics Minister Hans Frlderlchs called on employers and trade unionists to agree to more moderate wage deals In the next negotiating round starting soon. In a speech to the German building Industry association, he said settlements In the
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 145 3 Reuter TORONTO, Wed. Canada's real gross national product should rise 4.0 per cent In 1978 after an expected Increase of 2.3 per cent this year, Toronto Dominion Bank said in its business climate outlook. The estimate is based on expectations of Improved external conditions, restored confidence
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 169 3 Reuter BRUSSELS, Wed. Industrial production in the Elj;C has fallen to near the level at the end of last year, with the decline marked by lower output In the consumer goods and processing industries, according to the EEC Statistics Office. The Community's Industrial production index
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 109 3 Reuter PARIS, Wed. The French Foreign Trade Ministry has published a series of measures for monitoring textile Imports more closely. Following an EEC agreement to check the origin and production standard of a number of textile products, largely from South-east Asia, Importers will have to
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 187 3 Reuter BRIGHTON, Wed. UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey rejected outright any suggestion that sterling be depreciated to stimulate Britain's domestic economy. In a discussion at a Labour Party conference fringe meeting, Mr. Healey said such policy would help even less
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 155 3 Jobs —the major task Reuter STdcKHOLM, Wed. Swedish Prime Minister Thorbjoem Faelldln told the opening session of the 1977-78 Parliament his government's main task will be to sustain high employment while Improving the country's balance of pavments and holding back Inflation. In a policy statement he said legislation to supply
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 675 3 NYT NEW YORK, Wed. The murders of two more men In the Manhattan diamond district came to light vesterday as the police resumed questioning a material witness in the two-week-old murder and robbery of the diamond broker Plnehos Jaroslawlcz. Detectives and diamond
      NYT  -  675 words
    • 310 3 Reuter BRIGHTON, Wed. British Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey said last night there would be Increasing pressure on Japan to limit Its foreign trade surplus by Increasing Imports. He charged that Japan and West Germany had failed to contribute as much as
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 86 3 Reuter VIENNA, Wed. Austrian Chancellor Bruno Krelsky said that speculation against the schilling last week amid devaluation rumours had cost the country more than five billion schillings (3*740 million). Addressing a local Socialist Party gathering here. Mr. Krelsky said part of the loss had been
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 332 3 AFP TOKYO, Wed. Canadian Transport Minister Otto Lang today urged Japan to play a greater role in setting up an International grain reserve to fight a food crisis. Mr Lang, who also holds the post of Minister in charge of the Wheat Board, said that not
      AFP  -  332 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 THE INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS HANDLING CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY EXHIBITION 5-9 TH OCTOBER 1977 NATIONAL STADIUM SINGAPORE 11.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Trade only 6.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. Trade Public Interested in adding new agencies to your business' Visit the biggest International Tradt? Exhibition of its kind ever staged in this region More than
      166 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 40 2 BnStdW-rEmnkXtidcensl VJCTT'S SEC. HOu) FPiR 5 v-Jt've &C3T-. miHßuAßte ftipiw UMTlof BtPW 6LBH. StWCICMCSS &LF\H BU\H > UH HOH... WE-S STiuJ on the. fiooc»M j BLPIH BLP\H :Yvi oU^H 6u*tt oLBH uCeibHED/ BtPW BuftH |p*wt NOO UiG-e Stb«T,N& X) SfH-t >N
      40 words
    • 317 2 THE WEATHER WEATHER report for 24 hours prior to 7.30 pm on sOct 5 at Singapore airport. Maximum Temperature 31.9° C Associated Humidity 57 Minimum Temperature 23.6° C Associated Humidity 100 Hours of Sunshine 10.40 Rainfall in Millimetres Nil Total Rainfall for the Month 11.8 Total Rainy Days for the
      317 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 The 56S is the smolest in the gent s oirstyte range. Smol enough to cony os hand luggage. No-dme wasting at airport checkouts. Saves you time ot the airport. Dig enough to fit your jacket/ suit. 3 pairs of shirts and pants and other necessities, smartly. 1 Ideal for business
      84 words
    • 176 3 As Good As Gold A golden opportunity to invest in Orchard Road's busiest tourist, shopping and hotel hub in Singapore. The most omplete all-in-one com r> \{_"'Cial comple* in Singapore and Malaysia Situated in the busiest tourist centre in Orchard Road neighbouring C K Tang and Fitzpatrick s Supermarket *Over
      176 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 657 3 TWO-IN-ONE CROSSWORD 2 Ms 8 9 CRYPTIC ACROSS 3 Points to sailors as lubbers (5) 8 Anglo-Saxon Uncle In a state (5) 10 Competitor In play (5) 11 Cause of a bang on the head? (3) 12 Hesitate to unravel some murder (5) 13 Where to pawn golden discs? (3,
      657 words

    • 1135 4 SAN HOLDINGS' long skid Into the red continued unchecked In the year ended March 31, 1977 as the group Incurred a group net attributable loss of M 55.46 million against a loss of $7.7 million in the previous year. This raises accumulated losses
      1,135 words
    • 185 4 MR. RICHARD C. FERRIS, general manager of Kodak (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., will be leaving Singapore to take up his new appointment as general manager of Kodak South Africa. He will be succeeded by Mr. Robert F. Kidney. At a recent board meeting of Norwich Winterthur Insurance (Far
      185 words
    • 351 4 AGAINST ITS own forecast, Sigma Metal performed fairly well In the six months ended June 30, 1977 when unaudited pre-tax profit Jumped 77.6 per cent to $245,270. And despite the stiff competition which chairman Mr. Sun Fa Mln warned of last June,
      351 words
    • 473 4 CM rrent Ex Date Total for Total for P«3 n»ent Date payable the year previous yaar G.E. Life 11% Sept 26 Oct 8 11% 29% Jack CUaMPH 10% Sept IS Oct 10 10% 8% HumeF.E. 5% Sept 19 Oct 10 10% 9%(a) Bata 6%I Sept 1 Oct 10
      473 words
    • 416 4 AS A RESULT of the continuing rise In raw materials prices and the Intense competition In the export market, pre-tax profit at AJlnomoto (Malaysia), the Malaysian manufacturer of monosodlum glutamate, only managed to Improve marginally In the first half of 1977. Oroup pre-tax profit
      416 words
    • 497 4 DESCRIBING the year so far as "another progressive year for the group", Hongkong Land reported yesterday that group unaudited after-tax profit rose 14.3 per cent to HKS9O.B million In the first six months ended June 30, 1977. This compares with an 11.5 per cent
      497 words
      • 23 4 Unaudited pre-tax profit M 5252.362 ($1.19 million) for the first half-year ended June 30. 1977. Sales $4.53 million ($5.47 million).
        23 words
      • 25 4 Unaudited group pre-tax profit M 5319,112 ($1.95 million) for the first six months ended June 30 1977. Sales $7.83 million ($9.43 million).
        25 words
    • 763 4 SUDBURY (ONTARIO): Cutbacks in employment here following a slump in the International nickel market have dealt a heavy psychological blow though a relatively light economic one, so far to this mining centre 430 kms northwest of Toronto. Onethird of the non-communist world's supply of the strategic
      763 words
    • 1190 4 On Oct 4 TRADING In options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange came to 99,624 contracts compared with 89,012 contracts on Monday. OPTION OCT JAN APL STOCK Alcoa 40 NOL 43/4 UNTRD 43 3/4 Alcoa 45 La S 23/4 43 3/4 Alcoa SO 1/18 1/2 1 43
      1,190 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 Peter Benchley 'Better than JAWS, ever escalating shocks' -TIME 1 'Cracking entertainment' -DAILY TELEGRAPH *>* -W V* A F Tor the second time -the book you can't put down -DAILY MAIL READ THE BOOK SEE THE FILM
      36 words

    • 324 5 EUROPEAN COMPANIES Reuter LONDON, Wed. The London market In traded options is likely to start operations in the first half of December, market sources said. There is still much work to be done on the details of the scheme but Its sponsors feel there
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 333 5 Reuter THE BRITISH government, firmly committed to keeping the rise in national earnings to below 10 per cent in the cujrenl pay round, could be forced to allow a oay tncrease in excess ct its guidelines for Ford Motor, Informed political sources
      Reuter  -  333 words
    • 189 5 Reuter LONDON, Wed. About 4,000 workers at Courtaulds' subsidiary, British Celanese In Derby, have tola management they will strike from Oct 17 in support of a £15 a week pay increase, managing director Alan Nicholson said. The company offered a settlement of between £2.50 and £4
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 117 5 Reuter OBERHAUSEN, Wed. A consortium of mainly German firms under the leadership of Guthehoffnungshuette Sterkrade has received a 1.6 billion mark order to plan and build an integrated steel works In Nigeria, parent company Qutehoffnungshuette Aktlenvereln said. The plant, which will take 3Va years to build,
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 71 5 Reuter PARIS, Wed. The management at the Renault factory at Blllancourt told the Works Committee it will temporarily lay off 800 of a total 1,600 warehouse workers following a near week-old strike by 150 warehouse-men, union sources said. The management said it Is possible workers In other
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 211 5 Reuter LONDON, Wed. On a 22 per cent increase in sales, Sears Holdings raised pretax profit for the first halfyear ended July 31, 1977 by 23.7 per cent to £18.53 million from £14.98 million previously. The profit figure Included non-trading items of
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 275 5 NORTH AMERICAN COMPANIES Reuter THE Securities and Exchange Commission said Its administrative proceedings against Teledyne Inc alleged that Teledyne purchased securities of several corporations in excess of fire per cent of the outstanding stock without proper disclosure. The SEC said Teledyne, through a number of its
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 310 5 NYT MR RICHARD Wald, president of NBC News since January 1973, will leave the company by Nov 1 as a result of differences with higher management, according to close associates of Mr. Wald. NBC had no comment on Mr. Wald's status and would neither confirm
      NYT  -  310 words
    • 144 5 LONDON. Wed. Baring Brothers and Co and Sanwa Bank of Tokyo are to purchase, subject to the approval of the regulatory authorities in the UK and Japan, the 20 per cent interest in Baring Sanwa Multinational, presently held by London Multinational Bank of London
      144 words
    • 67 5 Reuter LONDON, Wed. Bat Industries said Its tobacco division plans to shortly enter the UK cigarette* market following a successful test market of its State Express 555 brand In nine towns over the past 18 months. The company said It would give no
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 487 5 FT STOCKHOLM, Wed. The pre-tax profit of the SKF bearings, steel and machine tool group for the first eight months of this year showed a drop to 70 million kroner compared with 133 million In the same period of 1976, according to the group's
      FT  -  487 words
    • 141 5 Reuter SINGER Co expects third quarter net earnings from continuing operations to Increase more than 40 per cent over the year ago's US$7.9 million, chairman Joseph Flavin told securities analysts. He said sales in the quarter should rise about eight per cent over the
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 102 5 ADVANCED Micro Devices Inc said it has signed a memorandum of Intent with Siemens to cooperate in the area of mlcro-elec-tronlcs. The company said the two firms will set up a Joint venture for microcomputer systems, enter Into a technological exchange programme and stipulate marketing
      102 words
    • 95 5 Reuter MARATHON Oil Co's estimate of 1977 capital expenditures has been revised upwards to US$5OO million from an earlier $475 million, president Harold Hoopman told analysts here. In 1976, the company's capital expenditures totalled $1.01 billion. Mr. Hoopman said the company expects production to start
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 307 5 ASIAN COMPANIES Reuter SYDNEY, Wed. Buoyed by a 49.2 per cent rise In earnings for the year ended June 30, 1977 Pioneer Concrete Services announced it is making a scrip Issue of one-for-elght to shareholders registered on Dec 1. The company reported that
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 133 5 Reuter TOKYO, Wed. Canon Inc said its consolidated 1977 net income is expected to rise to eight billion yen on sales of 190 billion yen. compared with 7.27 billion yen and 151.99 billion yen resDectively last year. It attributed the expected Increases largely to good exports
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 30 5 TOKYO, Wed. Dallchi Kangyo Bank and the French Parlbas group have set up a Joint venture, Dallchi-Kangyo Parlbas, in London to start securities brokerage business and arrange syndicated loans.
      30 words
    • 130 5 Reuter HONGKONG, Wed. A standing tribunal to Investigate cases of alleged Insider share dealings will be established subject to Executive Council approval, Hongkong's governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said. The Commissioner for Securities will have to establish a prima facie case of insider dealing
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 99 5 HONGKONG, Wed. Shaw Brothers (Hongkong) suffered a sharp earnings setback In the year ended March 31, 1977 with net profit declining 33.4 per cent to HK$l6.Ol million from $24.04 million in the previous year. The company attributed the setback to a substantial exchange loss and said trading
      99 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 Keep the score J J t m y r :^V>> iMOifl with IDD If the gold price in Zurich vies for attention with the stock market in London, you can now keep your finger on both. Our IDD (International Direct Dialling) facility helps you keep the score on your major
      113 words

  • 2340 6 Gr'a Gr'a Nat im Last div Div y'ld P/E Vol Day High Low Company Sale +OT- c'vr C000) High Low 8ECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS 154 135 Ac ma 136 unch 12.ON 1.8 8.8 6.3 4 136 136 4 204 172 Alcom 172 10.0 0.5 5.8 27.7 116 58
    2,340 words
  • 1261 6 nd off r P l listed in and reported to Uw £2?. mtaraajr with u* number of shares trnted shown brackets in lou of otherwise specified AU Time Settlement Contract* are juoted after the word 5000 units) are WoM after the letters 88. SECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS Acaa
    1,261 words
  • 1435 6 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS AJinamata (2.058). Alcam (1.728 1.788). A. CUM. (0.988 1.028) (7) 0
    1,435 words
  • 70 6 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. C and C (Dec $1.90) (0.258 L Inchcape (March $2.40) (0.80B). Sime Darby (Dec $3.40)
    70 words
  • 151 6 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST INCOME BOND UNIT (Manager*' prtc ee for Oct <) (Current pi HCN) The Commerce INCOME BOND 1 08 1.14 1.71 1.81 The Saving Fund 1.03 1.09 MARA BL'MIPUTRA FUND S pore Prog Fund 0.81 0 86xd (Managers' pricei for Oct C) S'pore Security Fund 1.54
    151 words
  • 132 6 5 1/2* 15/4/78 (250,000) (2) 100.93 5 1/4* 15/7/78 (250,000) (100.80B) 6 1/2% IS/8/78 250,000) (2) 101.80 4 3/4% 1/5/79 (250,000) (100 408 100.608) 7% 1/7/79 (250,000) (101.40S) 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250,000) (101.60S) 5 3/4% 1/6/78-80 250,000) (101.008 101.308) C 3/4% 15/6/80 (250.000) (105.10S) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250,000)
    132 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 Confront Singapore's decision makers in Business Times For only $3.50 per single column centimetre Business Times, Singapore's new financial daily, offers you the most costeffective medium to reach Singapore's top businessmen. The decision makers of industry and commerce. Politicians, civil servants, the media and more. It's people like these who
      176 words

  • 648 7 CONDITIONS turaed rather uncertain ia quiet and scattered trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. In contrast with the market of the last be sessions, yesterday's dealing was characterised by the posting of teatatire bids amoBC the volatile iasues and the steady trend aotod among the
    648 words
  • 368 7 A SLIGHT technical recovery helped share prices to close a shade higher on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. However, trading was still dull and slow, with the bulk of the day's Interest concentrated among a handful of current popular stocks. Despite the slight lift in
    368 words
    • 364 7 HONGKONG: The market closed slightly firmer after an easier ooenlnc on Wednesday, with more trading Interest towards the cloee, dealers said. point to cloee at 428.81. Hsagkeag Beak roes 10 to 19.10 and Hutchnen five to 3.38, while linn*—g Lead fell five to 6.00, following its interim results,
      364 words
    • 432 7 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher In active trading on Wednesday, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 23.40 to close at 5,240.49 with volume 320 million shares. The New Index closed at 387.44, up 0.72. Interest revived In motors, precision Instruments and some electrlcals, with Nissan Motor adding 13
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    • 394 7 SYDNEY": The market was generally lower on Wednesday, with selling centring on minings. dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles fell 2.85 points to 427.74. QassMlaad Mines lost 10 to 1.55, CRA eight to 2.40, Basisen 10 to 5.80 and Utah one to 3.89. while among oils, Woodside fell three to
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    • 142 7 MANILA: The market closed little changed on Wednesday although turnover fell to 7.48 million pesos from Monday's 8.76 million, dealers said. Lepanto rose one point while other mining issues were steady. San Miguel also rote one while PLOT lost one and other commercials and oil issues were unchanged OCT
      142 words
    • 107 7 OCT Bahb 1 Astonbr* Bangkok But Bangkok Inveat. 1M J7» m -I '1 poll tan Bank Berts Jueker Charoonf Thai wire Dumex DuAt Thanl Faber Merlin Flr*t Trust Oenera Finance Indo-Thal Industrial Finance Core J And J Ho Jalaprathan Cement Karnajuta LeeKvanfMln Metal Box Rama Towers Safety Insurance Baha
      107 words
    • 294 7 AMSTERDAM: The market continued quietly firmer on Tuesday reflecting Wall Street's steady tone and Dutch Internationals rose between 0.10 and 0.40 guilders, dealers said. Other shares were generally slightly higher. Trading and Industrial stocks rose. Oeegriat rose three guilders while Aasli. DeU and Pakheed all Increased at least 1.50
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    • 160 7 BRUBBELS: Share prices closed lower across the board {In a depressed market on Tuesday, boufte sources said. Arited rose against the trend but Sidro, TrteOos, Clabec, Acec, Solvay. Wageas-Lits and Electrical* all feH. In foreign stocks UK, Canadian and French were lower, Oerman rose, Dutch were steady and most
      160 words
    • 265 7 FRANKFURT: The market recovered strongly on Tuesday from Monday's losses on domestic and foreign Investor buying and following the announcement of lower Oerman September unemployment figures, dealers said. Insurances roee six marks on average and banks were also stronger. In chemicals, Hiiifbt gained 1.80 marks on expectations 1977 earnings
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    • 149 7 MILAN: Industrial leaders showed selective gains In a thin session on Tuesday, with the market having apparently lost Its Impetus of recent sessions, bourse sources said. Oalners included Montedison, Sua Viscose Plat, Pirelli SPA, Assicurasiaai General!, Ante and Generate InunoUliare. Flaeider and Italsldsr both firmed, while I .iqwlgas and
      149 words
    • 318 7 PARIS: The market was firm on Tuesday, extending Monday's late advance, dealers said. Banks and foods were strong. Motors, constructions and electrical* were steady to firm, although Thoa»ea-CBF lost some ground following Its sharp rise late on Monday and the announcement of a free share Issue. U8 stocks advanced
      318 words
    • 254 7 ZURICH: The market was mixed on profit-taking on Tuesday after recent strong gains, dealers said. Swissair registered fell. Banks and financial were mixed. Bally continued easier. Oerlikon-Buehrle reversed an initial gain to close slightly easier on balance. Zuerica declined In Irregular Insurances. Leading Industrials fluctuated narrowly. Fischsr closed steady
      254 words
    • 352 7 JOHANNESBURG: Gold shares closed mixed on profit-taking on Tuesday after being quietly firmer initially, dealers said. Financial minings were mostly at previous levels In light trade. Elsewhere, D« Be«ra gained one cent to 503. Coppers were higher and platinum stocks unchanged. Asbestos Issues were around 10 cents lower. Tin
      352 words
    • 270 7 TORONTO: The market closed lower on Tuesday under downward pressure from New York and profit-taking following last week's dramatic rise In Issues associated with Alberta oil finds. The composite Index dropped more than 2V4 points and declined outnumbered advances 243 to 106. Bnnlw, the most active Industrial Issue, added
      270 words
    • 1327 7 NEW YORK: A prime rate Increase by a major West Coast bank, reported late In the session, frustrated a stock market attempt to recover from earlier profit-taking, sending prices sharply lower In active trading on Tuesday. The market, which was affected by announcements from Detroit that car sales
      1,327 words
    • 63 7 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 512.8 Monday 520.1 Week Ago i.... 522.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 842.00 Monday 851.90 Week Ago 835.85 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 90% to 90% Monday 89*4 to 90 H.K. HANG SENG Tuesday 425.40 Monday 420.01 Week Ago 417 08 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 364.39 Monday
      63 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 396 7 BUSINESS TIMES Airline Directory Avroftot Soviet Airlines 110-112 Show Contrs, Orchard Road, (Tat: 377.111) Air Coytofi 302-B, 3rd Floor, Marina Houso Shonton Way, Sin«ayori (1) (Tsl: *****88) Ground. Floor. ICS Building, Shonton Way Singapore 1 (Tol: *****11) lMi Floor, UIC Building, Shonton Way, Singapore 1 (Tol: 2205.277) Gl4, Ground Floor
      396 words

    • 446 8 Singapore rubber /.market yesterday opened fractionally lower, but later recovered on speculative buying and short-covering Interest. Reports of Soviet Interest In London were a bullish factor, dealers said. Physicals were neglectted. The morning session closed quiet and October RSS One buyers finished at 214.50 cents
      446 words
    • 28 8 Rubber: Oct 4 Singapore: October 2M.2S cents (up 0.2S cent) Malaysia: October 216.00 centa (unchanged) Tin: $1,818 (up 522) Official offering: 211 tonnes (up 19 tonnes)
      28 words
    • 295 8 R A S prices in cents per kilo yesterday: Noon Close (per kilo) (per kilo) Int. 1 R.8.S. prompt f.o.b. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 213.50 214.50N 213.25 214.25N Int. 1 R.S.S Oct 214.50 214.75 214.25 214.50 Int. 1 R.S.S. Nov 210.50 218.75 210.25 216.50 Int. 2R S.S. 212.50
      295 words
    • 101 8 NOON SSR and SMR prices yesterday: i October No* amber RAS (Current Mtfc) (Forward Mtk) Buyera SaUars Buyers Sailers AC ("nil par kf) (eaata >»arkc) SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) 208.00 210.00N 200.00 211.00N SSR SO (1 ton pallet) 205 50 207 50N 208.50 208 50N m
      101 words
    • 297 8 HONGKONG, Wed, The market closed slightly firmer In fairly quiet trading, in line with the overnight trend In New York, dealers said. Prices were firm at the opening on trade house buying, but eased on commission house selling. However, commission house buying towards the close stemmed the decline,
      297 words
    • 487 8 GENERALLY easier conditions prevailed at the Singapore produce market yesterday. Dealings were minimal and still confined to local switching and consumer accounts. Coffee continued to be under pressure with sellers from Indonesia still holding out cheaper offers to the Western markets. This rendered useless all attempts by Singapore
      487 words
    • 241 8 LONDON, Wed. Coffee finished a quiet morning £100 lower to £46 higher, with all but the two nearby positions showing gains. Volume totalled 2,082 lots. Talk In the market here and In New York that Brazil sold coffee to Algeria prompted sales of nearby positions on terminal, traders said.
      241 words
    • 80 8 C I F Rotterdam. US dollar* per ton. LONDON. Tuwday Preview Malaysia 5* ffa bulk: Nov 453 sir 445 sir Sumatra 5* Sept 525 sir 510 sir Oct 490 Sir/487.Mpd 480 sir Nov 485 sir/462.50 pd 455 Sir/ 450 4S2W pd 457 H sir Dec 445 sir Jan
      80 words
    • 259 8 LONDON, Wed. The nearby premium positions notably December and March In the morning, came under light liquidation pressure in a similarly supported and generally uncertain market. Tnis resulted in a minor narrowing of differentials which, sources said, provided a further correction to December's sharp rise which almost Immediately followed
      259 words
    • 291 8 THE Straits On price In Penang yesterday was up Ms 22 to $1,818 on an official offering up 19 tonnes to 211 tonnes. Continued strong followthrough buying support from US, Japan and European countries boosted market sentiment, they said. In LONDON yesterday tin scored sains of £166 for
      291 words
    • 291 8 LONDON, Wed. Terminal in the morning opened £2.10 to £3.50 up from yesterday afternoon's closing levels. Sales totalled 974 lots. Market sources said sentiment was again mainly based on developments In Geneva. As the latest Brazilian proposals on export entitlements appear to be meeting approval among major exporters, the
      291 words
    • 194 8 BANGKOK, Wed. Indicative prices quoted here were: Price* in US dollar* per tonne FOB Bangkok' WklU Kiev: 100 pet l*t class 306. 100 pet 2nd 302. 100 pet 3rd 288. 3 pet 277, 10pet 280. IS pet 237, 30 pet 254, 23 pet 245. 33 pet unq Brafasa: A-l
      194 words
    • 131 8 CHICAGO, Wed. Soybean futures yesterday closed with net gains of 5* to 8* cents a bushel after moving as much 12 cents higher early In the session. Soybean futures derived much of the strength from spillover support from the corn pit, traders said. Another firming influence was renewed speculation
      131 words
    • 152 8 CHICAGO, Wed. Wheat futures yesterday fluctuated on both sides of the previous close before finishing with net gains of K to 1* cent a bushel. Traders reported that commission house buying, speculative demand and follow-through buying from the rally on Monday all lent support to the market early In
      152 words
    • 360 8 LONDON, Wed. Copper wire bar* in the morning rose by £8 for cash and £8.50 for Three Months. Values were marked up on the pre-market following the late rally at New York, dealers said, with moderate short-covering lifting Three Months to £708 per tonne. Subsequently, the higher levels were
      360 words
    • 189 8 LONDON, Wed. Sliver in the morning closed with gains of 0.9 to 1.2 pence per troy ounce. The overnight advance at New York, higher gold this morning and the general trend In base metals encouraged small-scale covering activity on a market which otherwise lacked trading incentives. Three Months traded
      189 words
    • 356 8 IN THE Singapore market yesterday, the kllobar opened at 5512.298, which was the high of the day. Subsequently, the market failed to sustain at this level and drifted down to close at 5512,229. In the London market, the metal opened at U*****.00/20 and closed at the low of U*****.25/45.
      356 words
    • 89 8 LONDON, Wed. Lead ended the morning mostly £5 per tonne higher. The market appeared rather oversold and following the rise In copper, belated hedge covering, fresh buying and some stoploss orders, took Three Months upto £348 on the pre-market. Profit-taking subsequently pared the position to £345.50 at end-session before
      89 words
    • 90 8 LONDON, Wed. Zinc ended the morning mostly £3.50 per tonne higher following small-scale covering in sympathy with the general trend. But further overnight US producer price cuts dampened sentiment, dealers said. Three Months traded around £292 for most of the session, with only 950 tonnes changing hands. On Tuesday,
      90 words
    • 560 8 SINGAPORE'S local money market had a steady overnlght trading session yesterday while fairly active trading in One Month deposits led to Intervention by the Monetary Authority ot Singapore, dealers said. Opening at 8 per cent, overnight funds were traded upwards gradually to 7 per cent and then to 8
      560 words
    • 56 8 ACBC 7 Aigemenc Bank «v, Citibank 7 Bangkok Bank ....7 hsbc 64* Bank of America Bank of China Bank of Tokyo «H ....7 «v. Indoauez Malayan Banking.. 6V 4 sv« Bank Ntftri Indonesia 7 OCBC OUB «V 4 7 Chartered Bank «v, UCB 7 Chaae Manhattan ....7
      56 words
    • 153 8 Asian rates ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rate* u at close on Oct 5. US Doll Offer 7 days 3 3/4 5 5/8 1 mth 63/8 81/4 2 mthi 5/8 81/2 3 mths .7 8 7/8 6 mths 73/8 71/4 mths .71/2 7 3/8 12 mths 78/18 8w. FN. 77/18 Dw.
      153 words
    • 47 8 RANOE of price* offered by ducount houaw on Oct S. 0»emlfht l« to 3 1/4* Call depodt 9% to 3 1/4* Cliilag Buy Mllx 3-Month Treasury bUli 3 3/16 3 1/16 3-Month Bank bill* 4 15/16 413/16 3-Month CD 511/16 51/3 6-Month CD 5"l/t 5 3/4
      47 words
    • 95 8 Euro rates LONDON, Wed. Period Eurodollar deposit rates up to Six Months opened lower, reflecting the Friday dealings technicality, dealers said. Trading was fairly light. Short dates opened little changed, but the sevendays fix position was quoted around 5% 5* per cent against yesterday's level of 6 Vper cent. Eurodepoeit
      95 words
    • 52 8 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore Invites banks ana discount houses to tender for Treasury bills as follows: (a)s3o million 01-day Treasury bills to be lsaied from Oct 10 to 14 (b)$10 million 273-day Treasury bills to be Issued on Oct 11. Each tender must not be less
      52 words
    • 191 8 LONDON, Wed. Sterling strengthened at the opening to $1.7572/74, including a technical adjustment, from $1.7554/56 overnight. The pound was in good demand, forward premiums against the dollar widened and the trade weighted index rose at the opening to 62.5, dealers said. Continuing speculative debate on the possibility of a
      191 words
    • 119 8 NEW YORK, Wed. The dollar yesterday closed with gains against most major currencies In active trading, dealers said. They said profit-taking and covering of short dollar positions provided the Impetus for this upward movement, which was reinforced by a prime rate increase to V/i per cent by Wells
      119 words
    • 132 8 HONGKONG, Wed. The US dollar eased from its New York close in moderately active trading, dropping back to 260.95/15 yen from the 261.92 midpoint equivalent in New York, dealers said. They said the US unit eased gradually against the yen throughout the day on selling from Asian centres, particularly
      132 words
    • 98 8 TOKYO, Wed. The US dollar for overnight delivery closed at 261.10 yen, compared with a 261.90 opening and 261.00 at yesterday's close. The dollar fluctuated on selling by Japanese banks In anticipation of a further appreciation of the yen mingled with covering by foreign banks to take profit. It
      98 words
    • 46 8 FRANKFURT exchanges opening quotes on Oct 5. US 2.3025/ 35 Can 2.1335/ 55 UK 4.043/ 053 Neth 93 95/ 94.06 SwlU 98 45/ 55 Italy 2.61/ 62 France 47.06/ 16 Norw 41.82/ 90 Bel« Com 6 451/ 461 Bel« fin 6.45/ 46 Japan 0.8815/ 25
      46 words
    • 68 8 ZURICH exchanges quoted on Oct 4. US 2 3353 3363 UK 4 1054 1071 Can 2 .1615 1627 W Oerm 101.70 77 Neth 95 50 57 France 47 92 96 Bel( 6 5628 5676 Denm 38 13 16 Norw 42.61 63 Swed 46 54 57 Italy 0 3654 M«
      68 words
    • 59 8 AUSTRALIA/NZ exchanges quoted on Oct 5 AUSTRALIA: Sterling 0.6363 /0 6294 US dollar 1.1130/ 1.1052 Ninety-day air mall buying rate* Sterliny UlO US doUan 1.1411 Ninety-day fof ward buying rate*: Sterling 0 6275 US doUan 1.1012 NEW ZEALAND: Sterling 0 5967 0 5536 US dollar 0 9620 0 9720
      59 words
    • 284 8 LONDON, Wed. Trading was relatively quiet this morning although moderate activity was recorded In US Issues, dealers said. Eurobond price* quoted on Oct S Straights Bid Austria 8*< 90 101* Bell Canada 8* 86 104* BFCE8V.83 101* Brazil 8% 84 00* Can Pacific 0* 83 100* Credit National 8v>
      284 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 -r mS.£* j1^~" i _1 ASM RESEARCH BULLETIN This unique publication offers businessmen each month a comprehensive guide to the latest developments that have taken ploce in all important sectors of the economies of countries in East and Southeast Asia. The Bulletin is divided into six separate reports of about
      171 words

    • 276 9 Reuter DETROIT, Wed. New car sales by the nation's big four carmakers slumped almost six per cent in late September, and sales for the full month were up only slightly, the companies reported today. Industry analysts said the figures represented the usual sporadic
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 430 9 CONTAINER LOADS AFP KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Work to clear full container loads that are being Imported and exported is going back to normal at Port Klang. According to shippers, the situation had greatly Improved during the past week. However, they claimed that there had
      AFP  -  430 words
    • 300 9 THE BBS and EAC service Is a combined schedule arrangement between Barber Blue Sea and the East Asiatic Company ol Denmark. The ships in this service comprise six BBS ships and four EAC ships. The BBS ships load in Singapore for the US and Venezuela but the
      300 words
    • 58 9 A LOCAL shipyard, Promet Pte Ltd, has won a $8.6 million contract to build a cooling system for a steel mill in Indonesia. Work on the project, which consists of five large siphon-pipes, will be undertaken at its plant in Jurong. The order is expected to
      58 words
    • 954 9 Lan Hargeaves looks at how private enterprise has successfully added a fast delivery arm to British Rail's Red Star express parcels service and explains why the railway itself could not emulate such a business FT LONDON: It Is ironic that even as
      FT  -  954 words
    • Article, Illustration
      465 9 EXPECTED ARRIVALS TODAY KEPPEL WHARVES Cherry Villa (B. Barge) (0800 after Ocean Supply sails) 42/43 Don Ambroslo (DVHS) (0600 Class I on board) 18 King Sun (0600) 22 Lumut (0600 21 East Mercury Bell (ABYX) (1600)5 Nedlloyd Kingston (1900 after Nedlloyd Van Dlemen) 8/9 Ocean Supply (B. Barge)
      465 words
    • 352 9 AP NEW YORK, Wed. The chief US. .labour mediator has summoned shipping association executives from Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coast ports to meet with him tomorrow morning In Washington regarding the dock strike that began last Saturday. Mr. Wayne HorvlU, director of
      AP  -  352 words
    • 159 9 AFP MONTREAL, Wed. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) today urged Its 141 members to pass laws that would ensure the rapid extradition and prosecution of hijackers. In a statement issued at the end of a three-month session here, the organisation's general assembly also recommended that
      AFP  -  159 words
    • 131 9 GE gets 15m US govt contract AP SCHENECTADY (New York), Wed. General Electric Co. has been awarded *a US government contract for US$5.9B million (5515.0 million) to develop experimental electric cars aimed at mass production, the company announced. The contract calls for OE to deliver two four-passen-Sr test cars to
      AP  -  131 words
    • 594 9 ARRIVALS Service Local Operator Number Time From CPA CX003 0145 HKO MAS MH601 0715 KUL MAS MH682 0810 KCH CPA CX710 1000 HLP OIA OA 980 1030 HLP SIA SQ211 1045 HLP OIA GA944 1055 PKU OIA OA 908 1100 MES PAL PR501 1115 MNL RBA BI325
      594 words
    • 144 9 UPI LONDON, Wed. Chinese charterers occupied the limelight as North American grain chartering became less prominent. They booked the 31,001 dwt Silvaplana at US$3,lOO (5517,565) per day for an October trip from Gibraltar to China via Montreal and $1,900 per day to a freedom type vessel for
      UPI  -  144 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 Give us a man for a monthwell give him a language for life fa Ifa m n ranyua now the largest group of language schools in the world offers a range of intensive language courses specifically designed for the busy executives whose work and position require them to attain a
      201 words

  • 1612 10  -  By RICHARD JOHNS FT THE PAST year has seen the biggest challenge yet to the Arab Boycott of Israel in the form of US legislation aimed at countering discriminatory practices by American companies in complying with the requirements of foreign trade embargoes. -The relevant amendments
    FT  -  1,612 words
  • 759 10  -  A quiet South American revolution has taken place. Brazil once had a postal service which lost millions of letters and which was a national bad joke. But, with the service being taken out of government hands, it has soared towards international u
    FT  -  759 words
  • 873 10  -  Copying pop taped music has become a giant industry in Hongkong. It has become so highly-organised that the music pirates can get their cassettes on to the market on the same day as the originals. By DANIEL NELSON FT HONGKONG: Half a million record cassettes were
    FT  -  873 words
  • 846 10 We refer to the letters In the Business Times of 27 September 1977 by Mr Kaka Singh and the Registrar of S.S.A. Though pleased that these gentlemen have written we find ourselves unable to reply to them In detail because the views taken by them are based
    846 words
  • 641 10  -  By VICENTE MALIWANAG UPI MANILA: One of Asia's last Erand hotels Is back In uslness after undergoing a retouch Job. The face-lifting, costing about US$32 million (Ss7B million), not only restored Its old, proud features, It also put the 65-year-old Manila Hotel In competitive standing
    UPI  -  641 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 HANDBOOK m eft i 4 fis if p\ V. 1 f|o^ fIP rts SP fia< Ditf tt 51^ Ca I 4 7 V *tos II w m a ft* m by E. Lenox Figgis F.C.A. A practical handbook explaining how hotting tokos place on the world's most popular betting pastimes,
      168 words

  • 398 11 Reuter SYDNEY, Wed. Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock was accused by Australia's leading financial newspaper today of creating imaginary enemies In Asia to ensure a strong US presence there. The Financial Review said In an editorial that Mr Peacock was trying to make Vietnam the
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 268 11 Reuter TOKYO, Wed. A survey by Dalwa Securities Co Ltd showed appreciation of the yen to 260.00 per US dollar will not reduce the total value of Japanese exports, a Dalwa spokesman said. He said 70 per cent of the surveyed Japanese companies,
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 248 11 Reuter FRANKFURT, Wed. The Japanese government's two trillion yen (SIIB billion) economic stimulus package should be sufficient to allow attainment of the 6.7 per cent growth target for the year ending March 1978, Bank of Tokyo president and chief executive Yusuke Kashiwagl said. Japan's
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 167 11 UPI BANGKOK, Wed. Thailand's trade with its four partners In Asean showed a U*****.5 million (8*545 million) surplus for the first half of 1977, official figures showed today. The customs Department said the trade surplus was a $69.2 million increase over the same period
    UPI  -  167 words
  • 177 11 MANILA, Wed. The second general Increase In the authorised caDltal stock of the Asian Development Bank from U553,707 million to $8,711 (Ss9 billion to $21.2 billion) has officially taken effect, the bank announced today. It said subsrlptlons received as of last Sept. 30 totalled
    177 words
  • 74 11 Reuter DAS ISLAND (Abu Dhabi), Wed. United Arab Emirates President Zald bin Sultan formally opened the US$6OO million (S$ 1,464 million) gas liquefaction plant here set up to process gas from the three major Abu Dhabi offshore oilfields, the official Emirates News Agency reported. The
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 79 11 Reuter TAIPEH, Wed. Taiwan's exports of industrial products totalled U555.54 billion (Ssl4 billion) the first eight months of this year, 13.1 per cent up on the same period last year, the Central News Agency reported. The agency quoted a spokesman for the Industrial Development Bureau as saying
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 365 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The virus which caused the recent Influenza outbreak among horses has been Identified as a variant of Equine 1 Influenza with some variations. Recently Imported horses brought the strain Into the country, It Is believed. A virologist at the WHO National Influenza Centre
    365 words
  • 686 11 AFP HONGKONG, Wed. Hongkong's Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, today lashed out at the European Economic Community for discriminating against Hongkong In new textile Import proposals. He said it was not reasonable for the EEC to make Hongkong a special target of import restrictions.
    AFP  -  686 words
  • 474 11 Reuter HONGKONG, Wed. The Mass Transit Railway Corp (MTR) will discuss a further possible local bond issue for early next year and changes which could be made to Its existing standby credits, chairman Norman Thompson said. Construction spending to date has been
    Reuter  -  474 words
  • 459 11 THE largest mobile floodlighting company In the world is looking for a dealer in Singapore, and may set up a Joint venture manufacturing plant here in a few years, If the Asean market grows sufficiently. "The Joint venture would be on a 50-50 basis," said
    459 words
  • 171 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The M 57.5 million palm oil research mill at Tekam, near Kuantan, will be opened by Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn on Oct IS. Of the total cost, 15 million was contributed by the Belgian government. The Belgium Trade Minister, Mr. Hector
    171 words
  • 83 11 THE Federation of Asean Shipowners' Associations (FASA) has been assigned the task of studying the feasibility of establishing an Asean shipping conference as an alternative to the Western-dominated conferences now operating in this region. The task was assigned by the Asean ad hoc working group on
    83 words
  • 256 11 SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) is preparing tender documents for an Urban Redevelopment Authority site for the construction of a luxury hotel. The tender will be for an 11,788 sq. m. plot at Tomlinson Road, Ellis Road, Just behind the Singapore Handicraft Centre. The
    256 words
  • 218 11 AFP KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Exxon oil company hopes to Increase its production of crude oil from the Tembungo field off Sabah to 15,000 barrels a day by the end of this year, the company announced here today. Production from the field Is now averaging
    AFP  -  218 words
  • 115 11 UNITED Malayan Banking Corporation has responded to two suits filed against It In the High Court by cross claims. Miss Tan Sock Tuan filed a suit against the bank and two others for a declaration that the plantlff Is not liable to repay $31,443.48 on
    115 words
  • 163 11 AP KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Two airlines In Malaysia and Indonesia will launch joint commercial flights from Johore Baru and Malacca to six Indonesian towns next week. They are the Pan Malaysian Air Cargo (PMAC) and P.T. Sempatl Air Transport, a subsidiary of Pellta
    AP  -  163 words
  • 171 11 AFP MANILA, Wed. The Philippines international reserves rose to U551,520 million (553,709 million) last month, an increase of 22.5 per cent over last year's corresponding figure of $1,240 million, according to central bank statistics published today. But the net reserve would only amount to
    AFP  -  171 words
  • 44 11 KUALA LUMPUR Wed. The Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) will soon inaugurate a fully cellular container service on the Far East-Europe route. An MISC statement today said that "the step forward" was the result of a cooperation agreement wlh Scan Dutch, Copenhagen.
    44 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 364 11 APPOINTMENTS Applications ore invited for the position of SERVICE ENGINEER AIR CONDITIONING MANAGER DUNN AIR CONDITIONING PTY. LTD. S.E. ASIAN REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Mr. Fronk Seed our S.E. Asian Representative will shortly be returning to Australia. It is our intention to appoint a Singapore resident to fulfil this challenging and interesting
      364 words

  • 1064 12 Reuter NEW YORK, Wed. Antllmperlallsm Is a "dead issue'' In Asia today and has been superseded by a concern with economic development that has spurred South-east Asian countries to cooperate among themselves and with the rest of the world, Mr. 8. Rajaratnam, Singapore's Foreign
    Reuter  -  1,064 words
  • 453 12 THE PORT of Singapore Authority (PSA) should study selected ports to try and pinpoint the factors that Influence shipowners and shippers In their choice of ports. Many of these factors, are within the control of the port authorities themselves, Mr. Oh
    453 words
  • 803 12 LONDON, Wed. Government bonds rallied to close up to 1/2 point higher after being 3/4 point down on fears Ford car workers may be allowed higher than average pay settlements, dealers said. Market sentiment was helped by expectation of a half per cent cut in the Minimum Lending
    803 words
  • 449 12 THE general commerce sector was chiefly responsible for a continued strdhg demand for bank credit, leading to a $187 million rise in bank loans In August. The strength of loan demand partly reflects seasonal factors and the Monetary Authority of Singapore was significant In
    449 words
  • 153 12 Reuter KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The plywood associations of South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia said they signed an agreement on quotas and floor prices for their plywood exports to the European Economic Community. They said in a statement they agreed to restrict exports of plywood
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 164 12 GERMAN Investments In South-east Asia will continue to grow steadily over the next few years, said Dr. U. Cartellleri, managing director of European Asian Bank. Dr. Cartellleri who addressed the Oerman business community In Singapore earlier this week, said that the country's investors were continually looking
    164 words
  • 69 12 Reuter WASHINGTON, Wed. Brt Lanka will five foreign companies substantial Incentives. possibly tax exemptions, as part of a new government programme to attract overseas Investment. Its finance minister, Mr Ronnie de Mel. said that details of the financial package are still being worked out but added that
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 444 12 UNLESS laws are enacted to protect the rights of consumers, businessmen and organisations will be encouraged to take advantage of the uninformed consumer whenever the opportunity arises. This was the key Issue raised by Mr. Ivan Baptist In his talk at a Lions
    444 words
  • 146 12 OWNERS of residential properties may be encouraged by the successful sale, by auction, yesterday of a corner terrace at Paslr Rls which fetched $100,000. This is because the amount would have been difficult to secure a year or two ago. The property, occupying an area of
    146 words
  • 491 12 THE chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, Mr. Tan I Tong, yesterday invited industrialised nations to invest in Asean nations. The Asean region, he said, offers new avenues for greater economic involvement and trade opportunities for Industrialised nations. It Is also a fertile
    491 words
  • 255 12 SINGAPORE'S inflation rate is much lower than that of many other Asian nations. Based on the latest figures supplied by the International Monetary Fund, the Republic's inflation rate is less than that of Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. In June
    255 words
  • 126 12 LONpON, Wed. Standard contract tin for delivery In three months' time has reached a record price of £6,785 per tonne on the LH||don Metal Exchange. The previous high wa» £6,760 and todays figure was a Jump of Crl|.<rom yesterday's close. Cash price for immediate
    126 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 174 12 i* f fi J t You could be at the stage where your business needs the benefits of a computerised solution while you are not yet ready for an in-house computer of your own. Let IBM Data Centre Services help you in satisfying your computing needs. THESE ADVANTAGES CAN BE
      174 words